Пример #1
 * @brief This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions of OpenGL
 * @param[in,out] glConfig
 * @param[in] context
void GLimp_Init(glconfig_t *glConfig, windowContext_t *context)
	SDL_version compiled;
	SDL_version linked;


	Com_Printf("SDL build version %d.%d.%d - link version %d.%d.%d.\n", compiled.major, compiled.minor, compiled.patch, linked.major, linked.minor, linked.patch);


	if (Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("com_abnormalExit"))
		Cvar_Set("r_mode", va("%d", R_MODE_FALLBACK));
		Cvar_Set("r_fullscreen", "0");
		Cvar_Set("r_centerWindow", "0");
		Cvar_Set("com_abnormalExit", "0");


	// Create the window and set up the context
	if (GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(glConfig, r_mode->integer, (qboolean) !!r_fullscreen->integer, (qboolean) !!r_noBorder->integer, context))
		goto success;

	// Try again, this time in a platform specific "safe mode"

	if (GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(glConfig, r_mode->integer, (qboolean) !!r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse, context))
		goto success;

	// Finally, try the default screen resolution
	if (r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK)
		Com_Printf("Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n", r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK);
		if (GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(glConfig, R_MODE_FALLBACK, qfalse, qfalse, context))
			goto success;

	// Nothing worked, give up
	Com_Error(ERR_VID_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem\n");

	// Only using SDL_SetWindowBrightness to determine if hardware gamma is supported
	glConfig->deviceSupportsGamma = !r_ignorehwgamma->integer && SDL_SetWindowBrightness(main_window, 1.0f) >= 0;


	Cvar_Get("r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM);

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
Пример #2

This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions
of OpenGL
void GLimp_Init( void )
	r_allowSoftwareGL = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowSoftwareGL", "0", CVAR_LATCH );
	r_sdlDriver = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM );
	//r_allowResize = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowResize", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	Sys_GLimpInit( );

	XInitThreads( );

	// create the window and set up the context
	if( GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( ) )
		goto success;

	// Try again, this time in a platform specific "safe mode"
	Sys_GLimpSafeInit( );
	if( GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( ) )
		goto success;

	// Finally, try the default screen resolution
	//if( GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( qtrue, r_fullscreen->integer ) )
	//	goto success;

	// Nothing worked, give up
	ri.Error( ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem\n" );

	// This values force the UI to disable driver selection
	glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_ICD;
	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = (SDL_SetWindowBrightness( window, 1.0f ) == 0)?1:0;//FIXME: Use SDL_SetWindowGammaRamp with NULL instead?

	// Mysteriously, if you use an NVidia graphics card and multiple monitors,
	// SDL_SetGamma will incorrectly return false... the first time; ask
	// again and you get the correct answer. This is a suspected driver bug, see
	// http://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4316
	//glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = SDL_SetGamma( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) >= 0;

	// get our config strings
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.vendor_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VENDOR), sizeof( glConfig.vendor_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.renderer_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_RENDERER), sizeof( glConfig.renderer_string ) );
	if (*glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] == '\n')
		glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] = 0;
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.version_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VERSION), sizeof( glConfig.version_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.extensions_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS), sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) );

	// initialize extensions
	GLimp_InitExtensions( );

	ri.Cvar_Get( "r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM );

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
	IN_Init( );
Пример #3

This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions
of OpenGL
void GLimp_Init(void)
	qboolean        success = qtrue;

	r_sdlDriver = ri.Cvar_Get("r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM);

//	Sys_GLimpInit();

	// create the window and set up the context
	if(!GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer))
		if(r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK)
			ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n", r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK);
			if(!GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(R_MODE_FALLBACK, r_fullscreen->integer))
				success = qfalse;
			success = qfalse;

		ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem\n");

	// This values force the UI to disable driver selection
	glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_DEFAULT;
	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = !!(SDL_SetGamma(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) >= 0);

	// get our config strings
	Q_strncpyz(glConfig.vendor_string, "Microsoft", sizeof(glConfig.vendor_string));
	Q_strncpyz(glConfig.renderer_string, "D3D", sizeof(glConfig.renderer_string));
	if(*glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] == '\n')
		glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] = 0;
	Q_strncpyz(glConfig.version_string, "10.0", sizeof(glConfig.version_string));
	Q_strncpyz(glConfig.extensions_string, "None", sizeof(glConfig.extensions_string));

	ri.Cvar_Get("r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM);

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here

This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions
of OpenGL
void GLimp_Init( void )
	qboolean success = qtrue;

	r_allowSoftwareGL = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowSoftwareGL", "0", CVAR_LATCH );
	r_sdlDriver = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM );

	Sys_GLimpInit( );

	// create the window and set up the context
	if( !GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( qfalse, r_fullscreen->integer ) )
		if( !GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( qtrue, r_fullscreen->integer ) )
			success = qfalse;

	if( !success )
		ri.Error( ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem\n" );

	// This values force the UI to disable driver selection
	glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_ICD;
	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = !!( SDL_SetGamma( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) >= 0 );

	// get our config strings
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.vendor_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VENDOR), sizeof( glConfig.vendor_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.renderer_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_RENDERER), sizeof( glConfig.renderer_string ) );
	if (*glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] == '\n')
		glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] = 0;
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.version_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VERSION), sizeof( glConfig.version_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.extensions_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS), sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) );

	// initialize extensions
	GLimp_InitExtensions( );

	ri.Cvar_Get( "r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM );

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
	IN_Init( );
Пример #5
void GLimp_Init( void ) {
	if (SDLvidscreen)

	if( !GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer , qfalse) )
		ri.Error( ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem\n" );

	// Hardware gamma is not supported in recent Linux/SDL.
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = qfalse;

	Q_strncpyz(glConfig.vendor_string, (char *) qglGetString(GL_VENDOR), sizeof(glConfig.vendor_string));
	Q_strncpyz(glConfig.renderer_string, (char *) qglGetString(GL_RENDERER), sizeof(glConfig.renderer_string));
	if (*glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] == '\n')
		glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] = 0;
	Q_strncpyz(glConfig.version_string, (char *) qglGetString(GL_VERSION), sizeof(glConfig.version_string));
	glConfig.extensions_string = (char *)qglGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);

	glConfig.stereoEnabled = qfalse;
Пример #6
window_t WIN_Init( const windowDesc_t *windowDesc, glconfig_t *glConfig )
	Cmd_AddCommand("modelist", R_ModeList_f);
	Cmd_AddCommand("minimize", GLimp_Minimize);

	r_sdlDriver			= Cvar_Get( "r_sdlDriver",			"",			CVAR_ROM );

	// Window cvars
	r_fullscreen		= Cvar_Get( "r_fullscreen",			"0",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_noborder			= Cvar_Get( "r_noborder",			"0",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_centerWindow		= Cvar_Get( "r_centerWindow",		"0",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_customwidth		= Cvar_Get( "r_customwidth",		"1600",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_customheight		= Cvar_Get( "r_customheight",		"1024",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_swapInterval		= Cvar_Get( "r_swapInterval",		"0",		CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	r_stereo			= Cvar_Get( "r_stereo",				"0",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_mode				= Cvar_Get( "r_mode",				"4",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_displayRefresh	= Cvar_Get( "r_displayRefresh",		"0",		CVAR_LATCH );
	Cvar_CheckRange( r_displayRefresh, 0, 240, qtrue );

	// Window render surface cvars
	r_stencilbits		= Cvar_Get( "r_stencilbits",		"8",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_depthbits			= Cvar_Get( "r_depthbits",			"0",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_colorbits			= Cvar_Get( "r_colorbits",			"0",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_ignorehwgamma		= Cvar_Get( "r_ignorehwgamma",		"0",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );
	r_ext_multisample	= Cvar_Get( "r_ext_multisample",	"0",		CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH );

	// Create the window and set up the context
	if(!GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( glConfig, windowDesc, r_mode->integer,
										(qboolean)r_fullscreen->integer, (qboolean)r_noborder->integer ))
		if( r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK )
			Com_Printf( "Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n", r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK );

			if (!GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( glConfig, windowDesc, R_MODE_FALLBACK, qfalse, qfalse ))
				// Nothing worked, give up
				Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem" );

	glConfig->deviceSupportsGamma =
		(qboolean)(!r_ignorehwgamma->integer && SDL_SetWindowBrightness( screen, 1.0f ) >= 0);

	Cvar_Get( "r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM );

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
	IN_Init( screen );

	// window_t is only really useful for Windows if the renderer wants to create a D3D context.
	window_t window = {};

	window.api = windowDesc->api;

#if defined(_WIN32)
	SDL_SysWMinfo info;

	if ( SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(screen, &info) )
		switch(info.subsystem) {
				window.handle = info.info.win.window;


	return window;
Пример #7

This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions
of OpenGL
void GLimp_Init( void )
    ri->Printf( PRINT_DEVELOPER, "Glimp_Init( )\n" );

    r_allowSoftwareGL = ri->Cvar_Get( "r_allowSoftwareGL", "0", CVAR_LATCH );
    r_sdlDriver = ri->Cvar_Get( "r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM );
    r_allowResize = ri->Cvar_Get( "r_allowResize", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );
    r_centerWindow = ri->Cvar_Get( "r_centerWindow", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_LATCH );

    if( ri->Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_abnormalExit" ) )
        ri->Cvar_Set( "r_mode", va( "%d", R_MODE_FALLBACK ) );
        ri->Cvar_Set( "r_fullscreen", "0" );
        ri->Cvar_Set( "r_centerWindow", "0" );
        ri->Cvar_Set( "com_abnormalExit", "0" );

    ri->Sys_GLimpInit( );

    // Create the window and set up the context
    if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, (r_fullscreen->integer != 0), (r_noborder->integer != 0)))
        goto success;

    // Try again, this time in a platform specific "safe mode"
    ri->Sys_GLimpSafeInit( );

    if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, (r_fullscreen->integer != 0), false))
        goto success;

    // Finally, try the default screen resolution
    if( r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK )
        ri->Printf( PRINT_ALL, "Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n",
                    r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK );

        if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(R_MODE_FALLBACK, false, false))
            goto success;

    // Nothing worked, give up
    ri->Error( ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem" );

    // These values force the UI to disable driver selection
    glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_ICD;
    glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;

    // Only using SDL_SetWindowBrightness to determine if hardware gamma is supported
    glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = !r_ignorehwgamma->integer &&
                                   SDL_SetWindowBrightness( SDL_window, 1.0f ) >= 0;

    // get our config strings
    Q_strncpyz( glConfig.vendor_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VENDOR), sizeof( glConfig.vendor_string ) );
    Q_strncpyz( glConfig.renderer_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_RENDERER), sizeof( glConfig.renderer_string ) );
    if (*glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] == '\n')
        glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] = 0;
    Q_strncpyz( glConfig.version_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VERSION), sizeof( glConfig.version_string ) );
    Q_strncpyz( glConfig.extensions_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS), sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) );

    // initialize extensions
    GLimp_InitExtensions( );

    ri->Cvar_Get( "r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM );

    // This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
    ri->IN_Init( SDL_window );
Пример #8

This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions
of Direct3D
void GLimp_Init( void )
	qboolean success = qtrue;

	//glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_DEFAULT;

	r_sdlDriver = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM );
	r_allowResize = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowResize", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	r_centerWindow = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_centerWindow", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	if ( ri.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_abnormalExit" ) )
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_mode", va( "%d", R_MODE_FALLBACK ) );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_fullscreen", "0" );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_centerWindow", "0" );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "com_abnormalExit", "0" );

#if 0 //def WIN32 || __WIN64__

	if ( !SDL_VIDEODRIVER_externallySet )
		// It's a little bit weird having in_mouse control the
		// video driver, but from ioq3's point of view they're
		// virtually the same except for the mouse input anyway
		if ( ri.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "in_mouse" ) == -1 )
			// Use the windib SDL backend, which is closest to
			// the behaviour of idq3 with in_mouse set to -1
			_putenv( "SDL_VIDEODRIVER=windib" );
			// Use the DirectX SDL backend
			_putenv( "SDL_VIDEODRIVER=directx" );


	// create the window and set up the context
	if ( !GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse ) )
		if ( r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK )
			ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n", r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK );

			if ( !GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( R_MODE_FALLBACK, r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse ) )
				success = qfalse;
			success = qfalse;

	if ( !success )
		ri.Error( ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load Direct3D subsystem\n" );

	// This values force the UI to disable driver selection
	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = !!( SDL_SetGamma( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) >= 0 );

	// get our config strings
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.vendor_string, "Microsoft", sizeof( glConfig.vendor_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.renderer_string, "D3D", sizeof( glConfig.renderer_string ) );

	if ( *glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[ strlen( glConfig.renderer_string ) - 1 ] == '\n' )
		glConfig.renderer_string[ strlen( glConfig.renderer_string ) - 1 ] = 0;

	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.version_string, "10.0", sizeof( glConfig.version_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.extensions_string, "None", sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) );

	// initialize extensions

	ri.Cvar_Get( "r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM );

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
Пример #9

This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions
of OpenGL
void GLimp_Init( void )
	r_allowSoftwareGL = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowSoftwareGL", "0", CVAR_LATCH );
	r_sdlDriver = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM );
	r_allowResize = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowResize", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	r_centerWindow = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_centerWindow", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	if( ri.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_abnormalExit" ) )
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_mode", va( "%d", R_MODE_FALLBACK ) );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_fullscreen", "0" );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_centerWindow", "0" );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "com_abnormalExit", "0" );

	ri.Sys_SetEnv( "SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED", r_centerWindow->integer ? "1" : "" );

	ri.Sys_GLimpInit( );

	// Create the window and set up the context
	if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer, r_noborder->integer))
		goto success;

	// Try again, this time in a platform specific "safe mode"
	ri.Sys_GLimpSafeInit( );

	if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse))
		goto success;

	// Finally, try the default screen resolution
	if( r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n",
				r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK );

		if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(R_MODE_FALLBACK, qfalse, qfalse))
			goto success;

	// Nothing worked, give up
	ri.Error( ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem" );

	// This values force the UI to disable driver selection
	glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_ICD;
	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = SDL_SetGamma( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) >= 0;

	// Mysteriously, if you use an NVidia graphics card and multiple monitors,
	// SDL_SetGamma will incorrectly return false... the first time; ask
	// again and you get the correct answer. This is a suspected driver bug, see
	// http://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4316
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = SDL_SetGamma( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) >= 0;

	if ( -1 == r_ignorehwgamma->integer)
		glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = 1;

	if ( 1 == r_ignorehwgamma->integer)
		glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = 0;

	// get our config strings
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.vendor_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VENDOR), sizeof( glConfig.vendor_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.renderer_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_RENDERER), sizeof( glConfig.renderer_string ) );
	if (*glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] == '\n')
		glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] = 0;
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.version_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VERSION), sizeof( glConfig.version_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.extensions_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS), sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) );

	// initialize extensions
	GLimp_InitExtensions( );

	ri.Cvar_Get( "r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM );

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
	ri.IN_Init( );
Пример #10
void 		GLimp_Init( void )
	ri->Cvar_Get( "r_restartOnResize", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	ri->Cvar_Get( "r_resizeDelay", "1000", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	r_allowSoftwareGL = ri->Cvar_Get( "r_allowSoftwareGL", "0", CVAR_LATCH );
	r_sdlDriver = ri->Cvar_Get( "r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM );
	r_allowResize = ri->Cvar_Get( "r_allowResize", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	/*	if( Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_abnormalExit" ) )
		Cvar_Set( "r_mode", va( "%d", R_MODE_FALLBACK ) );
		Cvar_Set( "r_picmap", "1" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_texturebits", "0" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_textureMode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_fullscreen", "0" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_centerWindow", "0" );
		Cvar_Set( "com_abnormalExit", "0" );

	// Create the window and set up the context
	if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, (qboolean)r_fullscreen->integer, (qboolean)r_noborder->integer))
		goto success;

	// Try again, this time in a platform specific "safe mode"
	/* Sys_GLimpSafeInit( );

	if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse))
		goto success; */

	/*	// Finally, try the default screen resolution
	if( r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK )
		Com_Printf( "Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n",
				r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK );

		if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(R_MODE_FALLBACK, qfalse, qfalse))
			goto success;

	// Nothing worked, give up
	Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem" );

	// This values force the UI to disable driver selection
	//	glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_ICD;
	//	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = (qboolean)(!r_ignorehwgamma->integer &&
		SDL_SetWindowBrightness( screen, 1.0f ) >= 0);

	// get our config strings
    glConfig.vendor_string = (const char *) qglGetString (GL_VENDOR);
	glConfig.renderer_string = (const char *) qglGetString (GL_RENDERER);
	glConfig.version_string = (const char *) qglGetString (GL_VERSION);
	glConfig.extensions_string = (const char *) qglGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS);

	// OpenGL driver constants
	qglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &glConfig.maxTextureSize );
	// stubbed or broken drivers may have reported 0...
	if ( glConfig.maxTextureSize <= 0 )
		glConfig.maxTextureSize = 0;

	// initialize extensions
	GLimp_InitExtensions( );

	ri->Cvar_Get( "r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM );

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
	ri->IN_Init( screen );
Пример #11

This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions
of OpenGL
void GLimp_Init(void)
	qboolean        success = qtrue;

	glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_DEFAULT;

	r_sdlDriver = ri.Cvar_Get("r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM);
	r_allowResize = ri.Cvar_Get("r_allowResize", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	r_centerWindow = ri.Cvar_Get("r_centerWindow", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);

		ri.Cvar_Set("r_mode", va("%d", R_MODE_FALLBACK));
		ri.Cvar_Set("r_fullscreen", "0");
		ri.Cvar_Set("r_centerWindow", "0");
		ri.Cvar_Set("com_abnormalExit", "0");

	//Sys_SetEnv("SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED", r_centerWindow->integer ? "1" : "");

#if 0 //defined(WIN32)
		// It's a little bit weird having in_mouse control the
		// video driver, but from ioq3's point of view they're
		// virtually the same except for the mouse input anyway
		if(ri.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("in_mouse") == -1)
			// Use the windib SDL backend, which is closest to
			// the behaviour of idq3 with in_mouse set to -1
			// Use the DirectX SDL backend

	// Create the window and set up the context
	if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse))
		goto success;

	// Try again, this time in a platform specific "safe mode"
#if 0 //defined(WIN32)
		// Here, we want to let SDL decide what do to unless
		// explicitly requested otherwise

	if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse))
		goto success;

	// Finally, try the default screen resolution
	if(r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK)
		ri.Printf(PRINT_ALL, "Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n", r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK);

		if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(R_MODE_FALLBACK, qfalse, qfalse))
			goto success;

	// Nothing worked, give up
	ri.Error(ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem\n");

	// This values force the UI to disable driver selection
	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = SDL_SetGamma(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) >= 0;

	// Mysteriously, if you use an NVidia graphics card and multiple monitors,
	// SDL_SetGamma will incorrectly return false... the first time; ask
	// again and you get the correct answer. This is a suspected driver bug, see
	// http://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4316
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = SDL_SetGamma(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f) >= 0;

	// get our config strings
	Q_strncpyz(glConfig.vendor_string, (char *)glGetString(GL_VENDOR), sizeof(glConfig.vendor_string));
	Q_strncpyz(glConfig.renderer_string, (char *)glGetString(GL_RENDERER), sizeof(glConfig.renderer_string));
	if(*glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] == '\n')
		glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] = 0;
	Q_strncpyz(glConfig.version_string, (char *)glGetString(GL_VERSION), sizeof(glConfig.version_string));

	if(glConfig.driverType != GLDRV_OPENGL3)
		Q_strncpyz(glConfig.extensions_string, (char *)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), sizeof(glConfig.extensions_string));

	if(	Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "mesa") ||
		Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gallium") ||
		Q_stristr(glConfig.vendor_string, "nouveau") ||
		Q_stristr(glConfig.vendor_string, "mesa"))
		// suckage
		glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_MESA;

	if(Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "geforce"))
		if(Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "8400") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "8500") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "8600") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "8800") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "9500") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "9600") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "9800") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gts 240") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gts 250") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 260") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 275") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 280") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 285") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 295") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 320") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 330") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 340") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 415") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 420") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 425") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 430") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 435") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 440") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 520") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 525") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 540") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 550") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 555") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gts 450") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 460") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 470") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 480") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 485") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 560") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 570") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 580") ||
		   Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 590"))
			glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_NV_DX10;
	else if(Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "quadro fx"))
		if(Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "3600"))
			glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_NV_DX10;
	else if(Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "rv770"))
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_ATI_DX10;
	else if(Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "radeon hd"))
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_ATI_DX10;
	else if(Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "eah4850") || Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "eah4870"))
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_ATI_DX10;
	else if(Q_stristr(glConfig.renderer_string, "radeon"))
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_ATI;

	// initialize extensions

	ri.Cvar_Get("r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM);

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
Пример #12
void 		GLimp_Init( void )
	ri.Cvar_Get( "r_restartOnResize", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	ri.Cvar_Get( "r_resizeDelay", "1000", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	r_allowSoftwareGL = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowSoftwareGL", "0", CVAR_LATCH );
	r_sdlDriver = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM );
	r_allowResize = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowResize", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	r_centerWindow = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_centerWindow", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	r_noborder = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_noborder", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	/*	if( Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_abnormalExit" ) )
		Cvar_Set( "r_mode", va( "%d", R_MODE_FALLBACK ) );
		Cvar_Set( "r_picmap", "1" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_texturebits", "0" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_textureMode", "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_fullscreen", "0" );
		Cvar_Set( "r_centerWindow", "0" );
		Cvar_Set( "com_abnormalExit", "0" );

	Sys_SetEnv( "SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED", r_centerWindow->integer ? "1" : "" );

	// Create the window and set up the context
	if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, (qboolean)r_fullscreen->integer, (qboolean)r_noborder->integer))
		goto success;

	// Try again, this time in a platform specific "safe mode"
	/* Sys_GLimpSafeInit( );

	if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse))
		goto success; */

	/*	// Finally, try the default screen resolution
	if( r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK )
		Com_Printf( "Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n",
				r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK );

		if(GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(R_MODE_FALLBACK, qfalse, qfalse))
			goto success;

	// Nothing worked, give up
	Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem" );

	// This values force the UI to disable driver selection
	//	glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_ICD;
	//	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = (qboolean)(SDL_SetGamma( screen, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) >= 0);

	// Mysteriously, if you use an NVidia graphics card and multiple monitors,
	// SDL_SetGamma will incorrectly return false... the first time; ask
	// again and you get the correct answer. This is a suspected driver bug, see
	// http://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4316
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = (qboolean)(SDL_SetGamma( screen, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) >= 0);

	if ( -1 == r_ignorehwgamma->integer)
		glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = qtrue;

	if ( 1 == r_ignorehwgamma->integer)
		glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = qfalse;

	// get our config strings
/*	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.vendor_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VENDOR), sizeof( glConfig.vendor_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.renderer_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_RENDERER), sizeof( glConfig.renderer_string ) );
	if (*glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] == '\n')
		glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] = 0;
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.version_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VERSION), sizeof( glConfig.version_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.extensions_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS), sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) );*/

    glConfig.vendor_string = (const char *) qglGetString (GL_VENDOR);
	glConfig.renderer_string = (const char *) qglGetString (GL_RENDERER);
	glConfig.version_string = (const char *) qglGetString (GL_VERSION);
	glConfig.extensions_string = (const char *) qglGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS);

	// OpenGL driver constants
	qglGetIntegerv( GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &glConfig.maxTextureSize );
	// stubbed or broken drivers may have reported 0...
	if ( glConfig.maxTextureSize <= 0 )
		glConfig.maxTextureSize = 0;

	// initialize extensions
	GLimp_InitExtensions( );

	ri.Cvar_Get( "r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM );

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
	ri.IN_Init( screen );
Пример #13

This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions
of OpenGL
bool GLimp_Init()
	glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_ICD;

	r_sdlDriver = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM );
	r_allowResize = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowResize", "0", 0 );
	r_centerWindow = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_centerWindow", "0", 0 );
	r_displayIndex = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_displayIndex", "0", 0 );
	ri.Cmd_AddCommand( "minimize", GLimp_Minimize );

	if ( ri.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_abnormalExit" ) )
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_mode", va( "%d", R_MODE_FALLBACK ) );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_fullscreen", "0" );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_centerWindow", "0" );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "com_abnormalExit", "0" );

	// Create the window and set up the context
	if ( GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer, false ) )
		goto success;

	// Finally, try the default screen resolution
	if ( r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK )
		ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n", r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK );

		if ( GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( R_MODE_FALLBACK, false, false ) )
			goto success;

	// Nothing worked, give up
	SDL_QuitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_VIDEO );
	return false;

	// These values force the UI to disable driver selection
	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;

	// get our config strings
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.vendor_string, ( char * ) glGetString( GL_VENDOR ), sizeof( glConfig.vendor_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.renderer_string, ( char * ) glGetString( GL_RENDERER ), sizeof( glConfig.renderer_string ) );

	if ( *glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[ strlen( glConfig.renderer_string ) - 1 ] == '\n' )
		glConfig.renderer_string[ strlen( glConfig.renderer_string ) - 1 ] = 0;

	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.version_string, ( char * ) glGetString( GL_VERSION ), sizeof( glConfig.version_string ) );

	if ( glConfig.driverType == GLDRV_OPENGL3 )
		GLint numExts, i;

		glGetIntegerv( GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &numExts );

		glConfig.extensions_string[ 0 ] = '\0';
		for ( i = 0; i < numExts; ++i )
			Q_strcat( glConfig.extensions_string, sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ), ( char * ) glGetStringi( GL_EXTENSIONS, i ) );
		Q_strncpyz( glConfig.extensions_string, ( char * ) glGetString( GL_EXTENSIONS ), sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) );

	if ( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "mesa" ) ||
	     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gallium" ) ||
	     Q_stristr( glConfig.vendor_string, "nouveau" ) ||
	     Q_stristr( glConfig.vendor_string, "mesa" ) )
		// suckage
		glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_MESA;

	if ( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "geforce" ) )
		if ( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "8400" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "8500" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "8600" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "8800" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "9500" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "9600" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "9800" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gts 240" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gts 250" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 260" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 275" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 280" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 285" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 295" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 320" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 330" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 340" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 415" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 420" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 425" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 430" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 435" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 440" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 520" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 525" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 540" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 550" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gt 555" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gts 450" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 460" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 470" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 480" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 485" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 560" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 570" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 580" ) ||
		     Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gtx 590" ) )
			glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_NV_DX10;
	else if ( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "quadro fx" ) )
		if ( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "3600" ) )
			glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_NV_DX10;
	else if ( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "gallium" ) &&
	          Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, " amd " ) )
		// anything prior to R600 is listed as ATI.
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_ATI_DX10;
	else if ( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "rv770" ) ||
	          Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "eah4850" ) ||
	          Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "eah4870" ) ||
	          // previous three are too specific?
	          Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "radeon hd" ) )
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_ATI_DX10;
	else if ( Q_stristr( glConfig.renderer_string, "radeon" ) )
		glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_ATI;

	reportDriverType( false );
	reportHardwareType( false );

	{ // allow overriding where the user really does know better
		cvar_t          *forceGL;
		glDriverType_t   driverType   = GLDRV_UNKNOWN;
		glHardwareType_t hardwareType = GLHW_UNKNOWN;

		forceGL = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_glForceDriver", "", CVAR_LATCH );

		if      ( !Q_stricmp( forceGL->string, "icd" ))
			driverType = GLDRV_ICD;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( forceGL->string, "standalone" ))
			driverType = GLDRV_STANDALONE;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( forceGL->string, "opengl3" ))
			driverType = GLDRV_OPENGL3;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( forceGL->string, "mesa" ))
			driverType = GLDRV_MESA;

		forceGL = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_glForceHardware", "", CVAR_LATCH );

		if      ( !Q_stricmp( forceGL->string, "generic" ))
			hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( forceGL->string, "ati" ))
			hardwareType = GLHW_ATI;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( forceGL->string, "atidx10" ) ||
		          !Q_stricmp( forceGL->string, "radeonhd" ))
			hardwareType = GLHW_ATI_DX10;
		else if ( !Q_stricmp( forceGL->string, "nvdx10" ))
			hardwareType = GLHW_NV_DX10;

		if ( driverType != GLDRV_UNKNOWN )
			glConfig.driverType = driverType;
			reportDriverType( true );

		if ( hardwareType != GLHW_UNKNOWN )
			glConfig.hardwareType = hardwareType;
			reportHardwareType( true );

	// initialize extensions

	ri.Cvar_Get( "r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM );

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
	ri.IN_Init( window );

	return true;
Пример #14

This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions
of OpenGL
void GLimp_Init( void )
	r_allowSoftwareGL = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowSoftwareGL", "0", CVAR_LATCH );
	r_sdlDriver = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_sdlDriver", "", CVAR_ROM );
	r_allowResize = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_allowResize", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	r_centerWindow = ri.Cvar_Get( "r_centerWindow", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	if( ri.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "com_abnormalExit" ) )
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_width", va( "%d", R_FAILSAFE_WIDTH ) );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_height", va( "%d", R_FAILSAFE_HEIGHT ) );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_fullscreen", "0" );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "r_centerWindow", "0" );
		ri.Cvar_Set( "com_abnormalExit", "0" );

	ri.Sys_SetEnv( "SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED", r_centerWindow->integer ? "1" : "" );

	ri.Sys_GLimpInit( );

	// Create the window and set up the context
	if( GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( qfalse, r_fullscreen->integer, r_noborder->integer ) )
		goto success;

	// Try again, this time in a platform specific "safe mode"
	ri.Sys_GLimpSafeInit( );

	if( GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( qfalse, r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse ) )
		goto success;

	// Finally, try the default screen resolution
	if( GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode( qtrue, r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse ) )
		goto success;

	// Nothing worked, give up
	ri.Error( ERR_FATAL, "GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem" );

	// This values force the UI to disable driver selection
	glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_ICD;
	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;
    // Remove call to SDL_SetGamma for Mac OS X
    // It causes a crash, but is apparently fixed in SDL2
    // somewhere upstream in ioq3. For more details, see
    // http://www.ioquake.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1928
#ifndef MACOS_X
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = SDL_SetGamma( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) >= 0;
	// Mysteriously, if you use an NVidia graphics card and multiple monitors,
	// SDL_SetGamma will incorrectly return false... the first time; ask
	// again and you get the correct answer. This is a suspected driver bug, see
	// http://bugzilla.icculus.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4316
#ifndef MACOS_X
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = SDL_SetGamma( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) >= 0;

	if ( -1 == r_ignorehwgamma->integer)
		glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = 1;

	if ( 1 == r_ignorehwgamma->integer)
		glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = 0;

	// get our config strings
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.vendor_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VENDOR), sizeof( glConfig.vendor_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.renderer_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_RENDERER), sizeof( glConfig.renderer_string ) );
	if (*glConfig.renderer_string && glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] == '\n')
		glConfig.renderer_string[strlen(glConfig.renderer_string) - 1] = 0;
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.version_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_VERSION), sizeof( glConfig.version_string ) );
	Q_strncpyz( glConfig.extensions_string, (char *) qglGetString (GL_EXTENSIONS), sizeof( glConfig.extensions_string ) );

	// initialize extensions
	GLimp_InitExtensions( );

	ri.Cvar_Get( "r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM );

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here
	ri.IN_Init( );
Пример #15
 * @brief This routine is responsible for initializing the OS specific portions of OpenGL
void GLimp_Init(void)
	r_allowSoftwareGL = ri.Cvar_Get("r_allowSoftwareGL", "0", CVAR_LATCH);
	r_allowResize     = ri.Cvar_Get("r_allowResize", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);
	r_centerWindow    = ri.Cvar_Get("r_centerWindow", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE);

	if (ri.Cvar_VariableIntegerValue("com_abnormalExit"))
		ri.Cvar_Set("r_mode", va("%d", R_MODE_FALLBACK));
		ri.Cvar_Set("r_fullscreen", "0");
		ri.Cvar_Set("r_centerWindow", "0");
		ri.Cvar_Set("com_abnormalExit", "0");


	// Create the window and set up the context
	if (GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer, r_noborder->integer))
		goto success;

	// Try again, this time in a platform specific "safe mode"

	if (GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(r_mode->integer, r_fullscreen->integer, qfalse))
		goto success;

	// Finally, try the default screen resolution
	if (r_mode->integer != R_MODE_FALLBACK)
		Ren_Print("Setting r_mode %d failed, falling back on r_mode %d\n",
		          r_mode->integer, R_MODE_FALLBACK);

		if (GLimp_StartDriverAndSetMode(R_MODE_FALLBACK, qfalse, qfalse))
			goto success;

	// Nothing worked, give up
	Ren_Fatal("GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem\n");


	//Clear the screen with a black color thanks

	if (glConfig.driverType != GLDRV_OPENGL3)
		glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_ICD;
	// This values force the UI to disable driver selection
	glConfig.driverType = GLDRV_ICD;
	glConfig.hardwareType = GLHW_GENERIC;

	// Only using SDL_SetWindowBrightness to determine if hardware gamma is supported
	glConfig.deviceSupportsGamma = !r_ignorehwgamma->integer &&
	                               SDL_SetWindowBrightness(main_window, 1.0f) >= 0;

	// Get extension strings
	if (glConfig.driverType != GLDRV_OPENGL3)
		Q_strncpyz(glConfig.extensions_string, ( char * ) glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), sizeof(glConfig.extensions_string));

		int i = 0, exts = 0;
		glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &exts);
		glConfig.extensions_string[0] = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < exts; i++)
			if (strlen(glConfig.extensions_string) + 100 >= sizeof(glConfig.extensions_string))
				//Just so we wont error out when there are really a lot of extensions

			Q_strcat(glConfig.extensions_string, sizeof(glConfig.extensions_string), va("%s ", glGetStringi(GL_EXTENSIONS, i)));

	// initialize extensions
	GLimp_InitExtensionsR2(); // renderer2
	GLimp_InitExtensions(); // vanilla renderer

	ri.Cvar_Get("r_availableModes", "", CVAR_ROM);

	// This depends on SDL_INIT_VIDEO, hence having it here