Пример #1
void Resources::Free() 
	// Free all the loaded tiles

	// Note, the font bitmap and cursor are freed in Main.cpp calling to mI->End()
Пример #2
Parse file and load backdrop images (tiles)
bool Resources::LoadTileset (char *pTilesetFile)
	// If there is a tileset already, free it
	if (!mVectorTiles.empty()) FreeTileset();

	strcpy (mTilesetPath, pTilesetFile);

	TiXmlDocument mXmlDoc (mTilesetPath);

	// Fatal error, cannot load
	if (!mXmlDoc.LoadFile())
		return false;

	// Document root
	TiXmlElement *mXResources = 0;
	mXResources = mXmlDoc.FirstChildElement("resources");

	if (!mXResources)
		// No "<resources>" tag
		return false;

	// ----------------- Parse surfaces from the file and load them into a vector -----------------

	// Surfaces
	TiXmlElement *mXSurfaces = 0;
	mXSurfaces = mXResources->FirstChildElement("surfaces");

	if (!mXSurfaces)
		// No "<surfaces>" tag
		return false;

	TiXmlElement *mXSurface = 0;
	mXSurface = mXSurfaces->FirstChildElement("surface");

	if (!mXSurface)
		// No surfaces to parse
		return false;
	// Parse all the surfaces
	char mFileName [1024];
	mFileName [0] = 0;

	while (mXSurface)

		// Id
		if (mXSurface->Attribute("id"))
			mNewSurface->mId = atoi (mXSurface->Attribute("id"));
			delete mNewSurface;
			return false;

		// Path to the image
		if (mXSurface->Attribute("image"))
			strcpy (mFileName, mXSurface->Attribute("image"));	

			// Load surface
			if (!mI->_surfaceManager->add (mNewSurface->mSurface, mFileName, IND_ALPHA, IND_32)) return 0;
			delete mNewSurface;
			return false;

		// Push the surface into the surfaces vector
		mVectorTiles.push_back (mNewSurface);
		// Move to the next declaration
		mXSurface = mXSurface->NextSiblingElement("surface");

	// Note: XML nodes are deleted by TiXmlDocument destructor

	return true;
Parse file and load backdrop images (tiles)
bool Resources::LoadTileset (char *pTilesetFile)
	// If there is a tileset already, free it
	if (!mVectorTiles.empty()) FreeTileset();

	strcpy (mTilesetPath, pTilesetFile);

	TiXmlDocument mXmlDoc (mTilesetPath);

	// Fatal error, cannot load
	if (!mXmlDoc.LoadFile())
		return false;

    // fetching the directory where the xml file is located
    string tilesetTopPath;
    string s = string(pTilesetFile);

	size_t lastPosTemp = s.find_last_of("\\/");

	if(lastPosTemp == string::npos){
		tilesetTopPath = "./";
    	tilesetTopPath = s.substr(0, lastPosTemp + 1);

	// Document root
	TiXmlElement *mXResources = 0;
	mXResources = mXmlDoc.FirstChildElement("resources");

	if (!mXResources)
		// No "<resources>" tag
		return false;

	// ----------------- Parse surfaces from the file and load them into a vector -----------------

	// Surfaces
	TiXmlElement *mXSurfaces = 0;
	mXSurfaces = mXResources->FirstChildElement("surfaces");

	if (!mXSurfaces)
		// No "<surfaces>" tag
		return false;

	TiXmlElement *mXSurface = 0;
	mXSurface = mXSurfaces->FirstChildElement("surface");

	if (!mXSurface)
		// No surfaces to parse
		return false;
    string imagePath;

	while (mXSurface)

		// Id
		if (mXSurface->Attribute("id"))
			mNewSurface->mId = atoi (mXSurface->Attribute("id"));
			delete mNewSurface;
			return false;

		// Path to the image
		if (mXSurface->Attribute("image"))
            mNewSurface->mSurface = IND_Surface::newSurface();
            imagePath = tilesetTopPath + string(mXSurface->Attribute("image"));

			// Load surface
            if (!mI->_surfaceManager->add (mNewSurface->mSurface, imagePath.c_str(), IND_ALPHA, IND_32)) return 0;
			delete mNewSurface;
			return false;

		// Push the surface into the surfaces vector
		mVectorTiles.push_back (mNewSurface);
		// Move to the next declaration
		mXSurface = mXSurface->NextSiblingElement("surface");

	// Note: XML nodes are deleted by TiXmlDocument destructor

	return true;