Пример #1
  NAME         : BloadObjects
  DESCRIPTION  : This routine moves through the class and handler
                   binary arrays updating pointers
  INPUTS       : None
  RETURNS      : Nothing useful
  SIDE EFFECTS : Pointers reset from array indices
  NOTES        : Assumes all loading is finished
static void BloadObjects()
   UNLN space;

   GenRead((void *) &space,(UNLN) sizeof(UNLN));
   if (space == 0L)
   if (ModuleCount != 0L)
     BloadandRefresh(ModuleCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_DEFCLASS_MODULE),UpdateDefclassModule);
   if (ClassCount != 0L)
      BloadandRefresh(ClassCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_DEFCLASS),UpdateDefclass);
      BloadandRefresh(LinkCount,(unsigned) sizeof(DEFCLASS *),UpdateLink);
      BloadandRefresh(SlotNameCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_SLOT_NAME),UpdateSlotName);
      BloadandRefresh(SlotCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_SLOT_DESC),UpdateSlot);
      if (TemplateSlotCount != 0L)
        BloadandRefresh(TemplateSlotCount,(unsigned) sizeof(long),UpdateTemplateSlot);
      if (SlotNameMapCount != 0L)
         space = (UNLN) (sizeof(unsigned) * SlotNameMapCount);
         GenRead((void *) mapslotArray,space);
      if (HandlerCount != 0L)
         BloadandRefresh(HandlerCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_HANDLER),UpdateHandler);
         space = (UNLN) (sizeof(unsigned) * HandlerCount);
         GenRead((void *) maphandlerArray,space);
Пример #2
  NAME         : BloadStorageDeffunctions
  DESCRIPTION  : This routine space required for deffunction
                   structures and allocates space for them
  INPUTS       : Nothing
  RETURNS      : Nothing useful
  SIDE EFFECTS : Arrays allocated and set
  NOTES        : This routine makes no attempt to reset any pointers
                   within the structures
static void BloadStorageDeffunctions()
   unsigned long space;

   GenRead((void *) &space,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long));
   if (space == 0L)
   GenRead((void *) &ModuleCount,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long));
   GenRead((void *) &DeffunctionCount,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long));
   if (ModuleCount == 0L)
      ModuleArray = NULL;
      deffunctionArray = NULL;

   space = (unsigned long) (ModuleCount * sizeof(DEFFUNCTION_MODULE));
   ModuleArray = (DEFFUNCTION_MODULE *) genlongalloc(space);

   if (DeffunctionCount == 0L)
      deffunctionArray = NULL;

   space = (unsigned long) (DeffunctionCount * sizeof(DEFFUNCTION));
   deffunctionArray = (DEFFUNCTION *) genlongalloc(space);
Пример #3
  NAME         : BloadStorageObjectPatterns
  DESCRIPTION  : Reads in the storage requirements
                 for the object patterns in this
                 bload image
  INPUTS       : None
  RETURNS      : Nothing useful
  SIDE EFFECTS : Counts read and arrays allocated
  NOTES        : None
static void BloadStorageObjectPatterns()
   UNLN space;
   long counts[2];

   GenRead((void *) &space,(UNLN) sizeof(UNLN));
   GenRead((void *) counts,space);
   AlphaNodeCount = counts[0];
   PatternNodeCount = counts[1];

   if (AlphaNodeCount == 0L)
     AlphaArray = NULL;
      space = (UNLN) (AlphaNodeCount * sizeof(OBJECT_ALPHA_NODE));
      AlphaArray = (OBJECT_ALPHA_NODE *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (PatternNodeCount == 0L)
     PatternArray = NULL;
      space = (UNLN) (PatternNodeCount * sizeof(OBJECT_PATTERN_NODE));
      PatternArray = (OBJECT_PATTERN_NODE *) genlongalloc(space);
Пример #4
  NAME         : BloadStorageGenerics
  DESCRIPTION  : This routine space required for generic function
                   structures and allocates space for them
  INPUTS       : Nothing
  RETURNS      : Nothing useful
  SIDE EFFECTS : Arrays allocated and set
  NOTES        : This routine makes no attempt to reset any pointers
                   within the structures
static void BloadStorageGenerics()
   unsigned long space;
   long counts[5];

   GenRead((void *) &space,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long));
   if (space == 0L)
   GenRead((void *) counts,space);
   ModuleCount = counts[0];
   GenericCount = counts[1];
   MethodCount = counts[2];
   RestrictionCount = counts[3];
   TypeCount = counts[4];
   if (ModuleCount != 0L)
      space = (unsigned long) (sizeof(DEFGENERIC_MODULE) * ModuleCount);
      ModuleArray = (DEFGENERIC_MODULE *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (GenericCount != 0L)
      space = (unsigned long) (sizeof(DEFGENERIC) * GenericCount);
      defgenericArray = (DEFGENERIC *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (MethodCount != 0L)
      space = (unsigned long) (sizeof(DEFMETHOD) * MethodCount);
      methodArray = (DEFMETHOD *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (RestrictionCount != 0L)
      space = (unsigned long) (sizeof(RESTRICTION) * RestrictionCount);
      restrictionArray = (RESTRICTION *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (TypeCount != 0L)
      space = (unsigned long) (sizeof(void *) * TypeCount);
      typeArray = (void * *) genlongalloc(space);
Пример #5
static void BloadBinaryItem()
   unsigned long int space;

   /* Read in the amount of space used by the binary image */
   /* (this is used to skip the construct in the event it  */
   /* is not available in the version being run).          */

   GenRead(&space,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long int));

   /* Read in the defglobalModule data structures */
   /* and refresh the pointers.                   */

                   (unsigned) sizeof(struct bsaveDefglobalModule),

   /* Read in the defglobal data structures */
   /* and refresh the pointers.             */

                   (unsigned) sizeof(struct bsaveDefglobal),
Пример #6
  NAME         : BloadDeffunctions
  DESCRIPTION  : This routine reads deffunction information from
                   a binary file
                 This routine moves through the deffunction
                   binary array updating pointers
  INPUTS       : None
  RETURNS      : Nothing useful
  SIDE EFFECTS : Pointers reset from array indices
  NOTES        : Assumes all loading is finished
static void BloadDeffunctions()
   unsigned long space;

   GenRead((void *) &space,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long));
Пример #7
static void BloadStorageDefglobals()
   unsigned long int space;

   /* Determine the number of defglobal and defglobalModule */
   /* data structures to be read.                           */

   GenRead(&space,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long int));
   GenRead(&NumberOfDefglobals,(unsigned long) sizeof(long int));
   GenRead(&NumberOfDefglobalModules,(unsigned long) sizeof(long int));

   /* Allocate the space needed for the */
   /* defglobalModule data structures.  */

   if (NumberOfDefglobalModules == 0)
      DefglobalArray = NULL;
      ModuleArray = NULL;

   space = NumberOfDefglobalModules * sizeof(struct defglobalModule);
   ModuleArray = (struct defglobalModule *) genlongalloc(space);

   /* Allocate the space needed for the */
   /* defglobal data structures.        */

   if (NumberOfDefglobals == 0)
      DefglobalArray = NULL;

   space = (unsigned long) (NumberOfDefglobals * sizeof(struct defglobal));
   DefglobalArray = (struct defglobal *) genlongalloc(space);
Пример #8
static void BloadStorage()
   unsigned long int space;

   /* Determine the number of defmodule and */
   /* port item data structures to be read. */

   GenRead(&space,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long int));
   GenRead(&NumberOfDefmodules,(unsigned long) sizeof(long int));
   GenRead(&NumberOfPortItems,(unsigned long) sizeof(long int));

   /* Allocate the space needed for  */
   /* the defmodule data structures. */

   if (NumberOfDefmodules == 0)
      DefmoduleArray = NULL;

   space = (unsigned long) (NumberOfDefmodules * sizeof(struct defmodule));
   DefmoduleArray = (struct defmodule *) genlongalloc(space);

   /* Allocate the space needed for  */
   /* the port item data structures. */

   if (NumberOfPortItems == 0)
      PortItemArray = NULL;

   space = (unsigned long) (NumberOfPortItems * sizeof(struct portItem));
   PortItemArray = (struct portItem *) genlongalloc(space);
Пример #9
static void BloadBinaryItem()
   unsigned long int space;

   GenRead(&space,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long int));
   if (NumberOfDefmodules == 0) return;

   BloadandRefresh(NumberOfDefmodules,(unsigned) sizeof(struct bsaveDefmodule),UpdateDefmodule);
   BloadandRefresh(NumberOfPortItems,(unsigned) sizeof(struct bsavePortItem),UpdatePortItem);

   SetListOfDefmodules((void *) DefmoduleArray);
   SetCurrentModule((void *) GetNextDefmodule(NULL));
Пример #10
  NAME         : BloadGenerics
  DESCRIPTION  : This routine reads generic function information from
                 a binary file in four chunks:
                 Generic-header array
                 Method array
                 Method restrictions array
                 Restriction types array

                 This routine moves through the generic function
                   binary arrays updating pointers
  INPUTS       : None
  RETURNS      : Nothing useful
  SIDE EFFECTS : Pointers reset from array indices
  NOTES        : Assumes all loading is finished
static void BloadGenerics()
   unsigned long space;

   GenRead((void *) &space,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long));
   if (ModuleCount == 0L)
   BloadandRefresh(ModuleCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_DEFGENERIC_MODULE),UpdateGenericModule);
   if (GenericCount == 0L)
   BloadandRefresh(GenericCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_GENERIC),UpdateGeneric);
   BloadandRefresh(MethodCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_METHOD),UpdateMethod);
   BloadandRefresh(RestrictionCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_RESTRICTION),UpdateRestriction);
   BloadandRefresh(TypeCount,(unsigned) sizeof(long),UpdateType);
Пример #11
static void BloadBinaryItem()
   unsigned long space;

   /* Read in the amount of space used by the binary image */
   /* (this is used to skip the construct in the event it  */
   /* is not available in the version being run).          */

   GenRead(&space,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long int));

   /* Read in the defruleModule data structures */
   /* and refresh the pointers.                 */

   BloadandRefresh(NumberOfDefruleModules,(unsigned) sizeof(struct bsaveDefruleModule),

   /* Read in the defrule data structures */
   /* and refresh the pointers.           */

   BloadandRefresh(NumberOfDefrules,(unsigned) sizeof(struct bsaveDefrule),

   if (NumberOfPatternFuzzyValues > 0)
      BloadandRefresh(NumberOfPatternFuzzyValues,(unsigned) sizeof(struct bsaveFzSlotLocator),

   /* Read in the joinNode data structures */
   /* and refresh the pointers.            */

   BloadandRefresh(NumberOfJoins,(unsigned) sizeof(struct bsaveJoinNode),
Пример #12
  NAME         : BloadObjectPatterns
  DESCRIPTION  : Reads in all object pattern
                 data structures from binary
                 image and updates pointers
  INPUTS       : None
  RETURNS      : Nothing useful
  SIDE EFFECTS : Binary data structures updated
  NOTES        : Assumes storage allocated previously
static void BloadObjectPatterns()
   UNLN space;

   GenRead((void *) &space,(UNLN) sizeof(UNLN));
   if (space == 0L)

   /* ================================================
      Read in the alpha and intermediate pattern nodes
      ================================================ */
   BloadandRefresh(AlphaNodeCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_OBJECT_ALPHA_NODE),UpdateAlpha);
   BloadandRefresh(PatternNodeCount,(unsigned) sizeof(BSAVE_OBJECT_PATTERN_NODE),UpdatePattern);

   /* =======================
      Set the global pointers
      ======================= */
   SetObjectNetworkTerminalPointer((OBJECT_ALPHA_NODE *) &AlphaArray[0]);
   SetObjectNetworkPointer((OBJECT_PATTERN_NODE *) &PatternArray[0]);
Пример #13
static void BloadStorage()
   unsigned long space;

   /* Determine the number of defrule, defruleModule, */
   /* and joinNode data structures to be read.        */

   GenRead(&space,(unsigned long) sizeof(unsigned long int));
   GenRead(&NumberOfDefruleModules,(unsigned long) sizeof(long int));
   GenRead(&NumberOfDefrules,(unsigned long) sizeof(long int));
   GenRead(&NumberOfJoins,(unsigned long) sizeof(long int));
   GenRead(&NumberOfPatternFuzzyValues,(unsigned long) sizeof(long int));

   /* Allocate the space needed for the */
   /* defruleModule data structures.    */

   if (NumberOfDefruleModules == 0)
      ModuleArray = NULL;
      DefruleArray = NULL;
      JoinArray = NULL;
      PatternFuzzyValueArray = NULL;

   space = NumberOfDefruleModules * sizeof(struct defruleModule);
   ModuleArray = (struct defruleModule *) genlongalloc(space);

   /* Allocate the space needed for */
   /* the defrule data structures.  */

   if (NumberOfDefrules == 0)
      DefruleArray = NULL;
      JoinArray = NULL;
      PatternFuzzyValueArray = NULL;

   space = NumberOfDefrules * sizeof(struct defrule);
   DefruleArray = (struct defrule *) genlongalloc(space);

   /* Get Space for the PatternFuzzyValues. */

   space = NumberOfPatternFuzzyValues * sizeof(struct fzSlotLocator);
   if (space >  0)
      PatternFuzzyValueArray = (struct fzSlotLocator *) genlongalloc(space);
      PatternFuzzyValueArray = NULL;

   /* Allocate the space needed for */
   /* the joinNode data structures. */

   space = NumberOfJoins * sizeof(struct joinNode);
   JoinArray = (struct joinNode *) genlongalloc(space);
Пример #14
  NAME         : BloadStorageObjects
  DESCRIPTION  : This routine reads class and handler information from
                 a binary file in five chunks:
                 Class count
                 Handler count
                 Class array
                 Handler array
  INPUTS       : Notthing
  RETURNS      : Nothing useful
  SIDE EFFECTS : Arrays allocated and set
  NOTES        : This routine makes no attempt to reset any pointers
                   within the structures
                 Bload fails if there are still classes in the system!!
static void BloadStorageObjects()
   UNLN space;
   long counts[9];

   if ((ClassIDMap != NULL) || (MaxClassID != 0))
   GenRead((void *) &space,(UNLN) sizeof(UNLN));
   if (space == 0L)
      ClassCount = HandlerCount = 0L;
   GenRead((void *) counts,space);
   ModuleCount = counts[0];
   ClassCount = counts[1];
   LinkCount = counts[2];
   SlotNameCount = counts[3];
   SlotCount = counts[4];
   TemplateSlotCount = counts[5];
   SlotNameMapCount = counts[6];
   HandlerCount = counts[7];
   MaxClassID = (unsigned short) counts[8];
   if (ModuleCount != 0L)
      space = (UNLN) (sizeof(DEFCLASS_MODULE) * ModuleCount);
      ModuleArray = (DEFCLASS_MODULE *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (ClassCount != 0L)
      space = (UNLN) (sizeof(DEFCLASS) * ClassCount);
      defclassArray = (DEFCLASS *) genlongalloc(space);
      ClassIDMap = (DEFCLASS **) gm2((int) (sizeof(DEFCLASS *) * MaxClassID));
   if (LinkCount != 0L)
      space = (UNLN) (sizeof(DEFCLASS *) * LinkCount);
      linkArray = (DEFCLASS * *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (SlotCount != 0L)
      space = (UNLN) (sizeof(SLOT_DESC) * SlotCount);
      slotArray = (SLOT_DESC *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (SlotNameCount != 0L)
      space = (UNLN) (sizeof(SLOT_NAME) * SlotNameCount);
      slotNameArray = (SLOT_NAME *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (TemplateSlotCount != 0L)
      space = (UNLN) (sizeof(SLOT_DESC *) * TemplateSlotCount);
      tmpslotArray = (SLOT_DESC * *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (SlotNameMapCount != 0L)
      space = (UNLN) (sizeof(unsigned) * SlotNameMapCount);
      mapslotArray = (unsigned *) genlongalloc(space);
   if (HandlerCount != 0L)
      space = (UNLN) (sizeof(HANDLER) * HandlerCount);
      handlerArray = (HANDLER *) genlongalloc(space);
      space = (UNLN) (sizeof(unsigned) * HandlerCount);
      maphandlerArray = (unsigned *) genlongalloc(space);