ExpressionNode *OperatorNode::SetOperand(unsigned num, const Expression &e) const { assert((_type == EXPR_FUNCTION || _type == EXPR_PREDICATE || _type == EXPR_EQUALITY || _type == EXPR_DISEQUALITY || _type == EXPR_AND || _type == EXPR_OR) && 0 <= num && num < GetArity()); std::vector<Expression> new_operands = _operands; new_operands[num] = e; return SetOperands(new_operands); }
ExpressionNode * OperatorNode::SelectOperands(const std::vector<unsigned> &indices) const { std::vector<Expression> new_operands; for (unsigned i = 0; i < GetArity(); i++) { for (unsigned j = 0; j < indices.size(); j++) if (j == i) new_operands.push_back(_operands[i]); } return SetOperands(new_operands); }
ExpressionNode *OperatorNode::RemoveOperand(unsigned num) const { assert((_type == EXPR_FUNCTION || _type == EXPR_PREDICATE || _type == EXPR_AND || _type == EXPR_OR) && 0 <= num && num < GetArity()); std::vector<Expression> new_operands = _operands; new_operands.erase(new_operands.begin() + num); assert(_operands.size() - 1 == new_operands.size()); return SetOperands(new_operands); }
GenExpTLVec* CFGEnumeratorSingle::PopulateExpsOfGNCost(const GrammarNode* GN, uint32 Cost, bool Complete) { auto Retval = new GenExpTLVec(); GNCostPair Key(GN, Cost); Done = false; auto Type = GN->GetType(); PushExpansion(GN->ToString()); auto const ExpansionTypeID = GetExpansionTypeID(); auto FPVar = GN->As<GrammarFPVar>(); // The base cases if (FPVar != nullptr) { return MakeBaseExpression<GenFPExpression>(Retval, FPVar->GetOp(), Type, ExpansionTypeID, Cost, Key, Complete); } auto LetVar = GN->As<GrammarLetVar>(); if (LetVar != nullptr) { return MakeBaseExpression<GenLetVarExpression>(Retval, LetVar->GetOp(), Type, ExpansionTypeID, Cost, Key, Complete); } auto Const = GN->As<GrammarConst>(); if (Const != nullptr) { return MakeBaseExpression<GenConstExpression>(Retval, Const->GetOp(), Type, ExpansionTypeID, Cost, Key, Complete); } auto Func = GN->As<GrammarFunc>(); if (Func != nullptr) { auto const& Args = Func->GetChildren(); auto Op = Func->GetOp(); const uint32 OpCost = Op->GetCost(); const uint32 Arity = Op->GetArity(); if (Cost < Arity + OpCost) { Retval->Freeze(); ExpRepository[Key] = Retval; PopExpansion(); return Retval; } PartitionGenerator* PG; if (Op->IsSymmetric() && Args[0] == Args[1]) { PG = new SymPartitionGenerator(Cost - OpCost); } else { PG = new PartitionGenerator(Cost - OpCost, Arity); } const uint32 NumPartitions = PG->Size(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumPartitions; ++i) { auto Feasible = true; vector<const GenExpTLVec*> ArgExpVecs(Arity, nullptr); auto CurPartition = (*PG)[i]; vector<GenExpTLVec::ConstIterator> Begins(Arity); vector<GenExpTLVec::ConstIterator> Ends(Arity); for (uint32 j = 0; j < Arity; ++j) { auto CurVec = GetVecForGNCost(Args[j], CurPartition[j]); if (CurVec == nullptr) { CurVec = PopulateExpsOfGNCost(Args[j], CurPartition[j], false); } if (CurVec->Size() == 0) { Feasible = false; break; } else { ArgExpVecs[j] = CurVec; Begins[j] = CurVec->Begin(); Ends[j] = CurVec->End(); } } if (!Feasible) { continue; } // Iterate over the cross product auto CPGen = new CrossProductGenerator(Begins, Ends, GetPoolForSize(Arity)); for (auto CurArgs = CPGen->GetNext(); CurArgs != nullptr; CurArgs = CPGen->GetNext()) { auto CurExp = new (FuncExpPool->malloc()) GenFuncExpression(static_cast<const InterpretedFuncOperator*>(Op), CurArgs); auto Status = (Complete ? Solver->ExpressionCallBack(CurExp, Type, ExpansionTypeID, Index) : Solver->SubExpressionCallBack(CurExp, Type, ExpansionTypeID)); if ((Status & DELETE_EXPRESSION) == 0) { CPGen->RelinquishOwnerShip(); Retval->PushBack(CurExp); NumExpsCached++; } else { FuncExpPool->free(CurExp); } if ((Status & STOP_ENUMERATION) != 0) { Done = true; break; } } delete CPGen; if (Done) { break; } } delete PG; Retval->Freeze(); ExpRepository[Key] = Retval; PopExpansion(); return Retval; } auto Let = GN->As<GrammarLet>(); // We handle this in similar spirit as functions if (Let != nullptr) { auto const& Bindings = Let->GetBindings(); const uint32 NumBindings = Bindings.size(); const uint32 Arity = NumBindings + 1; auto BoundNode = Let->GetBoundExpression(); const uint32 NumLetBoundVars = TheGrammar->GetNumLetBoundVars(); if (Cost < Arity + 1) { Retval->Freeze(); ExpRepository[Key] = Retval; PopExpansion(); return Retval; } // Making a let binding incurs a cost of 1! auto PG = new PartitionGenerator(Cost - 1, Arity); const uint32 NumPartitions = PG->Size(); for (uint32 i = 0; i < NumPartitions; ++i) { auto Feasible = true; vector<const GenExpTLVec*> ArgExpVecs(Arity, nullptr); auto CurPartition = (*PG)[i]; vector<GenExpTLVec::ConstIterator> Begins(Arity); vector<GenExpTLVec::ConstIterator> Ends(Arity); uint32 j = 0; uint32* Positions = new uint32[NumBindings]; for (auto it = Bindings.begin(); it != Bindings.end(); ++it) { auto CurVec = GetVecForGNCost(it->second, CurPartition[j]); if (CurVec == nullptr) { CurVec = PopulateExpsOfGNCost(it->second, CurPartition[j], false); } if (CurVec->Size() == 0) { Feasible = false; break; } else { ArgExpVecs[j] = CurVec; Begins[j] = CurVec->Begin(); Ends[j] = CurVec->End(); } Positions[j] = it->first->GetOp()->GetPosition(); ++j; } if (!Feasible) { delete[] Positions; continue; } // Finally, the expression set for the bound expression auto BoundVec = GetVecForGNCost(BoundNode, CurPartition[j]); if (BoundVec == nullptr) { BoundVec = PopulateExpsOfGNCost(BoundNode, CurPartition[j], false); } if (BoundVec->Size() == 0) { // cross product is empty not feasible delete[] Positions; continue; } else { ArgExpVecs[NumBindings] = BoundVec; Begins[NumBindings] = BoundVec->Begin(); Ends[NumBindings] = BoundVec->End(); } // Iterate over the cross product of expressions // The bindings object will be of size of the NUMBER // of let bound vars for the whole grammar auto CPGen = new CrossProductGenerator(Begins, Ends, GetPoolForSize(Arity)); GenExpressionBase const** BindVec = nullptr; auto BindVecPool = GetPoolForSize(NumLetBoundVars); for (auto CurArgs = CPGen->GetNext(); CurArgs != nullptr; CurArgs = CPGen->GetNext()) { // We need to build the binding vector based on the position if (BindVec == nullptr) { BindVec = (GenExpressionBase const**)BindVecPool->malloc(); memset(BindVec, 0, sizeof(GenExpressionBase const*) * NumLetBoundVars); } for (uint32 k = 0; k < NumBindings; ++k) { BindVec[Positions[k]] = CurArgs[k]; } auto CurExp = new (LetExpPool->malloc()) GenLetExpression(BindVec, CurArgs[NumBindings], NumLetBoundVars); auto Status = (Complete ? Solver->ExpressionCallBack(CurExp, Type, ExpansionTypeID, Index) : Solver->SubExpressionCallBack(CurExp, Type, ExpansionTypeID)); if ((Status & DELETE_EXPRESSION) == 0) { BindVec = nullptr; Retval->PushBack(CurExp); NumExpsCached++; } else { LetExpPool->free(CurExp); } if ((Status & STOP_ENUMERATION) != 0) { Done = true; break; } } delete CPGen; delete[] Positions; if (Done) { break; } } delete PG; Retval->Freeze(); ExpRepository[Key] = Retval; PopExpansion(); return Retval; } auto NT = GN->As<GrammarNonTerminal>(); if (NT != nullptr) { const vector<GrammarNode*>& Expansions = TheGrammar->GetExpansions(NT); for (auto const& Expansion : Expansions) { auto CurVec = GetVecForGNCost(Expansion, Cost); if (CurVec == nullptr) { CurVec = PopulateExpsOfGNCost(Expansion, Cost, Complete); } Retval->Merge(*CurVec); if (Done) { break; } } Retval->Freeze(); ExpRepository[Key] = Retval; PopExpansion(); return Retval; } // Should NEVER get here throw InternalError((string)"You probably subclassed GrammarNode and forgot to change " + "CFGEnumerator.cpp.\nAt: " + __FILE__ + ":" + to_string(__LINE__)); }