Пример #1
FBT_FlyToTarget* UBTTask_FlyTo::TaskMemoryFromGenericPayload(void* GenericPayload)
	// A brief explanation of the "NodeMemory" and "Generic Payload" business:

	// AFAICT, Behavior tree tasks operate as singletons and internally maintain an instance memory stack which maps instance data for every AI currently running this task.
	// So the BT Task itself is shared by all AI pawns and does not have sufficient information to handle our result delegate on its own.
	// Because of this, we use a custom delegate payload (which we passed earlier in "ExecuteTask") to lookup the actual AI owner and the correct NodeMemory 
	// inside which we store the pathfinding results.

	auto payload = static_cast<FBT_FlyToTarget_Metadata*> (GenericPayload);
	auto ownerComp = payload ? payload->OwnerComp.Get() : NULL;

	// Is the pawn's BrainComponent still alive and valid?
	if (!ownerComp)
		return NULL;

	// Is it still working on this task or has it moved on to another one?
	if (ownerComp->GetActiveNode() != this)
		return NULL;

	// Validations passed, should be safe to work on NodeMemory now:

	auto nodeMemory = ownerComp->GetNodeMemory(this, ownerComp->GetActiveInstanceIdx());
	auto myMemory = nodeMemory ? reinterpret_cast<FBT_FlyToTarget*> (nodeMemory) : NULL;

	return myMemory;
Пример #2
	void ShutDownCommentary( void )
		if ( GetActiveNode() )

		// Destroy all the entities created by commentary
		for ( int i = m_hSpawnedEntities.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- )
			if ( m_hSpawnedEntities[i] )
				UTIL_Remove( m_hSpawnedEntities[i] );
		m_iCommentaryNodeCount = 0;

		// Remove the commentary semaphore
		CBaseEntity *pSemaphore = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, COMMENTARY_SPAWNED_SEMAPHORE );
		if ( pSemaphore )
			UTIL_Remove( pSemaphore );

		// Remove our global convar callback
		cvar->InstallGlobalChangeCallback( NULL );

		// Reset any convars that have been changed by the commentary
		for ( int i = 0; i < m_ModifiedConvars.Count(); i++ )
			ConVar *pConVar = (ConVar *)cvar->FindVar( m_ModifiedConvars[i].pszConvar );
			if ( pConVar )
				pConVar->SetValue( m_ModifiedConvars[i].pszOrgValue );

		m_hCurrentNode = NULL;
		m_hActiveCommentaryNode = NULL;
Пример #3
	virtual void FrameUpdatePrePlayerRunCommand( void )
		if ( !IsInCommentaryMode() )

		CPointCommentaryNode *pCurrentNode = GetNodeUnderCrosshair();

		// Changed nodes?
 		if ( m_hCurrentNode != pCurrentNode )
			// Stop animating the old one
 			if ( m_hCurrentNode.Get() )
				m_hCurrentNode->SetUnderCrosshair( false );

			// Start animating the new one
			if ( pCurrentNode )
				pCurrentNode->SetUnderCrosshair( true );

			m_hCurrentNode = pCurrentNode;

		// Check for commentary node activations
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = IGameSystem::RunCommandPlayer();
		CUserCmd *pUserCmds = IGameSystem::RunCommandUserCmd();
		if ( pPlayer )
			// Has the player pressed down an attack button?
			int buttonsChanged = m_afPlayersLastButtons ^ pUserCmds->buttons;
			int buttonsPressed = buttonsChanged & pUserCmds->buttons;
			m_afPlayersLastButtons = pUserCmds->buttons;

			if ( !(pUserCmds->buttons & COMMENTARY_BUTTONS) )
				m_iClearPressedButtons &= ~COMMENTARY_BUTTONS;

			// Detect press events to start/stop commentary nodes
			if (buttonsPressed & COMMENTARY_BUTTONS) 
 				// Looking at a node?
				if ( m_hCurrentNode )
					// Ignore input while an unstoppable node is playing
					if ( !GetActiveNode() || !GetActiveNode()->CannotBeStopped() )
						// If we have an active node already, stop it
						if ( GetActiveNode() && GetActiveNode() != m_hCurrentNode )


					// Prevent weapon firing when toggling nodes
					pUserCmds->buttons &= ~COMMENTARY_BUTTONS;
					m_iClearPressedButtons |= (buttonsPressed & COMMENTARY_BUTTONS);
				else if ( GetActiveNode() && GetActiveNode()->HasViewTarget() )
					if ( !GetActiveNode()->CannotBeStopped() )

					// Prevent weapon firing when toggling nodes
					pUserCmds->buttons &= ~COMMENTARY_BUTTONS;
					m_iClearPressedButtons |= (buttonsPressed & COMMENTARY_BUTTONS);

			if ( GetActiveNode() && GetActiveNode()->PreventsMovement() )
 				pUserCmds->buttons &= ~(IN_FORWARD | IN_BACK | IN_MOVELEFT | IN_MOVERIGHT | IN_JUMP | IN_DUCK );
				pUserCmds->upmove = 0;
				pUserCmds->sidemove = 0;
				pUserCmds->forwardmove = 0;

			// When we swallow button down events, we have to keep clearing that button
			// until the player releases the button. Otherwise, the frame after we swallow
			// it, the code detects the button down and goes ahead as normal.
			pUserCmds->buttons &= ~m_iClearPressedButtons;