Пример #1
CarouselEffect CarouselEffect::New()
  // append the default version
  std::string vertexShader(
              "uniform float uRadius;\n"
              "uniform mediump vec2 uCenter;\n"
              "uniform mediump vec2 uAnglePerUnit;\n"
              "void main()\n"
              "    vec4 world = uModelView * vec4(aPosition,1.0);\n"
              "    vec2 d = (world.xy - uCenter) * uAnglePerUnit;\n"
              "    float a = length(d);\n"
              "    float cs = cos(radians(a));\n"
              "    world.z -= cs * uRadius;\n"
              "    gl_Position = uProjection * world;\n"
              "    \n"
              "    vTexCoord = aTexCoord;\n"

  ShaderEffect shaderEffectCustom = ShaderEffect::New(vertexShader,
          ShaderEffect::GeometryHints( ShaderEffect::HINT_GRID | ShaderEffect::HINT_DEPTH_BUFFER ));

  // Pass ownership to CarouselEffect through overloaded constructor, So that it now has access to the
  // Dali::ShaderEffect implementation
  CarouselEffect handle( shaderEffectCustom );

  handle.SetUniform( RADIUS_PROPERTY_NAME, 0.0f );
  handle.SetUniform( CENTER_PROPERTY_NAME, Vector2( 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
  handle.SetUniform( ANGLE_PER_UNIT_PROPERTY_NAME, Vector2( 0.0f, 0.0f ) );

  return handle;
Пример #2
  /** \brief Create a structured cube grid
      \param lowerLeft Lower left corner of the grid
      \param upperRight Upper right corner of the grid
      \param elements Number of elements in each coordinate direction
  static std::unique_ptr<GridType>
  createCubeGrid(const FieldVector<ctype, dim> &lowerLeft,
                 const FieldVector<ctype, dim> &upperRight,
                 const array<int, dim> &elements) {
    // The grid factory
    GridFactory<GridType> factory;

    if (MPIHelper::getCollectiveCommunication().rank() == 0) {
      // Insert uniformly spaced vertices
      array<int, dim> vertices = elements;
      for (int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i)

      // Insert vertices for structured grid into the factory
      insertVertices(factory, lowerLeft, upperRight, vertices);

      // Compute the index offsets needed to move to the adjacent
      // vertices in the different coordinate directions
      array<int, dim> unitOffsets = computeUnitOffsets(vertices);

      // Compute an element template (the cube at (0,...,0).  All
      // other cubes are constructed by moving this template around
      int nCorners = 1 << dim;

      std::vector<int> cornersTemplate(nCorners, 0);

      for (int i = 0; i < nCorners; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
          if (i & (1 << j))
            cornersTemplate[i] += unitOffsets[j];

      // Insert elements
      MultiIndex index(elements);

      // Compute the total number of elementss to be created
      int numElements = index.cycle();

      for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++, ++index) {

        // 'base' is the index of the lower left element corner
        int base = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
          base += index[j] * unitOffsets[j];

        // insert new element
        std::vector<int> corners = cornersTemplate;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < corners.size(); j++)
          corners[j] += base;

        factory.insertElement(GeometryType(GeometryType::cube, dim), corners);

    } // if(rank == 0)

    // Create the grid and hand it to the calling method
    return std::unique_ptr<GridType>(factory.createGrid());
static void DoApply( ImageActor actor, const std::string& maskImage, const Vector2& maskSize, Vector4 maskBorder )
  "uniform vec2 uImageSize;                                                       \n"
  "uniform vec2 uMaskSize;                                                        \n"
  "varying vec2 vMaskTexCoord;                                                    \n"
  "                                                                               \n"
  "void main()                                                                    \n"
  "{                                                                              \n"
  "  gl_Position = uMvpMatrix * vec4(aPosition, 1.0);                             \n"
  "                                                                               \n"
  "  // Ignore mask UVs for image                                                 \n"
  "                                                                               \n"
  "  highp vec2 halfImageSize = uImageSize * 0.5;                                 \n"
  "  vTexCoord = (aPosition.xy + halfImageSize) / uImageSize;                     \n"
  "                                                                               \n"
  "  // UVs were calculated for image size, so convert for mask size              \n"
  "                                                                               \n"
  "  highp vec2 halfMaskSize  = uMaskSize * 0.5;                                  \n"
  "  highp vec2 halfSizeDelta = halfImageSize - halfMaskSize;                     \n"
  "                                                                               \n"
  "  highp vec2 maskPosition = aPosition.xy;                                      \n"
  "  maskPosition.x -= halfSizeDelta.x * sign(aPosition.x);                       \n"
  "  maskPosition.y -= halfSizeDelta.y * sign(aPosition.y);                       \n"
  "                                                                               \n"
  "  vMaskTexCoord = (maskPosition + halfMaskSize) / uMaskSize;                   \n"
  "}                                                                              \n";

  "varying vec2 vMaskTexCoord;                                                    \n"
  "                                                                               \n"
  "void main()                                                                    \n"
  "{                                                                              \n"
  "  highp vec4 mask = texture2D(sEffect, vMaskTexCoord);                         \n"
  "  gl_FragColor = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord) * uColor * vec4(1,1,1,mask.a); \n"
  "}                                                                              \n";

  ShaderEffect maskEffect = ShaderEffect::New( ALPHA_MASK_VERTEX_SHADER_SOURCE,
                                               GeometryType( GEOMETRY_TYPE_IMAGE ),
                                               ShaderEffect::GeometryHints( ShaderEffect::HINT_BLENDING ) );

  maskEffect.SetEffectImage( Image::New( maskImage ) );

  maskEffect.SetUniform( "uImageSize", Vector2(0,0) /*Constrained to actor size*/ );
  maskEffect.ApplyConstraint( Constraint::New<Vector2>( maskEffect.GetPropertyIndex("uImageSize"),
                                                        Source(actor, Actor::SIZE),
                                                        NinePatchMaskEffectSizeConstraint() ) );

  maskEffect.SetUniform( "uMaskSize", maskSize );

  // Actor must provide nine-patch style geometry for this effect to work
  actor.SetStyle( ImageActor::STYLE_NINE_PATCH );
  actor.SetNinePatchBorder( maskBorder );

  actor.SetShaderEffect( maskEffect );
Пример #4
ShearEffect ShearEffect::New()
  // append the default version
  std::string vertexShader(
              "uniform mediump  vec2  uCenter;\n"
              "uniform mediump  float uAngleXAxis;\n"
              "uniform mediump  float uAngleYAxis;\n"
              "void main()\n"
                  "mediump vec4 world = uModelView * vec4(aPosition,1.0);\n"
                  "world.x = world.x + tan(radians(uAngleXAxis)) * (world.y - uCenter.y * world.w);\n"
                  "world.y = world.y + tan(radians(uAngleYAxis)) * (world.x - uCenter.x * world.w);\n"
                  "gl_Position = uProjection * world;\n"
                  "vTexCoord = aTexCoord;\n"
              "}" );

  // Create the implementation, temporarily owned on stack,
  ShaderEffect shaderEffectCustom =  Dali::ShaderEffect::New(
      GeometryHints( HINT_GRID ));

  // Pass ownership to ShearEffect through overloaded constructor, So that it now has access to the
  // Dali::ShaderEffect implementation
  Dali::Toolkit::ShearEffect handle( shaderEffectCustom );

  handle.SetUniform( ANGLE_X_AXIS_PROPERTY_NAME, 0.0f);
  handle.SetUniform( ANGLE_Y_AXIS_PROPERTY_NAME, 0.0f);

  return handle;
Пример #5
  /** \brief Create a structured simplex grid

      This works in all dimensions.  The Coxeter-Freudenthal-Kuhn triangulation
      used, which splits each cube into dim! simplices.  See Allgower and Georg,
      'Numerical Path Following' for a description.
  static std::unique_ptr<GridType>
  createSimplexGrid(const FieldVector<ctype, dim> &lowerLeft,
                    const FieldVector<ctype, dim> &upperRight,
                    const array<int, dim> &elements) {
    // The grid factory
    GridFactory<GridType> factory;

    if (MPIHelper::getCollectiveCommunication().rank() == 0) {
      // Insert uniformly spaced vertices
      array<int, dim> vertices = elements;
      for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++)

      insertVertices(factory, lowerLeft, upperRight, vertices);

      // Compute the index offsets needed to move to the adjacent
      // vertices in the different coordinate directions
      array<int, dim> unitOffsets = computeUnitOffsets(vertices);

      // Insert the elements
      std::vector<int> corners(dim + 1);

      // Loop over all "cubes", and split up each cube into dim!
      // (factorial) simplices
      MultiIndex elementsIndex(elements);
      int cycle = elementsIndex.cycle();

      for (int i = 0; i < cycle; ++elementsIndex, i++) {

        // 'base' is the index of the lower left element corner
        int base = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
          base += elementsIndex[j] * unitOffsets[j];

        // each permutation of the unit vectors gives a simplex.
        std::vector<unsigned int> permutation(dim);
        for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
          permutation[j] = j;

        // A hack for triangular lattices: swap the two last
        // vertices of every second triangle to uniformize orientation
        // of their normals
        int triangle = 0;
        do {

          // Make a simplex
          std::vector<unsigned int> corners(dim + 1);
          corners[0] = base;

          for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++)
            corners[j + 1] = corners[j] + unitOffsets[permutation[j]];
          if (dim == 2 && triangle == 1)
            std::swap(corners[1], corners[2]);

          factory.insertElement(GeometryType(GeometryType::simplex, dim),

        } while (std::next_permutation(permutation.begin(), permutation.end()));

    } // if(rank == 0)

    // Create the grid and hand it to the calling method
    return std::unique_ptr<GridType>(factory.createGrid());
Пример #6
MotionStretchEffect MotionStretchEffect::New()
  // Dali vertexSource prefix for reference:
  // precision highp float;
  // attribute vec3  aPosition;
  // attribute vec2  aTexCoord;
  // uniform   mat4  uMvpMatrix;
  // uniform   mat4  uModelView;
  // uniform   mat3  uNormalMatrix;
  // uniform   mat4  uProjection;
  // uniform   vec4  uColor;
  // varying   vec2  vTexCoord;
  std::string vertexSource;
  vertexSource =
    "uniform mat4  uModelLastFrame;\n"
    "uniform float uTimeDelta;\n"

    "uniform float uGeometryStretchFactor;\n"
    "uniform float uSpeedScalingFactor;\n"

    // outputs
    "varying vec2 vModelSpaceCenterToPos;\n"
    "varying vec2 vScreenSpaceVelocityVector;\n"
    "varying float vSpeed;\n"

    "void main()\n"
    // get view space position of vertex this frame and last frame
    " vec4 vertex = vec4(aPosition, 1.0);\n"
    " vec4 viewSpaceVertex = uModelView * vertex;\n"
    " vec4 viewSpaceVertexLastFrame = uViewMatrix * uModelLastFrame * vertex;\n"

    // work out vertex's last movement in view space
    " vec3 viewSpacePosDelta = viewSpaceVertex.xyz - viewSpaceVertexLastFrame.xyz;\n"
    " float reciprocalTimeDelta = 1.0 / ((uTimeDelta > 0.0) ? uTimeDelta : 0.01);\n"

    // get clip space position of vertex this frame and last frame
    " vec4 clipSpaceVertex = uMvpMatrix * vertex;\n"
    " vec4 clipSpaceVertexLastFrame = uProjection * viewSpaceVertexLastFrame;\n"

    // decide how much this vertex is 'trailing', i.e. at the back of the object relative to its direction of motion. We do this
    // by assuming the objects model space origin is at its center and taking the dot product of the vector from center to vertex with the motion direction
    " float t = 0.0;\n"
    " float posDeltaLength = length(viewSpacePosDelta);\n"
    " if(posDeltaLength > 0.001)\n" // avoid div by 0 if object has barely moved
    " {\n"
    "   vec4 viewSpaceCenterToPos = uModelView * vec4(aPosition, 0.0);\n"
    "   float centerToVertexDist = length(viewSpaceCenterToPos);\n"
    "   if(centerToVertexDist > 0.001)\n" // avoid div by 0 if object has vertex at model space origin
    "   {\n"
    "     vec3 viewSpacePosDeltaNormalised = viewSpacePosDelta / posDeltaLength;\n"
    "     vec3 viewSpaceCenterToPosNormalised = viewSpaceCenterToPos.xyz / centerToVertexDist;\n"
    "     t = (dot(viewSpacePosDeltaNormalised, viewSpaceCenterToPosNormalised) * 0.5 ) + 0.5;\n" // scale and bias from [-1..1] to [0..1]
    "   }\n"
    " }\n"
    // output vertex position lerped with its last position, based on how much it is trailing,
    // this stretches the geom back along where it has just been, giving a warping effect
    // We raise t to a power in order that non-trailing vertices are effected much more than trailing ones
    // Note: we must take account of time delta to convert position delta into a velocity, so changes are smooth (take into account frame time correctly)
    " gl_Position = mix(clipSpaceVertexLastFrame, clipSpaceVertex, t * t * t * uGeometryStretchFactor * reciprocalTimeDelta);\n"

    // work out vertex's last movement in normalised device coordinates [-1..1] space, i.e. perspective divide
    " vec2 ndcVertex = clipSpaceVertex.xy / clipSpaceVertex.w;\n"
    " vec2 ndcVertexLastFrame = clipSpaceVertexLastFrame.xy / clipSpaceVertexLastFrame.w;\n"
    // scale and bias so that a value of 1.0 corresponds to screen size (NDC is [-1..1] = 2)
    " vScreenSpaceVelocityVector = ((ndcVertex - ndcVertexLastFrame) * 0.5 * reciprocalTimeDelta);\n"
    " vScreenSpaceVelocityVector.y = -vScreenSpaceVelocityVector.y;\n" // TODO negated due to y being inverted in our coordinate system?
    // calculate a scaling factor proportional to velocity, which we can use to tweak how things look
    " vSpeed = length(vScreenSpaceVelocityVector) * uSpeedScalingFactor;\n"
    " vSpeed = clamp(vSpeed, 0.0, 1.0);\n"

    // provide fragment shader with vector from center of object to pixel (assumes the objects model space origin is at its center and verts have same z)
    " vModelSpaceCenterToPos = aPosition.xy;\n"

    " vTexCoord = aTexCoord;\n"

  // Dali fragmentSource prefix for reference:
  // precision highp     float;
  // uniform   sampler2D sTexture;
  // uniform   sampler2D sEffect;
  // uniform   vec4      uColor;
  // varying   vec2      vTexCoord;
  std::string fragmentSource;
  fragmentSource =
    "precision mediump float;\n"

    "uniform vec2 uObjectFadeStart;\n"
    "uniform vec2 uObjectFadeEnd;\n"
    "uniform float uAlphaScale;\n"

    // inputs
    "varying vec2 vModelSpaceCenterToPos;\n"
    "varying vec2 vScreenSpaceVelocityVector;\n"
    "varying float vSpeed;\n"

    "void main()\n"
    // calculate an alpha value that will fade the object towards its extremities, we need this to avoid an unsightly hard edge between color values of
    // the stretched object and the background. Use smoothstep also to hide any hard edges (discontinuities) in rate of change of this alpha gradient
    " vec2 centerToPixel = abs( vModelSpaceCenterToPos );\n"
    " vec2 fadeToEdges = smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, 1.0 - ((centerToPixel - uObjectFadeStart) / (uObjectFadeEnd - uObjectFadeStart)));\n"
    " float fadeToEdgesScale = fadeToEdges.x * fadeToEdges.y * uAlphaScale;\n" // apply global scaler
    " fadeToEdgesScale = mix(1.0, fadeToEdgesScale, vSpeed);\n" // fade proportional to speed, so opaque when at rest

    // standard actor texel
    " vec4 colActor = texture2D(sTexture, vTexCoord);\n"
    " gl_FragColor = colActor;\n"
    " gl_FragColor.a *= fadeToEdgesScale;\n" // fade actor to its edges based on speed of motion
    " gl_FragColor *= uColor;\n"

  // NOTE: we must turn on alpha blending for the actor (HINT_BLENDING)
  ShaderEffect shader = ShaderEffect::New( vertexSource,
                                           GeometryType( GEOMETRY_TYPE_IMAGE ),
                                           ShaderEffect::GeometryHints( ShaderEffect::HINT_BLENDING | ShaderEffect::HINT_GRID ) );

  MotionStretchEffect handle( shader );

  // Register uniform properties

  // factors that scale the look, defaults

  return handle;