Пример #1
Get cached avatar

wParam: (char *) protocol name
lParam: (TCHAR *) hash 
return: (TCHAR *) NULL if none is found or the path to the avatar. You need to free this string 
        with mir_free.
static INT_PTR GetCachedAvatar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	TCHAR hash[128];
	lstrcpyn(hash, (TCHAR *) lParam, sizeof(hash));
	ConvertToFilename(hash, sizeof(hash));
	return (INT_PTR) GetCachedAvatar((char *) wParam, hash);
Пример #2
static INT_PTR GetCachedAvatar(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	TCHAR hash[128];

	_tcsncpy_s(hash, (TCHAR*)lParam, _TRUNCATE);
	ConvertToFilename(hash, SIZEOF(hash));
	return (INT_PTR)GetCachedAvatar((char*)wParam, hash);
Пример #3
// fired when the contacts avatar changes
// wParam = hContact
// lParam = struct avatarCacheEntry *cacheEntry
// the event CAN pass a NULL pointer in lParam which means that the avatar has changed,
// but is no longer valid (happens, when a contact removes his avatar, for example).
// DONT DESTROY the bitmap handle passed in the struct avatarCacheEntry *
// It is also possible that this event passes 0 as wParam (hContact), in which case,
// a protocol picture (pseudo - avatar) has been changed. 
static int AvatarChanged(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
	HANDLE hContact = (HANDLE)wParam;

	if (hContact == NULL)
		ShowDebugPopup(NULL, _T("AVH Debug"), _T("Invalid contact/avatar... skipping"));
		return 0;

	char *proto = (char *) CallService(MS_PROTO_GETCONTACTBASEPROTO, wParam, 0);
	if (proto == NULL)
		ShowDebugPopup(hContact, _T("AVH Debug"), _T("Invalid protocol... skipping"));
		return 0;
	else if (metacontacts_proto != NULL && strcmp(metacontacts_proto, proto) == 0)
		ShowDebugPopup(hContact, _T("AVH Debug"), _T("Ignoring metacontacts notification"));
		return 0;

	DBVARIANT dbvOldHash = {0};
	bool ret = (DBGetContactSettingTString(hContact,MODULE_NAME,"AvatarHash",&dbvOldHash) == 0);

	if (avatar == NULL)
		if (!ret || !_tcscmp(dbvOldHash.ptszVal, _T("-")))
			//avoid duplicate "removed avatar" notifications
			//do not notify on an empty profile
			ShowDebugPopup(hContact, _T("AVH Debug"), _T("Removed avatar, no avatar before...skipping"));
			return 0;

		// Is a flash avatar or avs could not load it
		DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, MODULE_NAME, "AvatarHash", _T("-"));

		if (ContactEnabled(hContact, "AvatarPopups", AVH_DEF_AVPOPUPS) && opts.popup_show_removed)
			ShowPopup(hContact, NULL, opts.popup_removed);

		if (ContactEnabled(hContact, "LogToHistory", AVH_DEF_LOGTOHISTORY))
			HistoryEvents_AddToHistorySimple(hContact, EVENTTYPE_AVATAR_CHANGE, 1, DBEF_READ);
		if(ret && !_tcscmp(dbvOldHash.ptszVal, avatar->hash)) 
			// same avatar hash, skipping
			ShowDebugPopup(hContact, _T("AVH Debug"), _T("Hashes are the same... skipping"));
			return 0;
		DBWriteContactSettingTString(hContact, "AvatarHistory", "AvatarHash", avatar->hash);

		TCHAR history_filename[MAX_PATH] = _T("");

		if (ContactEnabled(hContact, "LogToDisk", AVH_DEF_LOGTODISK))
			if (!opts.log_store_as_hash)
				if (opts.log_per_contact_folders)
					GetOldStyleAvatarName(history_filename, hContact);
					if (CopyImageFile(avatar->filename, history_filename))
						ShowPopup(hContact, _T("Avatar History: Unable to save avatar"), history_filename);
						ShowDebugPopup(hContact, _T("AVH Debug: File copied successfully"), history_filename);

					if (ServiceExists(MS_MC_GETMETACONTACT)) 
						HANDLE hMetaContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_MC_GETMETACONTACT, wParam, 0);

						if (hMetaContact != NULL && ContactEnabled(hMetaContact, "LogToDisk", AVH_DEF_LOGTOHISTORY))
							TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH] = _T("");

							GetOldStyleAvatarName(filename, hMetaContact);
							if (CopyImageFile(avatar->filename, filename))
								ShowPopup(hContact, _T("Avatar History: Unable to save avatar"), filename);
								ShowDebugPopup(hContact, _T("AVH Debug: File copied successfully"), filename);
				// See if we already have the avatar
				TCHAR hash[128];
				lstrcpyn(hash, avatar->hash, sizeof(hash));
				ConvertToFilename(hash, sizeof(hash));

				TCHAR *file = GetCachedAvatar(proto, hash);

				if (file != NULL)
					lstrcpyn(history_filename, file, MAX_REGS(history_filename));
					if (opts.log_keep_same_folder)
						GetProtocolFolder(history_filename, proto);

					mir_sntprintf(history_filename, MAX_REGS(history_filename), 
							_T("%s\\%s"), history_filename, hash);

					if (CopyImageFile(avatar->filename, history_filename))
						ShowPopup(hContact, _T("Avatar History: Unable to save avatar"), history_filename);
						ShowDebugPopup(hContact, _T("AVH Debug: File copied successfully"), history_filename);

				if (opts.log_per_contact_folders)
					CreateOldStyleShortcut(hContact, history_filename);

					if (ServiceExists(MS_MC_GETMETACONTACT)) 
						HANDLE hMetaContact = (HANDLE) CallService(MS_MC_GETMETACONTACT, wParam, 0);

						if (hMetaContact != NULL && ContactEnabled(hMetaContact, "LogToDisk", AVH_DEF_LOGTOHISTORY))
							CreateOldStyleShortcut(hMetaContact, history_filename);

		if (ContactEnabled(hContact, "AvatarPopups", AVH_DEF_AVPOPUPS) && opts.popup_show_changed)
			ShowPopup(hContact, NULL, opts.popup_changed);

		if (ContactEnabled(hContact, "LogToHistory", AVH_DEF_LOGTOHISTORY))
			TCHAR rel_path[MAX_PATH] = _T("");
#ifdef _UNICODE
			char *blob = mir_utf8encodeT(rel_path);
			int flags = DBEF_READ | DBEF_UTF;
			char *blob = mir_strdup(rel_path);
			int flags = DBEF_READ;
			HistoryEvents_AddToHistoryEx(hContact, EVENTTYPE_AVATAR_CHANGE, 0, NULL, 0, (PBYTE) blob, (int) strlen(blob) + 1, flags);

	return 0;
Пример #4
static int AvatarChanged(WPARAM hContact, LPARAM lParam)
	if (hContact == NULL)
		return 0;

	char *proto = GetContactProto(hContact);
	if (proto == NULL)
		return 0;

	if (strcmp(META_PROTO, proto) == 0)
		return 0;

	DBVARIANT dbvOldHash = {0};
	bool ret = (db_get_ts(hContact,MODULE_NAME,"AvatarHash",&dbvOldHash) == 0);

	if (avatar == NULL) {
		if (!ret || !_tcscmp(dbvOldHash.ptszVal, _T("-"))) {
			//avoid duplicate "removed avatar" notifications
			//do not notify on an empty profile
			ShowDebugPopup(hContact, TranslateT("AVH Debug"), TranslateT("Removed avatar, no avatar before... skipping"));
			return 0;

		// Is a flash avatar or avs could not load it
		db_set_ts(hContact, MODULE_NAME, "AvatarHash", _T("-"));

		if (ContactEnabled(hContact, "AvatarPopups", AVH_DEF_AVPOPUPS) && opts.popup_show_removed)
			ShowPopup(hContact, NULL, opts.popup_removed);
	else {
		if (ret && !_tcscmp(dbvOldHash.ptszVal, avatar->hash)) {
			// same avatar hash, skipping
			ShowDebugPopup(hContact, TranslateT("AVH Debug"), TranslateT("Hashes are the same... skipping"));
			return 0;
		db_set_ts(hContact, "AvatarHistory", "AvatarHash", avatar->hash);

		TCHAR history_filename[MAX_PATH] = _T("");

		if (ContactEnabled(hContact, "LogToDisk", AVH_DEF_LOGTODISK)) {
			if (!opts.log_store_as_hash) {
				if (opts.log_per_contact_folders) {
					GetOldStyleAvatarName(history_filename, hContact);
					if (CopyImageFile(avatar->filename, history_filename))
						ShowPopup(hContact, TranslateT("Avatar History: Unable to save avatar"), history_filename);
						ShowDebugPopup(hContact, TranslateT("AVH Debug: File copied successfully"), history_filename);

					MCONTACT hMetaContact = db_mc_getMeta(hContact);
					if (hMetaContact && ContactEnabled(hMetaContact, "LogToDisk", AVH_DEF_LOGTOHISTORY)) {
						TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH] = _T("");

						GetOldStyleAvatarName(filename, hMetaContact);
						if (CopyImageFile(avatar->filename, filename))
							ShowPopup(hContact, TranslateT("Avatar History: Unable to save avatar"), filename);
							ShowDebugPopup(hContact, TranslateT("AVH Debug: File copied successfully"), filename);
			else {
				// See if we already have the avatar
				TCHAR hash[128];

				_tcsncpy_s(hash, avatar->hash, _TRUNCATE);
				ConvertToFilename(hash, SIZEOF(hash));

				TCHAR *file = GetCachedAvatar(proto, hash);

				if (file != NULL) {
					mir_tstrncpy(history_filename, file, SIZEOF(history_filename));
				else {
					if (opts.log_keep_same_folder)
						GetProtocolFolder(history_filename, proto);

					mir_sntprintf(history_filename, SIZEOF(history_filename), 
							_T("%s\\%s"), history_filename, hash);

					if (CopyImageFile(avatar->filename, history_filename))
						ShowPopup(hContact, TranslateT("Avatar History: Unable to save avatar"), history_filename);
						ShowDebugPopup(hContact, TranslateT("AVH Debug: File copied successfully"), history_filename);

				if (opts.log_per_contact_folders) {
					CreateOldStyleShortcut(hContact, history_filename);

					MCONTACT hMetaContact = db_mc_getMeta(hContact);
					if (hMetaContact && ContactEnabled(hMetaContact, "LogToDisk", AVH_DEF_LOGTOHISTORY))
						CreateOldStyleShortcut(hMetaContact, history_filename);

		if (ContactEnabled(hContact, "AvatarPopups", AVH_DEF_AVPOPUPS) && opts.popup_show_changed)
			ShowPopup(hContact, NULL, opts.popup_changed);

		if (ContactEnabled(hContact, "LogToHistory", AVH_DEF_LOGTOHISTORY)) {
			TCHAR rel_path[MAX_PATH];
			PathToRelativeT(history_filename, rel_path);
			ptrA blob( mir_utf8encodeT(rel_path));

			DBEVENTINFO dbei = { sizeof(dbei) };
			dbei.szModule = GetContactProto(hContact);
			dbei.flags = DBEF_READ | DBEF_UTF;
			dbei.timestamp = (DWORD) time(NULL);
			dbei.eventType = EVENTTYPE_AVATAR_CHANGE;
			dbei.cbBlob = (DWORD) strlen(blob) + 1;
			dbei.pBlob = (PBYTE)(char*)blob;
			db_event_add(hContact, &dbei);

	return 0;