void RTREE_QUAL::SplitNode(Node* a_node, const Branch* a_branch, Node** a_newNode) {

    // Could just use local here, but member or external is faster since it is reused
    PartitionVars localVars;
    PartitionVars* parVars = &localVars;

    // Load all the branches into a buffer, initialize old node
    GetBranches(a_node, a_branch, parVars);

    // Find partition
    ChoosePartition(parVars, MINNODES);

    // Create a new node to hold (about) half of the branches
    *a_newNode = AllocNode();
    (*a_newNode)->m_level = a_node->m_level;

    // Put branches from buffer into 2 nodes according to the chosen partition
    a_node->m_count = 0;
    LoadNodes(a_node, *a_newNode, parVars);

    ASSERT((a_node->m_count + (*a_newNode)->m_count) == parVars->m_total);
Пример #2
int   OutTreeManager::LoadTree(string aname, string trname) {
thefilei   = new TFile(aname.c_str(), "UPDATE" );
 if(thefilei->IsZombie())  return 0;
 thetreei= new TChain(trname.c_str());
 // thetreei=(TTree*)thefilei->Get(trname.c_str());
 if(thetreei==0) return 0;
 return 1;
Пример #3
int   OutTreeManager::LoadTreeList(string alist, string trname) {
string sfile;
ifstream infile (alist.c_str());
 if(!infile)  {
    cout<<" *********cannot open  file "<<alist<<endl;;
thetreei= new TChain(trname.c_str());

 while(infile>>sfile) {
   if(Debug>2) cout<<" added= "<<sfile<<endl;
 return 1;
Пример #4
			To vshort (ideal) opamp nodes, the following conditions must be met
			- Input node = Output node (physically shorted)    OR
			- Branch count between the two nodes exceeds one
			If neither these conditions are met:
			- If branch count  between the two nodes is zero , vshorting is not possible
			- If branch count between the two nodes is one, branch must not consist of one element being the opamp segment in question.			
void circuit_t::VshortIdealOpampInputs ()

	list <element_t*> ooi_list = GetElements ( (ElementType)  CmpElement ("OOI"));					// Get a list of OON sections
	  Check that there is a branch between the output and the inverting node of all opamps
	for (list<element_t*>::iterator i = ooi_list.begin(); i != ooi_list.end(); i++)
		//TODO: case where the path between inv. and out. is indirect. i.e. check if there is ANY path between both points
		// maybe list <element_t*> GetOpampPath ()
		list<branch_t*> inv_to_out_branches = GetBranches ((*i)->OpampInputNode(), (*i)->OpampOutputNode()); 
		// Input and output nodes are shorted (as in voltage follower), skip testing.
		if (SameOrVshortedNodes ((*i)->OpampInputNode(), (*i)->OpampOutputNode()))
		  goto do_vshort;
		} /* if */

		// more than one branch between inv and out		  
		if  ( inv_to_out_branches.size() > 1)
		  goto do_vshort;
		} /* if */
		// one branch with more than one member
		if (inv_to_out_branches.size() == 1  &&  (inv_to_out_branches.front()->items.size() > 1))
		  goto do_vshort;
		} /* if */
		// one branch with more than one member
		if (inv_to_out_branches.size() == 1  &&  (inv_to_out_branches.front()->items.size() == 1) && inv_to_out_branches.front()->items.front().e != *i) 
		  goto do_vshort;
		} /* if */

		error ("Saturating ideal opamp");

		continue;		// dont vshort
	      Set operation amplifier virtual shorts 

		if (!OpampHasPossibleDrivingSources(*i))
			goto no_vshort;
		} /* if */
	//	cout << "Will vshort opamp..." << endl;
		element_t* oon = (*i)->OpampConjugate ();							// retrieve associated opamp element
		if (oon != NONE)
				Set feedback flags 
			(*i)->opamp_fedback = true;
			oon->opamp_fedback  = true;
			SetVirtualShort ((*i)->OpampInputNode(), oon->OpampInputNode());	// Virtual-short the non-output nodes of the opamp elements	
		} /* if */
		//		error ("Opamps must have a proper negative feedback to function.");
		} /* else */
	} /* for */
} /* circuit_t::VshortIdealOpampInputs */