Пример #1
* G_Teams_InitLevel
void G_Teams_Init( void )
	edict_t	*ent;

	// set the team names with default ones
	trap_ConfigString( CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR_NAME, GS_DefaultTeamName( TEAM_SPECTATOR ) );
	trap_ConfigString( CS_TEAM_PLAYERS_NAME, GS_DefaultTeamName( TEAM_PLAYERS ) );
	trap_ConfigString( CS_TEAM_ALPHA_NAME, GS_DefaultTeamName( TEAM_ALPHA ) );
	trap_ConfigString( CS_TEAM_BETA_NAME, GS_DefaultTeamName( TEAM_BETA ) );

	g_teams_maxplayers = trap_Cvar_Get( "g_teams_maxplayers", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	g_teams_allow_uneven = trap_Cvar_Get( "g_teams_allow_uneven", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	//unlock all teams and clear up team lists
	memset( teamlist, 0, sizeof( teamlist ) );

	for( ent = game.edicts + 1; PLAYERNUM( ent ) < gs.maxclients; ent++ )
		if( ent->r.inuse )
			memset( &ent->r.client->teamstate, 0, sizeof( ent->r.client->teamstate ) );
			memset( &ent->r.client->resp, 0, sizeof( ent->r.client->resp ) );
			ent->s.team = ent->r.client->team = TEAM_SPECTATOR;
			G_GhostClient( ent );
			ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; // allow freefly
			ent->r.client->teamstate.timeStamp = level.time;
			ent->r.client->resp.timeStamp = level.time;

Пример #2
void G_Teams_Coach( edict_t *ent )
	if( GS_TeamBasedGametype() && !GS_InvidualGameType() && ent->s.team != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
		if( !teamlist[ent->s.team].has_coach )
			if( GS_MatchState() > MATCH_STATE_WARMUP && !GS_MatchPaused() )
				G_PrintMsg( ent, "Can't set coach mode with the match in progress\n" );
				// move to coach mode
				ent->r.client->teamstate.is_coach = true;
				G_GhostClient( ent );
				ent->health = ent->max_health;
				ent->deadflag = DEAD_NO;

				G_ChasePlayer( ent, NULL, true, 0 );

				//clear up his scores
				G_Match_Ready( ent ); // set ready and check readys
				memset( &ent->r.client->level.stats, 0, sizeof( ent->r.client->level.stats ) );

				teamlist[ent->s.team].has_coach = true;
				G_PrintMsg( NULL, "%s%s is now team %s coach \n", ent->r.client->netname,
					S_COLOR_WHITE, GS_TeamName( ent->s.team ) );
		else if( ent->r.client->teamstate.is_coach )
		{                            // if you are this team coach, resign
			ent->r.client->teamstate.is_coach = false;
			G_PrintMsg( NULL, "%s%s is no longer team %s coach \n", ent->r.client->netname,
				S_COLOR_WHITE, GS_TeamName( ent->s.team ) );

			G_Teams_SetTeam( ent, ent->s.team );
			G_PrintMsg( ent, "Your team already has a coach.\n" );
		G_PrintMsg( ent, "Coaching only valid while on a team in Team based Gametypes.\n" );
Пример #3
* player_die
void player_die( edict_t *ent, edict_t *inflictor, edict_t *attacker, int damage, const vec3_t point )
	snap_edict_t snap_backup = ent->snap;
	client_snapreset_t resp_snap_backup = ent->r.client->resp.snap;

	VectorClear( ent->avelocity );

	ent->s.angles[0] = 0;
	ent->s.angles[2] = 0;
	ent->s.sound = 0;

	ent->r.solid = SOLID_NOT;

	ent->r.client->teamstate.last_killer = attacker;

	// player death
	ent->s.angles[YAW] = ent->r.client->ps.viewangles[YAW] = LookAtKillerYAW( ent, inflictor, attacker );
	ClientObituary( ent, inflictor, attacker );

	// create a body
	CopyToBodyQue( ent, attacker, damage );
	ent->enemy = NULL;

	// clear his combo stats
	G_AwardResetPlayerComboStats( ent );

	// go ghost (also resets snap)
	G_GhostClient( ent );

	ent->deathTimeStamp = level.time;

	VectorClear( ent->velocity );
	VectorClear( ent->avelocity );
	ent->snap = snap_backup;
	ent->r.client->resp.snap = resp_snap_backup;
	ent->r.client->resp.snap.buttons = 0;
	GClip_LinkEntity( ent );
Пример #4
* G_ChasePlayer
void G_ChasePlayer( edict_t *ent, const char *name, bool teamonly, int followmode )
	int i;
	edict_t *e;
	gclient_t *client;
	int targetNum = -1;
	int oldTarget;
	bool can_follow = true;
	char colorlessname[MAX_NAME_BYTES];

	client = ent->r.client;

	oldTarget = client->resp.chase.target;

	if( teamonly && !client->teamstate.is_coach )
		can_follow = false;

	if( !can_follow && followmode )
		G_PrintMsg( ent, "Chasecam follow mode unavailable\n" );
		followmode = false;

	if( ent->r.client->resp.chase.followmode && !followmode )
		G_PrintMsg( ent, "Disabling chasecam follow mode\n" );

	// always disable chasing as a start
	memset( &client->resp.chase, 0, sizeof( chasecam_t ) );

	// locate the requested target
	if( name && name[0] )
		// find it by player names
		for( e = game.edicts + 1; PLAYERNUM( e ) < gs.maxclients; e++ )
			if( !G_Chase_IsValidTarget( ent, e, teamonly ) )

			Q_strncpyz( colorlessname, COM_RemoveColorTokens( e->r.client->netname ), sizeof(colorlessname) );

			if( !Q_stricmp( COM_RemoveColorTokens( name ), colorlessname ) )
				targetNum = PLAYERNUM( e );

		// didn't find it by name, try by numbers
		if( targetNum == -1 )
			i = atoi( name );
			if( i >= 0 && i < gs.maxclients )
				e = game.edicts + 1 + i;
				if( G_Chase_IsValidTarget( ent, e, teamonly ) )
					targetNum = PLAYERNUM( e );

		if( targetNum == -1 )
			G_PrintMsg( ent, "Requested chasecam target is not available\n" );

	// try to reuse old target if we didn't find a valid one
	if( targetNum == -1 && oldTarget > 0 && oldTarget < gs.maxclients )
		e = game.edicts + 1 + oldTarget;
		if( G_Chase_IsValidTarget( ent, e, teamonly ) )
			targetNum = PLAYERNUM( e );

	// if we still don't have a target, just pick the first valid one
	if( targetNum == -1 )
		for( e = game.edicts + 1; PLAYERNUM( e ) < gs.maxclients; e++ )
			if( !G_Chase_IsValidTarget( ent, e, teamonly ) )

			targetNum = PLAYERNUM( e );

	// make the client a ghost
	G_GhostClient( ent );
	if( targetNum != -1 )
		// we found a target, set up the chasecam
		client->resp.chase.target = targetNum + 1;
		client->resp.chase.teamonly = teamonly;
		client->resp.chase.followmode = followmode;
		G_Chase_SetChaseActive( ent, true );
		// stay as observer
		if( !teamonly )
			ent->movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
		client->level.showscores = false;
		G_Chase_SetChaseActive( ent, false );
		G_CenterPrintMsg( ent, "No one to chase" );