bool BaseGame::IsInFrontOfCamera(const Vector3 &point) const { // Not work, why? //const Matrix4 viewProjMatrix = GetCamera().getViewMatrix() * GetCamera().getProjectionMatrix(); //Vector4 result = Vector4(point.x, point.y, point.z, 1) * viewProjMatrix; // //// Is result in front? //return result.z > result.w - GetCamera().getNearClipDistance(); const Vector3 eyeSpacePos = GetCamera().getViewMatrix() * point; if (eyeSpacePos.z >= 0) return false; const Vector3 hcsPos = GetCamera().getProjectionMatrix() * eyeSpacePos; if ((hcsPos.x < -1.0f) || (hcsPos.x > 1.0f) || (hcsPos.y < -1.0f) || (hcsPos.y > 1.0f)) return false; return true; }
void Scene::UpdateScene(float dt) { MyD3D10Code::Direct3D10Class::UpdateScene(dt); // Update the camera GetCamera().Update(dt); // Update the box m_Box.Update(dt); }
void AtlasViewActor::Render() { SViewPort vp = { 0, 0, g_xres, g_yres }; CCamera& camera = GetCamera(); camera.SetViewPort(vp); camera.SetProjection(2.f, 512.f, DEGTORAD(20.f)); camera.UpdateFrustum(); m_ActorViewer->Render(); Atlas_GLSwapBuffers((void*)g_AtlasGameLoop->glCanvas); }
void Sky::draw(){ D3DXVECTOR3 eyePos = GetCamera().position(); // center Sky about eye in world space Translate(eyePos.x, eyePos.y, eyePos.z); HR(mfxCubeMapVar->SetResource(mCubeMap)); md3dDevice->IASetInputLayout(InputLayout::Pos); md3dDevice->IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TRIANGLELIST); GfxObj::draw(); }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ゲームステージクラス実体 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //ビューとライトの作成 void GameStage::CreateViewLight() { auto PtrView = CreateView<SingleView>(); //ビューのカメラの設定 auto PtrCamera = PtrView->GetCamera(); PtrCamera->SetEye(Vec3(0.0f, 5.0f, -5.0f)); PtrCamera->SetAt(Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); //シングルライトの作成 auto PtrSingleLight = CreateLight<SingleLight>(); //ライトの設定 PtrSingleLight->GetLight().SetPositionToDirectional(-0.25f, 1.0f, -0.25f); }
LRESULT DeferredDemo::msgProc(UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { POINT mousePos; int dx = 0; int dy = 0; switch(msg) { case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if( wParam & MK_LBUTTON ) { SetCapture(mhMainWnd); mOldMousePos.x = LOWORD(lParam); mOldMousePos.y = HIWORD(lParam); } return 0; case WM_LBUTTONUP: ReleaseCapture(); return 0; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if( wParam & MK_LBUTTON ) { mousePos.x = (int)LOWORD(lParam); mousePos.y = (int)HIWORD(lParam); dx = mousePos.x - mOldMousePos.x; dy = mousePos.y - mOldMousePos.y; GetCamera().pitch( dy * 0.0087266f ); GetCamera().rotateY( dx * 0.0087266f ); mOldMousePos = mousePos; } return 0; } return D3DApp::msgProc(msg, wParam, lParam); }
void Scene::Render() { for ( Layer* pLayer : mLayerList ) { if ( pLayer->GetLayerDepth() & GetLayerMask() ) { glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glLoadIdentity(); Vector3 cPos = GetCamera()->GetPosition(); Vector3 cTgt = GetCamera()->GetTargetPosition(); if ( pLayer->IsBackground() ) { Vector3 cDiff = cPos - cTgt; gluLookAt(cDiff.x, cDiff.y, cDiff.z, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); } else { gluLookAt(cPos.x, cPos.y, cPos.z, cTgt.x, cTgt.y, cTgt.z, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); } pLayer->Render(); } } for ( Layer* pLayerToDelete : mLayersToDelete ) { for ( LayerList::iterator it = mLayerList.begin(), itEnd = mLayerList.end(); it != itEnd; ) { if ( *it == pLayerToDelete ) { delete *it; it = mLayerList.erase( it ); } else it++; } } mLayersToDelete.clear(); }
// 描画. void CBillboardApp::RenderInternal(izanagi::graph::CGraphicsDevice* device) { izanagi::sample::CSampleCamera& camera = GetCamera(); //m_Billboard.Render(device, camera); //m_YBillboard.Render(device, camera); m_ZBillboard.Render(device, camera); if (device->Begin2D()) { device->End2D(); } }
// 描画. void CMouseHit::RenderInternal(izanagi::graph::CGraphicsDevice* device) { izanagi::sample::CSampleCamera& camera = GetCamera(); device->SetRenderState( izanagi::graph::E_GRAPH_RS_CULLMODE, izanagi::graph::E_GRAPH_CULL_NONE); static const izanagi::math::SVector4 color[2] = { { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f }, }; m_Shader->Begin(0, IZ_FALSE); if (m_Shader->BeginPass(0)) { // パラメータ設定 _SetShaderParam( m_Shader, "g_mL2W", (void*)&m_Triangles.mtx, sizeof(m_Triangles.mtx)); _SetShaderParam( m_Shader, "g_mW2C", (void*)&camera.GetParam().mtxW2C, sizeof(camera.GetParam().mtxW2C)); const izanagi::math::SVector4& clr = (m_IsCross ? color[1] : color[0]); _SetShaderParam( m_Shader, "g_Color", (void*)&clr, sizeof(clr)); // シェーダ設定 m_Shader->CommitChanges(); device->SetVertexDeclaration(m_VD); device->SetVertexBuffer( 0, 0, m_Triangles.vb->GetStride(), m_Triangles.vb); device->DrawPrimitive( izanagi::graph::E_GRAPH_PRIM_TYPE_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 1); m_Shader->EndPass(); } m_Shader->End(); }
// 更新. void CResourceManagerApp::UpdateInternal(izanagi::graph::CGraphicsDevice* device) { GetCamera().Update(); izanagi::CObject* obj = m_RscMgr->Find( IZ_CC3('m', 'd', 'l'), izanagi::CKey("Seymour.mdl")); if (obj != IZ_NULL) { izanagi::CModel* mdl = (izanagi::CModel*)obj; mdl->Update(); } }
void Screen::UpdateY() { float x, y, z; x = GetCamera().GetPosition().x; y = GetCamera().GetPosition().y; z = GetCamera().GetPosition().z; mVelocityY -= mGravity*mDeltaTime; if(mState == walking) GetCamera().SetYPosition(mWorldHandler->GetHeight(x, z) + HeightOffset); else { float newYPos = mWorldHandler->GetHeight(x, z) + HeightOffset; if(y + (mVelocityY * mDeltaTime) <= newYPos) { //Reached ground float lDeltaTime = (newYPos - y)/mVelocityY; //Calculate new delta time y += lDeltaTime*mVelocityY; GetCamera().SetYPosition(y); //Stop falling mVelocityY = 0; mState = walking; return; } //Keep falling y += mDeltaTime*mVelocityY; GetCamera().SetYPosition(y); } }
void EngineStatePoolShowShot::TimerExpired() { // Play wav: cue hits ball // TODO find decent wav static const std::string sfx = Engine::Instance()-> GetConfigValue("golf_wav_11"); SoundFxManager::Instance()->PlayWav(sfx.c_str()); const PoolGameState::PlayerInfo::PoolStroke& gs = GetEngine()->GetGameState()->GetCurrentPlayerInfo()->m_golfStroke; EngineStatePoolSetUpShot::TakeShotNowImpl(gs.m_yRot, gs.m_vertVel, gs.m_horVel, gs.m_accel, gs.m_english, gs.m_drawRoll); // Stop user-controlled camera movement GetCamera()->PlusUp(false); GetCamera()->PlusDown(false); GetCamera()->PlusLeft(false); GetCamera()->PlusRight(false); ChangeStateToShotInPlay(); }
bool GameFlow::Initialize() { IGameApp::Initialize(); return cPres.Load("configs/game.config", [&](Presentation *, Viewport *aborted) { if (!aborted) { pSoundSystem->SetMusicVolume(0.6f); pSoundSystem->SetSfxVolume(0.5f); // Create the State Machine Data gGameData = sdNew(GameData()); if (this->SaveSystemFlow()) pSaveSystem->Load(0, &gGameData->sPlayer, &gGameData->sOptions); // Create the transitions cMenuToGame.Initialize(&cMenu, &cOnGame, &cGame); cMenuToOptions.Initialize(&cMenu, &cOnOptions, &cOptions); cMenuToCredits.Initialize(&cMenu, &cOnCredits, &cCredits); cOptionsToMenu.Initialize(&cOptions, &cOnMenu, &cMenu); cCreditsToMenu.Initialize(&cCredits, &cOnMenu, &cMenu); cGameToMenu.Initialize(&cGame, &cOnMenu, &cMenu); cGameToLoad.Initialize(&cGame, &cOnLoad, &cLoad); cLoadToGame.Initialize(&cLoad, &cOnGame, &cGame); // Create the State Machine. cFlow.RegisterTransition(&cMenuToGame); cFlow.RegisterTransition(&cMenuToOptions); cFlow.RegisterTransition(&cMenuToCredits); cFlow.RegisterTransition(&cOptionsToMenu); cFlow.RegisterTransition(&cCreditsToMenu); cFlow.RegisterTransition(&cGameToMenu); cFlow.RegisterTransition(&cGameToLoad); cFlow.RegisterTransition(&cLoadToGame); pSystem->AddListener(this); pInput->AddKeyboardListener(this); auto viewport = cPres.GetViewportByName("MainView"); pScene = viewport->GetScene(); pCamera = viewport->GetCamera(); sdNew(GuiManager()); gGui->Initialize(); pScene->Add(gGui->GetSceneObject()); cFlow.Initialize(&cMenu); } }); }
IZ_BOOL StateMoveToItem::Update( IZ_FLOAT time, izanagi::graph::CGraphicsDevice* device) { if (m_State == State_Move) { m_Timeline.Advance(time); IZ_FLOAT t = m_Timeline.GetNormalized(); const izanagi::math::SMatrix44& from = GetCamera().GetTransform(); izanagi::math::SMatrix44 mtx; izanagi::math::SMatrix44::Lerp(mtx, from, m_TargetMtx, t); GetCamera().SetTransform(mtx); if (t == 1.0f) { m_State = State_Moved; m_Timeline.Reset(); } } else if (m_State == State_Return) { m_Timeline.Advance(time); IZ_FLOAT t = m_Timeline.GetNormalized(); izanagi::math::SMatrix44 mtx; izanagi::math::SMatrix44::Lerp(mtx, m_TargetMtx, m_CamMtx, t); GetCamera().SetTransform(mtx); if (t == 1.0f) { StateManager::Instance().ChangeState(State_Default); } } return IZ_TRUE; }
void CameraPropertyControl::OnBoolPropertyChanged(PropertyList *forList, const String &forKey, bool newValue) { if("" == forKey) { Camera *camera = GetCamera(currentSceneNode); camera->SetupPerspective( propertyList->GetFloatPropertyValue(""), 320.0f / 480.0f, propertyList->GetFloatPropertyValue(""), propertyList->GetFloatPropertyValue("")); } NodesPropertyControl::OnBoolPropertyChanged(forList, forKey, newValue); }
void Screen::Update() { UpdateY(); float lWalkingSpeed = gPlayerMovementSpeed; if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) & 0x8000 && mState != falling) lWalkingSpeed = gPlayerMovementSpeed*2; KeyBoardMovement(lWalkingSpeed, mDeltaTime); mWorldHandler->Update(mDeltaTime); mParticleHandler->Update(mDeltaTime, mGameTime); UpdateSunWVP(); mGameTimer->Tick(); mDeltaTime = mGameTimer->GetDeltaTime(); mGameTime = mGameTimer->GetGameTime(); //tror det är skillnaden i position i z ledet som ska in som offset, might be wrong, kör på 50 sålänge GetCamera().BuildViewReflection(50.0f); GetCamera().RebuildView(); }
IZ_BOOL StateMoveToItem::Enter( izanagi::IMemoryAllocator* allocator, izanagi::graph::CGraphicsDevice* device, izanagi::CValue& arg) { PhotoItem* hitItem = (PhotoItem*)arg.GetValueAsPtr(); IZ_ASSERT(hitItem != IZ_NULL); // Keep camera matrix. izanagi::math::SMatrix44::Copy(m_CamMtx, GetCamera().GetTransform()); const izanagi::math::SMatrix44& globalRotMtx = PhotoItemManager::Instance().GetRotationMtx(); // Compute target matrix. { izanagi::math::SVector4 pos; hitItem->GetCenterPosition(pos); izanagi::math::SMatrix44::Apply(pos, pos, globalRotMtx); izanagi::math::SVector4 nml; hitItem->GetNormal(nml); izanagi::math::SMatrix44::ApplyXYZ(nml, nml, globalRotMtx); izanagi::math::CVector4 targetPos( pos.x + nml.x * Configure::CameraDistanceFromItem, pos.y + nml.y * Configure::CameraDistanceFromItem, pos.z + nml.z * Configure::CameraDistanceFromItem); izanagi::math::CVector4 targetAt(pos); izanagi::CVectorCamera tmpCam; tmpCam.Init( targetPos, targetAt, 1.0f, 500.0f, izanagi::math::CMath::Deg2Rad(60.0f), 1.0f); tmpCam.Update(); izanagi::math::SMatrix44::Copy(m_TargetMtx, tmpCam.GetTransform()); } m_State = State_Move; m_Timeline.Reset(); m_Timeline.Start(); return IZ_TRUE; }
void Tree::Draw() { D3DXMATRIXA16 a = GetCamera().GetViewMatrix() * GetCamera().GetProjectionMatrix(); mShaderObject->SetMatrix("viewProj", a); mShaderObject->SetFloat3("eyePosW", GetCamera().GetPosition()); mDevice->IASetPrimitiveTopology(D3D10_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_POINTLIST); UINT stride = sizeof(BillboardVertex); UINT offset = 0; mDevice->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &mVertexBuffer, &stride, &offset); D3D10_TECHNIQUE_DESC techDesc; mShaderObject->GetTechnique()->GetDesc( &techDesc ); for(UINT p = 0; p < techDesc.Passes; ++p) { mShaderObject->Render(p); mDevice->Draw(1,0); } }
void TurnCamera( float x,float y ){ void* pcam = GetCamera(); if( pcam ){ float xx = x*32/9; float yy = y*32/9; __asm{ mov ecx,pcam push 0 push yy push xx call g_chTurnCamera.pEntryFunc } } }
void ViewerRenderer::Zoom(float delta) { float cameraPosition[3], cameraTarget[3], cameraUp[3]; GetCamera(cameraPosition, cameraTarget, cameraUp); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cameraPosition[i] = cameraTarget[i] + (delta + 1.f) * (cameraPosition[i] - cameraTarget[i]); } SetCamera(cameraPosition, cameraTarget, cameraUp); }
int GNewObjectHandler::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, Point &point) { Point pw,pl; Point p ; view->World2Screen(GetCamera().target,p); point.z = p.z; // which depth plane ?? MapPoint(point,pw,pl); CString s; s.Format("%g %g %g",pl.x,pl.y,pl.z); UpdateDialogValue(s); // TRACE("%s:OnMouseMove (%f %f %f) %x \n",this->ClassName(),point.x,point.y,point.z,nFlags); return(EV_OK); }
//ビュー類の作成 void GameStage::CreateViews(){ //最初にデフォルトのレンダリングターゲット類を作成する CreateDefaultRenderTargets(); //マルチビューコンポーネントの取得 auto PtrMultiView = GetComponent<MultiView>(); //マルチビューにビューの追加 auto PtrView = PtrMultiView->AddView(); //ビューの矩形を設定(ゲームサイズ全体) Rect2D<float> rect(0, 0, (float)App::GetApp()->GetGameWidth(), (float)App::GetApp()->GetGameHeight()); //最初のビューにパラメータの設定 PtrView->ResetParamaters<LookAtCamera, MultiLight>(rect, Color4(0.0f, 0.125f, 0.3f, 1.0f), 1, 0.0f, 1.0f); auto PtrCamera = PtrView->GetCamera(); PtrCamera->SetEye(Vector3(0.0f, 2.0f, -5.0f)); PtrCamera->SetAt(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); }
void MyScene::Projection() { if (GetCamera()->projection) { gluPerspective(60.0, (GLdouble)windowWidth / (GLdouble)windowHeight, 1.0, 100000.0); //printf("pers\n"); } else { //printf("orth\n"); glOrtho(-1000, 1000, -1000, 1000, 10, 10000); } }
void EditDialog::InitCamera(const ee::SprPtr& spr) const { auto canvas = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ee::CameraCanvas>(m_stage->GetCanvas()); auto cam = canvas->GetCamera(); if (cam->Type() == s2::CAM_PSEUDO3D) { return; } wxSize sz = GetSize(); sm::vec2 r_sz = spr->GetBounding().GetSize().Size(); float scale = std::min(sz.GetWidth() / r_sz.x, sz.GetHeight() / r_sz.y); auto ortho_cam = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<s2::OrthoCamera>(cam); ortho_cam->Set(sm::vec2(0, 0), 1 / scale); }
void Terrain::draw(const D3DXMATRIX& world) { md3dDevice->IASetInputLayout(InputLayout::PosNormalTex); UINT stride = sizeof(TerrainVertex); UINT offset = 0; md3dDevice->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &mVB, &stride, &offset); md3dDevice->IASetIndexBuffer(mIB, DXGI_FORMAT_R32_UINT, 0); D3DXMATRIX view = GetCamera().view(); D3DXMATRIX proj = GetCamera().proj(); D3DXMATRIX WVP = world*view*proj; mfxWVPVar->SetMatrix((float*)&WVP); mfxWorldVar->SetMatrix((float*)&world); mfxLayer0Var->SetResource(mLayer0); mfxLayer1Var->SetResource(mLayer1); mfxLayer2Var->SetResource(mLayer2); mfxLayer3Var->SetResource(mLayer3); mfxLayer4Var->SetResource(mLayer4); mfxBlendMapVar->SetResource(mBlendMap); D3D10_TECHNIQUE_DESC techDesc; mTech->GetDesc( &techDesc ); for(UINT i = 0; i < techDesc.Passes; ++i) { ID3D10EffectPass* pass = mTech->GetPassByIndex(i); pass->Apply(0); md3dDevice->DrawIndexed(mNumFaces*3, 0, 0); } }
// 更新. void UnityChanApp::UpdateInternal(izanagi::graph::CGraphicsDevice* device) { GetCamera().Update(); if (m_enableStepAnm) { if (m_step) { m_Timeline.Advance(16.67f / 1000.0f); } m_step = IZ_FALSE; } else { // 時間更新 IZ_FLOAT fElapsed = GetTimer(0).GetTime(); fElapsed /= 1000.0f; m_Timeline.Advance(fElapsed); } //m_Timeline.Advance(0.5f); IZ_FLOAT t = m_Timeline.GetTime(); // アニメーション適用 m_Mdl->ApplyAnimation(t, m_Anm); m_Mdl->Update(); // レンダーグラフに登録 m_RenderGraph->BeginRegister(); { // 位置は原点なので m_RenderGraph->Register( GetCamera(), izanagi::math::CVector4(), m_Mdl); } m_RenderGraph->EndRegister(); }
void EngineRunningBase::DrawLensflare() { // Lensflare: draw if the sparkling sun is on screen. if (!m_pLevel->IsCurrentRoomIndoors() && GetEngine()->GetDayNightSky()->IsSparkleVisible()) { // Make a bounding sphere around the sun coords. Vec3f sunPos = GetEngine()->GetDayNightSky()->GetSunPosition(); BoundingSphere sunBs(sunPos, 50.0f); // sun's "radius" // Find out if the sun intersects the view frustum if (Frustum::Instance()->Contains(sunBs)) { PCamera pCam = GetCamera(); Assert(pCam.GetPtr()); Vec3f eyePos(pCam->GetOrientation()->GetX(), pCam->GetOrientation()->GetY(), pCam->GetOrientation()->GetZ()); // We have to draw the lens flare, unless the sun is obscured by part of // the scene. // Test the line from camera to sun for obstructions. //Mgc::Segment3 seg; //seg.Origin() = Mgc::Vector3(eyePos.x, eyePos.y, eyePos.z); //seg.Direction() = Mgc::Vector3( // sunPos.x - eyePos.x, // sunPos.y - eyePos.y, // sunPos.z - eyePos.z); // Do intersection test on the scenery for the current room. if (m_pLevel->GetScene()->LineIntersects(eyePos, sunPos, 1.0f /* some radius */ )) { return; // Sun is obscured. } // We should draw the lens flare. Get the Camera eye position and // "look at" position (some point along the line we are pointing at). GetEngine()->PushColour(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); //GetEngine()->GetLensflare()->Draw( // GetEngine()->GetDayNightSky()->GetSunPosition(), // eyePos, // pCam->GetLookAtPos() ); GetEngine()->PopColour(); } } }
void Test::PrepareCameraAnimation() { Rect rect = rectSequence.front(); curCameraPosition = GetRealPoint(rect.GetCenter()); Camera* cam = GetCamera(); cam->SetPosition(curCameraPosition); cam->SetDirection(DEF_CAMERA_DIRECTION); nextRectNum = 0; curCameraAngle = 0.f; float32 maxRotateAngle = 360.f; float32 timeToRotate = maxRotateAngle / SettingsManager::Instance()->GetCameraRotationSpeed(); camRotateAnimation = new LinearAnimation<float32>(this, &curCameraAngle, maxRotateAngle, timeToRotate, Interpolation::LINEAR); camRotateAnimation->SetRepeatCount(-1); }
void bsCamera::animate(void) { #if 0 if(mNumFrames>0 && mAnimation) { double pos[3],dir[3],up[3]; int gotpos, gotdir; GetCamera(mAnimation,mCurrentTime,&gotpos,pos,&gotdir,dir,up); if(gotpos) setPosition(Vec3f(pos[0],pos[1],pos[2])); if(gotdir) { setLookAt(Vec3f(pos[0]+dir[0],pos[1]+dir[1],pos[2]+dir[2])); setUpVector(Vec3f(up[0],up[1],up[2])); } } #endif }
// Updated version of the lens flare render. void Render( Context * pcontext ) { m_vec = Vector(0, 0, 1); const Rect& rect = GetViewRect()->GetValue(); Point pointCenter = rect.Center(); float scale = rect.XSize() / 800.0f; Point pointLight; if( GetCamera()->TransformDirectionToImage( m_vec, pointLight )) { pointLight = rect.TransformNDCToImage(pointLight); if( rect.Inside( pointLight ) ) { pointLight = pointLight - pointCenter; pcontext->SetBlendMode(BlendModeAdd); pcontext->SetShadeMode(ShadeModeFlat); pcontext->Translate(pointCenter); int count = ArrayCount(g_lensFlareData); for(int index = 0; index < count; index++) { pcontext->PushState(); pcontext->Translate(pointLight * g_lensFlareData[index].m_pos); pcontext->Scale2(scale * g_lensFlareData[index].m_scale); float angle = 0; int indexSurface = g_lensFlareData[index].m_index; if (indexSurface == 1) { pcontext->Rotate((pointLight.X() + pointLight.Y()) / 200.0f); } pcontext->DrawImage3D(m_psurfaces[indexSurface], g_lensFlareData[index].m_color, true); pcontext->PopState(); } } } }