static void GProgressDraw(GProgress *p,GWindow pixmap,GRect *rect) { GRect r, old; int width, amount; GDrawPushClip(pixmap,rect,&old); GDrawSetFont(pixmap,p->font); if ( p->line1!=NULL ) GDrawDrawText(pixmap, (p->width-p->l1width)/2, p->l1y, p->line1, -1, progress_foreground ); if ( p->line2!=NULL ) GDrawDrawText(pixmap, (p->width-p->l2width)/2, p->l2y, p->line2, -1, progress_foreground ); r.x = GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,10); r.y = p->boxy; r.height = r.x; width = p->width-2*r.x; if ( p->tot==0 ) amount = 0; else amount = width * (p->stage*p->tot + p->sofar)/(p->stages*p->tot); if ( amount>0 ) { r.width = amount; GDrawFillRect(pixmap,&r,progress_fillcol); } else if ( p->tot==0 ) { r.width = width; GDrawSetStippled(pixmap,1,0,0); GDrawFillRect(pixmap,&r,progress_fillcol); GDrawSetStippled(pixmap,0,0,0); } r.width = width; GDrawDrawRect(pixmap,&r,progress_foreground); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old); }
static void QGDrawWindow(GWindow pixmap, QGData *qg, GEvent *e) { int l, y, depth; char buffer[200]; GRect old, r; struct navigate where; struct qgnode *parent; GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&e->u.expose.rect,&old); r.width = r.height = qg->as; y = qg->as; memset(&where,0,sizeof(where)); QG_FindLine(&qg->list,qg->loff_top,&where); for ( l=0; l<qg->vlcnt && where.parent!=NULL; ++l ) { for ( parent=where.parent, depth= -2; parent!=NULL; parent=parent->parent, ++depth ); if ( where.offset==-1 ) { r.x = 2+depth*qg->fh; r.y = y-qg->as+1; GDrawDrawRect(pixmap,&r,0x000000); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,r.x+2,r.y+qg->as/2,r.x+qg->as-2,r.y+qg->as/2, 0x000000); if ( !where.parent->open ) GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,r.x+qg->as/2,r.y+2,r.x+qg->as/2,r.y+qg->as-2, 0x000000); GDrawDrawText8(pixmap,r.x+qg->fh,y,where.parent->name,-1, 0x000000); } else { QuestionableGrid *q = &where.parent->first[where.offset]; sprintf( buffer, _("\"%.40s\" size=%d point=%d (%d,%d) distance=%g"), q->sc->name, q->size, q->nearestpt, q->x, q->y, q->distance ); GDrawDrawText8(pixmap,2+(depth+1)*qg->fh,y,buffer,-1, 0x000000); } y += qg->fh; QG_NextLine(&where); } GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old); }
static void BdfP_Expose(struct bdf_dlg *bd, GWindow pixmap) { struct bdf_dlg_font *cur = bd->cur; BDFFont *bdf = cur->bdf; int i; int page = bd->vheight/(bd->fh+1); GRect clip, old, r; char buffer[40]; extern GBox _ggadget_Default_Box; GDrawSetFont(pixmap,bd->font); clip.x = 4; clip.width = bd->value_x-4-2; clip.height = bd->fh; for ( i=0; i<page && i+cur->top_prop<bdf->prop_cnt; ++i ) { int sel = i+cur->top_prop==cur->sel_prop; clip.y = i*(bd->fh+1); if ( sel ) { r.x = 0; r.width = bd->width; r.y = clip.y; r.height = clip.height; GDrawFillRect(pixmap,&r,ACTIVE_BORDER); } GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&clip,&old); GDrawDrawBiText8(pixmap,4,i*(bd->fh+1)+bd->as,bdf->props[i+cur->top_prop].name,-1,NULL,MAIN_FOREGROUND); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old); switch ( bdf->props[i+cur->top_prop].type&~prt_property ) { case prt_string: case prt_atom: GDrawDrawBiText8(pixmap,bd->value_x+2,i*(bd->fh+1)+bd->as,bdf->props[i+cur->top_prop].u.str,-1,NULL,MAIN_FOREGROUND); break; case prt_int: sprintf( buffer, "%d", bdf->props[i+cur->top_prop].u.val ); GDrawDrawBiText8(pixmap,bd->value_x+2,i*(bd->fh+1)+bd->as,buffer,-1,NULL,MAIN_FOREGROUND); break; case prt_uint: sprintf( buffer, "%u", (unsigned) bdf->props[i+cur->top_prop].u.val ); GDrawDrawBiText8(pixmap,bd->value_x+2,i*(bd->fh+1)+bd->as,buffer,-1,NULL,MAIN_FOREGROUND); break; } GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,0,i*(bd->fh+1)+bd->fh,bd->vwidth,i*(bd->fh+1)+bd->fh,0x808080); } if ( i<page ) { /* GT: I am told that the use of "|" to provide contextual information in a */ /* GT: gettext string is non-standard. However it is documented in section */ /* GT: 10.2.6 of */ /* GT: */ /* GT: Anyway here the word "Property" is used to provide context for "New..." and */ /* GT: the translator should only translate "New...". This is necessary because in */ /* GT: French (or any language where adjectives agree in gender/number with their */ /* GT: nouns) there are several different forms of "New" and the one chose depends */ /* GT: on the noun in question. */ /* GT: A french translation might be either msgstr "Nouveau..." or msgstr "Nouvelle..." */ /* GT: */ /* GT: I expect there are more cases where one english word needs to be translated */ /* GT: by several different words in different languages (in Japanese a different */ /* GT: word is used for the latin script and the latin language) and that you, as */ /* GT: a translator may need to ask me to disambiguate more strings. Please do so: */ /* GT: <*****@*****.**> */ GDrawDrawBiText8(pixmap,4,i*(bd->fh+1)+bd->as,S_("Property|New..."),-1,NULL,0xff0000); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,0,i*(bd->fh+1)+bd->fh,bd->vwidth,i*(bd->fh+1)+bd->fh, _ggadget_Default_Box.border_darker); } GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,bd->value_x,0,bd->value_x,bd->vheight, _ggadget_Default_Box.border_darker); }
static int glist_expose(GWindow pixmap, GGadget *g, GEvent *event) { GDList *gl = (GDList *) g; GRect old0, old1, old2; Color fg, dfg; int y, l, ymax; if ( g->state == gs_invisible ) return( false ); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&event->u.expose.rect,&old0); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->r,&old1); GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&g->r,g->box, g->state,false); if ( g->box->border_type!=bt_none || (g->box->flags&(box_foreground_border_inner|box_foreground_border_outer|box_active_border_inner))!=0 ) { GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&g->r,g->box,g->state,false); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->inner,&old2); } fg = g->state==gs_disabled?g->box->disabled_foreground:g->box->main_foreground; dfg = g->box->disabled_foreground; y = g->inner.y; ymax = g->inner.y+g->inner.height; if ( ymax>event->u.expose.rect.y+event->u.expose.rect.height ) ymax = event->u.expose.rect.y+event->u.expose.rect.height; for ( l = gl->loff; y<ymax && l<gl->ltot; ++l ) { if ( y+gl->hmax > event->u.expose.rect.y ) y += GTextInfoDraw(pixmap,g->inner.x-gl->xoff,y,gl->ti[l], gl->font,gl->ti[l]->disabled?dfg:fg,g->box->active_border, ymax); else if ( gl->sameheight ) y += gl->hmax; else y += GTextInfoGetHeight(pixmap,gl->ti[l],gl->font); } if ( g->box->border_type!=bt_none || (g->box->flags&(box_foreground_border_inner|box_foreground_border_outer|box_active_border_inner))!=0 ) GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old2); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old1); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old0); return( true ); }
static int gline_expose(GWindow pixmap, GGadget *g, GEvent *event) { GRect old1; if ( g->state == gs_invisible ) return( false ); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->r,&old1); if ( g->vert ) GBoxDrawVLine(pixmap,&g->r,g->box); else GBoxDrawHLine(pixmap,&g->r,g->box); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old1); return( true ); }
static void draw_thumb(GWindow pixmap, GScrollBar *gsb) { GRect thumbrect, thumbinner, old; int lw, skip, i; GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&gsb->g.inner,&old); thumbrect = gsb->g.inner; if ( gsb->g.vert ) { thumbrect.y = gsb->g.inner.y+gsb->thumbpos; thumbrect.height = gsb->thumbsize; } else { thumbrect.x = gsb->g.inner.x+gsb->thumbpos; thumbrect.width = gsb->thumbsize; } thumbinner.x = thumbrect.x+gsb->thumbborder; thumbinner.y = thumbrect.y+gsb->thumbborder; thumbinner.width = thumbrect.width-2*gsb->thumbborder; thumbinner.height = thumbrect.height-2*gsb->thumbborder; GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&thumbrect,gsb->thumbbox, gsb->g.state,false); GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&thumbrect,gsb->thumbbox,gsb->g.state,false); lw = GDrawPointsToPixels(gsb->g.base,1); skip = GDrawPointsToPixels(gsb->g.base,3); GDrawSetLineWidth(pixmap,lw); if ( gsb->g.vert ) { for ( i = thumbinner.y + skip; i<thumbinner.y+thumbinner.height-skip; i += skip+2*lw ) { GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,thumbinner.x+lw, i, thumbinner.x+thumbinner.width-2*lw, i, gsb->thumbbox->border_brightest ); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,thumbinner.x+lw, i+lw, thumbinner.x+thumbinner.width-2*lw, i+lw, gsb->thumbbox->border_darkest ); } } else { for ( i = thumbinner.x + skip; i<thumbinner.x+thumbinner.width-skip; i += skip+2*lw ) { GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,i, thumbinner.y+lw, i, thumbinner.y+thumbinner.height-2*lw, gsb->thumbbox->border_brightest ); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,i+lw, thumbinner.y+lw, i+lw, thumbinner.y+thumbinner.height-2*lw, gsb->thumbbox->border_darkest ); } } GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old); }
static int ggroup_expose(GWindow pixmap, GGadget *g, GEvent *event) { GRect old1, border; if ( g->state == gs_invisible ) return( false ); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->r,&old1); /* Background should be transpearant */ /*GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&g->r,g->box, g->state,false);*/ border = g->r; if ( g->prevlabel ) { int off = (g->prev->r.height-GBoxBorderWidth(g->base,g->box))/2; border.y += off; border.height -= off; } GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&border,g->box,g->state,false); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old1); return( true ); }
static int gscrollbar_expose(GWindow pixmap, GGadget *g, GEvent *event) { GScrollBar *gsb = (GScrollBar *) g; GBox box = *(g->box); GRect old1; GRect r; int ar; if ( g->state == gs_invisible ) return( false ); /* In case border was changed in resource editor, */ /* the scrollbar thumb inside must be refitted. */ GScrollBarFit(gsb); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->r,&old1); r = g->r; ar = gsb->arrowsize - gsb->sbborder; if ( gsb->g.vert ) { r.y += ar ; r.height -= 2*ar; } else { r.x += ar; r.width -= 2*ar; } /* Mimick old border behavior to retain compatibility with older themes, */ /* but match border shape with that of background. */ box.flags = box_foreground_border_outer; box.border_width = 0; GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&g->r,g->box,g->state,false); GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&r,g->box,gs_pressedactive,false); GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&g->r,&box,g->state,false); GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&r,g->box,g->state,false); draw_thumb(pixmap,gsb); /* sets line width for arrows too */ draw_arrow(pixmap,gsb,gsb->g.vert); draw_arrow(pixmap,gsb,gsb->g.vert|2); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old1); return( true ); }
static int growcol_expose(GWindow pixmap, GGadget *g, GEvent *event) { GRowCol *grc = (GRowCol *) g; GRect old1, old2; Color fg, dfg; int y, l, ymax, i; if ( g->state == gs_invisible ) return( false ); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->r,&old1); GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&g->r,g->box, g->state,false); if ( g->box->border_type!=bt_none || (g->box->flags&(box_foreground_border_inner|box_foreground_border_outer|box_active_border_inner))!=0 ) { GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&g->r,g->box,g->state,false); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->inner,&old2); } fg = g->state==gs_disabled?g->box->disabled_foreground:g->box->main_foreground; dfg = g->box->disabled_foreground; y = g->inner.y; ymax = g->inner.y+g->inner.height; if ( ymax>event->u.expose.rect.y+event->u.expose.rect.height ) ymax = event->u.expose.rect.y+event->u.expose.rect.height; if ( grc->labels!=NULL ) { if ( y+grc->fh > event->u.expose.rect.y ) { GRect r; r = g->inner; r.height = fh; GDrawFillRect(pixmap,&r,GRowColLabelBg); for ( i=0; i<grc->cols; ++i ) { GTextInfoDraw(pixmap,g->inner.x+grc->colx[i]+grc->hpad-grc->xoff,y,grc->labels[i], grc->font,grc->labels[l]->disabled?dfg:dfg,g->box->active_border g->inner.y+g->inner.height); } } y += grc->fh; if ( grc->hrules ) GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,g->inner.x,y-1,g->inner.x+g->inner.width,y-1,fg); } for ( l = grc->loff; y<ymax && l<grc->rows; ++l ) { if ( y+grc->fh > event->u.expose.rect.y ) { for ( i=0; i<grc->cols; ++i ) { if ( l!=grc->tfr || i!=grc->tfc ) { GTextInfo *ti = grc->ti[l*grc->cols+i]; GTextInfoDraw(pixmap,g->inner.x+grc->colx[i]-grc->xoff+grc->hpad,y,ti, grc->font,ti->disabled?dfg:dfg,g->box->active_border, g->inner.y+g->inner.height); } else { /* now we can draw the text field */ grc->tf->dontdraw = false; (grc->tf->g.gfuncs->handle_expose)(pixmap,&grc->tf->g,event); grc->tf->dontdraw = true; } } } y += grc->fh; if ( grc->hrules ) GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,g->inner.x,y-1,g->inner.x+g->inner.width,y-1,fg); } if ( grc->vrules ) { for ( i=1; i<grc->cols; ++i ) GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,grc->colx[i]-grc->xoff,g->inner.y, grc->colx[i]-grc->xoff,g->inner.y+g->inner.height,fg); } if ( g->box->border_type!=bt_none || (g->box->flags&(box_foreground_border_inner|box_foreground_border_outer|box_active_border_inner))!=0 ) GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old2); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old1); return( true ); }
static int gradio_expose(GWindow pixmap, GGadget *g, GEvent *event) { GRadio *gr = (GRadio *) g; int x; GImage *img = gr->image; GResImage *mark; GRect old1, old2, old3; int yoff = (g->inner.height-(gr->fh))/2; if ( g->state == gs_invisible ) return( false ); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->r,&old1); GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&g->r,g->box, g->state==gs_enabled? gs_pressedactive: g->state,false); GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&g->r,g->box,g->state,false); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&gr->onoffrect,&old2); GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&gr->onoffrect,gr->ison?gr->onbox:gr->offbox, gs_pressedactive,false); GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&gr->onoffrect,gr->ison?gr->onbox:gr->offbox, gs_pressedactive,false); mark = NULL; if ( g->state == gs_disabled ) mark = gr->ison ? gr->ondis : gr->offdis; if ( mark==NULL || mark->image==NULL ) mark = gr->ison ? gr->on : gr->off; if ( mark!=NULL && mark->image==NULL ) mark = NULL; if ( mark!=NULL ) { GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&gr->onoffinner,&old3); GDrawDrawScaledImage(pixmap,mark->image, gr->onoffinner.x,gr->onoffinner.y); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old3); } else if ( gr->ison && gr->onbox == &checkbox_on_box ) { Color fg = g->state==gs_disabled?g->box->disabled_foreground: g->box->main_foreground==COLOR_DEFAULT?GDrawGetDefaultForeground(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(pixmap)): g->box->main_foreground; int bp = GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,gr->onbox->border_width); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap, gr->onoffrect.x+bp,gr->onoffrect.y+bp, gr->onoffrect.x+gr->onoffrect.width-1-bp,gr->onoffrect.y+gr->onoffrect.height-1-bp, fg); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap, gr->onoffrect.x+gr->onoffrect.width-1-bp,gr->onoffrect.y+bp, gr->onoffrect.x+bp,gr->onoffrect.y+gr->onoffrect.height-1-bp, fg); } GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old2); x = gr->onoffrect.x + gr->onoffrect.width + GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,4); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->inner,&old2); if ( gr->font!=NULL ) GDrawSetFont(pixmap,gr->font); if ( gr->image_precedes && img!=NULL ) { GDrawDrawScaledImage(pixmap,img,x,g->inner.y); x += GImageGetScaledWidth(pixmap,img) + GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,_GGadget_TextImageSkip); } if ( gr->label!=NULL ) { Color fg = g->state==gs_disabled?g->box->disabled_foreground: g->box->main_foreground==COLOR_DEFAULT?GDrawGetDefaultForeground(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(pixmap)): g->box->main_foreground; int lcnt = gradio_linecount(gr); if ( lcnt>1 ) yoff = (g->inner.height-lcnt*gr->fh)/2; _ggadget_underlineMnemonic(pixmap,x,g->inner.y + gr->as + yoff,gr->label, g->mnemonic,fg,g->inner.y+g->inner.height); x += GDrawDrawBiText(pixmap,x,g->inner.y + gr->as + yoff,gr->label,-1,NULL, fg ); x += GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,_GGadget_TextImageSkip); } if ( !gr->image_precedes && img!=NULL ) GDrawDrawScaledImage(pixmap,img,x,g->inner.y); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old2); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old1); return( true ); }
static int _GWidget_Container_eh(GWindow gw, GEvent *event) { /* Gadgets can get mouse, char and expose events */ /* Widgets might need char events redirected to them */ /* If a gadget doesn't want an event it returns false from its eh */ /* If a subwidget doesn't want an event it may send it up to us */ int handled = false; GGadget *gadget; GContainerD *gd = (GContainerD *) (gw->widget_data); GWindow pixmap; GWindow parent; GTopLevelD *topd; if ( gd==NULL ) /* dying */ return(true); for ( parent = gw; parent->parent!=NULL && parent->parent->widget_data!=NULL && !parent->is_toplevel; parent = parent->parent ); topd = (GTopLevelD *) (parent->widget_data); if ( topd==NULL ) fprintf( stderr, "No top level window found\n" ); GGadgetPopupExternalEvent(event); if ( event->type == et_expose ) { GRect old; pixmap = _GWidget_GetPixmap(gw,&event->u.expose.rect); pixmap->ggc->bg = gw->ggc->bg; GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&event->u.expose.rect,&old); pixmap->user_data = gw->user_data; if ( gd->e_h!=NULL ) { (gd->e_h)(pixmap,event); } for ( gadget = gd->gadgets; gadget!=NULL ; gadget=gadget->prev ) if ( ! ( gadget->r.x>event->u.expose.rect.x+event->u.expose.rect.width || gadget->r.y>event->u.expose.rect.y+event->u.expose.rect.height || gadget->r.x+gadget->r.width<event->u.expose.rect.x || gadget->r.y+gadget->r.height<event->u.expose.rect.y ) && gadget->state!=gs_invisible ) (gadget->funcs->handle_expose)(pixmap,gadget,event); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old); _GWidget_RestorePixmap(gw,pixmap,&event->u.expose.rect); return( true ); } else if ( event->type >= et_mousemove && event->type <= et_crossing ) { if ( topd!=NULL && topd->popupowner!=NULL ) { handled = (topd->popupowner->funcs->handle_mouse)(topd->popupowner,event); return( handled ); } if ( gd->grabgadget && event->type==et_mousedown && (event->u.mouse.state&ksm_buttons)==0 ) gd->grabgadget = NULL; /* Happens if a gadget invokes a popup menu. Gadget remains grabbed because menu gets the mouse up */ if ( gd->grabgadget!=NULL ) { handled = (gd->grabgadget->funcs->handle_mouse)(gd->grabgadget,event); if ( !GDrawNativeWindowExists(NULL,event->native_window) || gw->is_dying || gw->widget_data==NULL ) return( true ); if ( event->type==et_mouseup ) gd->grabgadget = NULL; } else if ( event->type==et_mousedown ) { if ( !parent->is_popup ) last_input_window = parent; for ( gadget = gd->gadgets; gadget!=NULL && !handled ; gadget=gadget->prev ) { if ( gadget->state!=gs_disabled && gadget->state!=gs_invisible && gadget->takes_input && GGadgetWithin(gadget,event->u.mouse.x,event->u.mouse.y)) { handled = (gadget->funcs->handle_mouse)(gadget,event); if ( !GDrawNativeWindowExists(NULL,event->native_window) || gw->is_dying || gw->widget_data==NULL ) return( true ); gd->grabgadget = gadget; if ( gadget->focusable && handled ) GWidgetIndicateFocusGadget(gadget); } } } else { for ( gadget = gd->gadgets; gadget!=NULL && !handled ; gadget=gadget->prev ) { if ( !gadget->state!=gs_disabled && gadget->state!=gs_invisible && /*gadget->takes_input &&*/ /* everybody needs mouse moves for popups, even labels */ GGadgetWithin(gadget,event->u.mouse.x,event->u.mouse.y)) { if ( gd->lastwiggle!=NULL && gd->lastwiggle!=gadget ) (gd->lastwiggle->funcs->handle_mouse)(gd->lastwiggle,event); handled = (gadget->funcs->handle_mouse)(gadget,event); if ( !GDrawNativeWindowExists(NULL,event->native_window) || gw->is_dying || gw->widget_data==NULL ) return( true ); gd->lastwiggle = gadget; } } if ( !handled && gd->lastwiggle!=NULL ) { (gd->lastwiggle->funcs->handle_mouse)(gd->lastwiggle,event); if ( !GDrawNativeWindowExists(NULL,event->native_window) || gw->is_dying ) return( true ); } } } else if ( event->type == et_char || event->type == et_charup ) { if ( topd!=NULL ) { handled = (topd->handle_key)(parent,gw,event); } } else if ( event->type == et_drag || event->type == et_dragout || event->type==et_drop ) { GGadget *lastdd = NULL; GEvent e; for ( gadget = gd->gadgets; gadget!=NULL && !handled ; gadget=gadget->prev ) { if ( gadget->funcs->handle_sel && GGadgetWithin(gadget,event->u.drag_drop.x,event->u.drag_drop.y)) if (( handled = (gadget->funcs->handle_sel)(gadget,event) )) { lastdd = gadget; if ( !GDrawNativeWindowExists(NULL,event->native_window) || gw->is_dying ) return( true ); } } if ( !handled && gd->e_h!=NULL ) { handled = (gd->e_h)(gw,event); if ( !GDrawNativeWindowExists(NULL,event->native_window) || gw->is_dying ) return( true ); lastdd = (GGadget *) -1; } e.type = et_dragout; e.w = gw; if ( lastdd!=gd->lastddgadget ) { if ( gd->lastddgadget==(GGadget *) -1 ) (gd->e_h)(gw,&e); else if ( gd->lastddgadget!=NULL ) (gd->lastddgadget->funcs->handle_sel)(gd->lastddgadget,&e); if ( !GDrawNativeWindowExists(NULL,event->native_window) || gw->is_dying ) return( true ); } if ( event->type==et_drag ) gd->lastddgadget = lastdd; else gd->lastddgadget = NULL; return( handled ); } else if ( event->type == et_selclear ) { for ( gadget = gd->gadgets; gadget!=NULL && !handled ; gadget=gadget->prev ) { if ( gadget->funcs->handle_sel ) { if ( (handled = (gadget->funcs->handle_sel)(gadget,event)) ) break; } } } else if ( event->type == et_timer ) { for ( gadget = gd->gadgets; gadget!=NULL && !handled ; gadget=gadget->prev ) { if ( gadget->funcs->handle_timer ) { if ( (handled = (gadget->funcs->handle_timer)(gadget,event)) ) break; } } } else if ( event->type == et_resize ) { GWidgetFlowGadgets(gw); } if ( gd->e_h!=NULL && (!handled || event->type==et_mousemove )) handled = (gd->e_h)(gw,event); if ( event->type == et_destroy ) { GGadget *prev; for ( gadget = gd->gadgets; gadget!=NULL ; gadget=prev ) { prev = gadget->prev; if ( !gadget->contained ) (gadget->funcs->destroy)(gadget); /* contained ggadgets will be destroyed when their owner is destroyed */ } /* Widgets are windows and should get their own destroy events and free themselves */ /* remove us from our parent */ parent = gw->parent; if ( parent!=NULL && parent->widget_data!=NULL ) { GContainerD *pgd = (GContainerD *) (parent->widget_data); struct gwidgetdata *wd, *pwd; for ( pwd=NULL, wd=pgd->widgets; wd!=NULL && wd!=(struct gwidgetdata *) gd; pwd = wd, wd = wd->next ); if ( pwd==NULL ) pgd->widgets = gd->next; else pwd->next = gd->next; } free(gd); gw->widget_data = NULL; } return( handled ); }
static int splash_e_h(GWindow gw, GEvent *event) { static int splash_cnt; GRect old; int i, y, x; static char *foolishness[] = { /* GT: These strings are for fun. If they are offensive or incomprehensible */ /* GT: simply translate them as something dull like: "FontForge" */ /* GT: This is a spoof of political slogans, designed to point out how foolish they are */ N_("A free press discriminates\nagainst the illiterate."), N_("A free press discriminates\nagainst the illiterate."), /* GT: This is a pun on the old latin drinking song "Gaudeamus igature!" */ N_("Gaudeamus Ligature!"), N_("Gaudeamus Ligature!"), /* GT: Spoof on the bible */ N_("In the beginning was the letter..."), /* GT: Some wit at MIT came up with this ("ontology recapitulates phylogony" is the original) */ N_("fontology recapitulates file-ogeny") }; switch ( event->type ) { case et_create: GDrawGrabSelection(gw,sn_user1); break; case et_expose: GDrawPushClip(gw,&event->u.expose.rect,&old); GDrawDrawImage(gw,&splashimage,NULL,0,0); GDrawSetFont(gw,splash_font); y = splashimage.u.image->height + as + fh/2; for ( i=1; i<linecnt; ++i ) { if ( is>=lines[i-1]+1 && is<lines[i] ) { x = 8+GDrawDrawText(gw,8,y,lines[i-1]+1,is-lines[i-1]-1,0x000000); GDrawSetFont(gw,splash_italic); GDrawDrawText(gw,x,y,is,lines[i]-is,0x000000); } else if ( ie>=lines[i-1]+1 && ie<lines[i] ) { x = 8+GDrawDrawText(gw,8,y,lines[i-1]+1,ie-lines[i-1]-1,0x000000); GDrawSetFont(gw,splash_font); GDrawDrawText(gw,x,y,ie,lines[i]-ie,0x000000); } else GDrawDrawText(gw,8,y,lines[i-1]+1,lines[i]-lines[i-1]-1,0x000000); y += fh; } GDrawPopClip(gw,&old); break; case et_map: splash_cnt = 0; break; case et_timer: if ( event->u.timer.timer==autosave_timer ) { DoAutoSaves(); } else if ( event->u.timer.timer==splasht ) { if ( ++splash_cnt==1 ) GDrawResize(gw,splashimage.u.image->width,splashimage.u.image->height-30); else if ( splash_cnt==2 ) GDrawResize(gw,splashimage.u.image->width,splashimage.u.image->height); else if ( splash_cnt>=7 ) { GGadgetEndPopup(); GDrawSetVisible(gw,false); GDrawCancelTimer(splasht); splasht = NULL; } } else { DoDelayedEvents(event); } break; case et_char: case et_mousedown: case et_close: GGadgetEndPopup(); GDrawSetVisible(gw,false); break; case et_mousemove: GGadgetPreparePopup8(gw,_(foolishness[rand()%(sizeof(foolishness)/sizeof(foolishness[0]))]) ); break; case et_selclear: /* If this happens, it means someone wants to send us a message with a*/ /* filename to open. So we need to ask for it, process it, and then */ /* take the selection back again */ if ( event->u.selclear.sel == sn_user1 ) { int len; char *arg; arg = GDrawRequestSelection(splashw,sn_user1,"STRING",&len); if ( arg==NULL ) return( true ); if ( strcmp(arg,"-new")==0 || strcmp(arg,"--new")==0 ) FontNew(); else if ( strcmp(arg,"-open")==0 || strcmp(arg,"--open")==0 ) _FVMenuOpen(NULL); else if ( strcmp(arg,"-quit")==0 || strcmp(arg,"--quit")==0 ) MenuExit(NULL,NULL,NULL); else ViewPostScriptFont(arg,0); free(arg); GDrawGrabSelection(splashw,sn_user1); } break; case et_destroy: IError("Who killed the splash screen?"); break; } return( true ); }
static int gtabset_expose(GWindow pixmap, GGadget *g, GEvent *event) { GTabSet *gts = (GTabSet *) g; int x,y,i,rd, dsel; GRect old1, bounds; int bw = GBoxBorderWidth(pixmap,g->box); int yoff = ( gts->rcnt==1 ? bw : 0 ); Color fg; int ni = GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,NEST_INDENT); if ( g->state == gs_invisible ) return( false ); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->r,&old1); GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&g->r,g->box,g->state,false); bounds = g->r; if ( !gts->vertical ) { /* make room for tabs */ bounds.y += gts->rcnt*gts->rowh+yoff-1; bounds.height -= gts->rcnt*gts->rowh+yoff-1; /* draw border around horizontal tabs only */ GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&bounds,g->box,g->state,false); } else if ( g->state==gs_enabled ) { /* background for labels */ GRect old2, vertListRect = g->r; vertListRect.width = gts->vert_list_width+bw-1; GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&vertListRect,&old2); GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&g->r,g->box,gs_pressedactive,false); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old2); } GDrawSetFont(pixmap,gts->font); if ( gts->vertical ) { x = g->r.x + bw + 3; y = g->r.y + bw + 3; for ( i=gts->offtop; i<gts->tabcnt; ++i ) { fg = gts->tabs[i].disabled?gts->>disabled_foreground:gts->>main_foreground; if ( fg==COLOR_DEFAULT ) fg = GDrawGetDefaultForeground(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(pixmap)); if ( i==gts->sel ) { GRect r; r.x = x; r.y = y; r.width = gts->vert_list_width-10; r.height = gts->fh; GDrawFillRect(pixmap,&r,gts->>active_border); } GDrawDrawText(pixmap,x+gts->tabs[i].nesting*ni,y + gts->as,gts->tabs[i].name,-1,fg); y += gts->fh; } fg = gts->>main_foreground; if ( fg==COLOR_DEFAULT ) fg = GDrawGetDefaultForeground(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(pixmap)); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,x + gts->vert_list_width-4, g->r.y + bw, x + gts->vert_list_width-4, g->r.y + g->r.height - (bw+1), fg); if ( gts->vsb != NULL ) gts->vsb->funcs->handle_expose(pixmap,gts->vsb,event); } else { gts->haslarrow = gts->hasrarrow = false; if ( gts->scrolled ) { x = g->r.x + GBoxBorderWidth(pixmap,gts->; y = g->r.y+yoff; dsel = 0; if ( gts->toff!=0 ) x = DrawLeftArrowTab(pixmap,gts,x,y); for ( i=gts->toff; (i==gts->tabcnt-1 && x+gts->tabs[i].width < g->r.width) || (i<gts->tabcnt-1 && x+gts->tabs[i].width < g->r.width-gts->arrow_width ) ; ++i ) { if ( i!=gts->sel ) x = DrawTab(pixmap,gts,i,x,y); else { gts->tabs[i].x = x; x += gts->tabs[i].width; dsel = 1; } } if ( i!=gts->tabcnt ) { int p = gts->g.inner.x+gts->g.inner.width - gts->arrow_width; if ( p>x ) x=p; x = DrawRightArrowTab(pixmap,gts,x,y); gts->tabs[i].x = 0x7fff; } /* This one draws on top of the others, must come last */ if ( dsel ) DrawTab(pixmap,gts,gts->sel,gts->tabs[gts->sel].x, g->r.y + (gts->rcnt-1) * gts->rowh + yoff ); } else { /* r is real row, rd is drawn pos */ /* rd is 0 at the top of the ggadget */ /* r is 0 when it contains tabs[0], (the index in the rowstarts array) */ for ( rd = 0; rd<gts->rcnt; ++rd ) { int r = (gts->rcnt-1-rd+gts->active_row)%gts->rcnt; y = g->r.y + rd * gts->rowh + yoff; x = g->r.x + (gts->rcnt-1-rd) * gts->offset_per_row + GBoxBorderWidth(pixmap,gts->; for ( i = gts->rowstarts[r]; i<gts->rowstarts[r+1]; ++i ) if ( i==gts->sel ) { gts->tabs[i].x = x; x += gts->tabs[i].width; } else x = DrawTab(pixmap,gts,i,x,y); } /* This one draws on top of the others, must come last */ DrawTab(pixmap,gts,gts->sel,gts->tabs[gts->sel].x, g->r.y + (gts->rcnt-1) * gts->rowh + yoff ); } } if ( gts->nested_expose ) (gts->nested_expose)(pixmap,g,event); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old1); return( true ); }
static void KP_ExposeKerns(KPData *kpd,GWindow pixmap,GRect *rect) { GRect old, subclip, subold, sel; struct _GImage base; GImage gi; int index1, index2; BDFChar *bdfc1, *bdfc2; int i, as, x, em = kpd->sf->ascent+kpd->sf->descent, yoff; int first, last; struct kerns *kern; char buffer[140]; first = rect->y/kpd->uh; last = (rect->y+rect->height+kpd->uh-1)/kpd->uh; for ( i=first; i<=last && i+kpd->off_top<kpd->kcnt; ++i ) { kern = &kpd->kerns[i+kpd->off_top]; index1 = kern->first->orig_pos; if ( kpd->bdf->glyphs[index1]==NULL ) BDFPieceMeal(kpd->bdf,index1); index2 = kern->second->orig_pos; if ( kpd->bdf->glyphs[index2]==NULL ) BDFPieceMeal(kpd->bdf,index2); } as = kpd->vpad + kpd->sf->ascent * kpd->bdf->pixelsize / em; memset(&gi,'\0',sizeof(gi)); memset(&base,'\0',sizeof(base)); gi.u.image = &base; base.image_type = it_index; base.clut = kpd->bdf->clut; GDrawSetDither(NULL, false); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,rect,&old); GDrawSetFont(pixmap,kpd->font); GDrawSetLineWidth(pixmap,0); GDrawFillRect(pixmap,rect,GDrawGetDefaultBackground(NULL)); subclip = *rect; for ( i=first; i<=last && i+kpd->off_top<kpd->kcnt; ++i ) { subclip.y = i*kpd->uh; subclip.height = kpd->uh; GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&subclip,&subold); kern = &kpd->kerns[i+kpd->off_top]; index1 = kern->first->orig_pos; index2 = kern->second->orig_pos; bdfc1 = kpd->bdf->glyphs[index1]; bdfc2 = kpd->bdf->glyphs[index2]; BaseFillFromBDFC(&base,bdfc1); base.trans = base.clut->trans_index = -1; /* the peculiar behavior concerning xmin/xmax is because the bitmaps */ /* don't contain the side-bearings, we have to add that spacing manually */ if ( !kern->r2l ) { GDrawDrawImage(pixmap,&gi,NULL, 10,subclip.y+as-bdfc1->ymax); x = 10 + (bdfc1->width-bdfc1->xmin) + bdfc2->xmin + (kern->newoff*kpd->bdf->pixelsize/em); } else { x = kpd->vwidth-10-(bdfc1->xmax-bdfc1->xmin); GDrawDrawImage(pixmap,&gi,NULL, x,subclip.y+as-bdfc1->ymax); x -= bdfc1->xmin + (bdfc2->width-bdfc2->xmin) + (kern->newoff*kpd->bdf->pixelsize/em); } BaseFillFromBDFC(&base,bdfc2); #ifndef _BrokenBitmapImages base.trans = base.clut->trans_index = 0; #endif yoff = (kern->newyoff*kpd->bdf->pixelsize/em); GDrawDrawImage(pixmap,&gi,NULL, x,subclip.y+as-bdfc2->ymax-yoff); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,0,subclip.y+kpd->uh-1, subclip.x+subclip.width,subclip.y+kpd->uh-1,0x000000); if ( kern->kp!=NULL ) sprintf( buffer, "%d ", kern->newoff); else sprintf( buffer, "%d,%d ", kern->newoff, kern->newyoff ); if ( kern->ac!=NULL ) strncat(buffer,kern->ac->name,sizeof(buffer)-strlen(buffer)-1); GDrawDrawBiText8(pixmap,15,subclip.y+kpd->uh-kpd->fh+kpd->as,buffer,-1,NULL, kern->kp!=NULL && kern->newoff!=kern->kp->off ? 0xff0000 : 0x000000 ); if ( i+kpd->off_top==kpd->selected ) { sel.x = 0; sel.width = kpd->vwidth-1; sel.y = subclip.y; sel.height = kpd->uh-2; GDrawDrawRect(pixmap,&sel,0x000000); } GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&subold); } #ifndef _BrokenBitmapImages base.clut->trans_index = -1; #endif GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old); GDrawSetDither(NULL, true); }
static void AnchorD_Expose(AnchorDlg *a,GWindow pixmap,GEvent *event) { GRect *area = &event->u.expose.rect; GRect clip, old1, old2; int expose_end = area->x+area->width; int factor = a->magfactor; int i,x,y; if ( expose_end<a->ctl_len ) return; GDrawPushClip(pixmap,area,&old1); if ( area->x<a->ctl_len+a->char_size*factor ) { GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,a->ctl_len,0,a->ctl_len,a->full_height,0x000000); KCD_DrawGlyph(pixmap,a->char_off*factor+a->ctl_len,a->baseline,a->bdfc,factor); DrawAnchorPoint(pixmap, a->char_off*factor+a->ctl_len + ((int) rint(a->apos.x*a->scale))*factor, a->baseline - ((int) rint(a->apos.y*a->scale))*factor, false); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,a->ctl_len+a->char_size*factor,0,a->ctl_len+a->char_size*factor,a->full_height,0x000000); } if ( expose_end>a->ctl_len+a->char_size && area->y<a->sb_base ) { int xcor=0, ycor=0; unichar_t *end; const unichar_t *ret; ret = _GGadgetGetTitle(GWidgetGetControl(a->gw,CID_XCor)); xcor = u_strtol(ret,&end,10); while ( *end==' ' ) ++end; if ( *end!='\0' || xcor<-128 || xcor>127 ) xcor = 0; ret = _GGadgetGetTitle(GWidgetGetControl(a->gw,CID_YCor)); ycor = u_strtol(ret,&end,10); while ( *end==' ' ) ++end; if ( *end!='\0' || ycor<-128 || ycor>127 ) ycor = 0; clip = *area; if ( area->x<=a->ctl_len+a->char_size ) { clip.width -= a->ctl_len+a->char_size+1 - area->x; clip.x = a->ctl_len+a->char_size+1; } if ( area->y+area->height > a->sb_base ) clip.height = a->sb_base-area->y; GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&clip,&old2); for ( i=0; i<a->cnt; ++i ) { if ( a->apmatch[i].xstart - a->xoff > clip.x+clip.width ) break; if ( a->apmatch[i].xstart+a->apmatch[i].size*factor - a->xoff < clip.x ) continue; y = a->baseline; if ( i!=0 ) GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,a->apmatch[i].xstart-a->xoff,0, a->apmatch[i].xstart-a->xoff,a->sb_base,0x808080); if ( a->ap->type==at_cexit || a->ap->type==at_basechar || a->ap->type==at_baselig || a->ap->type==at_basemark ) { x = a->apmatch[i].xstart+a->char_off*factor - a->xoff; KCD_DrawGlyph(pixmap,x,y,a->bdfc,factor); x += ((int) rint((-a->apmatch[i].ap->me.x + a->apos.x)*a->scale) + xcor - DevTabFind(&a->apmatch[i].ap->xadjust,a->pixelsize))*factor; y += ((int) rint((a->apmatch[i].ap->me.y - a->apos.y)*a->scale) + -ycor + DevTabFind(&a->apmatch[i].ap->yadjust,a->pixelsize))*factor; KCD_DrawGlyph(pixmap,x,y,a->apmatch[i].bdfc,factor); } else { x = a->apmatch[i].xstart+a->apmatch[i].off*factor - a->xoff; KCD_DrawGlyph(pixmap,x,y,a->apmatch[i].bdfc,factor); x += ((int) rint((a->apmatch[i].ap->me.x - a->apos.x)*a->scale) + DevTabFind(&a->apmatch[i].ap->xadjust,a->pixelsize)-xcor)*factor; y += ((int) rint((-a->apmatch[i].ap->me.y + a->apos.y)*a->scale) + -DevTabFind(&a->apmatch[i].ap->yadjust,a->pixelsize)+ycor)*factor; KCD_DrawGlyph(pixmap,x,y,a->bdfc,factor); } } if ( i>0 ) GDrawDrawLine(pixmap,a->apmatch[i-1].xstart+a->apmatch[i-1].size*factor-a->xoff,0, a->apmatch[i-1].xstart+a->apmatch[i-1].size*factor-a->xoff,a->sb_base,0x808080); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old2); } GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old1); }
/* Called on expose events, this renders the button. */ static int gradio_expose(GWindow pixmap, GGadget *g, GEvent *event) { GRadio *gr = (GRadio *) g; int x; GImage *img = gr->image; /* the optional image tied to the label */ GResImage *mark; GRect old1, old2, old3; int yoff = (g->inner.height-(gr->fh))/2; if ( g->state == gs_invisible ) return( false ); /* First blank out the button area. */ GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->r,&old1); GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&g->r,g->box, g->state==gs_enabled? gs_pressedactive: g->state,false); GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&g->r,g->box,g->state,false); GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&gr->onoffrect,&old2); GBoxDrawBackground(pixmap,&gr->onoffrect,gr->ison?gr->onbox:gr->offbox, gs_pressedactive,false); if (gr->ison && gr->onbox->border_type!=bt_none) GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&gr->onoffrect,gr->onbox, gs_pressedactive,false); else if (!gr->ison && gr->offbox->border_type!=bt_none) GBoxDrawBorder(pixmap,&gr->onoffrect,gr->offbox,gs_pressedactive,false); /* Next draw either the right image or draw in an on or off indicator. */ mark = NULL; if ( g->state == gs_disabled ) mark = gr->ison ? gr->ondis : gr->offdis; /* note: ondis or offdis may be NULL! */ if ( mark==NULL || mark->image==NULL ) mark = gr->ison ? gr->on : gr->off; /* note: on or off may be NULL! */ if ( mark!=NULL && mark->image==NULL ) /* when there's a reference to a special image, but no actual image */ mark = NULL; if ( mark!=NULL ) { GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&gr->onoffinner,&old3); GDrawDrawScaledImage(pixmap,mark->image, gr->onoffinner.x,gr->onoffinner.y); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old3); } else if ( gr->ison && gr->onbox == &checkbox_on_box ) { /* for radio buttons where the on is a checkbox style, draw an X */ Color fg = g->state==gs_disabled?g->box->disabled_foreground: g->box->main_foreground==COLOR_DEFAULT?GDrawGetDefaultForeground(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(pixmap)): g->box->main_foreground; int bp = GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,gr->onbox->border_width); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap, gr->onoffrect.x+bp,gr->onoffrect.y+bp, gr->onoffrect.x+gr->onoffrect.width-1-bp,gr->onoffrect.y+gr->onoffrect.height-1-bp, fg); GDrawDrawLine(pixmap, gr->onoffrect.x+gr->onoffrect.width-1-bp,gr->onoffrect.y+bp, gr->onoffrect.x+bp,gr->onoffrect.y+gr->onoffrect.height-1-bp, fg); } else if ( gr->ison && gr->onbox == &visibility_on_box ) { /* draw open white of eye */ GPoint pts[15]; Color fg; double angle; int c,i; int bp = gr->onbox->border_type==bt_none ? 0 : GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,gr->onbox->border_width); int x=gr->onoffrect.x+bp; int y=gr->onoffrect.y+bp; int w=gr->onoffrect.width -1-2*bp; int h=gr->onoffrect.height-1-2*bp; GRect rect; for (c=0, i=0; c<7; c++) { angle=(30+c/6.*120)*M_PI/180; pts[i].x=.5*w*cos(angle)+x+w/2; pts[i].y=.5*h*sin(angle)+y+h/4; ++i; } for (c=1; c<6; c++) { angle=(180+30+c/6.*120)*M_PI/180; pts[i].x=.5*w*cos(angle)+x+w/2; pts[i].y=.5*h*sin(angle)+y+h*3/4; ++i; } pts[i].x=pts[0].x; pts[i].y=pts[0].y; ++i; fg=0x00ffffff; /* white */ GDrawFillPoly(pixmap, pts, i, fg); fg = g->state==gs_disabled?g->box->disabled_foreground: g->box->main_foreground==COLOR_DEFAULT?GDrawGetDefaultForeground(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(pixmap)): g->box->main_foreground; GDrawDrawPoly(pixmap, pts, i, fg); /* draw pupil */ rect.x=gr->onoffrect.x+bp+w*.3; rect.y=gr->onoffrect.y+bp+h*.3; rect.width =.4*w; rect.height=.4*h; fg=0; /* black */ GDrawFillElipse(pixmap, &rect, fg); } else if ( (!gr->ison) && gr->onbox == &visibility_on_box ) { /* draw closed eye */ GPoint pts[6]; int c,i; double angle; int bp = gr->onbox->border_type==bt_none ? 0 : GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,gr->onbox->border_width); int x=gr->onoffrect.x+bp; int y=gr->onoffrect.y+bp; int w=gr->onoffrect.width -1-2*bp; int h=gr->onoffrect.height-1-2*bp; Color fg = g->state==gs_disabled?g->box->disabled_foreground: g->box->main_foreground==COLOR_DEFAULT?GDrawGetDefaultForeground(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(pixmap)): g->box->main_foreground; for (c=0, i=0; c<=6; c++) { angle=(30+c/6.*120)*M_PI/180; pts[i].x=.5*w*cos(angle)+x+w/2; pts[i].y=.5*h*sin(angle)+y+h/4; /* draw lashes */ if (i>0 && i<5) GDrawDrawLine(pixmap, pts[i].x,pts[i].y, .75*w*cos(angle)+x+w/2, .75*h*sin(angle)+y+h/4, fg); ++i; } GDrawDrawPoly(pixmap, pts, i, fg); } GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old2); x = gr->onoffrect.x + gr->onoffrect.width + GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,4); /* Finally write out the label if any. */ GDrawPushClip(pixmap,&g->inner,&old2); if ( gr->font!=NULL ) GDrawSetFont(pixmap,gr->font); if ( gr->image_precedes && img!=NULL ) { GDrawDrawScaledImage(pixmap,img,x,g->inner.y); x += GImageGetScaledWidth(pixmap,img) + GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,_GGadget_TextImageSkip); } if ( gr->label!=NULL ) { Color fg = g->state==gs_disabled?g->box->disabled_foreground: g->box->main_foreground==COLOR_DEFAULT?GDrawGetDefaultForeground(GDrawGetDisplayOfWindow(pixmap)): g->box->main_foreground; int lcnt = gradio_linecount(gr); if ( lcnt>1 ) yoff = (g->inner.height-lcnt*gr->fh)/2; _ggadget_underlineMnemonic(pixmap,x,g->inner.y + gr->as + yoff,gr->label, g->mnemonic,fg,g->inner.y+g->inner.height); x += GDrawDrawText(pixmap,x,g->inner.y + gr->as + yoff,gr->label,-1,fg); x += GDrawPointsToPixels(pixmap,_GGadget_TextImageSkip); } if ( !gr->image_precedes && img!=NULL ) GDrawDrawScaledImage(pixmap,img,x,g->inner.y); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old2); GDrawPopClip(pixmap,&old1); return( true ); }