Пример #1
// add or remove bots to match team size targets set by 'bot fill' command
void G_BotFill(bool immediately)
	static int nextCheck = 0;
	if (!immediately && level.time < nextCheck) {
		return;  // don't check every frame to prevent warning spam
	nextCheck = level.time + 2000;

	for (team_t team : {TEAM_ALIENS, TEAM_HUMANS}) {
		auto& t = level.team[team];
		int teamSize = t.numClients;
		if (teamSize > t.botFillTeamSize && t.numBots > 0) {
			for (int client = 0; client < MAX_CLIENTS; client++) {
				if (level.clients[client].pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED
						&& level.clients[client].pers.team == team
						&& level.clients[client].pers.isFillerBot) {
					if (--teamSize <= t.botFillTeamSize) {
		} else if (teamSize < t.botFillTeamSize) {
			int additionalBots = t.botFillTeamSize - teamSize;
			while (additionalBots--) {
				if (!G_BotAdd(BOT_NAME_FROM_LIST, team, t.botFillSkillLevel, BOT_DEFAULT_BEHAVIOR, true)) {
Пример #2
 * Removes and add again a Bot (unused?)
 * @param self [gentity_t] a BOT
void G_BotReload( gentity_t *ent, int clientNum )
	ClientDisconnect( clientNum );
	G_BotAdd( ent->client->pers.netname, ent->client->pers.teamSelection );
	trap_SendServerCommand( -1, "print \"Interfering bot reloaded\n\"" );
Пример #3
 * Add a random bot to a team
 * @param team
void G_BotAddRandom ( team_t team ) {
	int ini, fin, sel;
	char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
	const char *names[50] = {
		//------------- ALIENS
		//------------ HUMANS 
	int reservedSlots = trap_Cvar_VariableIntegerValue( "sv_privateclients" );
	ini = team == TEAM_ALIENS ? 0 : 25;
	fin = team == TEAM_ALIENS ? 26 : 49;
	//Do not add more than we can handle
	if(level.humanBots + level.alienBots < reservedSlots) {
		do {
			sel = G_Rand_Range(ini,fin);
			Q_strncpyz( name, names[sel], sizeof( name ) );
		} while(!G_BotAdd(name, team));	