Пример #1
 * graphene_quaternion_init_from_angles:
 * @q: a #graphene_quaternion_t
 * @deg_x: rotation angle on the X axis (yaw), in degrees
 * @deg_y: rotation angle on the Y axis (pitch), in degrees
 * @deg_z: rotation angle on the Z axis (roll), in degrees
 * Initializes a #graphene_quaternion_t using the values of
 * the [Euler angles](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler_angles)
 * on each axis.
 * Returns: (transfer none): the initialized quaternion
 * Since: 1.0
graphene_quaternion_t *
graphene_quaternion_init_from_angles (graphene_quaternion_t *q,
                                      float                  deg_x,
                                      float                  deg_y,
                                      float                  deg_z)
  float rad_x, rad_y, rad_z;
  float sin_x, sin_y, sin_z;
  float cos_x, cos_y, cos_z;

  rad_x = GRAPHENE_DEG_TO_RAD (deg_x);
  rad_y = GRAPHENE_DEG_TO_RAD (deg_y);
  rad_z = GRAPHENE_DEG_TO_RAD (deg_z);

  sin_x = sinf (rad_x * .5f);
  sin_y = sinf (rad_y * .5f);
  sin_z = sinf (rad_z * .5f);

  cos_x = cosf (rad_x * .5f);
  cos_y = cosf (rad_y * .5f);
  cos_z = cosf (rad_z * .5f);

  q->x = sin_x * cos_y * cos_z + cos_x * sin_y * sin_z;
  q->y = cos_x * sin_y * cos_z - sin_x * cos_y * sin_z;
  q->z = cos_x * cos_y * sin_z + sin_x * sin_y * cos_z;
  q->w = cos_x * cos_y * cos_z - sin_x * sin_y * sin_z;

  return q;
Пример #2
 * graphene_euler_init:
 * @e: the #graphene_euler_t to initialize
 * @x: rotation angle on the X axis, in degrees
 * @y: rotation angle on the Y axis, in degrees
 * @z: rotation angle on the Z axis, in degrees
 * Initializes a #graphene_euler_t using the given angles.
 * The order of the rotations is %GRAPHENE_EULER_ORDER_DEFAULT.
 * Returns: (transfer none): the initialized #graphene_euler_t
 * Since: 1.2
graphene_euler_t *
graphene_euler_init (graphene_euler_t *e,
                     float             x,
                     float             y,
                     float             z)
  return graphene_euler_init_internal (e,
                                       GRAPHENE_DEG_TO_RAD (x),
                                       GRAPHENE_DEG_TO_RAD (y),
                                       GRAPHENE_DEG_TO_RAD (z),
Пример #3
 * graphene_euler_init_with_order:
 * @e: the #graphene_euler_t to initialize
 * @x: rotation angle on the X axis, in degrees
 * @y: rotation angle on the Y axis, in degrees
 * @z: rotation angle on the Z axis, in degrees
 * @order: the order used to apply the rotations
 * Initializes a #graphene_euler_t with the given angles and @order.
 * Returns: (transfer none): the initialized #graphene_euler_t
 * Since: 1.2
graphene_euler_t *
graphene_euler_init_with_order (graphene_euler_t       *e,
                                float                   x,
                                float                   y,
                                float                   z,
                                graphene_euler_order_t  order)
  return graphene_euler_init_internal (e,
                                       GRAPHENE_DEG_TO_RAD (x),
                                       GRAPHENE_DEG_TO_RAD (y),
                                       GRAPHENE_DEG_TO_RAD (z),
Пример #4
 * graphene_quaternion_init_from_angle_vec3:
 * @q: a #graphene_quaternion_t
 * @angle: the rotation on a given axis, in degrees
 * @axis: the axis of rotation, expressed as a vector
 * Initializes a #graphene_quaternion_t using an @angle on a
 * specific @axis.
 * Returns: (transfer none): the initialized quaternion
 * Since: 1.0
graphene_quaternion_t *
graphene_quaternion_init_from_angle_vec3 (graphene_quaternion_t *q,
                                          float                  angle,
                                          const graphene_vec3_t *axis)
  float rad, sin_a, cos_a;
  graphene_simd4f_t axis_n;

  rad = GRAPHENE_DEG_TO_RAD (angle);

  sin_a = sinf (rad / 2.f);
  cos_a = cosf (rad / 2.f);
  axis_n = graphene_simd4f_mul (graphene_simd4f_normalize3 (axis->value),
                                graphene_simd4f_splat (sin_a));

  q->x = graphene_simd4f_get_x (axis_n);
  q->y = graphene_simd4f_get_y (axis_n);
  q->z = graphene_simd4f_get_z (axis_n);
  q->w = cos_a;

  return q;