Пример #1
static int load_cmyk(struct jpeg_decompress_struct *cinfo, GP_Context *ret,
                       GP_ProgressCallback *callback)
	while (cinfo->output_scanline < cinfo->output_height) {
		uint32_t y = cinfo->output_scanline;

		JSAMPROW addr = (void*)GP_PIXEL_ADDR(ret, 0, y);
		jpeg_read_scanlines(cinfo, &addr, 1);

		unsigned int i;
		uint8_t *buf = GP_PIXEL_ADDR(ret, 0, y);

		for (i = 0; i < ret->w; i++) {
			unsigned int j = 4 * i;

			buf[j]   = 0xff - buf[j];
			buf[j+1] = 0xff - buf[j+1];
			buf[j+2] = 0xff - buf[j+2];
			buf[j+3] = 0xff - buf[j+3];

		if (GP_ProgressCallbackReport(callback, y, ret->h, ret->w)) {
			GP_DEBUG(1, "Operation aborted");
			return ECANCELED;

	return 0;
Пример #2
static int save_convert(struct jpeg_compress_struct *cinfo,
                        const GP_Context *src,
                        GP_PixelType out_pix,
                        GP_ProgressCallback *callback)
	uint8_t tmp[(src->w * GP_PixelSize(out_pix)) / 8 + 1];
	GP_LineConvert Convert;

	Convert = GP_LineConvertGet(src->pixel_type, out_pix);

	while (cinfo->next_scanline < cinfo->image_height) {
		uint32_t y = cinfo->next_scanline;
		void *in = GP_PIXEL_ADDR(src, 0, y);

		Convert(in, tmp, src->w);

		JSAMPROW row = (void*)tmp;
		jpeg_write_scanlines(cinfo, &row, 1);

		if (GP_ProgressCallbackReport(callback, y, src->h, src->w)) {
			GP_DEBUG(1, "Operation aborted");
			return ECANCELED;

	return 0;
Пример #3
static int read_convert_bitmap(gp_pixmap *res, gp_progress_cb *callback,
		               png_structp png, int passes, double gamma)
	uint16_t *row;

	if (passes > 1) {
		GP_DEBUG(1, "Interlaced 16 bit PNG not supported");
		return ENOSYS;

	row = malloc(6 * res->w);
	if (!row) {
		GP_DEBUG(1, "Malloc failed :(");
		return ENOMEM;

	unsigned int y;

	if (gamma < 0.01)
		gp_pixmap_set_gamma(res, 2.2);

	for (y = 0; y < res->h; y++) {
		png_read_row(png, (void*)row, NULL);
		uint8_t *rrow = GP_PIXEL_ADDR(res, 0, y);
		unsigned int x = 0;

		if (gamma > 0.1) {
			for (x = 0; x < res->w; x++) {
				rrow[3*x] = row[3 * x]>>8;
				rrow[3*x + 1] = row[3 * x + 1]>>8;
				rrow[3*x + 2] = row[3 * x + 2]>>8;
		} else {
			for (x = 0; x < res->w; x++) {
				rrow[3*x] = gp_linear16_to_gamma8(row[3 * x]);
				rrow[3*x + 1] = gp_linear16_to_gamma8(row[3 * x + 1]);
				rrow[3*x + 2] = gp_linear16_to_gamma8(row[3 * x + 2]);

		if (gp_progress_cb_report(callback, y, res->h, res->w)) {
			GP_DEBUG(1, "Operation aborted");
			return ECANCELED;
Пример #4
static int load(struct jpeg_decompress_struct *cinfo, GP_Context *ret,
                GP_ProgressCallback *callback)
	while (cinfo->output_scanline < cinfo->output_height) {
		uint32_t y = cinfo->output_scanline;
                JSAMPROW addr = (void*)GP_PIXEL_ADDR(ret, 0, y);

		jpeg_read_scanlines(cinfo, &addr, 1);

		if (GP_ProgressCallbackReport(callback, y, ret->h, ret->w)) {
			GP_DEBUG(1, "Operation aborted");
			return ECANCELED;

	return 0;
Пример #5
static int save(struct jpeg_compress_struct *cinfo,
                const GP_Context *src,
                GP_ProgressCallback *callback)
	while (cinfo->next_scanline < cinfo->image_height) {
		uint32_t y = cinfo->next_scanline;

		JSAMPROW row = (void*)GP_PIXEL_ADDR(src, 0, y);
		jpeg_write_scanlines(cinfo, &row, 1);

		if (GP_ProgressCallbackReport(callback, y, src->h, src->w)) {
			GP_DEBUG(1, "Operation aborted");
			return ECANCELED;

	return 0;
Пример #6
static int read_bitmap(gp_pixmap *res, gp_progress_cb *callback,
                       png_structp png, int passes)
	uint32_t y;
	int p;

	 * The passes are needed for adam7 interlacing.
	for (p = 0; p < passes; p++) {
		for (y = 0; y < res->h; y++) {
			png_bytep row = GP_PIXEL_ADDR(res, 0, y);
			png_read_row(png, row, NULL);

			if (gp_progress_cb_report(callback, y + res->h * p, res->h * passes, res->w)) {
				GP_DEBUG(1, "Operation aborted");
				return ECANCELED;

	return 0;
Пример #7
static void fb_wait(GP_Backend *self)
	struct fb_priv *fb = GP_BACKEND_PRIV(self);

	struct pollfd fd = {.fd = fb->con_fd, .events = POLLIN, .revents = 0};

	if (poll(&fd, 1, -1) > 0)
		GP_WARN("poll(): %s", strerror(errno));

static void fb_exit(GP_Backend *self)
	struct fb_priv *fb = GP_BACKEND_PRIV(self);

	if (fb->flags & GP_FB_SHADOW)

	/* unmap framebuffer */
	munmap(fb->fb_mem, fb->bsize);

	if (fb->flags & GP_FB_INPUT_KBD)



static void fb_flip_shadow(GP_Backend *self)
	struct fb_priv *fb = GP_BACKEND_PRIV(self);

	GP_DEBUG(2, "Flipping buffer");

	memcpy(fb->fb_mem, fb->context.pixels, fb->bsize);

static void fb_update_rect_shadow(GP_Backend *self, GP_Coord x0, GP_Coord y0,
                                  GP_Coord x1, GP_Coord y1)
	struct fb_priv *fb = GP_BACKEND_PRIV(self);

	GP_DEBUG(2, "Flipping buffer");

	size_t size = ((x1 - x0) * fb->context.bpp) / 8;

	for (;y0 <= y1; y0++) {
		void *src = GP_PIXEL_ADDR(&fb->context, x0, y0);
		void *dst = (char*)fb->fb_mem +
                            y0 * fb->context.bytes_per_row +
                            (x0 * fb->context.bpp)/8;
		memcpy(dst, src, size);

GP_Backend *GP_BackendLinuxFBInit(const char *path, int flags)
	GP_Backend *backend;
	struct fb_priv *fb;
	struct fb_fix_screeninfo fscri;
	struct fb_var_screeninfo vscri;
	int fd;

	backend = malloc(sizeof(GP_Backend) +
	                 sizeof(struct fb_priv) + strlen(path) + 1);

	if (backend == NULL)
		return NULL;

	fb = GP_BACKEND_PRIV(backend);

	if (allocate_console(fb, flags))
		goto err0;

	if (flags & GP_FB_INPUT_KBD) {
		if (init_kbd(fb))
			goto err1;

	/* open and mmap framebuffer */
	GP_DEBUG(1, "Opening framebuffer '%s'", path);

	fd = open(path, O_RDWR);

	if (fd < 0) {
		GP_DEBUG(1, "Opening framebuffer failed: %s", strerror(errno));
		goto err2;

	if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &fscri) < 0) {
		GP_DEBUG(1, "Failed to ioctl FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO: %s",
		goto err3;

	if (ioctl(fd, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &vscri) < 0) {
		GP_DEBUG(1, "Failed to ioctl FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO: %s",
		goto err3;

	GP_DEBUG(1, "Have framebufer %ix%i %s %ibpp", vscri.xres, vscri.yres,
                 vscri.grayscale ? "Gray" : "RGB", vscri.bits_per_pixel);

	 * Framebuffer is grayscale.
	if (vscri.grayscale) {
		GP_WARN("Grayscale not implemented!");
		goto err3;

	enum GP_PixelType pixel_type;
	pixel_type = GP_PixelRGBLookup(vscri.red.length,    vscri.red.offset,
	                               vscri.green.length,  vscri.green.offset,
	                               vscri.blue.length,   vscri.blue.offset,
	                               vscri.transp.length, vscri.transp.offset,

	if (pixel_type == GP_PIXEL_UNKNOWN) {
		GP_DEBUG(1, "Unknown pixel type\n");
		goto err3;

	if (flags & GP_FB_SHADOW) {
		fb->context.pixels = malloc(fscri.smem_len);

		if (!fb->context.pixels) {
			GP_DEBUG(1, "Malloc failed :(");
			goto err3;

	fb->fb_mem = mmap(NULL, fscri.smem_len,
	                  PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

	if (fb->fb_mem == MAP_FAILED) {
		GP_DEBUG(1, "mmaping framebuffer failed: %s", strerror(errno));
		goto err4;

	fb->fb_fd = fd;
	fb->bsize = fscri.smem_len;
	strcpy(fb->path, path);
	fb->flags = flags;

	if (!(flags & GP_FB_SHADOW))
		fb->context.pixels = fb->fb_mem;

	fb->context.w = vscri.xres;
	fb->context.h = vscri.yres;

	fb->context.axes_swap = 0;
	fb->context.x_swap    = 0;
	fb->context.y_swap    = 0;

	fb->context.bpp = vscri.bits_per_pixel;
	fb->context.bytes_per_row  = fscri.line_length;
	fb->context.pixel_type = pixel_type;

	int shadow = flags & GP_FB_SHADOW;
	int kbd = flags & GP_FB_INPUT_KBD;

	/* update API */
	backend->name          = "Linux FB";
	backend->context       = &fb->context;
	backend->Flip          = shadow ? fb_flip_shadow : NULL;
	backend->UpdateRect    = shadow ? fb_update_rect_shadow : NULL;
	backend->Exit          = fb_exit;
	backend->SetAttributes = NULL;
	backend->ResizeAck     = NULL;
	backend->Poll          = kbd ? fb_poll : NULL;
	backend->Wait          = kbd ? fb_wait : NULL;
	backend->fd            = fb->con_fd;
	backend->timers        = NULL;

	GP_EventQueueInit(&backend->event_queue, vscri.xres, vscri.yres, 0);

	return backend;
	if (flags & GP_FB_SHADOW)
	if (flags & GP_FB_INPUT_KBD)
	return NULL;