 * ges_timeline_element_set_parent:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * @parent: new parent of self
 * Sets the parent of @self to @parent. The object's reference count will
 * be incremented, and any floating reference will be removed (see gst_object_ref_sink()).
 * Returns: %TRUE if @parent could be set or %FALSE when @self
 * already had a parent or @self and @parent are the same.
ges_timeline_element_set_parent (GESTimelineElement * self,
    GESTimelineElement * parent)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (parent == NULL
      || GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (parent), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (self != parent, FALSE);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "set parent to %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, parent);

  if (self->parent != NULL && parent != NULL)
    goto had_parent;

  if (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self)->set_parent) {
    if (!GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_GET_CLASS (self)->set_parent (self, parent))
      return FALSE;

  self->parent = parent;

  g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_PARENT]);
  return TRUE;

  /* ERROR handling */
    GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "set parent failed, object already had a parent");
    return FALSE;
 * ges_timeline_element_set_duration:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * @duration: the duration in #GstClockTime
 * Set the duration of the object
 * Note that if the timeline snap-distance property of the timeline containing
 * @self is set, @self will properly snap to its neighboors.
ges_timeline_element_set_duration (GESTimelineElement * self,
    GstClockTime duration)
  GESTimelineElementClass *klass;

  g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self));


  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "current duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
      " new duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
      GST_TIME_ARGS (duration));

  if (klass->set_duration) {
    if (klass->set_duration (self, duration)) {
      self->duration = duration;
      g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_DURATION]);


  GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No set_duration virtual method implementation"
      " on class %s. Can not set duration %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
      G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass), GST_TIME_ARGS (duration));
 * ges_timeline_element_get_inpoint:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * Returns: The @inpoint of @self
ges_timeline_element_get_inpoint (GESTimelineElement * self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);

  return self->inpoint;
 * ges_timeline_element_set_timeline:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * @timeline: The #GESTimeline @self is in
 * Sets the timeline of @self to @timeline.
 * Returns: %TRUE if @timeline could be set or %FALSE when @timeline
 * already had a timeline.
ges_timeline_element_set_timeline (GESTimelineElement * self,
    GESTimeline * timeline)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (timeline == NULL || GES_IS_TIMELINE (timeline), FALSE);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "set timeline to %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, timeline);

  if (timeline != NULL && G_UNLIKELY (self->timeline != NULL))
    goto had_timeline;

  self->timeline = timeline;

  g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_TIMELINE]);
  return TRUE;

  /* ERROR handling */
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "set timeline failed, object already had a "
    return FALSE;
 * ges_timeline_element_get_max_duration:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * Returns: The @maxduration of @self
ges_timeline_element_get_max_duration (GESTimelineElement * self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE);

  return self->maxduration;
 * ges_timeline_element_get_priority:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * Returns: The @priority of @self
ges_timeline_element_get_priority (GESTimelineElement * self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), 0);

  return self->priority;
 * ges_timeline_element_get_name:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * Returns a copy of the name of @self.
 * Caller should g_free() the return value after usage.
 * Returns: (transfer full): The name of @self
gchar *
ges_timeline_element_get_name (GESTimelineElement * self)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), NULL);

  return g_strdup (self->name);
 * ges_timeline_element_set_inpoint:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * @inpoint: the in-point in #GstClockTime
 * Set the in-point, that is the moment at which the @self will start
 * outputting data from its contents.
ges_timeline_element_set_inpoint (GESTimelineElement * self,
    GstClockTime inpoint)
  GESTimelineElementClass *klass;

  g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self));

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "current inpoint: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
      " new inpoint: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (inpoint),


  if (klass->set_inpoint) {
    if (klass->set_inpoint (self, inpoint)) {
      self->inpoint = inpoint;
      g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_INPOINT]);


  GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No set_inpoint virtual method implementation"
      " on class %s. Can not set inpoint %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
      G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass), GST_TIME_ARGS (inpoint));
 * ges_timeline_element_get_toplevel_parent:
 * @self: The #GESTimelineElement to get the toplevel parent from
 * Gets the toplevel #GESTimelineElement controlling @self
 * Returns: (transfer full): The toplevel controlling parent of @self
GESTimelineElement *
ges_timeline_element_get_toplevel_parent (GESTimelineElement * self)
  GESTimelineElement *toplevel = self;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), NULL);

  while (GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_PARENT (toplevel))
    toplevel = GES_TIMELINE_ELEMENT_PARENT (toplevel);

  return gst_object_ref (toplevel);
 * ges_timeline_element_copy:
 * @self: The #GESTimelineElement to copy
 * @deep: whether we want to create the elements @self contains or not
 * Copies @self
 * Returns: (transfer floating): The newly create #GESTimelineElement, copied from @self
GESTimelineElement *
ges_timeline_element_copy (GESTimelineElement * self, gboolean deep)
  GESAsset *asset;
  GParameter *params;
  GParamSpec **specs;
  GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
  guint n, n_specs, n_params;

  GESTimelineElement *ret = NULL;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);


  specs = g_object_class_list_properties (G_OBJECT_GET_CLASS (self), &n_specs);
  params = g_new0 (GParameter, n_specs);
  n_params = 0;

  for (n = 0; n < n_specs; ++n) {
    /* We do not want the timeline or the name to be copied */
    if (g_strcmp0 (specs[n]->name, "parent") &&
        g_strcmp0 (specs[n]->name, "timeline") &&
        g_strcmp0 (specs[n]->name, "name") &&
        (specs[n]->flags & G_PARAM_READWRITE) == G_PARAM_READWRITE) {
      params[n_params].name = g_intern_string (specs[n]->name);
      g_value_init (&params[n_params].value, specs[n]->value_type);
      g_object_get_property (G_OBJECT (self), specs[n]->name,

  ret = g_object_newv (G_OBJECT_TYPE (self), n_params, params);

  g_free (specs);
  g_free (params);

  asset = ges_extractable_get_asset (GES_EXTRACTABLE (self));
  if (asset)
    ges_extractable_set_asset (GES_EXTRACTABLE (ret), asset);
  if (deep) {
    if (klass->deep_copy)
      klass->deep_copy (self, ret);
      GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No deep_copy virtual method implementation"
          " on class %s. Can not finish the copy", G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass));

  return ret;
 * ges_timeline_element_get_timeline:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * Returns the timeline of @self. This function increases the refcount
 * of the timeline so you should gst_object_unref() it after usage.
 * Returns: (transfer full): timeline of @self, this can be %NULL if @self
 *   has no timeline. unref after usage.
GESTimeline *
ges_timeline_element_get_timeline (GESTimelineElement * self)
  GESTimeline *result = NULL;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), NULL);

  result = self->timeline;
  if (G_LIKELY (result))
    gst_object_ref (result);

  return result;
 * ges_timeline_element_trim:
 * @self: The #GESTimelineElement to trim.
 * @start: The new start of @self in trim mode, will adapt the inpoint
 * of @self accordingly
 * Edits @self in trim mode. It allows you to modify the
 * inpoint and start of @self.
 * This will not change the overall timeline duration.
 * Note that to trim the end of an self you can just set its duration. The same way
 * as this method, it will take into account the snapping-distance property of the
 * timeline in which @self is.
 * Returns: %TRUE if the self as been trimmed properly, %FALSE if an error
 * occured
ges_timeline_element_trim (GESTimelineElement * self, GstClockTime start)
  GESTimelineElementClass *klass;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);


  if (klass->trim)
    return klass->trim (self, start);

  GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No ripple virtual method implementation"
      " on class %s. Can not trim to %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
      G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass), GST_TIME_ARGS (start));

  return FALSE;
 * ges_timeline_element_set_timeline:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * @timeline: The #GESTimeline @self is in
 * Sets the timeline of @self to @timeline.
 * Returns: %TRUE if @timeline could be set or %FALSE when @timeline
 * already had a timeline.
ges_timeline_element_set_timeline (GESTimelineElement * self,
    GESTimeline * timeline)
  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);
  g_return_val_if_fail (timeline == NULL || GES_IS_TIMELINE (timeline), FALSE);

  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "set timeline to %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, timeline);

  if (timeline != NULL && G_UNLIKELY (self->timeline != NULL))
    goto had_timeline;

  if (timeline == NULL) {
    if (self->timeline) {
      if (!timeline_remove_element (self->timeline, self)) {
        GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Could not remove from"
            " currently set timeline %" GST_PTR_FORMAT, self->timeline);
        return FALSE;
  } else {
    if (!timeline_add_element (timeline, self)) {
      GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Could not add to timeline %" GST_PTR_FORMAT,
      return FALSE;

  self->timeline = timeline;

  g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_TIMELINE]);
  return TRUE;

  /* ERROR handling */
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "set timeline failed, object already had a "
    return FALSE;
 * ges_timeline_element_set_start:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * @start: the position in #GstClockTime
 * Set the position of the object in its containing layer
 * Note that if the timeline snap-distance property of the timeline containing
 * @self is set, @self will properly snap to its neighboors.
ges_timeline_element_set_start (GESTimelineElement * self, GstClockTime start)
  GESTimelineElementClass *klass;
  GESTimelineElement *toplevel_container;

  g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self));


  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "current start: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
      " new start: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,

  toplevel_container = ges_timeline_element_get_toplevel_parent (self);

  if (((gint64) (_START (toplevel_container) + start - _START (self))) < 0) {
    GST_INFO_OBJECT (self, "Can not move the object as it would imply its"
        "container to have a negative start value");

    gst_object_unref (toplevel_container);

  gst_object_unref (toplevel_container);
  if (klass->set_start) {
    if (klass->set_start (self, start)) {
      self->start = start;
      g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_START]);

    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "New start: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,

  GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No set_start virtual method implementation"
      " on class %s. Can not set start %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
      G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass), GST_TIME_ARGS (start));
 * ges_timeline_element_set_name:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * @name: (allow-none): The name @self should take (if avalaible<)
 * Sets the name of object, or gives @self a guaranteed unique name (if name is NULL).
 * This function makes a copy of the provided name, so the caller retains ownership
 * of the name it sent.
ges_timeline_element_set_name (GESTimelineElement * self, const gchar * name)
  gboolean result = TRUE, readd_to_timeline = FALSE;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self), FALSE);

  if (name != NULL && !g_strcmp0 (name, self->name)) {
    GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "Same name!");
    return TRUE;

  /* parented objects cannot be renamed */
  if (self->timeline != NULL && name) {
    GESTimelineElement *tmp = ges_timeline_get_element (self->timeline, name);

    if (tmp) {
      gst_object_unref (tmp);
      goto had_timeline;

    timeline_remove_element (self->timeline, self);
    readd_to_timeline = TRUE;

  _set_name (self, name);

  if (readd_to_timeline)
    timeline_add_element (self->timeline, self);

  return result;

  /* error */
    GST_WARNING ("Objects already in a timeline can't be renamed");
    return FALSE;
 * ges_timeline_element_set_max_duration:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * @maxduration: the maximum duration in #GstClockTime
 * Set the maximun duration of the object
ges_timeline_element_set_max_duration (GESTimelineElement * self,
    GstClockTime maxduration)
  GESTimelineElementClass *klass;

  g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self));


  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "current duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT
      " new duration: %" GST_TIME_FORMAT,
      GST_TIME_ARGS (maxduration));

  if (klass->set_max_duration) {
    if (klass->set_max_duration (self, maxduration) == FALSE)

  self->maxduration = maxduration;
  g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_MAX_DURATION]);
 * ges_timeline_element_set_priority:
 * @self: a #GESTimelineElement
 * @priority: the priority
 * Sets the priority of the object within the containing layer
ges_timeline_element_set_priority (GESTimelineElement * self, guint32 priority)
  GESTimelineElementClass *klass;

  g_return_if_fail (GES_IS_TIMELINE_ELEMENT (self));


  GST_DEBUG_OBJECT (self, "current priority: %d new priority: %d",
      self->priority, priority);

  if (klass->set_priority) {
    if (klass->set_priority (self, priority)) {
      self->priority = priority;
      g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), properties[PROP_PRIORITY]);

  GST_WARNING_OBJECT (self, "No set_priority virtual method implementation"
      " on class %s. Can not set priority %d", G_OBJECT_CLASS_NAME (klass),