void STORE(Type type, Register offset, AddressSpace space, bool dwAligned, BTI bti, Args...values)
   const Tuple index = this->tuple(values...);
   const uint16_t valueNum = std::tuple_size<std::tuple<Args...>>::value;
   GBE_ASSERT(valueNum > 0);
   this->STORE(type, index, offset, space, valueNum, dwAligned, bti);
 void foreach(const T &functor) {
   // Iterate on all blocks
   for (Info::iterator pair = liveness.begin(); pair != liveness.end(); ++pair) {
     BlockInfo &info = *(pair->second);
     const BasicBlock &bb = info.bb;
     const BlockSet *set = NULL;
     if (dir == DF_SUCC)
       set = &bb.getSuccessorSet();
       set = &bb.getPredecessorSet();
     // Iterate over all successors
     for (BlockSet::iterator other = (*set).begin(); other != (*set).end(); ++other) {
       Info::iterator otherInfo = liveness.find(*other);
       GBE_ASSERT(otherInfo != liveness.end() && otherInfo->second != NULL);
       functor(info, *otherInfo->second);
 std::ostream &operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Type &type) {
   switch (type) {
     case TYPE_BOOL: return out << "bool";
     case TYPE_S8: return out << "int8";
     case TYPE_U8: return out << "uint8";
     case TYPE_S16: return out << "int16";
     case TYPE_U16: return out << "uin16";
     case TYPE_S32: return out << "int32";
     case TYPE_U32: return out << "uin32";
     case TYPE_S64: return out << "int64";
     case TYPE_U64: return out << "uin64";
     case TYPE_HALF: return out << "half";
     case TYPE_FLOAT: return out << "float";
     case TYPE_DOUBLE: return out << "double";
     default :
       GBE_ASSERT(0 && "Unsupported type\n");
   return out;
 /*! Get the special register */
 INLINE Register getSpecialReg(void) const {
   return Register(data.regID);
 /*! Get the pushed location */
 INLINE const PushLocation *getPushLocation(void) const {
   return data.pushed;
 /*! Get the function input (only if this is a function argument) */
 INLINE const FunctionArgument *getFunctionArgument(void) const {
   GBE_ASSERT(type == DEF_FN_ARG);
   return data.arg;
 /*! Get the destination ID (only if this is a instruction value) */
 INLINE uint32_t getDstID(void) const {
   return data.dstID;
 /*! Get the instruction (only if this is a instruction value) */
 INLINE const Instruction *getInstruction(void) const {
   return data.insn;
Пример #9
 /*! Get the target label index for the given instruction */
 INLINE ir::LabelIndex getLabelIndex(const ir::Instruction *insn) const {
   GBE_ASSERT(JIPs.find(insn) != JIPs.end());
   return JIPs.find(insn)->second;
 /*! Return the complete block info */
 INLINE const BlockInfo &getBlockInfo(const BasicBlock *bb) const {
   auto it = liveness.find(bb);
   GBE_ASSERT(it != liveness.end() && it->second != NULL);
   return *it->second;
 /*! Set the SIMD width of the function */
 void setSimdWidth(uint32_t width) const {
   GBE_ASSERT(width == 8 || width == 16);
   fn->simdWidth = width;