Пример #1
void            ParenCat( void ) {

// Check if ) matches ( as opposed to [.
// called on ) // sequence

    itnode      *cit;
    bool        ok_to_axe;
    bool        all_const_opns;

    cit = findMatch( &ok_to_axe, &all_const_opns );
    if( cit != NULL ) {
        // consider:    a(1)(2:3)//c
        if( ( cit->opr == OPR_LBR ) && ok_to_axe ) {
            cit->is_catparen = 1;
            cit = CITNode;
            FreeOneNode( cit );
        // check for CHAR(73) - CHAR is allowed in constant expressions
        } else if( (cit->opr != OPR_FBR) || !all_const_opns ||
                   ((cit->link->flags & SY_CLASS ) != SY_SUBPROGRAM) ||
                   (!(cit->link->flags & SY_INTRINSIC)) ||
                   (cit->link->sym_ptr->ns.si.fi.index != IF_CHAR) ) {
            ChkConstCatOpn( CITNode->link );
Пример #2
void    KillOpnOpr(void) {

// jnneeded opn followed by unneeded opr in consecutive nodes so
// copy opr from node 1 down to node 2, then release node 1
//  CASE1: (not at start-node of expression)
//            ---------------               ---------------
//  Before:   | opr1 | opn1 |      After:       released
//            ---------------               ---------------
//     CIT==> | opr2 | opn2 |        CIT==> | opr1 | opn2 |
//            ---------------               ---------------
//  CASE2: (start-node of expression)
//         DO NOT release start-node since some unknown itnode points at
//         him
//            ---------------               ---------------
//  Before:   | TRM  | opn1 |      After:   | PHI  | PHI  |
//            ---------------               ---------------
//     CIT==> | opr2 | opn2 |        CIT==> | TRM  | opn2 |
//            ---------------               ---------------
//  In CASE1, top node is released since there may not be room to copy
//  operand up (variable length), but can easily copy operator-code down

    itnode      *itptr;

    CITNode->opr = BkLink->opr;                 // copy operator information
    CITNode->is_catparen = BkLink->is_catparen; // ...
    CITNode->oprpos = BkLink->oprpos;
    if( BkLink->opr == OPR_TRM ) {
        BkLink->opr = OPR_PHI;
        BkLink->link = CITNode;     // restore link to point forward
        BkLink = NULL;
    } else {
        itptr = BkLink;             // back up to previous entry
        BkLink = itptr->link;       // fix back link
        FreeOneNode( itptr );       // free single itnode
Пример #3
static  void    Free2CIT( itnode *node ) {

// Free all nodes between "node" and "CITNode".

    itnode      *junk;
    itnode      *chaser;

// this code makes a(3)/3*5/ from a type declaration look like
// a/3*5/ as in a DATA statement so we can call DoData().

    junk = node->link;
    node->link = CITNode;
    chaser = junk;
    while( chaser != CITNode ) {
        chaser = chaser->link;
        FreeOneNode( junk );
        junk = chaser;
Пример #4
static  void    USCleanUp( void ) {

// Clean up text list after expression error has occurred
// releasing all nodes on the way, leaving:
//                                               +------------------+
//                                       CIT ==> | OPR_TRM |        |
//                                               +------------------+
//                                               | OPR_TRM |        |
//                                               +------------------+
// NOTE : CITNode must not be pointing at the end of expression terminal

    itnode      *junk;
    itnode      *first;

    while( CITNode->opr != OPR_TRM ) {
    first = CITNode;
    switch( first->opn.us & USOPN_WHAT ) {
    case USOPN_NWL:
    case USOPN_ASS:
        if( first->list != NULL ) {
            FreeITNodes( first->list );
    CITNode = CITNode->link;
    while( CITNode->opr != OPR_TRM ) {
        junk = CITNode;
        CITNode = CITNode->link;
        FreeOneNode( junk );
    first->link = CITNode;
    CITNode = first;
    CITNode->typ = FT_NO_TYPE;
    CITNode->opn.ds = DSOPN_PHI;
Пример #5
static  void    RemoveParen( void ) {

// Upscan routine when second operator is '('.
//  Before:                           |   After:
//                 --------------     |                 --------------
//       CIT ==>   | opr1 | PHI |     |                    released**
//                 --------------     |                 --------------
//                 | (    | opn |     |        CIT ==>  | opr1 | opn |
//                 --------------     |                 --------------
//                 | )    | PHI |     |                    released
//                 --------------     |                 --------------
//                 | opr2 |     |     |                 | opr2 |     |
//                 --------------     |                 --------------
//  ** see KillOpnOpr() for case where first node is start-node of expr

    itnode      *cit;

    if( CITNode->opn.ds != DSOPN_PHI ) {
        AdvError( SX_NO_OPR );
    cit = CITNode;
    if( CITNode->opn.ds == DSOPN_PHI ) {
        Error( PC_SURP_PAREN );
    CITNode = CITNode->link;
    if( CITNode->opn.ds != DSOPN_PHI ) {
        Error( SX_NO_OPR );
    cit->link = CITNode->link;
    FreeOneNode( CITNode );
    CITNode = cit;
Пример #6
void            CatParen( void ) {

// Check if ) matches ( as opposed to [.
// called on // ) sequence

    itnode      *cit;
    bool        ok_to_axe;

    cit = findMatch( &ok_to_axe, NULL );
    if( cit != NULL ) {
        if( ( cit->opr == OPR_LBR ) && ok_to_axe ) {
            cit->is_catparen = 1;
            cit = CITNode;
            cit->link = CITNode->link;
            FreeOneNode( CITNode );
            CITNode = cit;
        } else {