Пример #1
   // Compute and return the full tropospheric delay. The receiver height, 
   // latitude and time must has been set before using the appropriate
   // methods.
   // @param elevation Elevation of satellite as seen at receiver, in degrees
   double GlobalTropModel::correction(double elevation) const       
      try { testValidity(); }
      catch(InvalidTropModel& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }

      // Global mapping functions good down to 3 degrees of elevation
      if(elevation < 3.0) { return 0.0; }

      double map_dry(GlobalTropModel::dry_mapping_function(elevation));
      double map_wet(GlobalTropModel::wet_mapping_function(elevation));

      // Compute total tropospheric delay
      double tropDelay((GlobalTropModel::dry_zenith_delay() * map_dry) +
                       (GlobalTropModel::wet_zenith_delay() * map_wet));

      return tropDelay;

   }  // end GlobalTropModel::correction(elevation)
Пример #2
    // Re-define the tropospheric model with explicit weather data.
    // Typically called just before correction().
    // @param wx the weather to use for this correction
 void NBTropModel::setWeather(const WxObservation& wx)
    interpolateWeather = false;
          // humid actually stores vapor partial pressure
       double th=300./temp;
       humid = 2.409e9*humid*th*th*th*th*std::exp(-22.64*th);
       validWeather = true;
       valid = validWeather && validRxHeight && validRxLatitude && validDOY;
    catch(InvalidParameter& e)
       valid = validWeather = false;
Пример #3
   /// Incomplete beta function I_x(a,b), 0<=x<=1, a,b>0
   /// I sub x (a,b) = (1/beta(a,b)) integral (0 to x) { t^(a-1)*(1-t)^(b-1)dt }
   /// @param x  input value, 0 <= x <= 1
   /// @param a  input value, a > 0
   /// @param b  input value, b > 0
   /// @return          Incomplete beta function I_x(a,b)
   double incompleteBeta(const double& x, const double& a, const double& b)
      if(x < 0 || x > 1) GPSTK_THROW(Exception("Invalid x argument"));
      if(a <= 0 || b <= 0) GPSTK_THROW(Exception("Non-positive argument"));

      if(x == 0) return 0.0;
      if(x == 1) return 1.0;

      try {
         double factor = ::exp(lnGamma(a+b) - lnGamma(a) - lnGamma(b)
                                    + a * ::log(x) + b * ::log(1.0-x));
         if(x < (a+1.0)/(a+b+2.0))
            return factor*cfIBeta(x,a,b)/a;
            return 1.0-factor*cfIBeta(1.0-x,b,a)/b;
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #4
   // -------------------------------------------------------------
   /// the smoother update
   virtual void KalmanSmootherUpdate(void) throw(gpstk::Exception)
      try {

         //LOG(DEBUG) << " SU at " << NTU << " with state " << srif.getNames();
         gpstk::Matrix<double> Rw = RwStore[NTU];
         gpstk::Matrix<double> Rwx = RwxStore[NTU];
         gpstk::Matrix<double> PhiInv = PhiInvStore[NTU];
         gpstk::Matrix<double> G = GStore[NTU];
         gpstk::Vector<double> Zw = ZwStore[NTU];
         // SU knows nothing about time; this is just for output purposes
         time = TimeStore[NTU];

         // should Control vector correction be here???

         if(doSRISU) {
            gpstk::Matrix<double> Phi;
            Phi = inverse(PhiInv);
            inverted = false;
         else {

         // correct for Control vector
         if(ControlStore.size() > 0) {
            gpstk::Vector<double> Control = ControlStore[NTU];
            if(doSRISU) {
            else {
               State -= PhiInv * Control;
      catch(gpstk::Exception& e) {
Пример #5
   /// Factorial of an integer, returned as a double.
   /// @param    n argument, n must be >= 0
   /// @return   n! or factorial(n), as a double
   /// @throw    if the input argument is < 0
   double factorial(const int& n) throw(Exception)
      try {
         if(n < 0) GPSTK_THROW(Exception("Negative argument"));

         if(n > 32) return ::exp(lnGamma(double(n+1)));

         static double store[33] = { 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 6.0, 24.0, 120.0 };
         static int nstore=5;

         while(nstore < n) {
            int i = nstore++;
            store[nstore] = store[i] * nstore;

         return store[n];

      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #6
   // Dump the orbit, etc information to the given output stream.
   // @throw Invalid Request if the required data has not been stored.
   void GPSEphemeris::dumpBody(std::ostream& os) const
      try {

         os << "           GPS-SPECIFIC PARAMETERS\n"
            << scientific << setprecision(8)
            << "Tgd (L1/L2) : " << setw(16) << Tgd << " meters" << endl
            << "HOW time    : " << setw(6) << HOWtime << " (sec of GPS week "
               << setw(4) << static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(ctToe).getWeek() << ")"
            << "   fitDuration: " << setw(2) << fitDuration << " hours" << endl
            << "TransmitTime: " << OrbitEph::timeDisplay(transmitTime) << endl
            << "Accuracy    : flag(URA): " << accuracyFlag << " => "
            << fixed << setprecision(2) << getAccuracy() << " meters" << endl
            << "IODC: " << IODC << "   IODE: " << IODE << "   health: " << health
            << " (0=good)   codeflags: " << codeflags << "   L2Pdata: " << L2Pdata
            << endl;
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #7
   /// Natural log of the gamma function for positive argument.
   /// Gamma(x) = integral(0 to inf) { t^(x-1) exp(-t) dt }
   /// @param x  argument, x must be > 0
   /// @return   double ln(gamma(x)), the natural log of the gamma function of x.
   /// @throw    if the input argument is <= 0
   double lnGamma(const double& x) throw(Exception)
      try {
         static const double con[8] = {
            76.18009172947146, -86.50532032941677, 24.01409824083091,
            -1.231739572450155, 1.208650973866179e-3, -5.395239384953e-6,
            1.000000000190015, 2.5066282746310005 };

         if(x <= 0) GPSTK_THROW(Exception("Non-positive argument"));

         double y(x);
         double t(x+5.5);
         t -= (x+0.5) * ::log(t);
         double s(con[6]);
         for(int i=0; i<=5; i++) s += con[i] / ++y;

         return (-t + ::log(con[7]*s/x));
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #8
   // Dump the orbit, etc information to the given output stream.
   // @throw Invalid Request if the required data has not been stored.
   void BDSEphemeris::dumpBody(std::ostream& os) const
      try {

         os << "           BeiDou-SPECIFIC PARAMETERS\n"
            << scientific << setprecision(8)
            << "Tgd (B1/B3) : " << setw(16) << Tgd13 << " meters" << endl
            << "Tgd (B2/B3) : " << setw(16) << Tgd23 << " meters" << endl
            << "HOW time    : " << setw(6) << HOWtime << " (sec of BDS week "
               << setw(4) << static_cast<BDSWeekSecond>(ctToe).getWeek() << ")"
            << "   fitDuration: " << setw(2) << fitDuration << " hours" << endl
            << "TransmitTime: " << OrbitEph::timeDisplay(transmitTime) << endl
            << "Accuracy    : " << fixed << setprecision(2)
            << getAccuracy() << " meters" << endl
            << "IODC: " << IODC << "   IODE: " << IODE << "   health: " << health
            << endl;
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #9
   // Compute and return the mapping function for wet component of the
   // troposphere.
   // param elevation Elevation of satellite as seen at receiver,
   // computing the derivative - do it numerically instead
   // note that sin[elev] = cos[zenith]
   //             f(1)                               a
   //   map = ------------      where f(x) = x + ---------
   //         f(sin[elev])                             b
   //                                            x + -----
   //                                                x + c
   //                a (x+c)    x(x^2 + xc + b) + a(x+c)
   // f(x) = x + ------------ = ------------------------
   //            x^2 + xc + b        x^2 + xc + b    
   //        x^3 + x^2 c + x(a+b) + ac
   //      = -------------------------
   //               x^2 + xc + b
   // so            -f(1)f'(x)    -map(x)f'(x)                    N'D-D'N
   //     map'(x) = ---------- = -------------,     where f'(x) = -------
   //                 f^2(x)         f(x)                           D^2
   //                [3x^2+2xc+a+b][x^2+xc+b]-[2x+c][x^3+x^2c+x(a+b)+ac]
   //     f'(x) = x' --------------------------------------------------------------
   //                            [x^2 + xc + b]^2
   //                   [3x^4 + x^3(5c) + x^2(a+4b+2c^2) + x(a+b+2bc) + ab+b^2]
   //                + [-2x^4 - x^3(3c) - x^2(2a+2b+c^2) - x(c(3a+b)) - ac^2]
   //           = x'  ----------------------------------------------------------
   //                   x^4 + x^3(2c) + x^2(2b+c^2) + x(2bc) + b^2
   //                x^4 + x^3(2c) + x^2(-a+2b+c^2) + x(a+b+3bc+3ac) + ab+b^2-ac^2
   //           = x' -------------------------------------------------------------
   //                  x^4 + x^3(2c) + x^2(2b+c^2) + x(2bc) + b^2
   double GlobalTropModel::wet_mapping_function(double elevation) const
      try { testValidity(); }
      catch(InvalidTropModel& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }

      if(elevation < 3.0) { return 0.0; }

      static const double bw = 0.00146;
      static const double cw = 0.04391;

      double am(0.0), aa(0.0);
      for(int i=0; i<55; i++) {
         am += (AWetMean[i]*aP[i] + BWetMean[i]*bP[i]) * 1.0e-5;
         aa += (AWetAmp[i]*aP[i] + BWetAmp[i]*bP[i]) * 1.0e-5;
      double aw = am + aa*::cos(dayfactor);

      double sine = ::sin(elevation*DEG_TO_RAD);
      //std::cout << "sine " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(16) << sine
      // << std::endl;
      //std::cout << "aw bw cw " << std::fixed << std::setprecision(16)
      // << aw << " " << bw << " " << cw << std::endl;
      double f1(1.0 + aw/(1.0 + bw/(1.0 + cw)));
      double f(sine + aw/(sine + bw/(sine + cw)));
      double map = f1/f;

      //// NB might be easier numerically... map' = map(elev+eps)-map(elev-eps)/2eps
      //if(doDeriv) {
      //   double apb(aw+bw);
      //   double cw2(cw*cw);
      //   double tmp(sine*(sine + 2*cw) + 2*bw+cw2);
      //   double fpN(sine*(sine*(tmp-aw) + apb*(1.+3*cw)) + bw*apb-aw*cw2);
      //   double fpD(sine*(sine*tmp + 2*bw));
      //   double sinep(::cos(elevation*DEG_TO_RAD));
      //   deriv = - map * (sinep*fpN/fpD) / f;

      return map;

   }  // end GlobalTropModel::wet_mapping_function()
Пример #10
// Consider the sun and the earth as seen from the satellite. Let the sun be a circle
// of angular radius r, center in direction s, and the earth be a (larger) circle
// of angular radius R, center in direction e. The circles overlap if |e-s| < R+r;
// complete overlap if |e-s| < R-r. The satellite is in penumbra if R-r < |e-s| < R+r,// it is in umbra if |e-s| < R-r.
//    Let L == |e-s|. What is the area of overlap in penumbra : R-r < L < R+r ?
// Call the two points where the circles intersect p1 and p2. Draw a line from e to s;
// call the points where this line intersects the two circles r1 and R1, respectively.
// Draw lines from e to s, e to p1, e to p2, s to p1 and s to p2. Call the angle
// between e-s and e-p1 alpha, and that between s-e and s-p1, beta.
// Draw a rectangle with top and bottom parallel to e-s passing through p1 and p2,
// and with sides passing through s and r1. Similarly for e and R1. Note that the
// area of intersection lies within the intersection of these two rectangles.
// Call the area of the rectangle outside the circles A and B. The height H of the
// rectangles is
// H = 2Rsin(alpha) = 2rsin(beta)
// also L = rcos(beta)+Rcos(alpha)
// The area A will be the area of the rectangle
//              minus the area of the wedge formed by the angle 2*alpha
//              minus the area of the two triangles which meet at s :
// A = RH - (2alpha/2pi)*pi*R*R - 2*(1/2)*(H/2)Rcos(alpha)
// Similarly
// B = rH - (2beta/2pi)*pi*r*r  - 2*(1/2)*(H/2)rcos(beta)
// The area of intersection will be the area of the rectangular intersection
//                            minus the area A
//                            minus the area B
// Intersection = H(R+r-L) - A - B
//              = HR+Hr-HL -HR+alpha*R*R+(H/2)Rcos(alpha) -Hr+beta*r*r+(H/2)rcos(beta)
// Cancel terms, and substitute for L using above equation L = ..
//              = -(H/2)rcos(beta)-(H/2)Rcos(alpha)+alpha*R*R+beta*r*r
// substitute for H/2
//              = -R*R*sin(alpha)cos(alpha)-r*r*sin(beta)cos(beta)+alpha*R*R+beta*r*r
// Intersection = R*R*[alpha-sin(alpha)cos(alpha)]+r*r*[beta-sin(beta)cos(beta)]
// Solve for alpha and beta in terms of R, r and L using the H and L relations above
// (r/R)cos(beta)=(L/R)-cos(alpha)
// (r/R)sin(beta)=sin(alpha)
// so
// (r/R)^2 = (L/R)^2 - (2L/R)cos(alpha) + 1
// cos(alpha) = (R/2L)(1+(L/R)^2-(r/R)^2)
// cos(beta) = (L/r) - (R/r)cos(alpha)
// and 0 <= alpha or beta <= pi
// AngRadEarth    angular radius of the earth as seen at the satellite
// AngRadSun      angular radius of the sun as seen at the satellite
// AngSeparation  angular distance of the sun from the earth
// return         fraction (0 <= f <= 1) of area of sun covered by earth
// units only need be consistent
double ShadowFactor(double AngRadEarth, double AngRadSun, double AngSeparation)
try {
   if(AngSeparation >= AngRadEarth+AngRadSun) return 0.0;
   if(AngSeparation <= fabs(AngRadEarth-AngRadSun)) return 1.0;
   double r=AngRadSun, R=AngRadEarth, L=AngSeparation;
   if(AngRadSun > AngRadEarth) { r=AngRadEarth; R=AngRadSun; }
   double cosalpha = (R/L)*(1.0+(L/R)*(L/R)-(r/R)*(r/R))/2.0;
   double cosbeta = (L/r) - (R/r)*cosalpha;
   double sinalpha = ::sqrt(1-cosalpha*cosalpha);
   double sinbeta = ::sqrt(1-cosbeta*cosbeta);
   double alpha = ::asin(sinalpha);
   double beta = ::asin(sinbeta);
   double shadow = r*r*(beta-sinbeta*cosbeta)+R*R*(alpha-sinalpha*cosalpha);
   shadow /= ::acos(-1.0)*AngRadSun*AngRadSun;
   return shadow;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
Пример #11
// Consider the sun and the earth as seen from the satellite. Let the sun be a circle
// of angular radius r, center in direction s, and the earth be a (larger) circle
// of angular radius R, center in direction e. The circles overlap if |e-s| < R+r;
// complete overlap if |e-s| < R-r. The satellite is in penumbra if R-r < |e-s| < R+r,// it is in umbra if |e-s| < R-r.
//    Let L == |e-s|. What is the area of overlap in penumbra : R-r < L < R+r ?
// Call the two points where the circles intersect p1 and p2. Draw a line from e to s;
// call the points where this line intersects the two circles r1 and R1, respectively.
// Draw lines from e to s, e to p1, e to p2, s to p1 and s to p2. Call the angle
// between e-s and e-p1 alpha, and that between s-e and s-p1, beta.
// Draw a rectangle with top and bottom parallel to e-s passing through p1 and p2,
// and with sides passing through s and r1. Similarly for e and R1. Note that the
// area of intersection lies within the intersection of these two rectangles.
// Call the area of the rectangle outside the circles A and B. The height H of the
// rectangles is
// H = 2Rsin(alpha) = 2rsin(beta)
// also L = rcos(beta)+Rcos(alpha)
// The area A will be the area of the rectangle
//              minus the area of the wedge formed by the angle 2*alpha
//              minus the area of the two triangles which meet at s :
// A = RH - (2alpha/2pi)*pi*R*R - 2*(1/2)*(H/2)Rcos(alpha)
// Similarly
// B = rH - (2beta/2pi)*pi*r*r  - 2*(1/2)*(H/2)rcos(beta)
// The area of intersection will be the area of the rectangular intersection
//                            minus the area A
//                            minus the area B
// Intersection = H(R+r-L) - A - B
//              = HR+Hr-HL -HR+alpha*R*R+(H/2)Rcos(alpha) -Hr+beta*r*r+(H/2)rcos(beta)
// Cancel terms, and substitute for L using above equation L = ..
//              = -(H/2)rcos(beta)-(H/2)Rcos(alpha)+alpha*R*R+beta*r*r
// substitute for H/2
//              = -R*R*sin(alpha)cos(alpha)-r*r*sin(beta)cos(beta)+alpha*R*R+beta*r*r
// Intersection = R*R*[alpha-sin(alpha)cos(alpha)]+r*r*[beta-sin(beta)cos(beta)]
// Solve for alpha and beta in terms of R, r and L using the H and L relations above
// (r/R)cos(beta)=(L/R)-cos(alpha)
// (r/R)sin(beta)=sin(alpha)
// so
// (r/R)^2 = (L/R)^2 - (2L/R)cos(alpha) + 1
// cos(alpha) = (R/2L)(1+(L/R)^2-(r/R)^2)
// cos(beta) = (L/r) - (R/r)cos(alpha)
// and 0 <= alpha or beta <= pi
// Rearth    angular radius of the earth as seen at the satellite
// Rsun      angular radius of the sun as seen at the satellite
// dES       angular distance of the sun from the earth
// return    fraction (0 <= f <= 1) of area of sun covered by earth
// units only need be consistent
double shadowFactor(double Rearth, double Rsun, double dES)
try {
   if(dES >= Rearth+Rsun) return 0.0;
   if(dES <= fabs(Rearth-Rsun)) return 1.0;
   double r=Rsun, R=Rearth, L=dES;
   if(Rsun > Rearth) { r=Rearth; R=Rsun; }
   double cosalpha = (R/L)*(1.0+(L/R)*(L/R)-(r/R)*(r/R))/2.0;
   double cosbeta = (L/r) - (R/r)*cosalpha;
   double sinalpha = ::sqrt(1-cosalpha*cosalpha);
   double sinbeta = ::sqrt(1-cosbeta*cosbeta);
   double alpha = ::asin(sinalpha);
   double beta = ::asin(sinbeta);
   double shadow = r*r*(beta-sinbeta*cosbeta)+R*R*(alpha-sinalpha*cosalpha);
   shadow /= ::acos(-1.0)*Rsun*Rsun;
   return shadow;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
Пример #12
   /// Chi-square-distribution percent point function, or inverse of the Chisq CDF.
   /// This function(alpha,N) == Y where alpha = ChisqCDF(Y,N).
   /// Ref http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/
   /// @param alpha probability or significance level of the test, >=0 and < 1
   /// @param n   degrees of freedom of sample, n > 0
   /// @return        X the statistic (an RSS of variances) at this probability
   double invChisqCDF(double alpha, int n) throw(Exception)
      try {
         if(alpha < 0 || alpha >= 1)
            GPSTK_THROW(Exception("Invalid probability argument"));
         if(n <= 0)
            GPSTK_THROW(Exception("Non-positive degree of freedom"));

         static const double eps(1000000*std::numeric_limits<double>().epsilon());
         if(alpha < eps)
            return 0.0;
         if(1.0-alpha < eps)
            GPSTK_THROW(Exception("Invalid probability -- too close to 1.0"));

         // find X such that alpha == ChisqCDF(X,n); use bracket method
         // we know a0 = ChisqCDF(F0,n) where a0=F0=0
         double X,X0(0.0),X1,a;
         // first find X1 such that a1 = ChisqCDF(X1,N) and a1 > alpha
         X1 = 2.0;
         while((a = ChisqCDF(X1,n)) <= alpha) { X1 *= 2.0; }

         // bracket
         int niter(0);      // iteration count
         while(1) {
            X = (X0+X1)/2.0;
            a = ChisqCDF(X,n);
            //LOG(INFO) << "LOOP invChisqCDF X = " << niter << " " << std::fixed
            //<< std::setprecision(15) << X0 << " < " << X << " < " << X1
            //<< " and a = " << a << " alpha = " << alpha << " a-alpha = "
            //<< std::scientific << std::setprecision(2) << a-alpha << " eps " << eps
            //<< " fabs(a-alpha)-eps " << ::fabs(alpha-a)-eps;
            if(::fabs(alpha-a) < eps) break;
            if(a > alpha) { X1 = X; } else { X0 = X; }
            if(++niter > 100) GPSTK_THROW(Exception("Failed to converge"));

         return X;
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #13
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the azimuth and nadir angle, in the satellite body frame,
// of receiver Position RX as seen at the satellite Position SV. The nadir angle
// is measured from the Z axis, which points to Earth center, and azimuth is
// measured from the X axis.
// @param Position SV          Satellite position
// @param Position RX          Receiver position
// @param Matrix<double> Rot   Rotation matrix (3,3), output of SatelliteAttitude
// @param double nadir         Output nadir angle in degrees
// @param double azimuth       Output azimuth angle in degrees
void SatelliteNadirAzimuthAngles(const Position& SV,
                                 const Position& RX,
                                 const Matrix<double>& Rot,
                                 double& nadir,
                                 double& azimuth)
   try {
      if(Rot.rows() != 3 || Rot.cols() != 3) {
         Exception e("Rotation matrix invalid");

      double d;
      Position RmS;
      // RmS points from satellite to receiver
      RmS = RX - SV;
      d = RmS.mag();
      if(d == 0.0) {
         Exception e("Satellite and Receiver Positions identical");
      RmS = (1.0/d) * RmS;

      Vector<double> XYZ(3),Body(3);
      XYZ(0) = RmS.X();
      XYZ(1) = RmS.Y();
      XYZ(2) = RmS.Z();
      Body = Rot * XYZ;

      nadir = ::acos(Body(2)) * RAD_TO_DEG;
      azimuth = ::atan2(Body(1),Body(0)) * RAD_TO_DEG;
      if(azimuth < 0.0) azimuth += 360.;
   catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
   catch(exception& e) {Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E);}
   catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
Пример #14
   T Median(T *xd, const int nd, bool save_flag=true)
      if(!xd || nd < 2) {
         Exception e("Invalid input");

      try {
         int i;
         T med, *save;

         if(save_flag) {
            save = new T[nd];
            if(!save) {
               Exception e("Could not allocate temporary array");
            for(i=0; i<nd; i++) save[i]=xd[i];


            med = xd[(nd+1)/2-1];
            med = (xd[nd/2-1]+xd[nd/2])/T(2);

            // restore original data from temporary
         if(save_flag) {
            for(i=0; i<nd; i++) xd[i]=save[i];
            delete[] save;

         return med;
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }

   }  // end Median
Пример #15
   CommonTime WeekSecond::convertToCommonTime() const
	      //int dow = static_cast<int>( sow * DAY_PER_SEC );
         // Appears to have rounding issues on 32-bit platforms

         int dow = static_cast<int>( sow / SEC_PER_DAY );
         // NB this assumes MJDEpoch is an integer - what if epoch H:M:S != 0:0:0 ?
         long jday = MJD_JDAY + MJDEpoch() + (7 * week) + dow;
         double sod(sow - SEC_PER_DAY * dow);
         CommonTime ct;
         return ct.set( jday,
                        sod - static_cast<long>(sod),
                        timeSystem );
      catch (InvalidParameter& ip)
Пример #16
   T MEstimate(const T *xd, int nd, const T& M, const T& MAD, T *w=NULL)
      try {
         T tv, m, mold, sum, sumw, *wt, weight, *t;
         T tol=0.000001;
         int i, n, N=10;      // N is the max number of iterations

         if(!xd || nd < 2) {
            Exception e("Invalid input");

         tv = T(RobustTuningT)*MAD;
         n = 0;
         m = M;
         do {
            mold = m;
            sum = sumw = T();
            for(i=0; i<nd; i++) {
               if(w) wt=&w[i];
               else wt=&weight;
               *wt = T(1);
               if(xd[i]<m-tv)      *wt = -tv/(xd[i]-m);
               else if(xd[i]>m+tv) *wt =  tv/(xd[i]-m);
               sumw += (*wt);
               sum += (*wt)*xd[i];
            m = sum / sumw;

         } while(T(ABSOLUTE((m-mold)/m)) > tol && n < N);

         return m;
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }

   }  // end MEstimate
Пример #17
   // Compute the pressure and temperature at height, and the undulation,
   // for the given position and time.
   void GlobalTropModel::getGPT(double& P, double& T, double& U)
      try { testValidity(); }
      catch(InvalidTropModel& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
      int i;

      // undulation and orthometric height
      U = 0.0;
      for(i=0; i<55; i++) U += (Ageoid[i]*aP[i] + Bgeoid[i]*bP[i]);
      double orthoht(height - U);
      if(orthoht > 44247.) GPSTK_THROW(InvalidTropModel(
                           "Invalid Global trop model: Rx Height is too large"));

      // press at geoid
      double am(0.0),aa(0.0),v0;
      for(i=0; i<55; i++) {
         am += (APressMean[i]*aP[i] + BPressMean[i]*bP[i]);
         aa += (APressAmp[i]*aP[i] + BPressAmp[i]*bP[i]);
      v0 = am + aa * ::cos(dayfactor);
      // pressure at height
      // NB this implies any orthoht > 1/2.26e-5 == 44247.78m is invalid!
      P = v0 * ::pow(1.0-2.26e-5*orthoht,5.225);

      // temper on geoid
      am = aa = 0.0;
      for(i=0; i<55; i++) {
         am += (ATempMean[i]*aP[i] + BTempMean[i]*bP[i]);
         aa += (ATempAmp[i]*aP[i] + BTempAmp[i]*bP[i]);
      v0 = am + aa * ::cos(dayfactor);

      // temp at height
      T = v0 - 6.5e-3 * orthoht;
Пример #18
    /// Change the file system, keeping fileType, fileSys, and fileSysSat
    /// consistent.
    /// @param string str beginning with system character or "M" for mixed
 void setFileSystem(const std::string& str) throw(Exception)
    try {
       if(str[0] == 'M' || str[0] == 'm') {
          if(version < 3) {
             Exception e("RINEX version 2 'Mixed' Nav files do not exist");
          fileType = "NAVIGATION";
          fileSys = "MIXED";
          fileSysSat = SatID(-1, SatID::systemMixed);
       else {
          RinexSatID sat(std::string(1,str[0]));
          fileSysSat = SatID(sat);
          fileSys = StringUtils::asString(sat.systemChar())
                         + ": (" + sat.systemString3()+")";
          if(version >= 3) {
             fileType = "NAVIGATION";
          else {            // RINEX 2
             if(sat.system == SatID::systemGPS)
                fileType = "N (GPS Nav)";
             else if(sat.system == SatID::systemGlonass)
                fileType = "G (GLO Nav)";
             else if(sat.system == SatID::systemGeosync)
                fileType = "H (GEO Nav)";
             else {
                Exception e( std::string("RINEX version 2 ") +
                             sat.systemString3() +
                             std::string(" Nav files do not exist") );
    catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #19
   // This function returns the health status of the SV.
   bool GalEphemeris::isHealthy(void) const
      try {
         OrbitEph::isHealthy();     // ignore the return value; for dataLoaded check

         // from RINEX 3.02 spec, A8:
         if(health & 0x5)           // E1b, E5b and both Tgds are valid
            return true;
         if(health & 0x2)           // E5a and Tgba are valid
            return true;

         // but there seems to be contradictory information:
         //if(health & 0x1)   // b1)         // E1b DVS is good
         //if(health & 0x6)   // b110)       // E1b HS is good
         //if(health & 0x8)   // b1000)      // E5a DVS is good
         //if(health & 0x30)  // b110000)    // E5a HS is good
         //if(health & 0x40)  // b1000000)   // E5b DVS is good
         //if(health & 0x180) // b110000000) // E5b HS is good

         return false;
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #20
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the phase windup, in cycles, given the time, the unit vector from receiver
// to transmitter, and the west and north unit vectors at the receiver, all in ECEF.
// YR is the West unit vector, XR is the North unit vector, at the receiver.
// shadow is the fraction of the sun's area not visible at the satellite.
double PhaseWindup(DayTime& tt,        // epoch of interest
                   Position& SV,       // satellite position
                   Position& Rx2Tx,    // unit vector from receiver to satellite
                   Position& YR,       // west unit vector at receiver
                   Position& XR,       // north unit vector at receiver
                   double& shadow)     // fraction of sun not visible at satellite
try {
   double d,windup=0.0;
   Position DR,DT;
   Position TR = -1.0 * Rx2Tx;         // transmitter to receiver

   // get satellite attitude
   Position XT,YT,ZT;
   Matrix<double> Att = SatelliteAttitude(tt, SV, shadow);
   XT = Position(Att(0,0),Att(0,1),Att(0,2));      // Cartesian is default
   YT = Position(Att(1,0),Att(1,1),Att(1,2));
   ZT = Position(Att(2,0),Att(2,1),Att(2,2));

   // compute effective dipoles at receiver and transmitter
   DR = XR - TR * TR.dot(XR) + Position(TR.cross(YR));
   DT = XT - TR * TR.dot(XT) - Position(TR.cross(YT));

   // normalize
   d = 1.0/DR.mag();
   DR = d * DR;
   d = 1.0/DT.mag();
   DT = d * DT;

   windup = ::acos(DT.dot(DR)) / TWO_PI;

   return windup;
catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
catch(exception& e) { Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E); }
catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
Пример #21
   ComputeIonoModel& ComputeIonoModel::setklobucharModel(const std::string& brdcFile)
      if( isRinexNavFile( brdcFile ) )
         RinexNavStream nstrm(brdcFile.c_str());

            RinexNavHeader rnh;
            nstrm >> rnh;

         catch (Exception& e)

Пример #22
 // Dump the overhead information as a string containing a single line.
 // @throw Invalid Request if the required data has not been stored.
 string GPSEphemeris::asString(void) const
       GPSTK_THROW(InvalidRequest("Data not loaded"));
    try {
       ostringstream os;
       CivilTime ct;
       os << "EPH G" << setfill('0') << setw(2) << satID.id << setfill(' ');
       ct = CivilTime(beginValid);
       os << printTime(ct," | %4Y %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(ctToe);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(ctToc);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(endValid);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S |");
       ct = CivilTime(transmitTime);
       os << printTime(ct," %3j %02H:%02M:%02S | ");
       os << setw(3) << IODE << " | " << setw(3) << IODC << " | " << health;
       return os.str();
    catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e);
Пример #23
   // adjustBeginningValidity determines the beginValid and endValid times.
   // @throw Invalid Request if the required data has not been stored.
   void GPSEphemeris::adjustValidity(void)
      try {
         OrbitEph::adjustValidity();   // for dataLoaded check

	      // Beginning of Validity
               // New concept.  Admit the following.
	      //  (a.) The collection system may not capture the data at earliest transmit.
	      //  (b.) The collection system may not capture the three SFs consecutively.
	      // Consider a couple of IS-GPS-200 promises,
	      //  (c.) By definition, beginning of validity == beginning of transmission.
	      //  (d.) Except for uploads, cutovers will only happen on hour boundaries
	      //  (e.) Cutovers can be detected by non-even Toc.
	      //  (f.) Even uploads will cutover on a frame (30s) boundary.
               // Therefore,
	      //   1.) If Toc is NOT even two hour interval, pick lowest HOW time,
	      //   round back to even 30s.  That's the earliest Xmit time we can prove.
	      //   NOTE: For the case where this is the SECOND SF 1/2/3 after an upload,
	      //   this may yield a later time as such a SF 1/2/3 will be on a even
	      //   hour boundary.  Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing whether
	      //   this item is first or second after upload without additional information
	      //   2.) If Toc IS even two hour interval, pick time from SF 1,
	      //   round back to nearest EVEN two hour boundary.  This assumes collection
	      //   SOMETIME in first hour of transmission.  Could be more
	      //   complete by looking at fit interval and IODC to more accurately
	      //   determine earliest transmission time.
         long longToc = static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(ctToc).getSOW();
         long XmitWeek = static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(transmitTime).getWeek();
         double XmitSOW = 0.0;
         if ( (longToc % 7200) != 0)     // NOT an even two hour change
            long Xmit = HOWtime - (HOWtime % 30);
	         XmitSOW = (double) Xmit;
            long Xmit = HOWtime - HOWtime % 7200;
	         XmitSOW = (double) Xmit;
         beginValid = GPSWeekSecond( XmitWeek, XmitSOW, TimeSystem::GPS );

	      // End of Validity.
	      // The end of validity is calculated from the fit interval
	      // and the Toe.  The fit interval is either trivial
	      // (if fit interval flag==0, fit interval is 4 hours)
	      // or a look-up table based on the IODC.
	      // Round the Toe value to the hour to elminate confusion
	      // due to possible "small offsets" indicating uploads
         long epochWeek = static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(ctToe).getWeek();
         double Toe = static_cast<GPSWeekSecond>(ctToe).getSOW();
         long ToeOffset = (long) Toe % 3600;
         double adjToe = Toe;                  // Default case
         if (ToeOffset)
            adjToe += 3600.0 - (double)ToeOffset;  // If offset, then adjust to remove
         long endFitSOW = adjToe + (fitDuration/2)*3600;
         short endFitWk = epochWeek;
         if (endFitSOW >= FULLWEEK)
            endFitSOW -= FULLWEEK;
         endValid = GPSWeekSecond(endFitWk, endFitSOW, TimeSystem::GPS);
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #24
   int PRSolution3::RAIM2Compute(const CommonTime& Tr,
                               vector<SatID>& Satellite,
                               const vector<double>& Pseudorange,
                               const XvtStore<SatID>& Eph,
                               TropModel *pTropModel)
         int iret,N,Nreject,MinSV;
         size_t i, j;
         vector<bool> UseSat, UseSave;
         vector<int> GoodIndexes;
         // Use these to save the 'best' solution within the loop.
         int BestNIter=0;
         double BestRMS=0.0, BestSL=0.0, BestConv=0.0;
         Vector<double> BestSol(3,0.0);
         vector<bool> BestUse;
         BestRMS = -1.0;      // this marks the 'Best' set as unused.
	 Matrix<double> BestCovariance;

         // ----------------------------------------------------------------
         // initialize

         Valid = false;

         bool hasGlonass = false;
         bool hasOther = false;
         Vector<int> satSystems(Satellite.size());
         //Check if we have a mixed system
         for ( i = 0; i < Satellite.size(); ++i)
            satSystems[i] = ((Satellite[i].system == SatID::systemGlonass) ? (1) : (0) );

            if (satSystems[i] == 1) hasGlonass = true;
            else hasOther = true;

         // Save the input solution
         // (for use in rejection when ResidualCriterion is false).
         if (!hasGlonass && Solution.size() != 4)
         else if (hasGlonass && hasOther && Solution.size() != 5)
         Solution = 0.0;

         // ----------------------------------------------------------------
         // fill the SVP matrix, and use it for every solution
         // NB this routine can set Satellite[.]=negative when no ephemeris

         i = PrepareAutonomousSolution(Tr, Satellite, Pseudorange, Eph, SVP,
         if(Debug && pDebugStream) {
            *pDebugStream << "In RAIMCompute after PAS(): Satellites:";
            for(j=0; j<Satellite.size(); j++) {
               RinexSatID rs(::abs(Satellite[j].id), Satellite[j].system);
               *pDebugStream << " " << (Satellite[j].id < 0 ? "-":"") << rs;
            *pDebugStream << endl;
            *pDebugStream << " SVP matrix("
               << SVP.rows() << "," << SVP.cols() << ")" << endl;
            *pDebugStream << fixed << setw(16) << setprecision(3) << SVP << endl;
         if (i) return i;  // return is 0 (ok) or -4 (no ephemeris)
         // count how many good satellites we have
         // Initialize UseSat based on Satellite, and build GoodIndexes.
         // UseSat is used to mark good sats (true) and those to ignore (false).
         // UseSave saves the original so it can be reused for each solution.
         // Let GoodIndexes be all the indexes of Satellites that are good:
         // UseSat[GoodIndexes[.]] == true by definition

         for (N=0,i=0; i<Satellite.size(); i++)
            if (Satellite[i].id > 0)
         UseSave = UseSat;
         // don't even try if there are not 4 good satellites

         if (!hasGlonass && N < 4)
            return -3;
         else if (hasGlonass && hasOther && N < 5)
            return -3;

         // minimum number of sats needed for algorithm
         MinSV = 5;   // this would be RAIM
         // ( not really RAIM || not RAIM at all - just one solution)
         if (!ResidualCriterion || NSatsReject==0)
         // how many satellites can RAIM reject, if we have to?
         // default is -1, meaning as many as possible
         Nreject = NSatsReject;
         if (Nreject == -1 || Nreject > N-MinSV)
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------
         // now compute the solution, first with all the data. If this fails,
         // reject 1 satellite at a time and try again, then 2, etc.
         // Slopes for each satellite are computed (cf. the RAIM algorithm)
         Vector<double> Slopes(Pseudorange.size());
         // Residuals stores the post-fit data residuals.
         Vector<double> Residuals(Satellite.size(),0.0);
         // compute all the Combinations of N satellites taken 4 at a time
         Combinations Combo(N,N-4);
         // compute a solution for each combination of marked satellites
            // Mark the satellites for this combination
            UseSat = UseSave;
            for (i = 0; i < GoodIndexes.size(); i++)
               if (Combo.isSelected(i))
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // Compute a solution given the data; ignore ranges for marked
            // satellites. Fill Vector 'Slopes' with slopes for each unmarked
            // satellite.
            // Return 0  ok
            //       -1  failed to converge
            //       -2  singular problem
            //       -3  not enough good data
            NIterations = MaxNIterations;             // pass limits in
            Convergence = ConvergenceLimit;
            iret = AutonomousPRSolution(Tr, UseSat, SVP, pTropModel, Algebraic,
               NIterations, Convergence, Solution, Covariance, Residuals, Slopes,
               pDebugStream, ((hasGlonass && hasOther)?(&satSystems):(NULL)) );
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // Compute RMS residual...
               // and in the usual case
               RMSResidual = RMS(Residuals);
            // ... and find the maximum slope
            MaxSlope = 0.0;
            if (iret == 0)
               for (i=0; i<UseSat.size(); i++)
                  if (UseSat[i] && Slopes(i)>MaxSlope)
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // print solution with diagnostic information
            if (Debug && pDebugStream)
               GPSWeekSecond weeksec(Tr);
               *pDebugStream << "RPS " << setw(2) << "4" 
                  << " " << setw(4) << weeksec.week
                  << " " << fixed << setw(10) << setprecision(3) << weeksec.sow
                  << " " << setw(2) << N-4 << setprecision(6)
                  << " " << setw(16) << Solution(0)
                  << " " << setw(16) << Solution(1)
                  << " " << setw(16) << Solution(2)
                  << " " << setw(14) << Solution(3);
               if (hasGlonass && hasOther)
                  *pDebugStream << " " << setw(16) << Solution(4);
               *pDebugStream << " " << setw(12) << RMSResidual
                  << " " << fixed << setw(5) << setprecision(1) << MaxSlope
                  << " " << NIterations
                  << " " << scientific << setw(8) << setprecision(2)<< Convergence;
                  // print the SatID for good sats
               for (i=0; i<UseSat.size(); i++)
                  if (UseSat[i])
                     *pDebugStream << " " << setw(3)<< Satellite[i].id;
                     *pDebugStream << " " << setw(3) << -::abs(Satellite[i].id);
                  // also print the return value
               *pDebugStream << " (" << iret << ")" << endl;
            }// end debug print
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------
            // deal with the results of AutonomousPRSolution()
            if (iret)
            {     // failure for this combination
               RMSResidual = 0.0;
               Solution = 0.0;
            {  // success
                  // save 'best' solution for later
               if (BestRMS < 0.0 || RMSResidual < BestRMS)
                  BestRMS = RMSResidual;
                  BestSol = Solution;
                  BestUse = UseSat;
                  BestSL = MaxSlope;
                  BestConv = Convergence;
                  BestNIter = NIterations;
	       // assign to the combo

                  // quit immediately?
               if ((ReturnAtOnce) && RMSResidual < RMSLimit)
            // get the next Combinations and repeat
         } while(Combo.Next() != -1);
         // end of the stage
         if (BestRMS > 0.0 && BestRMS < RMSLimit)
         {     // success
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------
         // copy out the best solution and return
         Convergence = BestConv;
         NIterations = BestNIter;
         RMSResidual = BestRMS;
         Solution = BestSol;
         MaxSlope = BestSL;
	 Covariance =BestCovariance;
         for (Nsvs=0,i=0; i<BestUse.size(); i++)
            if (!BestUse[i])
               Satellite[i].id = -::abs(Satellite[i].id);

         // FIXME should this be removed? I don't even know what slope is.
         if (iret==0 && BestSL > SlopeLimit)
         if (iret==0 && BestSL > SlopeLimit/2.0 && Nsvs == 5)
         if (iret>=0 && BestRMS >= RMSLimit)
         if (iret==0)

         return iret;
      catch(Exception& e)
   }  // end PRSolution2::RAIMCompute()
Пример #25
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Same as UpEastNorth, but using geocentric coordinates, so that the -Up
// direction will meet the center of Earth.
Matrix<double> UpEastNorthGeocentric(Position& P) throw(Exception)
   try { return UpEastNorth(P, true); }
   catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
Пример #26
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Compute the satellite attitude, given the time and the satellite position SV.
// If the SolarSystem is valid, use it; otherwise use SolarPosition.
// See two versions of SatelliteAttitude() for the user interface.
// Return a 3x3 Matrix which contains, as rows, the unit (ECEF) vectors X,Y,Z in the
// body frame of the satellite, namely
//    Z = along the boresight (i.e. towards Earth center),
//    Y = perpendicular to both Z and the satellite-sun direction, and
//    X = completing the orthonormal triad. X will generally point toward the sun.
// Thus this rotation matrix R * (ECEF XYZ vector) = components in body frame, and
// R.transpose() * (sat. body. frame vector) = ECEF XYZ components.
// Also return the shadow factor = fraction of sun's area not visible to satellite.
Matrix<double> doSatAtt(const CommonTime& tt, const Position& SV,
                        const SolarSystem& SSEph, const EarthOrientation& EO,
                        double& sf)
   try {
      int i;
      double d,svrange,DistSun,AngRadSun,AngRadEarth,AngSeparation;
      Position X,Y,Z,T,S,Sun;
      Matrix<double> R(3,3);

      // Z points from satellite to Earth center - along the antenna boresight
      Z = SV;
      svrange = Z.mag();
      d = -1.0/Z.mag();
      Z = d * Z;                                // reverse and normalize Z

      // get the Sun's position
      if(SSEph.JPLNumber() > -1) {
         //SolarSystem& mySSEph=const_cast<SolarSystem&>(SSEph);
         Sun = const_cast<SolarSystem&>(SSEph).WGS84Position(SolarSystem::Sun,tt,EO);
      else {
         double AR;
         Sun = SolarPosition(tt, AR);
      DistSun = Sun.radius();

      // apparent angular radius of sun = 0.2666/distance in AU (deg)
      AngRadSun = 0.2666/(DistSun/149598.0e6);
      AngRadSun *= DEG_TO_RAD;

      // angular radius of earth at sat
      AngRadEarth = ::asin(6378137.0/svrange);

      // T points from satellite to sun
      T = Sun;                                  // vector earth to sun
      S = SV;
      T = T - S;                                // sat to sun=(E to sun)-(E to sat)
      d = 1.0/T.mag();
      T = d * T;                                // normalize T

      AngSeparation = ::acos(Z.dot(T));         // apparent angular distance, earth
                                                // to sun, as seen at satellite
      // is satellite in eclipse?
      try { sf = ShadowFactor(AngRadEarth, AngRadSun, AngSeparation); }
      catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }

      // Y is perpendicular to Z and T, such that ...
      Y = Z.cross(T);
      d = 1.0/Y.mag();
      Y = d * Y;                                // normalize Y

      // ... X points generally in the direction of the sun
      X = Y.cross(Z);                           // X will be unit vector
      if(X.dot(T) < 0) {                        // need to reverse X, hence Y also
         X = -1.0 * X;
         Y = -1.0 * Y;

      // fill the matrix and return it
      for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
         R(0,i) = X[i];
         R(1,i) = Y[i];
         R(2,i) = Z[i];

      return R;
   catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }
   catch(exception& e) {Exception E("std except: "+string(e.what())); GPSTK_THROW(E);}
   catch(...) { Exception e("Unknown exception"); GPSTK_THROW(e); }
Пример #27
      /* 'Data'   Matrix of data containing observation data in rows, one
       *          row per observation and complying with this format:
       *                    x y z P
       *          Where x,y,z are satellite coordinates in an ECEF system
       *          and P is pseudorange (corrected as much as possible,
       *          specially from satellite clock errors), all expresed
       *          in meters.
       * 'X'      Vector of position solution, in meters. There may be
       *          another solution, that may be accessed with vector
       *          "SecondSolution" if "ChooseOne" is set to "false".
       * Return values:
       *  0  Ok
       * -1  Not enough good data
       * -2  Singular problem
   int Bancroft::Compute( Matrix<double>& Data,
                          Vector<double>& X )


         int N = Data.rows();
         Matrix<double> B(0,4);     // Working matrix

            // Let's test the input data
         if( testInput )

            double satRadius = 0.0;

               // Check each row of B Matrix
            for( int i=0; i < N; i++ )
                  // If Data(i,3) -> Pseudorange is NOT between the allowed
                  // range, then drop line immediately
               if( !( (Data(i,3) >= minPRange) && (Data(i,3) <= maxPRange) ) )

                  // Let's compute distance between Earth center and
                  // satellite position
               satRadius = RSS(Data(i,0), Data(i,1) , Data(i,2));

                  // If satRadius is NOT between the allowed range, then drop
                  // line immediately
               if( !( (satRadius >= minRadius) && (satRadius <= maxRadius) ) )

                  // If everything is ok so far, then extract the good
                  // data row and add it to working matrix
               MatrixRowSlice<double> goodRow(Data,i);
               B = B && goodRow;              


               // Let's redefine "N" and check if we have enough data rows
               // left in a single step
            if( (N = B.rows()) < 4 )
               return -1;  // We need at least 4 data rows

         }  // End of 'if( testInput )...'
               // No input filtering. Working matrix (B) and
               // input matrix (Data) are equal
            B = Data;

         Matrix<double> BT=transpose(B);
         Matrix<double> BTBI(4,4), M(4,4,0.0);
         Vector<double> aux(4), alpha(N), solution1(4), solution2(4);

            // Temporary storage for BT*B. It will be inverted later
         BTBI = BT * B;

            // Let's try to invert BTB matrix
            BTBI = inverseChol( BTBI ); 
            return -2;

            // Now, let's compute alpha vector
         for( int i=0; i < N; i++ )
               // First, fill auxiliar vector with corresponding satellite
               // position and pseudorange
            aux(0) = B(i,0);
            aux(1) = B(i,1);
            aux(2) = B(i,2);
            aux(3) = B(i,3);
            alpha(i) = 0.5 * Minkowski(aux, aux);

         Vector<double> tau(N,1.0), BTBIBTtau(4), BTBIBTalpha(4);

         BTBIBTtau = BTBI * BT * tau;
         BTBIBTalpha = BTBI * BT * alpha;

            // Now, let's find the coeficients of the second order-equation
         double a(Minkowski(BTBIBTtau, BTBIBTtau));
         double b(2.0 * (Minkowski(BTBIBTtau, BTBIBTalpha) - 1.0));
         double c(Minkowski(BTBIBTalpha, BTBIBTalpha));

            // Calculate discriminant and exit if negative
         double discriminant = b*b - 4.0 * a * c;
         if (discriminant < 0.0)
            return -2;

            // Find possible DELTA values
         double DELTA1 = ( -b + SQRT(discriminant) ) / ( 2.0 * a );
         double DELTA2 = ( -b - SQRT(discriminant) ) / ( 2.0 * a );

            // We need to define M matrix
         M(0,0) = 1.0;
         M(1,1) = 1.0;
         M(2,2) = 1.0;
         M(3,3) = - 1.0;

            // Find possible position solutions with their implicit radii
         solution1 = M *  BTBI * ( BT * DELTA1 * tau + BT * alpha );
         double radius1(RSS(solution1(0), solution1(1), solution1(2)));

         solution2 = M *  BTBI * ( BT * DELTA2 * tau + BT * alpha );
         double radius2(RSS(solution2(0), solution2(1), solution2(2)));

            // Let's choose the right solution
         if ( ChooseOne )
            if ( ABS(CloseTo-radius1) < ABS(CloseTo-radius2) )
               X = solution1;
               X = solution2;
               // Both solutions will be reported
            X = solution1;
            SecondSolution = solution2;
         return 0;

      }  // end of first "try"
      catch(Exception& e)
   }  // end Bancroft::Compute()
Пример #28
      /* Method to get the description of a given value
       * @param variable   Variable name.
       * @param section    Section the variable belongs to.
   string ConfDataReader::getValueDescription( string variable,
                                               string section )

         // Let's make sure that section and variable names are uppercase
      section  = StringUtils::upperCase(section);
      variable = StringUtils::upperCase(variable);


            // Auxiliar variable to store current 'issueException' state
         bool exceptionState( getIssueException() );

            // If 'fallback2Default' is set, and this is NOT the 'DEFAULT'
            // section, we need to temporarily disable 'issueException'.
            // This implies that there is no fallback for 'DEFAULT' variables
         if( (section != "DEFAULT") && (section != "") )
            if( getFallback2Default() )

            // Check if section and variable exist
         if( ifExist(variable, section) )

               // Reset 'issueException' to its correct value before continue
            setIssueException( exceptionState );

            return confData[section][variable].valueComment;


               // Reset 'issueException' to its correct value before continue
            setIssueException( exceptionState );

               // If 'fallback2Default' is set, check also in 'DEFAULT' section
            if ( getFallback2Default() )

               if( ifExist(variable) )

                  return confData["DEFAULT"][variable].valueComment;


                  return "";



               return "";

            }  // End of 'if ( getFallback2Default() )'

         }  // End of 'if( ifExist(variable, section) )'

      catch (ConfigurationException& e)

   }  // End of method 'ConfDataReader::getValueDescription()'
Пример #29
      /* Method to get the value of a given variable as a boolean
       * @param variable   Variable name.
       * @param section    Section the variable belongs to.
   bool ConfDataReader::getValueAsBoolean( string variable,
                                           string section,
                                           bool   defaultVal )

         // Let's make sure that section and variable names are uppercase
      section  = StringUtils::upperCase(section);
      variable = StringUtils::upperCase(variable);


            // Declare result variable
         string result( getValue( variable, section ) );

            // Test if result is empty (variable does not exist)
         if( result == "" )
               // Return false if variable is empty. Be aware that an empty
               // variable is NOT the same as an unexistent variable
            return defaultVal;


            // 'result' isn't empty. Convert it to uppercase
         result = StringUtils::upperCase(result);

            // Test if it is "TRUE" or "FALSE"
         if( result == "TRUE" )

            return true;


            if( result == "FALSE" )

               return false;


                  // Throw an exception if value is neither TRUE nor FALSE
               ConfigurationException e(
                                    "Variable name '" +
                                    variable + "' in configuration file '" +
                                    filename +
                                    "' is neither TRUE nor FALSE.");


            }  // End of 'if( result == "FALSE" )'

         }  // End of 'if( result == "TRUE" )'

      catch (ConfigurationException& e)

   }  // End of method 'ConfDataReader::getValueAsBoolean()'
Пример #30
 RinexSatID(const std::string& str)
    try { fromString(str); }
    catch(Exception& e) { GPSTK_RETHROW(e); }