Пример #1
// ScreenTransition() is synchronous (does not return until transition done)
ScreenTransition (int TransType, const RECT *pRect)
	const TimePeriod DURATION = ONE_SECOND * 31 / 60;
	TimeCount startTime;
	(void) TransType;  /* dodge compiler warning */

	if (pRect)
		TransitionClipRect = *pRect;
		TransitionClipRect.corner.x = 0;
		TransitionClipRect.corner.y = 0;
		TransitionClipRect.extent.width = ScreenWidth;
		TransitionClipRect.extent.height = ScreenHeight;

	TFB_UploadTransitionScreen ();
	TransitionAmount = 0;
	FlushGraphics ();
	startTime = GetTimeCounter ();
	while (TransitionAmount < 255)
		TimePeriod deltaT;
		int newAmount;

		SleepThread (ONE_SECOND / 100);

		deltaT = GetTimeCounter () - startTime;
		newAmount = deltaT * 255 / DURATION;
		if (newAmount > 255)
			newAmount = 255;

		TransitionAmount = newAmount;
Пример #2
// Show the contexts on the screen.
// Must be called from the main thread.
debugContexts (void)
	static volatile bool inDebugContexts = false;
			// Prevent this function from being called from within itself.
	CONTEXT orgContext;
	CONTEXT debugDrawContext;
			// We're going to use this context to draw in.
	FRAME debugDrawFrame;
	double hueIncrement;
	size_t visibleContextI;
	CONTEXT context;
	size_t contextCount;
	FRAME savedScreen;

	// Prevent this function from being called from within itself.
	if (inDebugContexts)
	inDebugContexts = true;

	contextCount = countVisibleContexts ();
	if (contextCount == 0)
		goto out;
	savedScreen = getScreen ();
	FlushGraphics ();
			// Make sure that the screen has actually been captured,
			// before we use the frame.

	// Create a new frame to draw on.
	debugDrawContext = CreateContext ("debugDrawContext");
	// New work frame is a copy of the original.
	debugDrawFrame = CaptureDrawable (CloneFrame (savedScreen));
	orgContext = SetContext (debugDrawContext);
	SetContextFGFrame (debugDrawFrame);

	hueIncrement = 360.0 / contextCount;

	visibleContextI = 0;
	for (context = GetFirstContext (); context != NULL;
			context = GetNextContext (context))
		if (context == debugDrawContext) {
			// Skip our own context.
		if (isContextVisible (context))
			// Only draw the visible contexts.
			drawContext (context, visibleContextI * hueIncrement);

		describeContext (stderr, context);

	// Blit the final debugging frame to the screen.
	putScreen (debugDrawFrame);

	// Wait for a key:
		WAIT_STATE state;
		state.InputFunc = waitForKey;
		DoInput(&state, TRUE);

	SetContext (orgContext);

	// Destroy the debugging frame and context.
	DestroyContext (debugDrawContext);
			// This does nothing with the drawable set with
			// SetContextFGFrame().
	DestroyDrawable (ReleaseDrawable (debugDrawFrame));
	putScreen (savedScreen);

	DestroyDrawable (ReleaseDrawable (savedScreen));

	inDebugContexts = false;
Пример #3
/* This code assumes that you aren't in Character Mode.  This is
 * currently safe because VControl doesn't see keystrokes when you
 * are, and thus cannot conclude that an exit is necessary. */
DoConfirmExit (void)
	BOOLEAN result;
	static BOOLEAN in_confirm = FALSE;
	if (LOBYTE (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity)) != SUPER_MELEE &&
			LOBYTE (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity)) != WON_LAST_BATTLE &&
			!(LastActivity & CHECK_RESTART))
		SuspendGameClock ();
	if (CommData.ConversationPhrases && PlayingTrack ())
		PauseTrack ();

	LockMutex (GraphicsLock);
	if (in_confirm)
		result = FALSE;
		ExitRequested = FALSE;
		RECT r;
		STAMP s;
		CONTEXT oldContext;
		RECT oldRect;
		BOOLEAN response = FALSE, done;

		in_confirm = TRUE;
		oldContext = SetContext (ScreenContext);
		GetContextClipRect (&oldRect);
		SetContextClipRect (NULL_PTR);

		r.extent.width = CONFIRM_WIN_WIDTH + 4;
		r.extent.height = CONFIRM_WIN_HEIGHT + 4;
		r.corner.x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - r.extent.width) >> 1;
		r.corner.y = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - r.extent.height) >> 1;
		s.origin = r.corner;
		F = CaptureDrawable (LoadDisplayPixmap (&r, (FRAME)0));

		SetSystemRect (&r);

		DrawConfirmationWindow (response);

		// Releasing the lock lets the rotate_planet_task
		// draw a frame.  PauseRotate can still allow one more frame
		// to be drawn, so it is safer to just not release the lock
		//UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock);
		FlushGraphics ();
		//LockMutex (GraphicsLock);

		GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) |= CHECK_ABORT;
		FlushInput ();
		done = FALSE;

		do {
			// Forbid recursive calls or pausing here!
			ExitRequested = FALSE;
			GamePaused = FALSE;
			UpdateInputState ();
			if (PulsedInputState.menu[KEY_MENU_SELECT])
				done = TRUE;
				PlayMenuSound (MENU_SOUND_SUCCESS);
			else if (PulsedInputState.menu[KEY_MENU_CANCEL])
				done = TRUE;
				response = FALSE;
			else if (PulsedInputState.menu[KEY_MENU_LEFT] || PulsedInputState.menu[KEY_MENU_RIGHT])
				response = !response;
				DrawConfirmationWindow (response);
				PlayMenuSound (MENU_SOUND_MOVE);
			TaskSwitch ();
		} while (!done);

		s.frame = F;
		DrawStamp (&s);
		DestroyDrawable (ReleaseDrawable (s.frame));
		ClearSystemRect ();
		if (response)
			result = TRUE;
			result = FALSE;
			GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) &= ~CHECK_ABORT;
		ExitRequested = FALSE;
		GamePaused = FALSE;
		FlushInput ();
		SetContextClipRect (&oldRect);
		SetContext (oldContext);
	UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock);

	if (LOBYTE (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity)) != SUPER_MELEE &&
			LOBYTE (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity)) != WON_LAST_BATTLE &&
			!(LastActivity & CHECK_RESTART))
		ResumeGameClock ();
	if (CommData.ConversationPhrases && PlayingTrack ())
		ResumeTrack ();
		if (CommData.AlienTransitionDesc.AnimFlags & TALK_DONE)
			do_subtitles ((void *)~0);

	in_confirm = FALSE;
	return (result);
Пример #4
DoConfirmExit (void)
	BOOLEAN result;

	if (PlayingTrack ())
		PauseTrack ();

	LockMutex (GraphicsLock);
		RECT r;
		STAMP s;
		RECT ctxRect;
		CONTEXT oldContext;
		RECT oldRect;
		BOOLEAN response = FALSE, done;

		oldContext = SetContext (ScreenContext);
		GetContextClipRect (&oldRect);
		SetContextClipRect (NULL);

		GetContextClipRect (&ctxRect);
		r.extent.width = CONFIRM_WIN_WIDTH + 4;
		r.extent.height = CONFIRM_WIN_HEIGHT + 4;
		r.corner.x = (ctxRect.extent.width - r.extent.width) >> 1;
		r.corner.y = (ctxRect.extent.height - r.extent.height) >> 1;
		s = SaveContextFrame (&r);
		SetSystemRect (&r);

		DrawConfirmationWindow (response);
		FlushGraphics ();

		FlushInput ();
		done = FALSE;
		do {
			// Forbid recursive calls or pausing here!
			ExitRequested = FALSE;
			GamePaused = FALSE;
			UpdateInputState ();
			if (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & CHECK_ABORT)
			{	// something else triggered an exit
				done = TRUE;
				response = TRUE;
			else if (PulsedInputState.menu[KEY_MENU_SELECT])
				done = TRUE;
				PlayMenuSound (MENU_SOUND_SUCCESS);
			else if (PulsedInputState.menu[KEY_MENU_CANCEL])
				done = TRUE;
				response = FALSE;
			else if (PulsedInputState.menu[KEY_MENU_LEFT] || PulsedInputState.menu[KEY_MENU_RIGHT])
				response = !response;
				DrawConfirmationWindow (response);
				PlayMenuSound (MENU_SOUND_MOVE);
			SleepThread (ONE_SECOND / 30);
		} while (!done);

		// Restore the screen under the confirmation window
		DrawStamp (&s);
		DestroyDrawable (ReleaseDrawable (s.frame));
		ClearSystemRect ();
		if (response || (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & CHECK_ABORT))
			result = TRUE;
			GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) |= CHECK_ABORT;
			result = FALSE;
		ExitRequested = FALSE;
		GamePaused = FALSE;
		FlushInput ();
		SetContextClipRect (&oldRect);
		SetContext (oldContext);
	UnlockMutex (GraphicsLock);

	if (PlayingTrack ())
		ResumeTrack ();

	return (result);
Пример #5
PauseGame (void)
	RECT r;
	BOOLEAN ClockActive;
	CONTEXT OldContext;

	if (ActivityFrame == 0
			|| (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) & (CHECK_ABORT | CHECK_PAUSE))
			|| (LastActivity & (CHECK_LOAD | CHECK_RESTART)))
		return (FALSE);
	GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) |= CHECK_PAUSE;

	ClockActive = (BOOLEAN)(
			LOBYTE (GLOBAL (CurrentActivity)) != SUPER_MELEE
			&& GameClockRunning ()
	if (ClockActive)
		SuspendGameClock ();
	else if (CommData.ConversationPhrases && PlayingTrack ())
		PauseTrack ();

	SetSemaphore (GraphicsSem);
	OldContext = SetContext (ScreenContext);
	OldHot = SetFrameHot (Screen, MAKE_HOT_SPOT (0, 0));

	GetFrameRect (ActivityFrame, &r);
	r.corner.x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - r.extent.width) >> 1;
	r.corner.y = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - r.extent.height) >> 1;
	s.origin = r.corner;
	s.frame = ActivityFrame;
	F = CaptureDrawable (LoadDisplayPixmap (&r, (FRAME)0));
	DrawStamp (&s);

	FlushGraphics ();

		BYTE scan;

		scan = KBDToUNICODE (SK_F1);
		while (KeyDown (scan))
			TaskSwitch ();

	FlushInput ();
	while (KeyHit () != SK_F1)
		TaskSwitch ();

	s.frame = F;
	DrawStamp (&s);
	DestroyDrawable (ReleaseDrawable (s.frame));

	SetFrameHot (Screen, OldHot);
	SetContext (OldContext);

	WaitForNoInput (ONE_SECOND / 4);
	FlushInput ();
	ClearSemaphore (GraphicsSem);

	if (ClockActive)
		ResumeGameClock ();
	else if (CommData.ConversationPhrases && PlayingTrack ())
		ResumeTrack ();

	TaskSwitch ();
	GLOBAL (CurrentActivity) &= ~CHECK_PAUSE;
	return (TRUE);