Пример #1
int GMRFLib_comp_posdef_inverse(double *matrix, int dim)
	 * overwrite a symmetric MATRIX with its inverse 
	int info = 0, i, j;

	switch (GMRFLib_blas_level) {
	case BLAS_LEVEL2:
		dpotf2_("L", &dim, matrix, &dim, &info, 1);
	case BLAS_LEVEL3:
		dpotrf_("L", &dim, matrix, &dim, &info, 1);
	if (info)

	dpotri_("L", &dim, matrix, &dim, &info, 1);
	if (info)

	for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)			       /* fill the U-part */
		for (j = i + 1; j < dim; j++)
			matrix[i + j * dim] = matrix[j + i * dim];

	return GMRFLib_SUCCESS;
Пример #2
  \brief Creates a \c GMRFLib_optimize_param_tp -object holding the default settings.

  \param[out] optpar A pointer to a \c GMRFLib_optimize_param_tp pointer. 
  At output the \c GMRFLib_optimize_param_tp -object contains the default values.

  \par Description of elements in \c GMRFLib_optimize_param_tp -object:
  \n \em fp: A file for printing output from the optimizer. \n
  <b>Default value: \c NULL</b> \n\n
  \em opt_type: The type of optimizer to be used. Four methods are available.\n
  <b>Default value: #GMRFLib_OPTTYPE_SAFENR</b> \n\n
  \em nsearch_dir: Indicates the number of previously search gradient directions 
  on which the current search direction should be orthogonal (using the conjugate
  gradient (CG) method). \n
  <b>Default value: 1</b> \n\n
  \em restart_interval: If <em>restart_interval = r </em>,
  the CG search will be restarted every <em>r</em>'th iteration. \n
  <b>Default value: 10</b> \n\n
  \em max_iter:  The maximum number of iterations. \n
  <b>Default value: 200</b> \n\n
  \em fixed_iter: If > 0, then this fix the number of iterations, whatever 
  all other stopping-options. \n
  <b>Default value: 0</b> \n\n
  \em max_linesearch_iter: The maximum number of iterations within each search 
  direction (CG). \n
  <b>Default value: 200</b> \n\n
  \em step_len: Step length in the computation of a Taylor expansion or second 
  order approximation of the log-likelihood around a point 
  <em> \b x_0</em> (CG and NR). \n
  <b>Default value: 1.0e-4</b> \n\n
  \em abserr_func: The absolute error tolerance for the value of the function 
  to be optimized (CG and NR). \n
  <b>Default value: 0.5e-3</b> \n\n
  \em abserr_step: The absolute error tolerance, relative to the number of nodes, 
  for the size of one step of the optimizer (CG and NR). \n
  <b>Default value: 0.5e-3</b> \n
int GMRFLib_default_optimize_param(GMRFLib_optimize_param_tp **optpar)

       define default values for the optimizer.
       methods are

             GMRFLib_OPTTYPE_NR : newton-raphson               O(n^1.5) - O(n^2)
	     GMRFLib_OPTTYPE_CG : conjugate gradient method    O(n log(n)) or so
    *optpar = Calloc(1, GMRFLib_optimize_param_tp); MEMCHK(*optpar);

    (*optpar)->fp                  = NULL;
    (*optpar)->opt_type            = GMRFLib_OPTTYPE_SAFENR; 
    (*optpar)->nsearch_dir         = 1;
    (*optpar)->restart_interval    = 10;
    (*optpar)->max_iter            = 200;
    (*optpar)->fixed_iter          = 0;		  /* default: do not use */
    (*optpar)->max_linesearch_iter = 200;
    (*optpar)->step_len            = 1.0e-4;
    (*optpar)->abserr_func         = 0.5e-3;
    (*optpar)->abserr_step         = 0.5e-3;

    return GMRFLib_SUCCESS;
Пример #3
  \brief The inverse cummulative distribution function for the Chi-square distribution

  \param[in] p The value such that \f$\mbox{Prob}(X \le x) = p\f$.
  \param[in] dof The degrees of freedom

  The returned value is \f$x\f$ such that  \f$\mbox{Prob}(X \le x) = p\f$.
double GMRFLib_invChiSquare(double p, double dof)
    int which = 2,  status = 0;
    double q = 1.0 - p,  bound = 0.0, x;

    cdfchi_(&which, &p, &q, &x, &dof, &status, &bound);
    GMRFLib_ASSERT(status == 0, GMRFLib_EDCDFLIB);

    return x;
Пример #4
int GMRFLib_comp_chol_general(double **chol, double *matrix, int dim, double *logdet, int ecode)
	 * return a malloc'ed cholesky factorisation of MATRIX in *chol and optional the log(determinant). if fail return
	 * `ecode'
	int info = 0, i, j;
	double *a = NULL, det;

	if (dim == 0) {
		*chol = NULL;
		return GMRFLib_SUCCESS;

	a = Calloc(ISQR(dim), double);
	memcpy(a, matrix, ISQR(dim) * sizeof(double));

	switch (GMRFLib_blas_level) {
	case BLAS_LEVEL2:
		dpotf2_("L", &dim, a, &dim, &info, 1);
	case BLAS_LEVEL3:
		dpotrf_("L", &dim, a, &dim, &info, 1);

	if (info) {
		*chol = NULL;

		return ecode;

	if (logdet) {
		for (det = 0.0, i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
			det += log(a[i + i * dim]);
		*logdet = 2.0 * det;

	for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {			       /* set to zero the upper part */
		for (j = i + 1; j < dim; j++) {
			a[i + j * dim] = 0.0;

	*chol = a;
	return GMRFLib_SUCCESS;
Пример #5
int GMRFLib_qsorts(void *x, size_t nmemb, size_t size_x, void *y, size_t size_y, void *z, size_t size_z, int (*compar) (const void *, const void *))
	 * sort x and optionally sort y and z along
	 * if z is non-NULL, then y must be so as well. 

	char *xyz = NULL, *xx = NULL, *yy = NULL, *zz = NULL;
	size_t siz, i, offset;

	if (nmemb == 0) {
		return GMRFLib_SUCCESS;
	if (z) {
	xx = (char *) x;
	yy = (char *) y;
	zz = (char *) z;

	siz = size_x;
	if (y) {
		siz += size_y;
		if (z) {
			siz += size_z;
	xyz = Calloc(nmemb * siz, char);

	for (i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) {
		memcpy((void *) &xyz[i * siz], (void *) &xx[i * size_x], size_x);
	if (y) {
		offset = size_x;
		for (i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) {
			memcpy((void *) &xyz[i * siz + offset], (void *) &yy[i * size_y], size_y);
		if (z) {
			offset = size_x + size_y;
			for (i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) {
				memcpy((void *) &xyz[i * siz + offset], (void *) &zz[i * size_z], size_z);

	qsort((void *) xyz, nmemb, siz, compar);

	for (i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) {
		memcpy((void *) &xx[i * size_x], (void *) &xyz[i * siz], size_x);
	if (y) {
		offset = size_x;
		for (i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) {
			memcpy((void *) &yy[i * size_y], (void *) &xyz[i * siz + offset], size_y);
		if (z) {
			offset = size_x + size_y;
			for (i = 0; i < nmemb; i++) {
				memcpy((void *) &zz[i * size_z], (void *) &xyz[i * siz + offset], size_z);


	return GMRFLib_SUCCESS;
Пример #6
int GMRFLib_optimize_store(double *mode, double *b, double *c, double *mean,
			    GMRFLib_graph_tp *graph, GMRFLib_Qfunc_tp *Qfunc, char *Qfunc_args,
			    char *fixed_value, GMRFLib_constr_tp *constr, 
			    double *d, GMRFLib_logl_tp *loglFunc, char *loglFunc_arg,
			    GMRFLib_optimize_param_tp *optpar,
			    GMRFLib_store_tp *store)
       locate the mode starting in 'mode' using a conjugate gradient algorithm where the search
       direction is Q-ortogonal to the m previous ones.

       exp(-0.5(x-mean)'Q(x-mean)+b'x + \sum_i d_i loglFunc(x_i,i,logl_arg)) && fixed-flags

       and linear deterministic and stochastic constaints
    int sub_n, i, j, node, nnode, free_optpar, fail;
    double *cc = NULL, *initial_value = NULL;
    GMRFLib_store_tp *store_ptr;
    GMRFLib_optimize_problem_tp *opt_problem = NULL;


       our first task, is to convert the opt_problem so we get rid of the fixed_values and then write
       the function in the canonical form

       large parts here is adapted from `problem-setup.c'!!!

       create new opt_problem
    opt_problem = Calloc(1, GMRFLib_optimize_problem_tp); MEMCHK(opt_problem);

       get the options
    if (optpar)
	opt_problem->optpar = optpar;
	free_optpar = 0;
	free_optpar = 1;

       first, find the new graph.
    if (store_use_sub_graph)
	   copy from store
	GMRFLib_copy_graph(&(opt_problem->sub_graph), store->sub_graph);
	   compute it
	GMRFLib_compute_subgraph(&(opt_problem->sub_graph), graph, fixed_value);

	   store it in store if requested
	if (store_store_sub_graph)
	    GMRFLib_copy_graph(&(store->sub_graph), opt_problem->sub_graph);

    sub_n = opt_problem->sub_graph->n;
    if (sub_n == 0)				  /* fast return if there is nothing todo */
	return GMRFLib_SUCCESS;

       the mapping is there in the graph, make a new pointer in the opt_problem-definition
    opt_problem->map = opt_problem->sub_graph->mothergraph_idx;

       setup space & misc
    opt_problem->mode = Calloc(sub_n, double); MEMCHK(opt_problem->mode);
    opt_problem->b    = Calloc(sub_n, double); MEMCHK(opt_problem->b);
    opt_problem->d    = Calloc(sub_n, double); MEMCHK(opt_problem->d);

    for(i=0;i<sub_n;i++) opt_problem->mode[i] = mode[opt_problem->map[i]];
    if (b) for(i=0;i<sub_n;i++) opt_problem->b[i] = b[opt_problem->map[i]];
    if (d) for(i=0;i<sub_n;i++) opt_problem->d[i] = d[opt_problem->map[i]];
    cc = Calloc(sub_n, double); MEMCHK(cc);
    if (c) for(i=0;i<sub_n;i++) cc[i] = c[opt_problem->map[i]];

    opt_problem->x_vec = Calloc(graph->n, double); MEMCHK(opt_problem->x_vec);
    memcpy(opt_problem->x_vec, mode, graph->n*sizeof(double));
       FIXME: i might want to make a wrapper of this one, then REMEMBER TO CHANGE ->map[i] in all
       calls to GMRFLib_2order_approx to i, or what it should be.!!!
    opt_problem->loglFunc     = loglFunc;	  /* i might want to make a wrapper of this one! */
    opt_problem->loglFunc_arg = loglFunc_arg;

       make the arguments to the wrapper function
    opt_problem->sub_Qfunc          = GMRFLib_Qfunc_wrapper;
    opt_problem->sub_Qfunc_arg      = Calloc(1, GMRFLib_Qfunc_arg_tp); MEMCHK(opt_problem->sub_Qfunc_arg);
    opt_problem->sub_Qfunc_arg->map = opt_problem->map; /* yes, this ptr is needed */
    opt_problem->sub_Qfunc_arg->diagonal_adds = cc;

    opt_problem->sub_Qfunc_arg->user_Qfunc      = Qfunc;
    opt_problem->sub_Qfunc_arg->user_Qfunc_args = Qfunc_args;
       now compute the new 'effective' b, and then the mean. recall to add the 'c' term manually,
       since we're using the original Qfunc.
    if (!fixed_value)				  /* then sub_graph = graph and map=I*/
	if (mean)
	    double *tmp = NULL;
	    tmp = Calloc(graph->n, double); MEMCHK(tmp);
	    GMRFLib_Qx(tmp, mean, graph, Qfunc, Qfunc_args);
	    for(i=0;i<graph->n;i++) opt_problem->b[i] += tmp[i] + cc[i]*mean[i];
	   x=(x1,x2), then x1|x2 has b = Q11 \mu1 - Q12(x2-\mu2)
	for(i=0;i<sub_n;i++)		  /* loop over all sub_nodes */