Пример #1

called when a client has finished connecting, and is ready
to be placed into the level.  This will happen every level load,
and on transition between teams, but doesn't happen on respawns
void ClientBegin( int clientNum )
  gentity_t *ent;
  gclient_t *client;
  int       flags;

  ent = g_entities + clientNum;

  client = level.clients + clientNum;

  if( ent->r.linked )
    trap_UnlinkEntity( ent );

  G_InitGentity( ent );
  ent->touch = 0;
  ent->pain = 0;
  ent->client = client;

  client->pers.connected = CON_CONNECTED;
  client->pers.enterTime = level.time;
  client->pers.teamState.state = TEAM_BEGIN;
  client->pers.classSelection = PCL_NONE;

  // save eflags around this, because changing teams will
  // cause this to happen with a valid entity, and we
  // want to make sure the teleport bit is set right
  // so the viewpoint doesn't interpolate through the
  // world to the new position
  flags = client->ps.eFlags;
  memset( &client->ps, 0, sizeof( client->ps ) );
  memset( &client->pmext, 0, sizeof( client->pmext ) );
  client->ps.eFlags = flags;

  // locate ent at a spawn point

  ClientSpawn( ent, NULL, NULL, NULL );

  trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " entered the game\n\"", client->pers.netname ) );

  // name can change between ClientConnect() and ClientBegin()
  G_admin_namelog_update( client, qfalse );

  // request the clients PTR code
  trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, "ptrcrequest" );

  G_LogPrintf( "ClientBegin: %i\n", clientNum );

  if( g_clientUpgradeNotice.integer )
    if( !Q_stricmp( ent->client->pers.guid, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( client->ps.clientNum, va( "print \"^1Your client is out of date. Updating your client will allow you to "
        "become an admin on servers and download maps much more quickly. Please replace your client executable with the one "
        "at ^2http://trem.tjw.org/backport/^1 and reconnect. \n\"" ) );

  // count current clients and rank for scoreboard
  CalculateRanks( );
Пример #2

Called when a player drops from the server.
Will not be called between levels.

This should NOT be called directly by any game logic,
call trap_DropClient(), which will call this and do
server system housekeeping.
void ClientDisconnect( int clientNum )
  gentity_t *ent;
  gentity_t *tent;
  int       i;
  buildHistory_t *ptr;

  ent = g_entities + clientNum;

  if( !ent->client )

  // look through the bhist and readjust it if the referenced ent has left
  for( ptr = level.buildHistory; ptr; ptr = ptr->next )
    if( ptr->ent == ent )
      ptr->ent = NULL;
      Q_strncpyz( ptr->name, ent->client->pers.netname, MAX_NETNAME );

  G_admin_namelog_update( ent->client, qtrue );
  G_LeaveTeam( ent );

  // stop any following clients
  for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ )
    // remove any /ignore settings for this clientNum
    BG_ClientListRemove( &level.clients[ i ].sess.ignoreList, clientNum );

  // send effect if they were completely connected
  if( ent->client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED &&
      ent->client->sess.sessionTeam != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
    tent = G_TempEntity( ent->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_OUT );
    tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;

  if( ent->client->pers.connection )
    ent->client->pers.connection->clientNum = -1;

  G_LogPrintf( "ClientDisconnect: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s\"\n", clientNum,
   ent->client->pers.ip, ent->client->pers.guid, ent->client->pers.netname );

  trap_UnlinkEntity( ent );
  ent->s.modelindex = 0;
  ent->inuse = qfalse;
  ent->classname = "disconnected";
  ent->client->pers.connected = CON_DISCONNECTED;
  ent->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_TEAM ] = TEAM_FREE;
  ent->client->sess.sessionTeam = TEAM_FREE;

  trap_SetConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum, "");

  CalculateRanks( );

Called when a player drops from the server.
Will not be called between levels.

This should NOT be called directly by any game logic,
call trap_DropClient(), which will call this and do
server system housekeeping.
void ClientDisconnect( int clientNum )
  gentity_t *ent;
  gentity_t *tent;
  int       i;

  ent = g_entities + clientNum;

  if( !ent->client )

  G_admin_namelog_update( ent->client, qtrue );
  G_LeaveTeam( ent );
  G_Vote( ent, qfalse );

  // stop any following clients
  for( i = 0; i < level.maxclients; i++ )
    // remove any /ignore settings for this clientNum
    BG_ClientListRemove( &level.clients[ i ].sess.ignoreList, clientNum );

  // send effect if they were completely connected
  if( ent->client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED &&
      ent->client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_NOT )
    tent = G_TempEntity( ent->client->ps.origin, EV_PLAYER_TELEPORT_OUT );
    tent->s.clientNum = ent->s.clientNum;

  if( ent->client->pers.connection )
    ent->client->pers.connection->clientNum = -1;

  G_LogPrintf( "ClientDisconnect: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s\"\n", clientNum,
   ent->client->pers.ip, ent->client->pers.guid, ent->client->pers.netname );

  trap_UnlinkEntity( ent );
  ent->s.modelindex = 0;
  ent->inuse = qfalse;
  ent->classname = "disconnected";
  ent->client->pers.connected = CON_DISCONNECTED;
  ent->client->sess.spectatorState =
      ent->client->ps.persistant[ PERS_SPECSTATE ] = SPECTATOR_NOT;

  trap_SetConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum, "");

  CalculateRanks( );

called when a client has finished connecting, and is ready
to be placed into the level.  This will happen every level load,
and on transition between teams, but doesn't happen on respawns
void ClientBegin( int clientNum )
  gentity_t *ent;
  gclient_t *client;
  int       flags;

  ent = g_entities + clientNum;

  client = level.clients + clientNum;

  if( ent->r.linked )
    trap_UnlinkEntity( ent );

  G_InitGentity( ent );
  ent->touch = 0;
  ent->pain = 0;
  ent->client = client;

  client->pers.connected = CON_CONNECTED;
  client->pers.enterTime = level.time;

  // save eflags around this, because changing teams will
  // cause this to happen with a valid entity, and we
  // want to make sure the teleport bit is set right
  // so the viewpoint doesn't interpolate through the
  // world to the new position
  flags = client->ps.eFlags;
  memset( &client->ps, 0, sizeof( client->ps ) );
  memset( &client->pmext, 0, sizeof( client->pmext ) );
  client->ps.eFlags = flags;

  // locate ent at a spawn point

  ClientSpawn( ent, NULL, NULL, NULL );

  trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " entered the game\n\"", client->pers.netname ) );

  // name can change between ClientConnect() and ClientBegin()
  G_admin_namelog_update( client, qfalse );

  // request the clients PTR code
  trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, "ptrcrequest" );

  G_LogPrintf( "ClientBegin: %i\n", clientNum );

  // count current clients and rank for scoreboard
  CalculateRanks( );

Called from ClientConnect when the player first connects and
directly by the server system when the player updates a userinfo variable.

The game can override any of the settings and call trap_SetUserinfo
if desired.
void ClientUserinfoChanged( int clientNum )
  gentity_t *ent;
  int       health;
  char      *s;
  char      model[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      buffer[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      filename[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      oldname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
  char      newname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
  char      err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
  qboolean  revertName = qfalse;
  gclient_t *client;
  char      c1[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  char      c2[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  char      userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];

  ent = g_entities + clientNum;
  client = ent->client;

  trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );

  // check for malformed or illegal info strings
  if( !Info_Validate(userinfo) )
    strcpy( userinfo, "\\name\\badinfo" );

  // set name
  Q_strncpyz( oldname, client->pers.netname, sizeof( oldname ) );
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "name" );
  G_ClientCleanName( s, newname, sizeof( newname ) );

  if( strcmp( oldname, newname ) )
    // in case we need to revert and there's no oldname
    if( client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED )
        Q_strncpyz( oldname, "UnnamedPlayer", sizeof( oldname ) );

    if( client->pers.nameChangeTime &&
      ( level.time - client->pers.nameChangeTime )
      <= ( g_minNameChangePeriod.value * 1000 ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va(
        "print \"Name change spam protection (g_minNameChangePeriod = %d)\n\"",
         g_minNameChangePeriod.integer ) );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( g_maxNameChanges.integer > 0
      && client->pers.nameChanges >= g_maxNameChanges.integer  )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va(
        "print \"Maximum name changes reached (g_maxNameChanges = %d)\n\"",
         g_maxNameChanges.integer ) );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( !G_admin_name_check( ent, newname, err, sizeof( err ) ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va( "print \"%s\n\"", err ) );
      revertName = qtrue;

    if( revertName )
      Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, oldname,
        sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );
      Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", oldname );
      trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );
      Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, newname,
        sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );
      if( client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED )
        client->pers.nameChangeTime = level.time;

  if( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_SCOREBOARD )
    Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, "scoreboard", sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );

  if( client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED )
    if( strcmp( oldname, client->pers.netname ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE
        " renamed to %s\n\"", oldname, client->pers.netname ) );
      G_LogPrintf( "ClientRename: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s\" -> \"%s\"\n", clientNum,
         client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, oldname, client->pers.netname );
      G_admin_namelog_update( client, qfalse );

  // set max health
  health = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" ) );
  client->pers.maxHealth = health;

  if( client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100 )
    client->pers.maxHealth = 100;

  if( client->pers.classSelection == PCL_NONE )
    //This looks hacky and frankly it is. The clientInfo string needs to hold different
    //model details to that of the spawning class or the info change will not be
    //registered and an axis appears instead of the player model. There is zero chance
    //the player can spawn with the battlesuit, hence this choice.
    Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_QPATH, "%s/%s",  BG_ClassConfig( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT )->modelName,
                                              BG_ClassConfig( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT )->skinName );
    Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_QPATH, "%s/%s",  BG_ClassConfig( client->pers.classSelection )->modelName,
                                              BG_ClassConfig( client->pers.classSelection )->skinName );

    //model segmentation
    Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/animation.cfg",
                 BG_ClassConfig( client->pers.classSelection )->modelName );

    if( G_NonSegModel( filename ) )
      client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_NONSEGMODEL;
      client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_NONSEGMODEL;
  Q_strncpyz( model, buffer, sizeof( model ) );

  // wallwalk follow
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_wwFollow" );

  if( atoi( s ) )
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_WALLCLIMBINGFOLLOW;
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_WALLCLIMBINGFOLLOW;

  // wallwalk toggle
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_wwToggle" );

  if( atoi( s ) )
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_WALLCLIMBINGTOGGLE;
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_WALLCLIMBINGTOGGLE;

  // teamInfo
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "teamoverlay" );

  if( !*s || atoi( s ) != 0 )
    client->pers.teamInfo = qtrue;
    client->pers.teamInfo = qfalse;

  // colors
  strcpy( c1, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "color1" ) );
  strcpy( c2, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "color2" ) );

  Q_strncpyz( client->pers.voice, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "voice" ),
    sizeof( client->pers.voice ) );

  // send over a subset of the userinfo keys so other clients can
  // print scoreboards, display models, and play custom sounds

  Com_sprintf( userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ),
    client->pers.netname, client->pers.teamSelection, model, c1, c2,
    client->pers.maxHealth, BG_ClientListString( &client->sess.ignoreList ),
    client->pers.voice );

  trap_SetConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum, userinfo );

  /*G_LogPrintf( "ClientUserinfoChanged: %i %s\n", clientNum, userinfo );*/

Called when a player begins connecting to the server.
Called again for every map change or tournement restart.

The session information will be valid after exit.

Return NULL if the client should be allowed, otherwise return
a string with the reason for denial.

Otherwise, the client will be sent the current gamestate
and will eventually get to ClientBegin.

firstTime will be qtrue the very first time a client connects
to the server machine, but qfalse on map changes and tournement
char *ClientConnect( int clientNum, qboolean firstTime )
  char      *value;
  gclient_t *client;
  char      userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  gentity_t *ent;
  char      guid[ 33 ];
  char      reason[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] = {""};

  ent = &g_entities[ clientNum ];
  client = &level.clients[ clientNum ];
  ent->client = client;
  memset( client, 0, sizeof( *client ) );

  trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );

  value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cl_guid" );
  Q_strncpyz( guid, value, sizeof( guid ) );

  // check for admin ban
  if( G_admin_ban_check( userinfo, reason, sizeof( reason ) ) )
    return va( "%s", reason );

  // IP filtering
  // https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=500
  // recommanding PB based IP / GUID banning, the builtin system is pretty limited
  // check to see if they are on the banned IP list
  value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" );
  Q_strncpyz( client->pers.ip, value, sizeof( client->pers.ip ) );
  if( G_FilterPacket( value ) )
    return "You are banned from this server.";

  // check for a password
  value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );

  if( g_password.string[ 0 ] && Q_stricmp( g_password.string, "none" ) &&
      strcmp( g_password.string, value ) != 0 )
    return "Invalid password";

  // add guid to session so we don't have to keep parsing userinfo everywhere
  if( !guid[0] )
    Q_strncpyz( client->pers.guid, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
      sizeof( client->pers.guid ) );
    Q_strncpyz( client->pers.guid, guid, sizeof( client->pers.guid ) );
  // check for local client
  if( !strcmp( client->pers.ip, "localhost" ) )
    client->pers.localClient = qtrue;
  client->pers.adminLevel = G_admin_level( ent );

  client->pers.connected = CON_CONNECTING;

  // read or initialize the session data
  if( firstTime || level.newSession )
    G_InitSessionData( client, userinfo );

  G_ReadSessionData( client );

  // get and distribute relevent paramters
  ClientUserinfoChanged( clientNum );
  G_LogPrintf( "ClientConnect: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s\"\n", clientNum,
   client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, client->pers.netname );

  // don't do the "xxx connected" messages if they were caried over from previous level
  if( firstTime )
    trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " connected\n\"", client->pers.netname ) );

  // count current clients and rank for scoreboard
  CalculateRanks( );
  G_admin_namelog_update( client, qfalse );
  return NULL;
Пример #7

Called when a player begins connecting to the server.
Called again for every map change or tournement restart.

The session information will be valid after exit.

Return NULL if the client should be allowed, otherwise return
a string with the reason for denial.

Otherwise, the client will be sent the current gamestate
and will eventually get to ClientBegin.

firstTime will be qtrue the very first time a client connects
to the server machine, but qfalse on map changes and tournement
char *ClientConnect( int clientNum, qboolean firstTime )
  char      *value;
  gclient_t *client;
  char      userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  gentity_t *ent;
  char      guid[ 33 ];
  char      ip[ 16 ] = {""};
  char      reason[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] = {""};
  int       i;
  int       retval = 0;

  ent = &g_entities[ clientNum ];

  trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );

  value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cl_guid" );
  Q_strncpyz( guid, value, sizeof( guid ) );

  // check for admin ban
  if( G_admin_ban_check( userinfo, reason, sizeof( reason ) ) )
    return va( "%s", reason );

  // IP filtering
  // https://zerowing.idsoftware.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=500
  // recommanding PB based IP / GUID banning, the builtin system is pretty limited
  // check to see if they are on the banned IP list
  value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" );
  i = 0;
  while( *value && i < sizeof( ip ) - 2 )
    if( *value != '.' && ( *value < '0' || *value > '9' ) )
    ip[ i++ ] = *value;
  ip[ i ] = '\0';
  if( G_FilterPacket( value ) )
    return "You are banned from this server.";

  // check for a password
  value = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "password" );

  if( g_password.string[ 0 ] && Q_stricmp( g_password.string, "none" ) &&
      strcmp( g_password.string, value ) != 0 )
    return "Invalid password";

  // they can connect
  ent->client = level.clients + clientNum;
  client = ent->client;

  memset( client, 0, sizeof(*client) );

  // add guid to session so we don't have to keep parsing userinfo everywhere
  if( !guid[0] )
    Q_strncpyz( client->pers.guid, "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
      sizeof( client->pers.guid ) );
    Q_strncpyz( client->pers.guid, guid, sizeof( client->pers.guid ) );
  Q_strncpyz( client->pers.ip, ip, sizeof( client->pers.ip ) );
  client->pers.adminLevel = G_admin_level( ent );

  client->pers.connected = CON_CONNECTING;

  // read or initialize the session data
  if( firstTime || level.newSession )
    G_InitSessionData( client, userinfo );

  G_ReadSessionData( client );

  if( firstTime )
    client->pers.firstConnect = qtrue;
    client->pers.firstConnect = qfalse;

  // get and distribute relevent paramters
  ClientUserinfoChanged( clientNum );
  G_admin_set_adminname( ent );
  if( g_decolourLogfiles.integer )
   char    decoloured[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] = "";   
   if( g_decolourLogfiles.integer == 1 )
     Com_sprintf( decoloured, sizeof(decoloured), " (\"%s^7\")", client->pers.netname );
     G_DecolorString( decoloured, decoloured );
     G_LogPrintfColoured( "ClientConnect: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s^7\"%s\n", clientNum,
        client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, client->pers.netname, decoloured );
      G_LogPrintf( "ClientConnect: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s^7\"%s\n", clientNum,
          client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, client->pers.netname, decoloured );
    G_LogPrintf( "ClientConnect: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s^7\"\n", clientNum,
      client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, client->pers.netname );
  if( client->pers.adminLevel )
     G_LogPrintf( "ClientAuth: %i [%s] \"%s^7\" authenticated to admin level %i using GUID %s (^7%s)\n", clientNum, client->pers.ip, client->pers.netname, client->pers.adminLevel, client->pers.guid, client->pers.adminName );

  // don't do the "xxx connected" messages if they were caried over from previous level
	retval = G_admin_global_check(userinfo);
	if((retval & GLOBAL_FORCESPEC) ||
	   (retval & GLOBAL_MUTE) ||
	   (retval & GLOBAL_DENYBUILD)){trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"^3!global: ^7%s^7 has restrictions\n\"", client->pers.netname ) );}
	else if(retval & GLOBAL_WHITELIST){trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"^3!global: ^7%s^7 is whitelisted\n\"", client->pers.netname ) );}	
	if(retval & GLOBAL_FORCESPEC){client->pers.specd = qtrue;}
	if(retval & GLOBAL_MUTE){client->pers.muted = qtrue;}
	if(retval & GLOBAL_DENYBUILD){client->pers.denyBuild = qtrue;}
  if( firstTime )
    trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE " connected\n\"", client->pers.netname ) );

  // count current clients and rank for scoreboard
  CalculateRanks( );
  G_admin_namelog_update( client, qfalse );

  // if this is after !restart keepteams or !restart switchteams, apply said selection
  if ( client->sess.restartTeam != PTE_NONE ) {
    G_ChangeTeam( ent, client->sess.restartTeam );
    client->sess.restartTeam = PTE_NONE;

  return NULL;
Пример #8

Called from ClientConnect when the player first connects and
directly by the server system when the player updates a userinfo variable.

The game can override any of the settings and call trap_SetUserinfo
if desired.
void ClientUserinfoChanged( int clientNum )
  gentity_t *ent;
  int       teamTask, teamLeader, health;
  char      *s;
  char      model[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      buffer[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      filename[ MAX_QPATH ];
  char      oldname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
  char      newname[ MAX_NAME_LENGTH ];
  char      err[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ];
  qboolean  revertName = qfalse;
  qboolean  showRenameMsg = qtrue;
  gclient_t *client;
  char      c1[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  char      c2[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  char      userinfo[ MAX_INFO_STRING ];
  team_t    team;

  ent = g_entities + clientNum;
  client = ent->client;

  trap_GetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ) );

  // check for malformed or illegal info strings
  if( !Info_Validate(userinfo) )
    strcpy( userinfo, "\\name\\badinfo" );

  // check for local client
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "ip" );

  if( !strcmp( s, "localhost" ) )
    client->pers.localClient = qtrue;

  // check the item prediction
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_predictItems" );

  if( !atoi( s ) )
    client->pers.predictItemPickup = qfalse;
    client->pers.predictItemPickup = qtrue;

  // set name
  Q_strncpyz( oldname, client->pers.netname, sizeof( oldname ) );
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "name" );
  ClientCleanName( s, newname, sizeof( newname ) );

  if( strcmp( oldname, newname ) )
    if( !strlen( oldname ) && client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED )
      showRenameMsg = qfalse;

    // in case we need to revert and there's no oldname
    ClientCleanName( va( "%s", client->pers.netname ), oldname, sizeof( oldname ) );
    if( g_newbieNumbering.integer )
      if( !strcmp( newname, "UnnamedPlayer" ) )
        Q_strncpyz( newname, G_NextNewbieName( ent ), sizeof( newname ) );
      if( !strcmp( oldname, "UnnamedPlayer" ) )
        Q_strncpyz( oldname, G_NextNewbieName( ent ), sizeof( oldname ) );

    if( client->pers.muted )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities,
        "print \"You cannot change your name while you are muted\n\"" );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( client->pers.nameChangeTime &&
      ( level.time - client->pers.nameChangeTime )
      <= ( g_minNameChangePeriod.value * 1000 ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va(
        "print \"Name change spam protection (g_minNameChangePeriod = %d)\n\"",
         g_minNameChangePeriod.integer ) );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( g_maxNameChanges.integer > 0
      && client->pers.nameChanges >= g_maxNameChanges.integer  )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va(
        "print \"Maximum name changes reached (g_maxNameChanges = %d)\n\"",
         g_maxNameChanges.integer ) );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( !G_admin_name_check( ent, newname, err, sizeof( err ) ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities, va( "print \"%s\n\"", err ) );
      revertName = qtrue;
    else if( client->pers.nlocked )
		trap_SendServerCommand( ent - g_entities,
			"print \"Your name is locked, you can no longer rename.\n\"" );
		revertName = qtrue;
    if( revertName )
      Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, oldname,
        sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );
      Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", oldname );
      trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );
      Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, newname,
        sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );
      Info_SetValueForKey( userinfo, "name", newname );
      trap_SetUserinfo( clientNum, userinfo );
      if( client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED )
        client->pers.nameChangeTime = level.time;

  if( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
    if( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_SCOREBOARD )
      Q_strncpyz( client->pers.netname, "scoreboard", sizeof( client->pers.netname ) );

  if( client->pers.connected >= CON_CONNECTING && showRenameMsg )
    if( strcmp( oldname, client->pers.netname ) )
      trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va( "print \"%s" S_COLOR_WHITE
        " renamed to %s^7\n\"", oldname, client->pers.netname ) );
      if( g_decolourLogfiles.integer)
        char    decoloured[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] = "";   
        if( g_decolourLogfiles.integer == 1 )
      Com_sprintf( decoloured, sizeof(decoloured), " (\"%s^7\" -> \"%s^7\")", oldname, client->pers.netname );
      G_DecolorString( decoloured, decoloured );
          G_LogPrintfColoured( "ClientRename: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s^7\" -> \"%s^7\"%s\n", clientNum,
             client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, oldname, client->pers.netname, decoloured );
          G_LogPrintf( "ClientRename: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s^7\" -> \"%s^7\"%s\n", clientNum,
             client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, oldname, client->pers.netname, decoloured );

      G_LogPrintf( "ClientRename: %i [%s] (%s) \"%s^7\" -> \"%s^7\"\n", clientNum,
         client->pers.ip, client->pers.guid, oldname, client->pers.netname );
      G_admin_namelog_update( client, qfalse );

  // set max health
  health = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "handicap" ) );
  client->pers.maxHealth = health;

  if( client->pers.maxHealth < 1 || client->pers.maxHealth > 100 )
    client->pers.maxHealth = 100;

  //hack to force a client update if the config string does not change between spawning
  if( client->pers.classSelection == PCL_NONE )
    client->pers.maxHealth = 0;

  // set model
  if( client->ps.stats[ STAT_PCLASS ] == PCL_HUMAN && BG_InventoryContainsUpgrade( UP_BATTLESUIT, client->ps.stats ) )
    Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_QPATH, "%s/%s",  BG_FindModelNameForClass( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT ),
                                              BG_FindSkinNameForClass( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT ) );
  else if( client->pers.classSelection == PCL_NONE )
    //This looks hacky and frankly it is. The clientInfo string needs to hold different
    //model details to that of the spawning class or the info change will not be
    //registered and an axis appears instead of the player model. There is zero chance
    //the player can spawn with the battlesuit, hence this choice.
    Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_QPATH, "%s/%s",  BG_FindModelNameForClass( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT ),
                                              BG_FindSkinNameForClass( PCL_HUMAN_BSUIT ) );
    Com_sprintf( buffer, MAX_QPATH, "%s/%s",  BG_FindModelNameForClass( client->pers.classSelection ),
                                              BG_FindSkinNameForClass( client->pers.classSelection ) );
  Q_strncpyz( model, buffer, sizeof( model ) );

  //don't bother setting model type if spectating
  if( client->pers.classSelection != PCL_NONE )
    //model segmentation
    Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "models/players/%s/animation.cfg",
                 BG_FindModelNameForClass( client->pers.classSelection ) );

    if( G_NonSegModel( filename ) )
      client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_NONSEGMODEL;
      client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_NONSEGMODEL;

  // wallwalk follow
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_wwFollow" );

  if( atoi( s ) )
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_WALLCLIMBINGFOLLOW;
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_WALLCLIMBINGFOLLOW;

  // wallwalk toggle
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_wwToggle" );

  if( atoi( s ) )
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] |= PS_WALLCLIMBINGTOGGLE;
    client->ps.persistant[ PERS_STATE ] &= ~PS_WALLCLIMBINGTOGGLE;

  // teamInfo
  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "teamoverlay" );

  if( ! *s || atoi( s ) != 0 )
    client->pers.teamInfo = qtrue;
    client->pers.teamInfo = qfalse;

  s = Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "cg_unlagged" );
  if( !s[0] || atoi( s ) != 0 )
    client->pers.useUnlagged = qtrue;
    client->pers.useUnlagged = qfalse;

  // team task (0 = none, 1 = offence, 2 = defence)
  teamTask = atoi( Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "teamtask" ) );
  // team Leader (1 = leader, 0 is normal player)
  teamLeader = client->sess.teamLeader;

  // colors
  strcpy( c1, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "color1" ) );
  strcpy( c2, Info_ValueForKey( userinfo, "color2" ) );

  team = client->pers.teamSelection;

  // send over a subset of the userinfo keys so other clients can
  // print scoreboards, display models, and play custom sounds

  Com_sprintf( userinfo, sizeof( userinfo ),
    client->pers.netname, team, model, model, c1, c2,
    client->pers.maxHealth, client->sess.wins, client->sess.losses, teamTask,
    teamLeader, BG_ClientListString( &client->sess.ignoreList ) );

  trap_SetConfigstring( CS_PLAYERS + clientNum, userinfo );

  /*G_LogPrintf( "ClientUserinfoChanged: %i %s\n", clientNum, userinfo );*/