Пример #1
// DGESV uses the LU factorization to compute solution 
// to a real system of linear equations, A * X = B, 
// where A is square (N,N) and X, B are (N,NRHS).
// If the system is over or under-determined, 
// (i.e. A is not square), then pass the problem
// to the Least-squares solver (DGELSS) below.
void umSOLVE(const DMat& mat, const DMat& B, DMat& X)
  if (!mat.ok()) {umWARNING("umSOLVE()", "system is empty"); return;}
  if (!mat.is_square()) {
    umSOLVE_LS(mat, B, X);    // return a least-squares solution.

  DMat A(mat);    // work with copy of input
  X = B;          // initialize result with RHS

  int rows=A.num_rows(), LDA=A.num_rows(), cols=A.num_cols();
  int LDB=B.num_rows(), NRHS=B.num_cols(), info=0;
  if (rows<1) {umWARNING("umSOLVE()", "system is empty"); return;}
  IVec ipiv(rows);

  // Solve the system.
  GESV(rows, NRHS, A.data(), LDA, ipiv.data(), X.data(), LDB, info);

  if (info < 0) { 
    X = 0.0;
    umERROR("umSOLVE(A,B, X)", 
            "Error in input argument (%d)\nNo solution computed.", -info);
  } else if (info > 0) {
    X = 0.0;
    umERROR("umSOLVE(A,B, X)", 
            "\nINFO = %d.  U(%d,%d) was exactly zero."
            "\nThe factorization has been completed, but the factor U is "
            "\nexactly singular, so the solution could not be computed.", 
              info, info, info);
Пример #2
void SpinAdapted::xsolve_AxeqB(const Matrix& a, const ColumnVector& b, ColumnVector& x)
  FORTINT ar = a.Nrows();
  int bc = 1;
  int info=0;
  FORTINT* ipiv = new FORTINT[ar];
  double* bwork = new double[ar];
  for(int i = 0;i<ar;++i)
    bwork[i] = b.element(i);
  double* workmat = new double[ar*ar];
  for(int i = 0;i<ar;++i)
    for(int j = 0;j<ar;++j)
      workmat[i*ar+j] = a.element(j,i);

  GESV(ar, bc, workmat, ar, ipiv, bwork, ar, info);
  delete[] ipiv;
  delete[] workmat;

  for(int i = 0;i<ar;++i)
    x.element(i) = bwork[i];

  delete[] bwork;

  if(info != 0)
     pout << "Xsolve failed with info error " << info << endl;
Пример #3
// DGESV computes the solution to a real system of linear 
// equations, A*x = b, where A is an N-by-N matrix, and 
// x and b are N-by-1 vectors.  The LU decomposition 
// with partial pivoting and row interchanges is used to 
// factor A as A = P*L*U, where P is a permutation matrix,
// L is unit lower triangular, and U is upper triangular.
// The system is solved using this factored form of A.
void umSOLVE(const DMat& mat, const DVec& b, DVec& x)
  // Work with copies of input arrays.
  DMat A(mat);
  x = b;

  int NRHS = 1;
  int LDA  = A.num_rows();
  int rows = A.num_rows();
  int cols = A.num_cols();
  int info = 0;
  if (rows != cols) {
    umERROR("umSOLVE(DMat, DVec)", 
            "Matrix A (%d,%d) is not square.\n"
            "For a Least-Squares solution, see umSOLVE_LS(A,B).", 
            rows, cols);

  if (rows < 1) {
    umLOG(1, "Empty system passed into umSOLVE().\n");

  IVec ipiv(rows, 0);

  GESV (rows, NRHS, A.data(), LDA, ipiv.data(), x.data(), rows, info);

  if (info < 0) { 
    x = 0.0;
    umERROR("umSOLVE(DMat&, DVec&)", 
            "Error in input argument (%d)\nNo solution computed.", -info);
  } else if (info > 0) {
    x = 0.0;
    umERROR("umSOLVE(DMat&, DVec&)", 
            "\nINFO = %d.  U(%d,%d) was exactly zero."
            "\nThe factorization has been completed, but the factor U is "
            "\nexactly singular, so the solution could not be computed.", 
              info, info, info);