Пример #1
static int
rk1imp_apply (void *vstate, size_t dim, double t, double h,
              double y[], double yerr[],
              const double dydt_in[], double dydt_out[],
              const gsl_odeiv2_system * sys)
  /* Makes an implicit Euler step with size h and estimates the local
     error of the step by step doubling.

  rk1imp_state_t *state = (rk1imp_state_t *) vstate;

  double *const y_onestep = state->y_onestep;
  double *const y_twostep = state->y_twostep;
  double *const ytmp = state->ytmp;
  double *const y_save = state->y_save;
  double *const YZ = state->YZ;
  double *const fYZ = state->fYZ;
  gsl_matrix *const dfdy = state->dfdy;
  double *const dfdt = state->dfdt;
  double *const errlev = state->errlev;

  const modnewton1_state_t *esol = state->esol;

  /* Runge-Kutta coefficients */

  gsl_matrix *A = state->A;
  const double b[] = { 1.0 };
  const double c[] = { 1.0 };
  gsl_matrix_set (A, 0, 0, 1.0);

  if (esol == NULL)
      GSL_ERROR ("no non-linear equation solver speficied", GSL_EINVAL);

  /* Get desired error levels via gsl_odeiv2_control object through driver
     object, which is a requirement for this stepper.

  if (state->driver == NULL)
      return GSL_EFAULT;
      size_t i;

      for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
          if (dydt_in != NULL)
              gsl_odeiv2_control_errlevel (state->driver->c, y[i],
                                           dydt_in[i], h, i, &errlev[i]);
              gsl_odeiv2_control_errlevel (state->driver->c, y[i],
                                           0.0, h, i, &errlev[i]);

  /* Evaluate Jacobian for modnewton1 */

    int s = GSL_ODEIV_JA_EVAL (sys, t, y, dfdy->data, dfdt);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        return s;

  /* Calculate a single step with size h */

    int s = modnewton1_init ((void *) esol, A, h, dfdy, sys);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        return s;

    int s = modnewton1_solve ((void *) esol, A, c, t, h, y,
                              sys, YZ, errlev);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        return s;

    int s = GSL_ODEIV_FN_EVAL (sys, t + c[0] * h, YZ, fYZ);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        return s;

    int s = rksubs (y_onestep, h, y, fYZ, b, RK1IMP_STAGE, dim);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
      return s;

  /* Error estimation by step doubling */

    int s = modnewton1_init ((void *) esol, A, h / 2.0, dfdy, sys);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        return s;

  /* 1st half step */

    int s = modnewton1_solve ((void *) esol, A, c, t, h / 2.0, y,
                              sys, YZ, errlev);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        return s;

    int s = GSL_ODEIV_FN_EVAL (sys, t + c[0] * h / 2.0, YZ, fYZ);
    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        return s;

    int s = rksubs (ytmp, h / 2.0, y, fYZ, b, RK1IMP_STAGE, dim);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
      return s;

  /* Save original y values in case of error */

  DBL_MEMCPY (y_save, y, dim);

  /* 2nd half step */

    int s = modnewton1_solve ((void *) esol, A, c, t + h / 2.0, h / 2.0,
                              ytmp, sys, YZ, errlev);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        return s;

    int s = GSL_ODEIV_FN_EVAL (sys, t + h / 2.0 + c[0] * h / 2.0, YZ, fYZ);
    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        return s;

    /* Note: rk1imp returns y using the results from two half steps
       instead of the single step since the results are freely
       available and more precise.

    int s = rksubs (y_twostep, h / 2.0, ytmp, fYZ, b, RK1IMP_STAGE, dim);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        DBL_MEMCPY (y, y_save, dim);
        return s;

  DBL_MEMCPY (y, y_twostep, dim);

  /* Error estimation */

    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
        yerr[i] = ODEIV_ERR_SAFETY * 0.5 * fabs (y_twostep[i] - y_onestep[i]);

  /* Derivatives at output */

  if (dydt_out != NULL)
      int s = GSL_ODEIV_FN_EVAL (sys, t + h, y, dydt_out);

      if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
          /* Restore original values */
          DBL_MEMCPY (y, y_save, dim);

          return s;

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Пример #2
/* Perform the basic semi-implicit extrapolation
 * step, of size h, at a Deuflhard determined order.
static int
bsimp_apply (void *vstate,
             size_t dim,
             double t,
             double h,
             double y[],
             double yerr[],
             const double dydt_in[],
             double dydt_out[], const gsl_odeiv2_system * sys)
  bsimp_state_t *state = (bsimp_state_t *) vstate;

  double *const x = state->x;
  double *const yp = state->yp;
  double *const y_save = state->y_save;
  double *const yerr_save = state->yerr_save;
  double *const y_extrap_sequence = state->y_extrap_sequence;
  double *const y_extrap_save = state->y_extrap_save;
  double *const extrap_work = state->extrap_work;
  double *const dfdt = state->dfdt;
  gsl_matrix *d = state->d;
  gsl_matrix *dfdy = state->dfdy;

  const double t_local = t;
  size_t i, k;

  if (h + t_local == t_local)
      return GSL_EUNDRFLW;      /* FIXME: error condition */

  DBL_MEMCPY (y_extrap_save, y, dim);

  /* Save inputs */
  DBL_MEMCPY (y_save, y, dim);
  DBL_MEMCPY (yerr_save, yerr, dim);

  /* Evaluate the derivative. */
  if (dydt_in != NULL)
      DBL_MEMCPY (yp, dydt_in, dim);
      int s = GSL_ODEIV_FN_EVAL (sys, t_local, y, yp);

      if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
          return s;

  /* Evaluate the Jacobian for the system. */
    int s = GSL_ODEIV_JA_EVAL (sys, t_local, y, dfdy->data, dfdt);

    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
        return s;

  /* Make a series of refined extrapolations,
   * up to the specified maximum order, which
   * was calculated based on the Deuflhard
   * criterion upon state initialization.  */
  for (k = 0; k <= state->k_current; k++)
      const unsigned int N = bd_sequence[k];
      const double r = (h / N);
      const double x_k = r * r;

      int status = bsimp_step_local (state,
                                     dim, t_local, h, N,
                                     y_extrap_save, yp,
                                     dfdt, dfdy,

      if (status == GSL_EFAILED)
          /* If the local step fails, set the error to infinity in
             order to force a reduction in the step size */

          for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
              yerr[i] = GSL_POSINF;


      else if (status != GSL_SUCCESS)
          return status;

      x[k] = x_k;

      poly_extrap (d, x, k, x_k, y_extrap_sequence, y, yerr, extrap_work,

  /* Evaluate dydt_out[]. */

  if (dydt_out != NULL)
      int s = GSL_ODEIV_FN_EVAL (sys, t + h, y, dydt_out);

      if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
          DBL_MEMCPY (y, y_save, dim);
          DBL_MEMCPY (yerr, yerr_save, dim);
          return s;

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Пример #3
static int
msbdf_update (void *vstate, const size_t dim, gsl_matrix * dfdy, double *dfdt,
              const double t, const double *y, const gsl_odeiv2_system * sys,
              gsl_matrix * M, gsl_permutation * p,
              const size_t iter, size_t * nJ, size_t * nM,
              const double tprev, const double failt,
              const double gamma, const double gammaprev, const double hratio)
  /* Evaluates Jacobian dfdy and updates iteration matrix M
     if criteria for update is met.

  /* Jacobian is evaluated
     - at first step
     - if MSBDF_JAC_WAIT steps have been made without re-evaluation
     - in case of a convergence failure if
     --- change in gamma is small, or 
     --- convergence failure resulted in step size decrease

  const double c = 0.2;
  const double gammarel = fabs (gamma / gammaprev - 1.0);

  if (*nJ == 0 || *nJ > MSBDF_JAC_WAIT ||
      (t == failt && (gammarel < c || hratio < 1.0)))
#ifdef DEBUG
      printf ("-- evaluate jacobian\n");
      int s = GSL_ODEIV_JA_EVAL (sys, t, y, dfdy->data, dfdt);

      if (s == GSL_EBADFUNC)
          return s;

      if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
          msbdf_failurehandler (vstate, dim, t);
#ifdef DEBUG
          printf ("-- FAIL at jacobian function evaluation\n");
          return s;

      /* Reset counter */

      *nJ = 0;

  /* Iteration matrix M (and it's LU decomposition) is generated
     - at first step
     - if MSBDF_M_WAIT steps have been made without an update
     - if change in gamma is significant (e.g. change in step size)
     - if previous step was rejected

  if (*nM == 0 || *nM > MSBDF_M_WAIT || gammarel >= c ||
      t == tprev || t == failt)
#ifdef DEBUG
      printf ("-- update M, gamma=%.5e\n", gamma);
      size_t i;
      gsl_matrix_memcpy (M, dfdy);
      gsl_matrix_scale (M, -gamma);

      for (i = 0; i < dim; i++)
          gsl_matrix_set (M, i, i, gsl_matrix_get (M, i, i) + 1.0);

        int signum;
        int s = gsl_linalg_LU_decomp (M, p, &signum);
        if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
            return GSL_FAILURE;

      /* Reset counter */

      *nM = 0;

  return GSL_SUCCESS;