Пример #1
GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipSetPenDashArray(GpPen *pen, GDIPCONST REAL *dash,
    INT count)
    INT i;
    REAL sum = 0;

    TRACE("(%p, %p, %d)\n", pen, dash, count);

    if(!pen || !dash)
        return InvalidParameter;

    if(count <= 0)
        return OutOfMemory;

    for(i = 0; i < count; i++){
        sum += dash[i];
        if(dash[i] < 0.0)
            return InvalidParameter;

    if(sum == 0.0 && count)
        return InvalidParameter;

    pen->dashes = NULL;

    if(count > 0)
        pen->dashes = heap_alloc_zero(count * sizeof(REAL));
        pen->numdashes = 0;
        return OutOfMemory;

    GdipSetPenDashStyle(pen, DashStyleCustom);
    memcpy(pen->dashes, dash, count * sizeof(REAL));
    pen->numdashes = count;

    return Ok;
Пример #2
static void test_dasharray(void)
    GpPen *pen;
    GpDashStyle style;
    GpStatus status;
    REAL dashes[12];

    GdipCreatePen1(0xdeadbeef, 10.0, UnitWorld, &pen);
    dashes[0] = 10.0;
    dashes[1] = 11.0;
    dashes[2] = 12.0;
    dashes[3] = 13.0;
    dashes[4] = 14.0;
    dashes[5] = -100.0;
    dashes[6] = -100.0;
    dashes[7] = dashes[8] = dashes[9] = dashes[10] = dashes[11] = 0.0;

    /* setting the array sets the type to custom */
    GdipGetPenDashStyle(pen, &style);
    expect(DashStyleSolid, style);
    status = GdipSetPenDashArray(pen, dashes, 2);
    expect(Ok, status);
    GdipGetPenDashStyle(pen, &style);
    expect(DashStyleCustom, style);

    /* Getting the array on a non-custom pen returns invalid parameter (unless
     * you are getting 0 elements).*/
    GdipSetPenDashStyle(pen, DashStyleSolid);
    status = GdipGetPenDashArray(pen, &dashes[5], 2);
    expect(InvalidParameter, status);
    status = GdipGetPenDashArray(pen, &dashes[5], 0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    /* What does setting DashStyleCustom do to the array length? */
    GdipSetPenDashArray(pen, dashes, 2);
    GdipSetPenDashStyle(pen, DashStyleCustom);
    status = GdipGetPenDashArray(pen, &dashes[5], 2);
    expect(Ok, status);
    expectf(10.0, dashes[5]);
    expectf(11.0, dashes[6]);

    /* Set the array, then get with different sized buffers. */
    status = GdipSetPenDashArray(pen, dashes, 5);
    expect(Ok, status);
    dashes[5] = -100.0;
    dashes[6] = -100.0;
    status = GdipGetPenDashArray(pen, &dashes[5], 1);
    expect(Ok, status); /* not InsufficientBuffer! */
    expectf(10.0, dashes[5]);
    expectf(-100.0, dashes[6]);
    dashes[5] = -100.0;
    status = GdipGetPenDashArray(pen, &dashes[5], 6);
    expect(InvalidParameter, status); /* not Ok! */
    expectf(-100.0, dashes[5]);
    expectf(-100.0, dashes[6]);

    /* Some invalid array values. */
    status = GdipSetPenDashArray(pen, &dashes[7], 5);
    expect(InvalidParameter, status);
    dashes[9] = -1.0;
    status = GdipSetPenDashArray(pen, &dashes[7], 5);
    expect(InvalidParameter, status);

    /* Try to set with count = 0. */
    GdipSetPenDashStyle(pen, DashStyleDot);
    if (0)  /* corrupts stack on 64-bit Vista */
    status = GdipSetPenDashArray(pen, dashes, 0);
    ok(status == OutOfMemory || status == InvalidParameter,
       "Expected OutOfMemory or InvalidParameter, got %.8x\n", status);
    status = GdipSetPenDashArray(pen, dashes, -1);
    ok(status == OutOfMemory || status == InvalidParameter,
       "Expected OutOfMemory or InvalidParameter, got %.8x\n", status);
    GdipGetPenDashStyle(pen, &style);
    expect(DashStyleDot, style);

Пример #3
static void test_widen(void)
    GpStatus status;
    GpPath *path;
    GpPen *pen;
    GpMatrix *m;
    INT count=-1;

    status = GdipCreatePath(FillModeAlternate, &path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipCreatePen1(0xffffffff, 10.0, UnitPixel, &pen);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipCreateMatrix(&m);
    expect(Ok, status);

    /* NULL arguments */
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 10.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipWidenPath(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.0);
    expect(InvalidParameter, status);
    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 0.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, NULL, 1.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipWidenPath(path, NULL, m, 1.0);
    expect(InvalidParameter, status);
    status = GdipWidenPath(NULL, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(InvalidParameter, status);

    /* widen empty path */
    status = GdipResetPath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(OutOfMemory, status);

    /* horizontal line */
    status = GdipResetPath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 10.0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    ok_path(path, widenline_path, sizeof(widenline_path)/sizeof(path_test_t), FALSE);

    /* horizontal 2x stretch */
    status = GdipResetPath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 2.5, 10.0, 25.0, 10.0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipScaleMatrix(m, 2.0, 1.0, MatrixOrderAppend);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    ok_path(path, widenline_path, sizeof(widenline_path)/sizeof(path_test_t), FALSE);

    /* vertical 2x stretch */
    status = GdipResetPath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 5.0, 5.0, 50.0, 5.0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipScaleMatrix(m, 0.5, 2.0, MatrixOrderAppend);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    ok_path(path, widenline_path, sizeof(widenline_path)/sizeof(path_test_t), FALSE);

    status = GdipScaleMatrix(m, 1.0, 0.5, MatrixOrderAppend);
    expect(Ok, status);

    /* dashed line */
    status = GdipResetPath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 5.0, 5.0, 50.0, 5.0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipSetPenDashStyle(pen, DashStyleDash);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    ok_path(path, widenline_dash_path, sizeof(widenline_dash_path)/sizeof(path_test_t), FALSE);

    status = GdipSetPenDashStyle(pen, DashStyleSolid);
    expect(Ok, status);

    /* pen width in UnitWorld */
    status = GdipCreatePen1(0xffffffff, 10.0, UnitWorld, &pen);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipResetPath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 10.0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    ok_path(path, widenline_path, sizeof(widenline_path)/sizeof(path_test_t), FALSE);

    /* horizontal 2x stretch */
    status = GdipResetPath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 2.5, 10.0, 25.0, 10.0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipScaleMatrix(m, 2.0, 1.0, MatrixOrderAppend);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    ok_path(path, widenline_path, sizeof(widenline_path)/sizeof(path_test_t), FALSE);

    /* vertical 2x stretch */
    status = GdipResetPath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 5.0, 5.0, 50.0, 5.0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipScaleMatrix(m, 0.5, 2.0, MatrixOrderAppend);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    ok_path(path, widenline_wide_path, sizeof(widenline_wide_path)/sizeof(path_test_t), FALSE);

    status = GdipScaleMatrix(m, 1.0, 0.5, MatrixOrderAppend);
    expect(Ok, status);

    /* pen width in UnitInch */
    status = GdipCreatePen1(0xffffffff, 10.0, UnitWorld, &pen);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipResetPath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 10.0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(Ok, status);
    ok_path(path, widenline_path, sizeof(widenline_path)/sizeof(path_test_t), FALSE);

    /* pen width = 0 pixels - native fails to widen but can draw with this pen */
    status = GdipCreatePen1(0xffffffff, 0.0, UnitPixel, &pen);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipResetPath(path);
    expect(Ok, status);
    status = GdipAddPathLine(path, 5.0, 10.0, 50.0, 10.0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipWidenPath(path, pen, m, 1.0);
    expect(Ok, status);

    status = GdipGetPointCount(path, &count);
    expect(Ok, status);
    todo_wine expect(0, count);
