bool Solver_MCSVM_CS::be_shrunk(int i, int m, int yi, double alpha_i, double minG) { double bound = 0; if(m == yi) bound = C[GETI(i)]; if(alpha_i == bound && G[m] < minG) return true; return false; }
int agc_naive(char *s1, char *s2, int r1, int r2, int c1, int c2) { // fprintf(stderr, "[1] r1: %d, r2: %d, c1: %d, c2: %d\n", r1, r2, c1, c2); for (; r1 < r2 + 1; ++r1) { // fprintf(stderr, "R1: %d\n", r1); for(int c = c1; c < c2 + 1; ++c) { // fprintf(stderr, "(r1, c1) == (%d, %d)\n", r1, c1); GETD(s1, s2, r1, c); GETI(s1, s2, r1, c); GETG(s1, s2, r1, c); } } // fprintf(stderr, "[2] r1: %d, r2: %d, c1: %d, c2: %d\n", r1, r2, c1, c2); return G[r2][c2]; }
/* Wrapper over uvread_c to deal with numpy arrays, conversion of baseline * and polarization codes, and returning a tuple of all results. */ PyObject * UVObject_read(UVObject *self, PyObject *args) { PyArrayObject *data, *flags, *uvw; PyObject *rv; int nread, n2read, i, j; double preamble[PREAMBLE_SIZE]; if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &n2read)) return NULL; // Make numpy arrays to hold the results npy_intp data_dims[1] = {n2read}; data = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, data_dims, PyArray_CFLOAT); CHK_NULL(data); flags = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, data_dims, PyArray_INT); CHK_NULL(flags); while (1) { // Here is the MIRIAD call try { uvread_c(self->tno, preamble, (float *)data->data, (int *)flags->data, n2read, &nread); } catch (MiriadError &e) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError, e.get_message()); return NULL; } if (preamble[3] != self->curtime) { self->intcnt += 1; self->curtime = preamble[3]; } if ((self->intcnt-self->decphase) % self->decimate == 0 || nread==0) { break; } } // Now we build a return value of ((uvw,t,(i,j)), data, flags, nread) npy_intp uvw_dims[1] = {3}; uvw = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, uvw_dims, PyArray_DOUBLE); CHK_NULL(uvw); IND1(uvw,0,double) = preamble[0]; IND1(uvw,1,double) = preamble[1]; IND1(uvw,2,double) = preamble[2]; i = GETI(preamble[4]); j = GETJ(preamble[4]); rv = Py_BuildValue("((Od(ii))OOi)", (PyObject *)uvw, preamble[3], i, j, (PyObject *)data, (PyObject *)flags, nread); CHK_NULL(rv); Py_DECREF(uvw); Py_DECREF(data); Py_DECREF(flags); return rv; }
void solve_l2r_lr_dual(const problem *prob, double *w, double eps, double Cp, double Cn) { int l = prob->l; int w_size = prob->n; int i, s, iter = 0; double *xTx = new double[l]; int max_iter = 1000; int *index = new int[l]; double *alpha = new double[2*l]; // store alpha and C - alpha schar *y = new schar[l]; int max_inner_iter = 100; // for inner Newton double innereps = 1e-2; double innereps_min = min(1e-8, eps); double upper_bound[3] = {Cn, 0, Cp}; for(i=0; i<w_size; i++) w[i] = 0; for(i=0; i<l; i++) { if(prob->y[i] > 0) { y[i] = +1; } else { y[i] = -1; } alpha[2*i] = min(0.001*upper_bound[GETI(i)], 1e-8); alpha[2*i+1] = upper_bound[GETI(i)] - alpha[2*i]; xTx[i] = 0; feature_node *xi = prob->x[i]; while (xi->index != -1) { xTx[i] += (xi->value)*(xi->value); w[xi->index-1] += y[i]*alpha[2*i]*xi->value; xi++; } index[i] = i; } while (iter < max_iter) { for (i=0; i<l; i++) { int j = i+rand()%(l-i); swap(index[i], index[j]); } int newton_iter = 0; double Gmax = 0; for (s=0; s<l; s++) { i = index[s]; schar yi = y[i]; double C = upper_bound[GETI(i)]; double ywTx = 0, xisq = xTx[i]; feature_node *xi = prob->x[i]; while (xi->index != -1) { ywTx += w[xi->index-1]*xi->value; xi++; } ywTx *= y[i]; double a = xisq, b = ywTx; // Decide to minimize g_1(z) or g_2(z) int ind1 = 2*i, ind2 = 2*i+1, sign = 1; if(0.5*a*(alpha[ind2]-alpha[ind1])+b < 0) { ind1 = 2*i+1; ind2 = 2*i; sign = -1; } // g_t(z) = z*log(z) + (C-z)*log(C-z) + 0.5a(z-alpha_old)^2 + sign*b(z-alpha_old) double alpha_old = alpha[ind1]; double z = alpha_old; if(C - z < 0.5 * C) z = 0.1*z; double gp = a*(z-alpha_old)+sign*b+log(z/(C-z)); Gmax = max(Gmax, fabs(gp)); // Newton method on the sub-problem const double eta = 0.1; // xi in the paper int inner_iter = 0; while (inner_iter <= max_inner_iter) { if(fabs(gp) < innereps) break; double gpp = a + C/(C-z)/z; double tmpz = z - gp/gpp; if(tmpz <= 0) z *= eta; else // tmpz in (0, C) z = tmpz; gp = a*(z-alpha_old)+sign*b+log(z/(C-z)); newton_iter++; inner_iter++; } if(inner_iter > 0) // update w { alpha[ind1] = z; alpha[ind2] = C-z; xi = prob->x[i]; while (xi->index != -1) { w[xi->index-1] += sign*(z-alpha_old)*yi*xi->value; xi++; } } } iter++; if(iter % 10 == 0) info("."); if(Gmax < eps) break; if(newton_iter < l/10) innereps = max(innereps_min, 0.1*innereps); } info("\noptimization finished, #iter = %d\n",iter); if (iter >= max_iter) info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\nUsing -s 0 may be faster (also see FAQ)\n\n"); // calculate objective value double v = 0; for(i=0; i<w_size; i++) v += w[i] * w[i]; v *= 0.5; for(i=0; i<l; i++) v += alpha[2*i] * log(alpha[2*i]) + alpha[2*i+1] * log(alpha[2*i+1]) - upper_bound[GETI(i)] * log(upper_bound[GETI(i)]); info("Objective value = %lf\n", v); delete [] xTx; delete [] alpha; delete [] y; delete [] index; }
static void solve_l2r_l1l2_svc( const problem *prob, double *w, double eps, double Cp, double Cn, int solver_type) { int l = prob->l; int w_size = prob->n; int i, s, iter = 0; double C, d, G; double *QD = new double[l]; int max_iter = 1000; int *index = new int[l]; double *alpha = new double[l]; schar *y = new schar[l]; int active_size = l; // PG: projected gradient, for shrinking and stopping double PG; double PGmax_old = INF; double PGmin_old = -INF; double PGmax_new, PGmin_new; // default solver_type: L2R_L2LOSS_SVC_DUAL double diag[3] = {0.5/Cn, 0, 0.5/Cp}; double upper_bound[3] = {INF, 0, INF}; if(solver_type == L2R_L1LOSS_SVC_DUAL) { diag[0] = 0; diag[2] = 0; upper_bound[0] = Cn; upper_bound[2] = Cp; } for(i=0; i<w_size; i++) w[i] = 0; for(i=0; i<l; i++) { alpha[i] = 0; if(prob->y[i] > 0) { y[i] = +1; } else { y[i] = -1; } QD[i] = diag[GETI(i)]; feature_node *xi = prob->x[i]; while (xi->index != -1) { QD[i] += (xi->value)*(xi->value); xi++; } index[i] = i; } while (iter < max_iter) { PGmax_new = -INF; PGmin_new = INF; for (i=0; i<active_size; i++) { int j = i+rand()%(active_size-i); swap(index[i], index[j]); } for (s=0; s<active_size; s++) { i = index[s]; G = 0; schar yi = y[i]; feature_node *xi = prob->x[i]; while(xi->index!= -1) { G += w[xi->index-1]*(xi->value); xi++; } G = G*yi-1; C = upper_bound[GETI(i)]; G += alpha[i]*diag[GETI(i)]; PG = 0; if (alpha[i] == 0) { if (G > PGmax_old) { active_size--; swap(index[s], index[active_size]); s--; continue; } else if (G < 0) PG = G; } else if (alpha[i] == C) { if (G < PGmin_old) { active_size--; swap(index[s], index[active_size]); s--; continue; } else if (G > 0) PG = G; } else PG = G; PGmax_new = max(PGmax_new, PG); PGmin_new = min(PGmin_new, PG); if(fabs(PG) > 1.0e-12) { double alpha_old = alpha[i]; alpha[i] = min(max(alpha[i] - G/QD[i], 0.0), C); d = (alpha[i] - alpha_old)*yi; xi = prob->x[i]; while (xi->index != -1) { w[xi->index-1] += d*xi->value; xi++; } } } iter++; if(iter % 10 == 0) info("."); if(PGmax_new - PGmin_new <= eps) { if(active_size == l) break; else { active_size = l; info("*"); PGmax_old = INF; PGmin_old = -INF; continue; } } PGmax_old = PGmax_new; PGmin_old = PGmin_new; if (PGmax_old <= 0) PGmax_old = INF; if (PGmin_old >= 0) PGmin_old = -INF; } info("\noptimization finished, #iter = %d\n",iter); if (iter >= max_iter) info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\nUsing -s 2 may be faster (also see FAQ)\n\n"); // calculate objective value double v = 0; int nSV = 0; for(i=0; i<w_size; i++) v += w[i]*w[i]; for(i=0; i<l; i++) { v += alpha[i]*(alpha[i]*diag[GETI(i)] - 2); if(alpha[i] > 0) ++nSV; } info("Objective value = %lf\n",v/2); info("nSV = %d\n",nSV); delete [] QD; delete [] alpha; delete [] y; delete [] index; }
void Solver_MCSVM_CS::Solve(double *w) { int i, m, s; int iter = 0; double *alpha = new double[l*nr_class]; double *alpha_new = new double[nr_class]; int *index = new int[l]; double *QD = new double[l]; int *d_ind = new int[nr_class]; double *d_val = new double[nr_class]; int *alpha_index = new int[nr_class*l]; int *y_index = new int[l]; int active_size = l; int *active_size_i = new int[l]; double eps_shrink = max(10.0*eps, 1.0); // stopping tolerance for shrinking bool start_from_all = true; // initial for(i=0;i<l*nr_class;i++) alpha[i] = 0; for(i=0;i<w_size*nr_class;i++) w[i] = 0; for(i=0;i<l;i++) { for(m=0;m<nr_class;m++) alpha_index[i*nr_class+m] = m; feature_node *xi = prob->x[i]; QD[i] = 0; while(xi->index != -1) { QD[i] += (xi->value)*(xi->value); xi++; } active_size_i[i] = nr_class; y_index[i] = prob->y[i]; index[i] = i; } while(iter < max_iter) { double stopping = -INF; for(i=0;i<active_size;i++) { int j = i+rand()%(active_size-i); swap(index[i], index[j]); } for(s=0;s<active_size;s++) { i = index[s]; double Ai = QD[i]; double *alpha_i = &alpha[i*nr_class]; int *alpha_index_i = &alpha_index[i*nr_class]; if(Ai > 0) { for(m=0;m<active_size_i[i];m++) G[m] = 1; if(y_index[i] < active_size_i[i]) G[y_index[i]] = 0; feature_node *xi = prob->x[i]; while(xi->index!= -1) { double *w_i = &w[(xi->index-1)*nr_class]; for(m=0;m<active_size_i[i];m++) G[m] += w_i[alpha_index_i[m]]*(xi->value); xi++; } double minG = INF; double maxG = -INF; for(m=0;m<active_size_i[i];m++) { if(alpha_i[alpha_index_i[m]] < 0 && G[m] < minG) minG = G[m]; if(G[m] > maxG) maxG = G[m]; } if(y_index[i] < active_size_i[i]) if(alpha_i[prob->y[i]] < C[GETI(i)] && G[y_index[i]] < minG) minG = G[y_index[i]]; for(m=0;m<active_size_i[i];m++) { if(be_shrunk(i, m, y_index[i], alpha_i[alpha_index_i[m]], minG)) { active_size_i[i]--; while(active_size_i[i]>m) { if(!be_shrunk(i, active_size_i[i], y_index[i], alpha_i[alpha_index_i[active_size_i[i]]], minG)) { swap(alpha_index_i[m], alpha_index_i[active_size_i[i]]); swap(G[m], G[active_size_i[i]]); if(y_index[i] == active_size_i[i]) y_index[i] = m; else if(y_index[i] == m) y_index[i] = active_size_i[i]; break; } active_size_i[i]--; } } } if(active_size_i[i] <= 1) { active_size--; swap(index[s], index[active_size]); s--; continue; } if(maxG-minG <= 1e-12) continue; else stopping = max(maxG - minG, stopping); for(m=0;m<active_size_i[i];m++) B[m] = G[m] - Ai*alpha_i[alpha_index_i[m]] ; solve_sub_problem(Ai, y_index[i], C[GETI(i)], active_size_i[i], alpha_new); int nz_d = 0; for(m=0;m<active_size_i[i];m++) { double d = alpha_new[m] - alpha_i[alpha_index_i[m]]; alpha_i[alpha_index_i[m]] = alpha_new[m]; if(fabs(d) >= 1e-12) { d_ind[nz_d] = alpha_index_i[m]; d_val[nz_d] = d; nz_d++; } } xi = prob->x[i]; while(xi->index != -1) { double *w_i = &w[(xi->index-1)*nr_class]; for(m=0;m<nz_d;m++) w_i[d_ind[m]] += d_val[m]*xi->value; xi++; } } } iter++; if(iter % 10 == 0) { info("."); } if(stopping < eps_shrink) { if(stopping < eps && start_from_all == true) break; else { active_size = l; for(i=0;i<l;i++) active_size_i[i] = nr_class; info("*"); eps_shrink = max(eps_shrink/2, eps); start_from_all = true; } } else start_from_all = false; } info("\noptimization finished, #iter = %d\n",iter); if (iter >= max_iter) info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\n"); // calculate objective value double v = 0; int nSV = 0; for(i=0;i<w_size*nr_class;i++) v += w[i]*w[i]; v = 0.5*v; for(i=0;i<l*nr_class;i++) { v += alpha[i]; if(fabs(alpha[i]) > 0) nSV++; } for(i=0;i<l;i++) v -= alpha[i*nr_class+prob->y[i]]; info("Objective value = %lf\n",v); info("nSV = %d\n",nSV); delete [] alpha; delete [] alpha_new; delete [] index; delete [] QD; delete [] d_ind; delete [] d_val; delete [] alpha_index; delete [] y_index; delete [] active_size_i; }
static void solve_l1r_lr( const problem *prob_col, double *w, double eps, double Cp, double Cn) { int l = prob_col->l; int w_size = prob_col->n; int j, s, iter = 0; int max_iter = 1000; int active_size = w_size; int max_num_linesearch = 20; double x_min = 0; double sigma = 0.01; double d, G, H; double Gmax_old = INF; double Gmax_new; double Gmax_init; double sum1, appxcond1; double sum2, appxcond2; double cond; int *index = new int[w_size]; schar *y = new schar[l]; double *exp_wTx = new double[l]; double *exp_wTx_new = new double[l]; double *xj_max = new double[w_size]; double *C_sum = new double[w_size]; double *xjneg_sum = new double[w_size]; double *xjpos_sum = new double[w_size]; feature_node *x; double C[3] = {Cn,0,Cp}; for(j=0; j<l; j++) { exp_wTx[j] = 1; if(prob_col->y[j] > 0) y[j] = 1; else y[j] = -1; } for(j=0; j<w_size; j++) { w[j] = 0; index[j] = j; xj_max[j] = 0; C_sum[j] = 0; xjneg_sum[j] = 0; xjpos_sum[j] = 0; x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { int ind = x->index-1; double val = x->value; x_min = min(x_min, val); xj_max[j] = max(xj_max[j], val); C_sum[j] += C[GETI(ind)]; if(y[ind] == -1) xjneg_sum[j] += C[GETI(ind)]*val; else xjpos_sum[j] += C[GETI(ind)]*val; x++; } } while(iter < max_iter) { Gmax_new = 0; for(j=0; j<active_size; j++) { int i = j+rand()%(active_size-j); swap(index[i], index[j]); } for(s=0; s<active_size; s++) { j = index[s]; sum1 = 0; sum2 = 0; H = 0; x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { int ind = x->index-1; double exp_wTxind = exp_wTx[ind]; double tmp1 = x->value/(1+exp_wTxind); double tmp2 = C[GETI(ind)]*tmp1; double tmp3 = tmp2*exp_wTxind; sum2 += tmp2; sum1 += tmp3; H += tmp1*tmp3; x++; } G = -sum2 + xjneg_sum[j]; double Gp = G+1; double Gn = G-1; double violation = 0; if(w[j] == 0) { if(Gp < 0) violation = -Gp; else if(Gn > 0) violation = Gn; else if(Gp>Gmax_old/l && Gn<-Gmax_old/l) { active_size--; swap(index[s], index[active_size]); s--; continue; } } else if(w[j] > 0) violation = fabs(Gp); else violation = fabs(Gn); Gmax_new = max(Gmax_new, violation); // obtain Newton direction d if(Gp <= H*w[j]) d = -Gp/H; else if(Gn >= H*w[j]) d = -Gn/H; else d = -w[j]; if(fabs(d) < 1.0e-12) continue; d = min(max(d,-10.0),10.0); double delta = fabs(w[j]+d)-fabs(w[j]) + G*d; int num_linesearch; for(num_linesearch=0; num_linesearch < max_num_linesearch; num_linesearch++) { cond = fabs(w[j]+d)-fabs(w[j]) - sigma*delta; if(x_min >= 0) { double tmp = exp(d*xj_max[j]); appxcond1 = log(1+sum1*(tmp-1)/xj_max[j]/C_sum[j])*C_sum[j] + cond - d*xjpos_sum[j]; appxcond2 = log(1+sum2*(1/tmp-1)/xj_max[j]/C_sum[j])*C_sum[j] + cond + d*xjneg_sum[j]; if(min(appxcond1,appxcond2) <= 0) { x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { exp_wTx[x->index-1] *= exp(d*x->value); x++; } break; } } cond += d*xjneg_sum[j]; int i = 0; x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { int ind = x->index-1; double exp_dx = exp(d*x->value); exp_wTx_new[i] = exp_wTx[ind]*exp_dx; cond += C[GETI(ind)]*log((1+exp_wTx_new[i])/(exp_dx+exp_wTx_new[i])); x++; i++; } if(cond <= 0) { int i = 0; x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { int ind = x->index-1; exp_wTx[ind] = exp_wTx_new[i]; x++; i++; } break; } else { d *= 0.5; delta *= 0.5; } } w[j] += d; // recompute exp_wTx[] if line search takes too many steps if(num_linesearch >= max_num_linesearch) { info("#"); for(int i=0; i<l; i++) exp_wTx[i] = 0; for(int i=0; i<w_size; i++) { if(w[i]==0) continue; x = prob_col->x[i]; while(x->index != -1) { exp_wTx[x->index-1] += w[i]*x->value; x++; } } for(int i=0; i<l; i++) exp_wTx[i] = exp(exp_wTx[i]); } } if(iter == 0) Gmax_init = Gmax_new; iter++; if(iter % 10 == 0) info("."); if(Gmax_new <= eps*Gmax_init) { if(active_size == w_size) break; else { active_size = w_size; info("*"); Gmax_old = INF; continue; } } Gmax_old = Gmax_new; } info("\noptimization finished, #iter = %d\n", iter); if(iter >= max_iter) info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\n"); // calculate objective value double v = 0; int nnz = 0; for(j=0; j<w_size; j++) if(w[j] != 0) { v += fabs(w[j]); nnz++; } for(j=0; j<l; j++) if(y[j] == 1) v += C[GETI(j)]*log(1+1/exp_wTx[j]); else v += C[GETI(j)]*log(1+exp_wTx[j]); info("Objective value = %lf\n", v); info("#nonzeros/#features = %d/%d\n", nnz, w_size); delete [] index; delete [] y; delete [] exp_wTx; delete [] exp_wTx_new; delete [] xj_max; delete [] C_sum; delete [] xjneg_sum; delete [] xjpos_sum; }
static void solve_l1r_l2_svc( problem *prob_col, double *w, double eps, double Cp, double Cn) { int l = prob_col->l; int w_size = prob_col->n; int j, s, iter = 0; int max_iter = 1000; int active_size = w_size; int max_num_linesearch = 20; double sigma = 0.01; double d, G_loss, G, H; double Gmax_old = INF; double Gmax_new; double Gmax_init; double d_old, d_diff; double loss_old, loss_new; double appxcond, cond; int *index = new int[w_size]; schar *y = new schar[l]; double *b = new double[l]; // b = 1-ywTx double *xj_sq = new double[w_size]; feature_node *x; double C[3] = {Cn,0,Cp}; for(j=0; j<l; j++) { b[j] = 1; if(prob_col->y[j] > 0) y[j] = 1; else y[j] = -1; } for(j=0; j<w_size; j++) { w[j] = 0; index[j] = j; xj_sq[j] = 0; x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { int ind = x->index-1; double val = x->value; x->value *= y[ind]; // x->value stores yi*xij xj_sq[j] += C[GETI(ind)]*val*val; x++; } } while(iter < max_iter) { Gmax_new = 0; for(j=0; j<active_size; j++) { int i = j+rand()%(active_size-j); swap(index[i], index[j]); } for(s=0; s<active_size; s++) { j = index[s]; G_loss = 0; H = 0; x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { int ind = x->index-1; if(b[ind] > 0) { double val = x->value; double tmp = C[GETI(ind)]*val; G_loss -= tmp*b[ind]; H += tmp*val; } x++; } G_loss *= 2; G = G_loss; H *= 2; H = max(H, 1e-12); double Gp = G+1; double Gn = G-1; double violation = 0; if(w[j] == 0) { if(Gp < 0) violation = -Gp; else if(Gn > 0) violation = Gn; else if(Gp>Gmax_old/l && Gn<-Gmax_old/l) { active_size--; swap(index[s], index[active_size]); s--; continue; } } else if(w[j] > 0) violation = fabs(Gp); else violation = fabs(Gn); Gmax_new = max(Gmax_new, violation); // obtain Newton direction d if(Gp <= H*w[j]) d = -Gp/H; else if(Gn >= H*w[j]) d = -Gn/H; else d = -w[j]; if(fabs(d) < 1.0e-12) continue; double delta = fabs(w[j]+d)-fabs(w[j]) + G*d; d_old = 0; int num_linesearch; for(num_linesearch=0; num_linesearch < max_num_linesearch; num_linesearch++) { d_diff = d_old - d; cond = fabs(w[j]+d)-fabs(w[j]) - sigma*delta; appxcond = xj_sq[j]*d*d + G_loss*d + cond; if(appxcond <= 0) { x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { b[x->index-1] += d_diff*x->value; x++; } break; } if(num_linesearch == 0) { loss_old = 0; loss_new = 0; x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { int ind = x->index-1; if(b[ind] > 0) loss_old += C[GETI(ind)]*b[ind]*b[ind]; double b_new = b[ind] + d_diff*x->value; b[ind] = b_new; if(b_new > 0) loss_new += C[GETI(ind)]*b_new*b_new; x++; } } else { loss_new = 0; x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { int ind = x->index-1; double b_new = b[ind] + d_diff*x->value; b[ind] = b_new; if(b_new > 0) loss_new += C[GETI(ind)]*b_new*b_new; x++; } } cond = cond + loss_new - loss_old; if(cond <= 0) break; else { d_old = d; d *= 0.5; delta *= 0.5; } } w[j] += d; // recompute b[] if line search takes too many steps if(num_linesearch >= max_num_linesearch) { info("#"); for(int i=0; i<l; i++) b[i] = 1; for(int i=0; i<w_size; i++) { if(w[i]==0) continue; x = prob_col->x[i]; while(x->index != -1) { b[x->index-1] -= w[i]*x->value; x++; } } } } if(iter == 0) Gmax_init = Gmax_new; iter++; if(iter % 10 == 0) info("."); if(Gmax_new <= eps*Gmax_init) { if(active_size == w_size) break; else { active_size = w_size; info("*"); Gmax_old = INF; continue; } } Gmax_old = Gmax_new; } info("\noptimization finished, #iter = %d\n", iter); if(iter >= max_iter) info("\nWARNING: reaching max number of iterations\n"); // calculate objective value double v = 0; int nnz = 0; for(j=0; j<w_size; j++) { x = prob_col->x[j]; while(x->index != -1) { x->value *= prob_col->y[x->index-1]; // restore x->value x++; } if(w[j] != 0) { v += fabs(w[j]); nnz++; } } for(j=0; j<l; j++) if(b[j] > 0) v += C[GETI(j)]*b[j]*b[j]; info("Objective value = %lf\n", v); info("#nonzeros/#features = %d/%d\n", nnz, w_size); delete [] index; delete [] y; delete [] b; delete [] xj_sq; }
static void ConvertRuneAnimations(UMeshAnimation &Anim, const TArray<RJoint> &Bones, const TArray<FRSkelAnimSeq> &Seqs) { guard(ConvertRuneAnimations); int i, j; int numBones = Bones.Num(); // create RefBones Anim.RefBones.Empty(Bones.Num()); for (i = 0; i < Bones.Num(); i++) { const RJoint &SB = Bones[i]; FNamedBone *B = new(Anim.RefBones) FNamedBone; B->Name =; B->Flags = 0; B->ParentIndex = SB.parent; } // create AnimSeqs Anim.AnimSeqs.Empty(Seqs.Num()); Anim.Moves.Empty(Seqs.Num()); for (i = 0; i < Seqs.Num(); i++) { // create FMeshAnimSeq const FRSkelAnimSeq &SS = Seqs[i]; FMeshAnimSeq *S = new(Anim.AnimSeqs) FMeshAnimSeq; S->Name = SS.Name; CopyArray(S->Groups, SS.Groups); S->StartFrame = 0; S->NumFrames = SS.NumFrames; S->Rate = SS.Rate; //?? S->Notifys // create MotionChunk MotionChunk *M = new(Anim.Moves) MotionChunk; M->TrackTime = SS.NumFrames; // dummy bone remap M->AnimTracks.Empty(numBones); // convert animation data const byte *data = &SS.animdata[0]; for (j = 0; j < numBones; j++) { // prepare AnalogTrack AnalogTrack *A = new(M->AnimTracks) AnalogTrack; A->KeyQuat.Empty(SS.NumFrames); A->KeyPos.Empty(SS.NumFrames); A->KeyTime.Empty(SS.NumFrames); } for (int frame = 0; frame < SS.NumFrames; frame++) { for (int joint = 0; joint < numBones; joint++) { AnalogTrack &A = M->AnimTracks[joint]; FVector pos, scale; pos.Set(0, 0, 0); scale.Set(1, 1, 1); FRotator rot; rot.Set(0, 0, 0); byte f = *data++; int16 d; #define GET d = data[0] + (data[1] << 8); data += 2; #define GETF(v) { GET; v = (float)d / 256.0f; } #define GETI(v) { GET; v = d; } // decode position if (f & 1) GETF(pos.X); if (f & 2) GETF(pos.Y); if (f & 4) GETF(pos.Z); // decode scale if (f & 8) { GETF(scale.X); GETF(scale.Z); } if (f & 0x10) GETF(scale.Y); // decode rotation if (f & 0x20) GETI(rot.Pitch); if (f & 0x40) GETI(rot.Yaw); if (f & 0x80) GETI(rot.Roll); #undef GET #undef GETF #undef GETI A.KeyQuat.Add(EulerToQuat(rot)); A.KeyPos.Add(pos); //?? notify about scale!=(1,1,1) } } assert(data == &SS.animdata[0] + SS.animdata.Num()); } unguard; }