Пример #1
FrObject *string_to_Frame(const char *&input, const char *)
   FrFrame *frame ;
   FrSymbol *name ;

   input++ ;				// consume the initial left bracket
   name = string_to_Symbol(input) ;	// read frame name
   if (name && name->symbolp())        	// the name must be a symbol
      frame = find_vframe_inline(name) ;
      if (!frame)
	 frame = (read_as_VFrame && FramepaC_new_VFrame)
	    	? FramepaC_new_VFrame(name) : new FrFrame(name) ;
      while (FrSkipWhitespace(input) == '[')
	 string_to_Slot(input,frame) ;
      if (*input == ']')
	 input++ ;
	 FrWarning(errmsg_frame_malformed) ;
      return frame ;
      FrWarning(errmsg_frame_name) ;
      return 0 ;
Пример #2
static void compile_count(const char *&re, size_t &low, size_t &high)
   assertq(*re == FrRE_COUNT_BEG) ;
   low = 0 ;
   high = UINT_MAX ;
   re++ ;
   while (Fr_isdigit(*re))
      low = 10*low + (*re - '0') ;
   if (*re == FrRE_COUNT_END)
      high = low ;
   else if (*re == ',')
      high = 0 ;
      while (Fr_isdigit(*re))
	 high = 10*high + (*re - '0') ;
      if (high < low)
	 high = low ;
      FrWarning("invalid {} specifier in regular expression") ;
   if (*re == FrRE_COUNT_END)
      re++ ;
      FrWarning("unterminated {} specifier in regular expression") ;
   return ;
Пример #3
static void bad_format(const char *message)
   char *msg = Fr_aprintf("bad format--%s!", message) ;
   FrWarning(msg) ;
   FrFree(msg) ;
   return ;
Пример #4
static void read_Slot(istream &input,FrFrame *frame)
   input.get() ;		    // consume the left bracket
   FrSymbol *slot ;
   slot = read_Symbol(input) ;      // get slot name
   if (!slot || !slot->symbolp())   // the name must be a symbol
      FrWarning(errmsg_slot_symbol) ;
      free_object(slot) ;
      return ;
   frame->createSlot(slot) ;
   while (FrSkipWhitespace(input) == '[')
      read_Facet(input,frame,slot) ;
   int ch ;
   ch = input.get() ;		    // get first non-whitespace character
   if (ch != ']')		    // ch may be EOF
      FrWarning(errmsg_slot_malformed) ;
Пример #5
static void string_to_Slot(const char *&input,FrFrame *frame)
   FrSymbol *slot ;

   input++ ;				  // consume the left bracket
   slot = string_to_Symbol(input) ;	  // get slot name
   if (!slot || !slot->symbolp())	  // the name must be a symbol
      FrWarning(errmsg_slot_symbol) ;
      return ;
   frame->createSlot(slot) ;
   while (FrSkipWhitespace(input) == '[')
      string_to_Facet(input,frame,slot) ;
   if (*input != ']')
      FrWarning(errmsg_slot_malformed) ;
      input++ ;
Пример #6
static void read_Facet(istream &input,FrFrame *frame,FrSymbol *slot)
   input.get() ;		    // consume the left bracket
   FrSymbol *facet ;
   facet = read_Symbol(input) ;	    // get facet name
   if (!facet || !facet->symbolp()) // the name must be a symbol
      FrWarning(errmsg_facet_symbol) ;
      free_object(facet) ;
      return ;
   frame->createFacet(slot,facet) ;
   char ch ;
   while ((ch = FrSkipWhitespace(input)) != 0 && ch != ']')
      frame->addFillerNoCopy(slot,facet,read_FrObject(input)) ;
   if (input.get() != ']')
      FrWarning(errmsg_facet_malformed) ;
Пример #7
static FrObject *read_Frame(istream &input, const char *)
   input.get() ;		    // consume the initial left bracket
   FrSymbol *name ;
   name = read_Symbol(input) ;	    // read frame name
   if (!name || !name->symbolp())   // the name must be a symbol
      FrWarning(errmsg_frame_name) ;
      free_object(name) ;
      return 0 ;
   FrFrame *frame = find_vframe_inline(name) ;
   if (!frame)
      frame = (read_as_VFrame && FramepaC_new_VFrame)
	 	? FramepaC_new_VFrame(name) : new FrFrame(name) ;
   while (FrSkipWhitespace(input) == '[')
      read_Slot(input,frame) ;
   if (input.get() != ']')	    // next non-whitespace char may be EOF
      FrWarning(errmsg_frame_malformed) ;
   return frame ;
Пример #8
static void string_to_Facet(const char *&input,FrFrame *frame,FrSymbol *slot)
   FrSymbol *facet ;

   input++ ;			       // consume the left bracket
   facet = string_to_Symbol(input) ;   // get facet name
   if (!facet || !facet->symbolp())    // the name must be a symbol
      FrWarning(errmsg_facet_symbol) ;
      return ;
   frame->createFacet(slot,facet) ;
   char c ;
   while ((c = FrSkipWhitespace(input)) != ']' && c != '\0')
      frame->addFillerNoCopy(slot,facet,string_to_FrObject(input)) ;
   if (c != ']')
      FrWarning(errmsg_facet_malformed) ;
      input++ ;
Пример #9
FrTextSpans::FrTextSpans(const FrObject *span_defn, FrCharEncoding enc,
			 const char *word_delim)
   clear() ;
   if (span_defn)
      if (span_defn->stringp())
	 makeWordSpans(((FrString*)span_defn)->stringValue(),enc,word_delim) ;
      else if (span_defn->symbolp())
	 makeWordSpans(((FrSymbol*)span_defn)->symbolName(),enc,word_delim) ;
      else if (span_defn->consp())
	 // parse the given list into the original text and individual
	 //   spans
	 const FrList *defn = (FrList*)span_defn ;
	 size_t num_strings = count_strings(defn) ;
	 size_t defn_len = defn->simplelistlength() ;
	 // if the list consists solely of FrString or FrSymbol, then we
	 //   concatenate them to form the original text and make each one
	 //   a separate span
	 if (num_strings == defn_len)
	    makeWordSpans(defn) ;
	 // if there's exactly one FrString or FrSymbol, that is our original
	 //   text, and the rest of the list elements define the spans over
	 //   that text
	 else if (num_strings == 1)
	    parseSpans(defn) ;
	    FrWarning("span definition for FrTextSpans ctor must contain\n"
		      "\teither exactly one string or only strings") ;
	 FrWarning("invalid span definition given to FrTextSpans ctor") ;
   return ;
Пример #10
static bool connect_to_port(const char *hostname, int portnum, int &pipe_in,
			    int &pipe_out,istream *&stream_in,
			    ostream *&stream_out, bool silent = false)
   FrSocket s = FrConnectToPort(hostname,portnum) ;
   if (s < 0)
      if (!silent)
	 FrWarning("Unable to connect to remote process!") ;
      return false ;
   pipe_in = pipe_out = s ;
   stream_in = new FrISockStream(s) ;
   stream_out = new FrOSockStream(s) ;
   return true ;
#else /* FrUSING_SOCKETS */
   (void)hostname; (void)portnum ; (void)pipe_in ; (void)pipe_out ;
   (void)silent ; (void)stream_in ; (void)stream_out ;
   FrWarning("Sockets are not supported in this implementation") ;
   return false ;
#endif /* FrUSING_SOCKETS */
Пример #11
FrList *FramepaC_to_FrameKit(const FrFrame *frame)
   if (!frame)
      return 0 ;
   FrList *temp_FrameKit_slots = nullptr ;
   FrList *list = new FrList(FrSymbolTable::add(stringMAKEFRAME),

   if (do_slots(frame,FramepaC_to_FrameKit_slot,&temp_FrameKit_slots))
      return list->nconc(temp_FrameKit_slots) ;
      FrWarning("error encountered while converting frame to FrameKit format.") ;
      return 0 ;
Пример #12
static int server_request(FrConnection *conn, int reqcode, int datasize,
			  const char *data, FrAsyncCallback *callback,
			  void *client_data, FrPacket **replypacket = 0)
   current_connection = conn ;
   char *packetdata ;
   if (datasize)
      packetdata = FrNewN(char,datasize) ;
      if (!packetdata)
	 FrWarning("out of memory while sending a packet") ;
	 return ENOMEM ;
      memcpy(packetdata,data,datasize) ;
Пример #13
bool FrBWTIndex::compress()
   if (m_compressed)
      return true ;
   m_bucketsize = DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE ;
   m_maxdelta = 255 - m_bucketsize ;
   m_numbuckets = (numItems() + bucketsize() - 1) / bucketsize() ;

   // figure out how big the pool of absolute pointers will be
   uint32_t prev_succ = ~0 ;
   size_t abs_pointers = 0 ;
   size_t comp_EORs = 0 ;
   m_poolsize = 0 ;
   FrAdviseMemoryUse(m_items,bytesPerPointer()*numItems(),FrMADV_SEQUENTIAL) ;
   for (size_t i = 0 ; i < numItems() ; i++)
      if ((i % m_bucketsize) == 0)
	 abs_pointers = 0 ;
	 comp_EORs = 0 ;
      uint32_t succ = getUncompSuccessor(i) ;
      if (succ == m_EOR || (succ > m_EOR && m_eor_state == FrBWT_MergeEOR))
	 comp_EORs++ ; // will be stored without using an absolute pointer
      else if (succ <= prev_succ ||
	       succ - prev_succ > m_maxdelta ||
	       ((i+1)%m_bucketsize == 0 && (abs_pointers + comp_EORs == 0)))
	 {      // above enforces at least one absolute pointer per bucket
	 abs_pointers++ ;
	 m_poolsize++ ;
      prev_succ = succ ;

   size_t bpp = bytesPerPointer() ;
   // now that we know how big the pool is, check whether we will actually
   //   save any space by compressing
   if ((m_poolsize + m_numbuckets) * bpp + numItems() >= numItems() * bpp)
      return false ;			// can't (usefully) compress

   // allocate the various buffers for the compressed data
   m_buckets = FrNewN(char,bpp * m_numbuckets) ;
   unsigned char *comp_items = FrNewN(unsigned char,numItems()) ;
   m_bucket_pool = FrNewN(char,bpp * m_poolsize) ;
   if (comp_items && m_buckets && m_bucket_pool)
      size_t bucket = 0 ;
      size_t ptr_count = 0 ;
      size_t ptr_index = 0 ;
      prev_succ = ~0 ;
      for (size_t i = 0 ; i < numItems() ; i++)
	 if ((i % m_bucketsize) == 0)
	    FrStoreLong(ptr_count,m_buckets + bpp * bucket++) ;
	    ptr_index = 0 ;
	    comp_EORs = 0 ;
	 if ((i % CHUNK_SIZE) == 0 && i > 0)
	    // let OS know we're done with another chunk of m_items
	    FrDontNeedMemory(m_items + bpp*(i-CHUNK_SIZE), bpp*CHUNK_SIZE,
			     (i > CHUNK_SIZE)) ;
	    // and tell it to prefetch the next chunk
	    FrWillNeedMemory(m_items + bpp*i, bpp*CHUNK_SIZE) ;
	 uint32_t succ = getUncompSuccessor(i) ;
	 if (succ == m_EOR ||
	     (succ > m_EOR && m_eor_state == FrBWT_MergeEOR))
	    comp_items[i] = COMPRESSED_EOR ;
	    comp_EORs++ ;
	 else if (succ <= prev_succ ||
		  succ - prev_succ > m_maxdelta ||
		  ((i+1)%m_bucketsize == 0 && (ptr_index + comp_EORs == 0)))
	    // (above ensures at least one abs.ptr per bucket)
	    FrStoreLong(succ,m_bucket_pool + bpp * ptr_count++);
	    comp_items[i] = (unsigned char)(m_maxdelta + (++ptr_index)) ;
	    comp_items[i] = (unsigned char)(succ - prev_succ) ;
	 prev_succ = succ ;
      assertq(ptr_count == m_poolsize) ;
      if (!m_fmap)
	 FrFree(m_items) ;
      m_items = comp_items ;
      m_compressed = true ;
      return true ;
   else	// memory alloc failed
      FrWarning("out of memory while compressing index, "
		"will remain uncompressed") ;
      FrFree(comp_items)  ;
      FrFree(m_buckets) ;	m_buckets = 0 ;
      FrFree(m_bucket_pool) ;	m_bucket_pool = 0 ;
      m_numbuckets = 0 ;
      m_poolsize = 0 ;
      return false ;
Пример #14
bool FrTFIDF::load(const char *filename)
   if (filename && *filename)
      FrITextFile wt(filename) ;
      if (!wt.good())
	 FrWarningVA("unable to open term weights file '%s'",filename) ;
	 return false ;
      delete ht ;
      ht = new FrSymHashTable ;
      FrSymbol *symEOF = FrSymbolTable::add("*EOF*") ;
      char *line = wt.getline() ;
      bool expanded = false ;
      if (line && strncmp(line,"!!! ",4) == 0)
	 char *end = 0 ;
	 total_docs = (size_t)strtol(line+4,&end,10) ;
	 if (end && end != line+4)
	    char *tmp = end ;
	    size_t vocab_size = (size_t)strtol(tmp,&end,10) ;
	    if (vocab_size > 0 && end && end != tmp)
	       ht->expand(vocab_size+100) ;
	       expanded = true ;
      if (!expanded)			// ensure some reasonable starting size
	 ht->expand(5000) ;
      while ((line = wt.getline()) != 0)
	 if (FrSkipWhitespace(line) == ';' || *line == '\0')
	    continue ;
	 const char *origline = line ;
	 FrSymbol *term = (FrSymbol*)string_to_FrObject(line) ;
	 if (term == symEOF || !term || !term->symbolp())
	    FrWarning("invalid line in term-weights file") ;
	    free_object(term) ;
	    continue ;
	 char *end = 0 ;
	 size_t term_freq = strtol(line,&end,10) ;
	 if (end && end != line)
	    line = end ;
	    size_t doc_freq = strtol(line,&end,10) ;
	    if (end != line)
	       if (doc_freq > 0 && term_freq > 0)
		  FrSymHashEntry *entry = tfidfRecord(term) ;
		  FrTFIDFrecord *rec = new FrTFIDFrecord(term_freq,doc_freq) ;
		  if (entry)
		     delete (FrTFIDFrecord*)entry->getUserData() ;
		     entry->setUserData(rec) ;
		     ht->add(term,(void*)rec) ;
		  continue ;
	       FrWarning("invalid data in term-weights file -- both term\n"
			 "\tand document frequencies must be nonzero") ;
	       free_object(term) ;
	       continue ;
	 FrWarningVA("expected two integers following the term '%s'; line was\n"
		     "\t%s", term->symbolName(), origline) ;
	 free_object(term) ;
      return true ;
   return false ;
Пример #15
static bool fork_program(char **arglist, int &pipe_in, int &pipe_out)
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(__MSDOS__) || defined(__WINDOWS__) || defined(__NT__)
  FrWarning("Sorry, fork() is not available under MS-DOS or Windoze.\n"
	    "Change the program's configuration to indicate a socket number\n"
	    "other than -1 to permit the use of "
#endif /* FrUSING_POPEN */
	    "(), which IS supported.") ;
  (void)arglist ; (void)pipe_in ; (void)pipe_out ;
  return false ;
  int pipe_desc[2] ;
  pipe_desc[0] = EOF ;
  pipe_desc[1] = EOF ;
  errno = 0 ;
  int pipe_stat = pipe( pipe_desc ) ;
  if (pipe_stat)
     if (pipe_desc[0] != EOF) close(pipe_desc[0]) ;
     if (pipe_desc[1] != EOF) close(pipe_desc[1]) ;
     FrErrorVA("bad write pipe (errno=%d: %s)",errno,strerror(errno)) ;
     return false ;
  int pipe_in_child = pipe_desc[0] ;
  int pipe_out_parent = pipe_desc[1] ;
  errno = 0 ;
  pipe_stat = pipe( pipe_desc ) ;
  if (pipe_stat)
     close(pipe_in_child) ;
     close(pipe_out_parent) ;
     if (pipe_desc[0] != EOF && pipe_desc[0] != pipe_in_child)
	(void)close(pipe_desc[0]) ;
     if (pipe_desc[1] != EOF && pipe_desc[1] != pipe_out_parent)
	(void)close(pipe_desc[1]) ;
     FrErrorVA("bad read pipe (errno=%d: %s)",errno,strerror(errno)) ;
     return false ;
  int pipe_in_parent = pipe_desc[0] ;
  int pipe_out_child = pipe_desc[1] ;

  errno = 0 ;
  int pid = fork() ;
  if (pid == -1)
     close(pipe_in_parent) ;
     close(pipe_in_child) ;
     close(pipe_out_parent) ;
     close(pipe_out_child) ;
     FrErrorVA("unable to fork %s (errno=%d)",arglist[0],errno) ;
     return false ;
  else if (pid == 0)
     dup2( pipe_in_child, 0 ) ;	  // put the read end of the pipe on stdin
     dup2( pipe_out_child, 1 ) ;  // put the write end of the pipe on stdout
//   dup2( 1, 2 ) ;		  // also put stderr thru the pipe
     if (!FramepaC_verbose)
	close(2) ;
     close(pipe_in_child) ;
     close(pipe_out_child) ;
     close( pipe_in_parent ) ;	 // close the unused ends of the pipes
     close( pipe_out_parent ) ;
     errno = 0 ;
     execvp( arglist[0], arglist) ;
     // not reached except when error
     FrErrorVA("couldn't exec program %s (errno=%d) -- check configuration file",
	       arglist[0],errno) ;
     return false ;
     close(pipe_in_child) ;	// close the unused ends of the pipes
     close(pipe_out_child) ;
     pipe_in = pipe_in_parent ;
     pipe_out = pipe_out_parent ;
     set_child_pid(pid) ;
  return true ;
#endif /* __WINDOWS__ || __NT__ */