Пример #1
AudioDecoderFfmpeg::decodeFrame(const std::uint8_t* input,
        std::uint32_t inputSize, std::uint32_t& outputSize)


    size_t outSize = MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE;

    // TODO: make this a private member, to reuse (see NetStreamFfmpeg in 0.8.3)
    std::unique_ptr<std::int16_t, decltype(av_free)*> output(
        reinterpret_cast<std::int16_t*>(av_malloc(outSize)), av_free );
    if (!output.get()) {
        log_error(_("failed to allocate audio buffer."));
        outputSize = 0;
        return nullptr;

    std::int16_t* outPtr = output.get();

    log_debug("AudioDecoderFfmpeg: about to decode %d bytes; "
        "ctx->channels:%d, ctx->frame_size:%d",
        inputSize, _audioCodecCtx->channels, _audioCodecCtx->frame_size);

    // older ffmpeg versions didn't accept a const input..
    AVPacket pkt;
    int got_frm = 0;
    pkt.data = const_cast<uint8_t*>(input);
    pkt.size = inputSize;
    std::unique_ptr<AVFrame, FrameDeleter> frm(FRAMEALLOC(), FrameDeleter());
    if (!frm.get()) {
        log_error(_("failed to allocate frame."));
        return nullptr;
    int tmp = avcodec_decode_audio4(_audioCodecCtx, frm.get(), &got_frm, &pkt);

    const char* fmtname = av_get_sample_fmt_name(_audioCodecCtx->sample_fmt);
    log_debug(" decodeFrame | frm->nb_samples: %d | &got_frm: %d | "
        "returned %d | inputSize: %d",
        frm->nb_samples, got_frm, tmp, inputSize);

    int plane_size;
    if (tmp >= 0 && got_frm) {
        int data_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size( &plane_size,
            _audioCodecCtx->channels, frm->nb_samples,
            _audioCodecCtx->sample_fmt, 1);
        if (static_cast<int>(outSize) < data_size) {
            log_error(_("output buffer size is too small for the current frame "
                "(%d < %d)"), outSize, data_size);
            return nullptr;

        memcpy(outPtr, frm->extended_data[0], plane_size);

#if !(defined(HAVE_SWRESAMPLE_H) || defined(HAVE_AVRESAMPLE_H))
        int planar = av_sample_fmt_is_planar(_audioCodecCtx->sample_fmt);
        if (planar && _audioCodecCtx->channels > 1) {
            uint8_t *out = ((uint8_t *)outPtr) + plane_size;
            for (int ch = 1; ch < _audioCodecCtx->channels; ch++) {
                memcpy(out, frm->extended_data[ch], plane_size);
                out += plane_size;

        outSize = data_size;
        log_debug(" decodeFrame | fmt: %d | fmt_name: %s | planar: %d | "
            "plane_size: %d | outSize: %d",
            _audioCodecCtx->sample_fmt, fmtname, planar, plane_size, outSize);
    } else {
        if (tmp < 0)
            log_error(_("avcodec_decode_audio returned %d."), tmp);
        if (outSize < 2)
            log_error(_("outputSize:%d after decoding %d bytes of input audio "
                "data."), outputSize, inputSize);
        log_error(_("Upgrading ffmpeg/libavcodec might fix this issue."));
        outputSize = 0;
        return nullptr;

    // Resampling is needed.
    if (_resampler.init(_audioCodecCtx)) {
        // Resampling is needed.

        // Compute new size based on frame_size and
        // resampling configuration

        // Find out the needed sample rate scaling
        double resampleFactor = 44100.0/_audioCodecCtx->sample_rate;

        // Compute total number of input samples
        int inSamples = outSize;
        bool stereo = _audioCodecCtx->channels > 1 ? true : false;

        if (stereo) inSamples = inSamples >> 1;
        if (_audioCodecCtx->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 ||
            _audioCodecCtx->sample_fmt == AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16P) {
            inSamples = inSamples >> 1;
Пример #2
AudioDecoderFfmpeg::decodeFrame(const std::uint8_t* input,
        std::uint32_t inputSize, std::uint32_t& outputSize)


    size_t outSize = MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE;

    // TODO: make this a private member, to reuse (see NetStreamFfmpeg in 0.8.3)
    std::unique_ptr<std::int16_t, decltype(av_free)*> output(
        reinterpret_cast<std::int16_t*>(av_malloc(outSize)), av_free );
    if (!output.get()) {
        log_error(_("failed to allocate audio buffer."));
        outputSize = 0;
        return nullptr;

    std::int16_t* outPtr = output.get();

    log_debug("AudioDecoderFfmpeg: about to decode %d bytes; "
        "ctx->channels:%d, ctx->frame_size:%d",
        inputSize, _audioCodecCtx->channels, _audioCodecCtx->frame_size);

    // older ffmpeg versions didn't accept a const input..
    AVPacket pkt;
    int got_frm = 0;
    pkt.data = const_cast<uint8_t*>(input);
    pkt.size = inputSize;
    std::unique_ptr<AVFrame, FrameDeleter> frm(FRAMEALLOC(), FrameDeleter());
    if (!frm.get()) {
        log_error(_("failed to allocate frame."));
        return nullptr;
    int tmp = avcodec_decode_audio4(_audioCodecCtx, frm.get(), &got_frm, &pkt);

    const char* fmtname = av_get_sample_fmt_name(_audioCodecCtx->sample_fmt);
    log_debug(" decodeFrame | frm->nb_samples: %d | &got_frm: %d | "
        "returned %d | inputSize: %d",
        frm->nb_samples, got_frm, tmp, inputSize);

    int plane_size;
    if (tmp >= 0 && got_frm) {
        int data_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size( &plane_size,
            _audioCodecCtx->channels, frm->nb_samples,
            _audioCodecCtx->sample_fmt, 1);
        if (static_cast<int>(outSize) < data_size) {
            log_error(_("output buffer size is too small for the current frame "
                "(%d < %d)"), outSize, data_size);
            return nullptr;

        memcpy(outPtr, frm->extended_data[0], plane_size);

#if !(defined(HAVE_SWRESAMPLE_H) || defined(HAVE_AVRESAMPLE_H))
        int planar = av_sample_fmt_is_planar(_audioCodecCtx->sample_fmt);
        if (planar && _audioCodecCtx->channels > 1) {
            uint8_t *out = ((uint8_t *)outPtr) + plane_size;
            for (int ch = 1; ch < _audioCodecCtx->channels; ch++) {
                memcpy(out, frm->extended_data[ch], plane_size);
                out += plane_size;

        outSize = data_size;
        log_debug(" decodeFrame | fmt: %d | fmt_name: %s | planar: %d | "
            "plane_size: %d | outSize: %d",
            _audioCodecCtx->sample_fmt, fmtname, planar, plane_size, outSize);
    } else {
        if (tmp < 0)
            log_error(_("avcodec_decode_audio returned %d."), tmp);
        if (outSize < 2)
            log_error(_("outputSize:%d after decoding %d bytes of input audio "
                "data."), outputSize, inputSize);
        log_error(_("Upgrading ffmpeg/libavcodec might fix this issue."));
        outputSize = 0;
        return nullptr;

    // Resampling is needed.
    if (_resampler.init(_audioCodecCtx)) {
        // Resampling is needed.

        // Compute new size based on frame_size and
        // resampling configuration
        double resampleFactor = (44100.0/_audioCodecCtx->sample_rate) * (2.0/_audioCodecCtx->channels);
        bool stereo = _audioCodecCtx->channels > 1 ? true : false;
        int inSamples = stereo ? outSize >> 2 : outSize >> 1;

        int expectedMaxOutSamples = std::ceil(inSamples*resampleFactor);

        // *channels *sampleSize 
        int resampledFrameSize = expectedMaxOutSamples*2*2;

        // Allocate just the required amount of bytes
        std::uint8_t* resampledOutput = new std::uint8_t[resampledFrameSize];

        log_debug(" decodeFrame | Calling the resampler, resampleFactor: %d | "
            "in %d hz %d ch %d bytes %d samples, %s fmt", resampleFactor,
            _audioCodecCtx->sample_rate, _audioCodecCtx->channels, outSize,
            inSamples, fmtname);
        log_debug(" decodeFrame | out 44100 hz 2 ch %d bytes",

        int outSamples = _resampler.resample(frm->extended_data, // input
            plane_size, // input
            frm->nb_samples, // input
            &resampledOutput); // output

        // make sure to set outPtr *after* we use it as input to the resampler
        outPtr = reinterpret_cast<std::int16_t*>(resampledOutput);

        log_debug("resampler returned %d samples ", outSamples);

        if (expectedMaxOutSamples < outSamples) {
            log_error(_(" --- Computation of resampled samples (%d) < then the actual returned samples (%d)"),
                expectedMaxOutSamples, outSamples);

            log_debug(" input frame size: %d", outSize);
            log_debug(" input sample rate: %d", _audioCodecCtx->sample_rate);
            log_debug(" input channels: %d", _audioCodecCtx->channels);
            log_debug(" input samples: %d", inSamples);

            log_debug(" output sample rate (assuming): %d", 44100);
            log_debug(" output channels (assuming): %d", 2);
            log_debug(" output samples: %d", outSamples);

            /// Memory errors...

        // Use the actual number of samples returned, multiplied
        // to get size in bytes (not two-byte samples) and for 
        // stereo?
        outSize = outSamples * 2 * 2;
