Пример #1
/* When there are edge labels, extra ranks are reserved here for the virtual
 * nodes of the labels.  This is done by doubling the input edge lengths.
 * The input rank separation is adjusted to compensate.
void edgelabel_ranks(graph_t* g)
	node_t		*n;
	edge_t		*e;

	if (GD_has_labels(g)&EDGE_LABEL) {
		for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g,n))
			for (e = agfstout(g,n); e; e = agnxtout(g,e))
				ED_minlen(e) *= 2;
		GD_ranksep(g) = (GD_ranksep(g)  + 1) / 2;
Пример #2
static void
initSubg (Agraph_t* sg, Agraph_t* g)
    agbindrec(sg, "Agraphinfo_t", sizeof(Agraphinfo_t), TRUE);
    GD_drawing(sg) = NEW(layout_t);
    GD_drawing(sg)->quantum = GD_drawing(g)->quantum; 
    GD_drawing(sg)->dpi = GD_drawing(g)->dpi;
    GD_gvc(sg) = GD_gvc (g);
    GD_charset(sg) = GD_charset (g);
    GD_rankdir2(sg) = GD_rankdir2 (g);
    GD_nodesep(sg) = GD_nodesep(g);
    GD_ranksep(sg) = GD_ranksep(g);
    GD_fontnames(sg) = GD_fontnames(g);
Пример #3
	cgraph requires 

void graph_init(graph_t * g, boolean use_rankdir)
    char *p;
    double xf;
    static char *rankname[] = { "local", "global", "none", NULL };
    static int rankcode[] = { LOCAL, GLOBAL, NOCLUST, LOCAL };
    static char *fontnamenames[] = {"gd","ps","svg", NULL};
    static int fontnamecodes[] = {NATIVEFONTS,PSFONTS,SVGFONTS,-1};
    int rankdir;
    GD_drawing(g) = NEW(layout_t);

    /* set this up fairly early in case any string sizes are needed */
    if ((p = agget(g, "fontpath")) || (p = getenv("DOTFONTPATH"))) {
	/* overide GDFONTPATH in local environment if dot
	 * wants its own */
	setenv("GDFONTPATH", p, 1);
	static char *buf = 0;

	buf = grealloc(buf, strlen("GDFONTPATH=") + strlen(p) + 1);
	strcpy(buf, "GDFONTPATH=");
	strcat(buf, p);

    GD_charset(g) = findCharset (g);

    if (!HTTPServerEnVar) {
	Gvimagepath = agget (g, "imagepath");
	if (!Gvimagepath)
	    Gvimagepath = Gvfilepath;

    GD_drawing(g)->quantum =
	late_double(g, agfindgraphattr(g, "quantum"), 0.0, 0.0);

    /* setting rankdir=LR is only defined in dot,
     * but having it set causes shape code and others to use it. 
     * The result is confused output, so we turn it off unless requested.
     * This effective rankdir is stored in the bottom 2 bits of g->u.rankdir.
     * Sometimes, the code really needs the graph's rankdir, e.g., neato -n
     * with record shapes, so we store the real rankdir in the next 2 bits.
    rankdir = RANKDIR_TB;
    if ((p = agget(g, "rankdir"))) {
	if (streq(p, "LR"))
	    rankdir = RANKDIR_LR;
	else if (streq(p, "BT"))
	    rankdir = RANKDIR_BT;
	else if (streq(p, "RL"))
	    rankdir = RANKDIR_RL;
    if (use_rankdir)
	SET_RANKDIR (g, (rankdir << 2) | rankdir);
	SET_RANKDIR (g, (rankdir << 2));

    xf = late_double(g, agfindgraphattr(g, "nodesep"),
    GD_nodesep(g) = POINTS(xf);

    p = late_string(g, agfindgraphattr(g, "ranksep"), NULL);
    if (p) {
	if (sscanf(p, "%lf", &xf) == 0)
	else {
	    if (xf < MIN_RANKSEP)
	if (strstr(p, "equally"))
	    GD_exact_ranksep(g) = TRUE;
    } else
    GD_ranksep(g) = POINTS(xf);

    GD_showboxes(g) = late_int(g, agfindgraphattr(g, "showboxes"), 0, 0);
    p = late_string(g, agfindgraphattr(g, "fontnames"), NULL);
    GD_fontnames(g) = maptoken(p, fontnamenames, fontnamecodes);

    GD_drawing(g)->filled =
	getdoubles2ptf(g, "size", &(GD_drawing(g)->size));
    getdoubles2ptf(g, "page", &(GD_drawing(g)->page));

    GD_drawing(g)->centered = mapbool(agget(g, "center"));

    if ((p = agget(g, "rotate")))
	GD_drawing(g)->landscape = (atoi(p) == 90);
    else if ((p = agget(g, "orientation")))
	GD_drawing(g)->landscape = ((p[0] == 'l') || (p[0] == 'L'));
    else if ((p = agget(g, "landscape")))
	GD_drawing(g)->landscape = mapbool(p);

    p = agget(g, "clusterrank");
    CL_type = maptoken(p, rankname, rankcode);
    p = agget(g, "concentrate");
    Concentrate = mapbool(p);
    State = GVBEGIN;
    EdgeLabelsDone = 0;

    GD_drawing(g)->dpi = 0.0;
    if (((p = agget(g, "dpi")) && p[0])
	|| ((p = agget(g, "resolution")) && p[0]))
	GD_drawing(g)->dpi = atof(p);


    Initial_dist = MYHUGE;

    G_ordering = agfindgraphattr(g, "ordering");
    G_gradientangle = agfindgraphattr(g,"gradientangle");
    G_margin = agfindgraphattr(g, "margin");

    /* initialize nodes */
    N_height = agfindnodeattr(g, "height");
    N_width = agfindnodeattr(g, "width");
    N_shape = agfindnodeattr(g, "shape");
    N_color = agfindnodeattr(g, "color");
    N_fillcolor = agfindnodeattr(g, "fillcolor");
    N_style = agfindnodeattr(g, "style");
    N_fontsize = agfindnodeattr(g, "fontsize");
    N_fontname = agfindnodeattr(g, "fontname");
    N_fontcolor = agfindnodeattr(g, "fontcolor");
    N_label = agfindnodeattr(g, "label");
    if (!N_label)
	N_label = agattr(g, AGNODE, "label", NODENAME_ESC);
    N_xlabel = agfindnodeattr(g, "xlabel");
    N_showboxes = agfindnodeattr(g, "showboxes");
    N_penwidth = agfindnodeattr(g, "penwidth");
    N_ordering = agfindnodeattr(g, "ordering");
    N_margin = agfindnodeattr(g, "margin");
    /* attribs for polygon shapes */
    N_sides = agfindnodeattr(g, "sides");
    N_peripheries = agfindnodeattr(g, "peripheries");
    N_skew = agfindnodeattr(g, "skew");
    N_orientation = agfindnodeattr(g, "orientation");
    N_distortion = agfindnodeattr(g, "distortion");
    N_fixed = agfindnodeattr(g, "fixedsize");
    N_imagescale = agfindnodeattr(g, "imagescale");
    N_nojustify = agfindnodeattr(g, "nojustify");
    N_layer = agfindnodeattr(g, "layer");
    N_group = agfindnodeattr(g, "group");
    N_comment = agfindnodeattr(g, "comment");
    N_vertices = agfindnodeattr(g, "vertices");
    N_z = agfindnodeattr(g, "z");
    N_gradientangle = agfindnodeattr(g,"gradientangle");

    /* initialize edges */
    E_weight = agfindedgeattr(g, "weight");
    E_color = agfindedgeattr(g, "color");
    E_fillcolor = agfindedgeattr(g, "fillcolor");
    E_fontsize = agfindedgeattr(g, "fontsize");
    E_fontname = agfindedgeattr(g, "fontname");
    E_fontcolor = agfindedgeattr(g, "fontcolor");
    E_label = agfindedgeattr(g, "label");
    E_xlabel = agfindedgeattr(g, "xlabel");
    E_label_float = agfindedgeattr(g, "labelfloat");
    /* vladimir */
    E_dir = agfindedgeattr(g, "dir");
    E_arrowhead = agfindedgeattr(g, "arrowhead");
    E_arrowtail = agfindedgeattr(g, "arrowtail");
    E_headlabel = agfindedgeattr(g, "headlabel");
    E_taillabel = agfindedgeattr(g, "taillabel");
    E_labelfontsize = agfindedgeattr(g, "labelfontsize");
    E_labelfontname = agfindedgeattr(g, "labelfontname");
    E_labelfontcolor = agfindedgeattr(g, "labelfontcolor");
    E_labeldistance = agfindedgeattr(g, "labeldistance");
    E_labelangle = agfindedgeattr(g, "labelangle");
    /* end vladimir */
    E_minlen = agfindedgeattr(g, "minlen");
    E_showboxes = agfindedgeattr(g, "showboxes");
    E_style = agfindedgeattr(g, "style");
    E_decorate = agfindedgeattr(g, "decorate");
    E_arrowsz = agfindedgeattr(g, "arrowsize");
    E_constr = agfindedgeattr(g, "constraint");
    E_layer = agfindedgeattr(g, "layer");
    E_comment = agfindedgeattr(g, "comment");
    E_tailclip = agfindedgeattr(g, "tailclip");
    E_headclip = agfindedgeattr(g, "headclip");
    E_penwidth = agfindedgeattr(g, "penwidth");

    /* background */
    GD_drawing(g)->xdots = init_xdot (g);

    /* initialize id, if any */

    if ((p = agget(g, "id")) && *p)
	GD_drawing(g)->id = strdup_and_subst_obj(p, g);
Пример #4
void init_ugraph(graph_t *g)
	char		*p;
	double		xf;
	static char *rankname[] = {"local","global","none",NULL};
	static int	rankcode[] =  {LOCAL, GLOBAL, NOCLUST, LOCAL};
	double X,Y,Z,x,y;

	GD_drawing(g) = NEW(layout_t);

	/* set this up fairly early in case any string sizes are needed */
	if ((p = agget(g,"fontpath")) || (p = getenv("DOTFONTPATH"))) {
		/* overide GDFONTPATH in local environment if dot
		 * wants its own */
		setenv("GDFONTPATH", p, 1);
		static char *buf=0;


	GD_drawing(g)->quantum = late_double(g,agfindattr(g,"quantum"),0.0,0.0);
 	GD_drawing(g)->font_scale_adj = 1.0;

    /* setting rankdir=LR is only defined in dot,
     * but having it set causes shape code and others to use it. 
     * The result is confused output, so we turn it off unless requested.
	if (UseRankdir)
		GD_left_to_right(g) = ((p = agget(g,"rankdir")) && streq(p,"LR"));
		GD_left_to_right(g) = FALSE;
	xf = late_double(g,agfindattr(g,"nodesep"),DEFAULT_NODESEP,MIN_NODESEP);
	GD_nodesep(g) = POINTS(xf);

	p = late_string(g,agfindattr(g,"ranksep"),NULL);
	if (p) {
			if (sscanf(p,"%lf",&xf) == 0) xf = DEFAULT_RANKSEP;
			else {if (xf < MIN_RANKSEP) xf = MIN_RANKSEP;}
			if (strstr(p,"equally")) GD_exact_ranksep(g) = TRUE;
	GD_ranksep(g) = POINTS(xf);

	GD_showboxes(g) = late_int(g,agfindattr(g,"showboxes"),0,0);

	Epsilon = .0001 * agnnodes(g);

	X = Y = Z = x = y = 0.0;
	if ((p = agget(g,"viewport")))
	GD_drawing(g)->viewport.size.x = ROUND(X); /* viewport size in dev units - pixels */
	GD_drawing(g)->viewport.size.y = ROUND(Y);
	GD_drawing(g)->viewport.zoom = Z;    /* scaling factor */
	GD_drawing(g)->viewport.focus.x = x; /* graph coord of focus - points */
	GD_drawing(g)->viewport.focus.y = y; 

	GD_drawing(g)->centered = mapbool(agget(g,"center"));
	if ((p = agget(g,"rotate"))) GD_drawing(g)->landscape = (atoi(p) == 90);
	else {		/* today we learned the importance of backward compatibilty */
		if ((p = agget(g,"orientation")))
			GD_drawing(g)->landscape = ((p[0] == 'l') || (p[0] == 'L'));

	p = agget(g,"clusterrank");
	CL_type = maptoken(p,rankname,rankcode);
	p = agget(g,"concentrate");
	Concentrate = mapbool(p);
	Nodesep = 1.0;
	Nodefactor = 1.0;
	Initial_dist = MYHUGE;