Пример #1
// Tab 制表符
BOOL CTestScript::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
    // TODO: 在此添加专用代码和/或调用基类
    switch( pMsg->message )
    case WM_KEYDOWN:
        if(pMsg->wParam ==VK_TAB)
            CString str;
            CPoint pt;
            pt = GetCaretPos();

            m_edScriptEdit.SetSel(-1,0); //取消正文的选择
            return TRUE;
        else if (pMsg->wParam == VK_LEFT)
            return true;

    return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
Пример #2
void CTitleTimeEdit::KeyInDel()
    int nCharPos = CharFromPos(GetCaretPos());

    int nSelStart	= 0;
    int nSelEnd		= 0;
    GetSel(nSelStart, nSelEnd);

    if(nSelStart == nSelEnd)
        if(nCharPos < 12)
            m_szTimeChar[nCharPos] = s_szDefTMChar[nCharPos];
            nCharPos ++;
            if(s_szDefTMChar[nCharPos] != '0')
                nCharPos ++;
        DeleteRange(nSelStart, nSelEnd);
    SetSel(nCharPos, nCharPos);
Пример #3
* @author ACM2012
* @note  限制光标移动本函数在按下键盘按键时触发,主要限制光标移动;
void CmdView::OnKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
	// TODO:  在此添加消息处理程序代码和/或调用默认值
	CPoint point;
	int nline;
	switch (nChar)
	*@brief 直接返回,屏蔽光标上下移动
	case  VK_UP:
	case  VK_DOWN:
	case   VK_HOME: return;
	*@brief 监听光标左移
	case  VK_LEFT:
		point = GetCaretPos();                        //禁止光标移动到command区域:
		nline = myedit->CharFromPos(point);
		*@brief 如果超过光标能移动的范围,返回
		if (point.x <= HintPLen&&HIWORD(nline)==HintLine) 
	default: break;
	CEditView::OnKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
Пример #4
void CSelection::UpdateCaretPosition() const
    RECT rcView;
    m_pView->GetViewRect( &rcView );

    if ( GetFocus() == m_hWnd && !m_pCtrl->DelayPaint() )
        int yCaret = rcView.top + ( ( m_nEndRow - m_pView->GetTopIndex() ) * m_pView->GetLineHeight() );
        int cxLeftMargin = m_pView->GetLeftMargin( TRUE, TRUE );
        int xCaret = rcView.left + cxLeftMargin + ( ( m_nEndViewCol - m_pView->GetLeftIndex() ) * m_pView->GetCharWidth() );
        if ( m_pCtrl->ShowHScrollBar() && ( ( ( yCaret + m_cyCaret ) > rcView.bottom ) ||
                                            ( yCaret < rcView.top ) ) )
            // don't let the caret draw over the scrollbars
            yCaret = -m_cyCaret - 1;

        if ( ( xCaret < rcView.left + cxLeftMargin ) ||
                ( m_pCtrl->ShowVScrollBar() && ( ( ( xCaret + m_cxCaret ) > rcView.right ) ||
                        ( xCaret < rcView.left ) ) ) )
            // don't let the caret draw over the scrollbars
            xCaret = -m_cxCaret - 1;

        POINT pt;
        GetCaretPos( &pt );
        if ( pt.x != xCaret || pt.y != yCaret )
            VERIFY( SetCaretPos( xCaret, yCaret ) );
Пример #5
bool CHSNumEdit::CheckInput (UINT nChar)
	// checks no digit or dots before a minus sign
	// and no more than m_digits after '.'
	int pos = CharFromPos(GetCaretPos()); 
	CString txt;
	int len = txt.GetLength();
	//////// no digits or dot before a minus sign
	int sign = txt.Find('-');
	if ( pos <= sign )
		return false;
	//// no dot before m_digit from end of string
	int dot = txt.ReverseFind('.');
	if ( dot == -1 )
		// no dot - check position before accepting
		if ( pos >= len -m_digits )
			return true;
		//	return false;
	/////// limit digits after '.' 
	if ( len - pos < dot) 
		// no insert if 
		// there is more than m_digits digits after zero.
		if ( pos -dot > m_digits )
			return false;
		// the insert will cause the same
		if ( len - dot> m_digits) 
			return false;
	return true;
Пример #6
void CTitleTimeEdit::KeyInNumeric(UINT nChar)
    int nCharPos = CharFromPos(GetCaretPos());

    int nSelStart	= 0;
    int nSelEnd		= 0;
    GetSel(nSelStart, nSelEnd);
    if(nSelStart == nSelEnd)
        if(nCharPos < 12)
            if((s_szDefTMChar[nCharPos] == '0')
                    &&(nChar <= (UINT)s_szMaxTMChar[nCharPos]))
                m_szTimeChar[nCharPos] = nChar;
            nCharPos ++;
            if(s_szDefTMChar[nCharPos] != '0')
                nCharPos ++;
        if((s_szDefTMChar[nSelStart] == '0')
                &&(nChar <= (UINT)s_szMaxTMChar[nCharPos]))
            m_szTimeChar[nSelStart] = nChar;
    SetSel(nCharPos, nCharPos);
Пример #7
static void hugsprim_GetCaretPos_42(HugsStackPtr hugs_root)
    HsPtr arg1;
    HsBool res1;
    arg1 = hugs->getPtr();
    res1 = GetCaretPos(arg1);
 void NativeTextfieldWin::OnContextMenu(HWND window, const gfx::Point& point)
     POINT p = point.ToPOINT();
     if(p.x==-1 || p.y==-1)
         MapWindowPoints(HWND_DESKTOP, &p, 1);
Пример #9
//im --- override to over the spot composition
void AwtTextComponent::SetCompositionWindow(RECT& rc)
    HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext();
    // rc is not used for text component.
    COMPOSITIONFORM cf = { CFS_POINT, {0,0}, {0,0,0,0} };
    ImmSetCompositionWindow(hIMC, &cf);

    LOGFONT lf;
    GetObject(m_hFont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
    ImmSetCompositionFont(hIMC, &lf);
Пример #10
void fastPoll( void )
	RANDOM_STATE randomState;
	TIMERINFO timerInfo;
	POINT point;

	initRandomData( randomState, buffer, RANDOM_BUFSIZE );

	/* Get various basic pieces of system information: Handle of the window
	   with mouse capture, handle of window with input focus, amount of
	   space in global heap, whether system queue has any events, cursor
	   position for last message, 55 ms time for last message, number of
	   active tasks, 55 ms time since Windows started, current mouse cursor
	   position, current caret position */
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetCapture() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetFocus() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetFreeSpace( 0 ) );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetInputState() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetMessagePos() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetMessageTime() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetNumTasks() );
	addRandomValue( randomState, GetTickCount() );
	GetCursorPos( &point );
	addRandomData( randomState, &point, sizeof( POINT ) );
	GetCaretPos( &point );
	addRandomData( randomState, &point, sizeof( POINT ) );

	/* Get the largest free memory block, number of lockable pages, number of
	   unlocked pages, number of free and used pages, and number of swapped
	   pages */
	memManInfo.dwSize = sizeof( MEMMANINFO );
	MemManInfo( &memManInfo );
	addRandomData( randomState, &memManInfo, sizeof( MEMMANINFO ) );

	/* Get the execution times of the current task and VM to approximately
	   1ms resolution */
	timerInfo.dwSize = sizeof( TIMERINFO );
	TimerCount( &timerInfo );
	addRandomData( randomState, &timerInfo, sizeof( TIMERINFO ) );

	/* Get the percentage free and segment of the user and GDI heap */
	sysHeapInfo.dwSize = sizeof( SYSHEAPINFO );
	SystemHeapInfo( &sysHeapInfo );
	addRandomData( randomState, &sysHeapInfo, sizeof( SYSHEAPINFO ) );

	/* Flush any remaining data through */
	endRandomData( randomState, 25 );
Пример #11
void CUrlRichEditCtrl::OnKeyUp(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) 
	if (nChar == VK_APPS)
		m_ptContextMenu = GetCaretPos();
		// does this location lie on a url?
		m_nContextUrl = FindUrl(m_ptContextMenu);
		// convert point to screen coords
	CRichEditBaseCtrl::OnKeyUp(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
Пример #12
void CmdView::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags)
	// TODO:  在此添加消息处理程序代码和/或调用默认值	
	///<brief 处理回退键
	if (VK_BACK == nChar){  ///<限制删除范围
		CPoint point;
		int num;
		num = myedit->GetLineCount();
		point = GetCaretPos();
		if (point.x <= HintPLen&&num - 1 == HintLine)
	///<brief 处理回车键
	if (VK_RETURN == nChar) ///<处理回车消息
	CEditView::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
Пример #13
void CUrlRichEditCtrl::OnSysKeyDown(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) 
   if (nChar == VK_F10 && GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT))
		m_ptContextMenu = GetCaretPos();

		// does this location lie on a url?
		m_nContextUrl = FindUrl(m_ptContextMenu);
		// convert point to screen coords
		// eat message else we'll get a WM_KEYUP with VK_APPS
	CRichEditBaseCtrl::OnSysKeyDown(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags);
Пример #14
void WeaselIME::_UpdateInputPosition(LPINPUTCONTEXT lpIMC, POINT pt)
	EZDBGONLYLOGGERPRINT("_UpdateInputPosition: (%d, %d)", pt.x, pt.y);

	//EZDBGONLYLOGGERPRINT("cfCompForm: ptCurrentPos = (%d, %d), rcArea = (%d, %d)",
	//	lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos.x, lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos.y, 
	//	lpIMC->cfCompForm.rcArea.left, lpIMC->cfCompForm.rcArea.top);
	//EZDBGONLYLOGGERPRINT("cfCandForm[0]: ptCurrentPos = (%d, %d), rcArea = (%d, %d)",
	//	lpIMC->cfCandForm[0].ptCurrentPos.x, lpIMC->cfCandForm[0].ptCurrentPos.y,
	//	lpIMC->cfCandForm[0].rcArea.left, lpIMC->cfCandForm[0].rcArea.top);
	//EZDBGONLYLOGGERPRINT("cfCandForm[1]: ptCurrentPos = (%d, %d), rcArea = (%d, %d)",
	//	lpIMC->cfCandForm[1].ptCurrentPos.x, lpIMC->cfCandForm[1].ptCurrentPos.y,
	//	lpIMC->cfCandForm[1].rcArea.left, lpIMC->cfCandForm[1].rcArea.top);

	if (pt.x == -1 && pt.y == -1)
		EZDBGONLYLOGGERPRINT("Caret pos detection required.");
			EZDBGONLYLOGGERPRINT("Failed to determine caret pos.");
			pt.x = pt.y = 0;

	ClientToScreen(lpIMC->hWnd, &pt);
	if (pt.x < -4096 || pt.x >= 4096 || pt.y < -4096 || pt.y >= 4096)
		EZDBGONLYLOGGERPRINT("Input position out of range, possibly invalid.");

	int height = abs(lpIMC->lfFont.W.lfHeight);
	if (height == 0)
		HDC hDC = GetDC(lpIMC->hWnd);
		SIZE sz = {0};
		GetTextExtentPoint(hDC, L"A", 1, &sz);
		height = sz.cy;
		ReleaseDC(lpIMC->hWnd, hDC);
	const int width = 6;
	RECT rc;
	SetRect(&rc, pt.x, pt.y, pt.x + width, pt.y + height);
	EZDBGONLYLOGGERPRINT("Updating input position: (%d, %d)", pt.x, pt.y);
//im --- override to over the spot composition
void AwtTextComponent::SetCompositionWindow(RECT& rc)
    HWND hwnd = ImmGetHWnd();
    HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext(hwnd);
    // rc is not used for text component.
    COMPOSITIONFORM cf = { CFS_FORCE_POSITION, {0,0}, {0,0,0,0} };
    // the proxy is the native focus owner and it contains the composition window
    // let's convert the position to a coordinate space relative to proxy
    ::MapWindowPoints(GetHWnd(), GetProxyFocusOwner(), (LPPOINT)&cf.ptCurrentPos, 1);
    ImmSetCompositionWindow(hIMC, &cf);

    LOGFONT lf;
    GetObject(m_hFont, sizeof(LOGFONT), &lf);
    ImmSetCompositionFont(hIMC, &lf);
    ImmReleaseContext(hwnd, hIMC);
Пример #16
*   SetIMECompFormPos 
void SetIMECompFormPos( 
    HWND hWnd )
    HIMC hIMC = ImmGetContext(hWnd);
    POINT point = {0};

    GetCaretPos( &point );

    CompForm.dwStyle = CFS_POINT;

    CompForm.ptCurrentPos.x = (long) point.x;
    CompForm.ptCurrentPos.y = (long) point.y;

    if ( hIMC )
    ImmReleaseContext( hWnd , hIMC);
Пример #17
// AdjustCandWnd()                                                    
void AdjustCandWnd(HWND hCandWnd,  LPUIPRIV        lpUIPriv,  LPINPUTCONTEXT  lpIMC)
    //LPUIPRIV        lpUIPriv;
	POINT ptNew;

    if (GetCaretPos(&ptNew)){
        ClientToScreen(lpIMC->hWnd, &ptNew);
        murmur("AdjustCandWnd() ptNew.x = %d, ptNew.y = %d, rcWorkArea.bottom = %d, nCandHi=%d\n", ptNew.x, ptNew.y, g_sImeUIG.rcWorkArea.bottom, lpUIPriv->nCandHi);
        if(  ( g_sImeUIG.rcWorkArea.bottom - ptNew.y < 2*lpUIPriv->nCandHi ) && 
			 ( g_sImeUIG.rcWorkArea.bottom - ptNew.y >0 ) &&
				ptNew.y < g_sImeUIG.rcWorkArea.bottom ){
             ptNew.y -= lpUIPriv->nCandHi;
        } else 
        ptNew.y = g_sImeUIG.rcWorkArea.bottom - lpUIPriv->nCandHi;
    } else 
		ptNew.y = g_sImeUIG.rcWorkArea.bottom - lpUIPriv->nCandHi;
    ptNew.x = 0;

    murmur("AdjustCandWnd() ptNew.x = %d, ptNew.y = %d\n", ptNew.x, ptNew.y);

    InvalidateRect(hCandWnd, NULL, FALSE);

	lpUIPriv->rcCandText.right = g_sImeUIG.rcWorkArea.right -g_sImeUIG.nCandCharWi *2;
    if (ptNew.x != lpUIPriv->ptCand.x ||
        ptNew.y != lpUIPriv->ptCand.y ||
		g_sImeUIG.rcWorkArea.right != lpUIPriv->nCandWi
		) {
        lpUIPriv->ptCand = ptNew;
		lpUIPriv->nCandWi = g_sImeUIG.rcWorkArea.right;
		SetWindowPos(hCandWnd, NULL, ptNew.x, ptNew.y, g_sImeUIG.rcWorkArea.right, g_sImeUIG.nCandLineHi,

Пример #18
void RichEdit::Stop()
	if (m_stopped != 1)


	SendMessage(WM_SETREDRAW, FALSE, 0);

	SendMessage(EM_GETSCROLLPOS, 0, (LPARAM)&m_old_scroll_pos);
	SendMessage(EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&m_old_sel);

	m_old_mask = SendMessage(EM_GETEVENTMASK, 0, 0);
	SendMessage(EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, m_old_mask & ~ENM_CHANGE);

	m_inverse = (m_old_sel.cpMin >= LOWORD(SendMessage(EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, (LPARAM)&m_caretPos)));
Пример #19
static int winListGetCaretPos(HWND cbedit)
  int pos = 0;
  POINT point;

  if (GetFocus() != cbedit || !GetCaretPos(&point))
    /* if does not have the focus, or could not get caret position,
       then use the selection start position */
    SendMessage(cbedit, EM_GETSEL, (WPARAM)&pos, 0);
    pos = SendMessage(cbedit, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, MAKELPARAM(point.x, point.y));
    pos = LOWORD(pos);

  return pos;
Пример #20
void CSelection::UpdateCaretPosition() const
	ASSERT( m_pView );

	RECT rcView;
	m_pView->GetViewRect( &rcView );

	if ( GetFocus() == m_hWnd && !m_pCtrl->DelayPaint() )
		int yCaret = rcView.top + ( ( m_nEndRow - m_pView->GetTopIndex() ) * m_pView->GetLineHeight() );
		int cxLeftMargin = m_pView->GetLeftMargin( TRUE, TRUE );
		int xCaret = rcView.left + cxLeftMargin + ( ( m_nEndViewCol - m_pView->GetLeftIndex() ) * m_pView->GetCharWidth() );
		if ( m_pCtrl->ShowHScrollBar() && ( ( ( yCaret + m_cyCaret ) > rcView.bottom ) ||
		                                    ( yCaret < rcView.top ) ) )
			// don't let the caret draw over the scrollbars
			yCaret = -m_cyCaret - 1;

		if ( ( xCaret < rcView.left + cxLeftMargin ) || 
		     ( m_pCtrl->ShowVScrollBar() && ( ( ( xCaret + m_cxCaret ) > rcView.right ) ||
		                                      ( xCaret < rcView.left ) ) ) )
			// don't let the caret draw over the scrollbars
			xCaret = -m_cxCaret - 1;

		POINT pt;
		GetCaretPos( &pt );
		if ( pt.x != xCaret || pt.y != yCaret )
      if (!SetCaretPos (xCaret, yCaret))
        // this seems to work around a bug in a HTML Help version that causes SetCaretPos to
        // fail with a 0x05 (permission denied) error, even though CreateCaret had succeeded
        // and the window had focus. maybe it was stealing the caret back after CreateCaret ?
        VERIFY (CreateCaret (m_hWnd, NULL, m_cxCaret, m_cyCaret)) ;
        VERIFY (SetCaretPos (xCaret, yCaret)) ;
Пример #21
// void ImeUIMove()
// Handler routine of WM_MOVE message.
void ImeUIMoveCandWin( 
    HWND hwnd )

    if ( gImeUIData.ImeState & IME_IN_CHOSECAND )
        POINT point;          // Storage for caret position.
        int   i;              // loop counter.
        int   NumCandWin;     // Storage for num of cand win.
        RECT  rect;           // Storage for client rect.

        // If current IME state is in chosing candidate, here we
        // move all candidate windows, if any, to the appropriate
        // position based on the parent window's position.

        NumCandWin = 0;

        GetCaretPos( &point );
        ClientToScreen( hwnd, &point );

        for ( i = 0; i < MAX_LISTCAND ; i++ )
            if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] )
                GetClientRect( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ], &rect );                
                MoveWindow( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ], 
                            point.x + X_INDENT * NumCandWin,
                            point.y + Y_INDENT * NumCandWin + cyMetrics,
                            ( rect.right - rect.left + 1 ),
                            ( rect.bottom - rect.top + 1 ), TRUE );

Пример #22
void CConstraintEditDialog::insertFuncString()
	if(!m_editExpression) {

	CPoint caret = GetCaretPos();
	int curpos = c_expredit.CharFromPos(caret);

	CString selfun;
	int cursel = m_funclist.GetCurSel();
	int len = m_funclist.GetTextLen(cursel);
    m_funclist.GetText(cursel, selfun.GetBuffer(len+2) );
	if(selfun!=_T("self") && selfun!=_T("children"))
	if(selfun==_T("children") || selfun==_T("project().Materials"))
Пример #23
void CTitleTimeEdit::KeyInDown()
    int nCharPos = CharFromPos(GetCaretPos());
    if(nCharPos < 3)
        if(m_szTimeChar[1] > '0')
            m_szTimeChar[1] --;
        else if(m_szTimeChar[1] == '0')
            if(m_szTimeChar[0] > '0')
                m_szTimeChar[0] --;
                m_szTimeChar[1] = s_szMaxTMChar[1];
    else if(nCharPos < 6)
        if(m_szTimeChar[4] > '0')
            m_szTimeChar[4] --;
        else if(m_szTimeChar[4] == '0')
            if(m_szTimeChar[3] > '0')
                m_szTimeChar[3] --;
                m_szTimeChar[4] = s_szMaxTMChar[4];
    else if(nCharPos < 9)
        if(m_szTimeChar[7] > '0')
            m_szTimeChar[7] --;
        else if(m_szTimeChar[7] ==  '0')
            if(m_szTimeChar[6] > '0')
                m_szTimeChar[6] --;
                m_szTimeChar[7] = s_szMaxTMChar[7];
        if(m_szTimeChar[11] > '0')
            m_szTimeChar[11] --;
        else if(m_szTimeChar[11] == '0')
            if(m_szTimeChar[10] > '0')
                m_szTimeChar[10] --;
                m_szTimeChar[11] = s_szMaxTMChar[11];
            else if(m_szTimeChar[10] == '0')
                if(m_szTimeChar[9] > '0')
                    m_szTimeChar[9] --;
                    m_szTimeChar[10] = s_szMaxTMChar[10];
                    m_szTimeChar[11] = s_szMaxTMChar[11];
    SetSel(nCharPos, nCharPos);
Пример #24
BOOL CImeView::OpenCandidate(LONG lParam)
    LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList = NULL;         // Storage for LP to candidate list.
    DWORD       dwBufLen;               // Storage for candidate strings.
    LPSTR       lpStr;                  // Storage for LP to a string.
    int         max_width = 0;          // Storage for width of listCand
    int         CurNumCandList = 0;     // Storage for number of cand. lists.
    DWORD       dwPreferNumPerPage;     // Storage for PreferNumPerPage
 //   POINT       point;                  // Storage for caret position.

    if (!Enter())
        return FALSE;

    // SetWindowText(hwnd, (LPSTR)TITLE_CAND);
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LISTCAND; i++ ) {
        if (m_hwndCand[i])
    for (int index = 0; index < MAX_LISTCAND; index++ ) {
        if (lParam & (1 << index)) {   
            if (!(dwBufLen = ImmGetCandidateList(m_hIMC, index, lpCandList, 0)))                      
                goto exit_opencand;
            if( !(m_CandList[index] = (LPCANDIDATELIST)new char[dwBufLen]))
                goto exit_opencand;
            lpCandList = m_CandList[index];
            ImmGetCandidateList(m_hIMC, index, lpCandList, dwBufLen);

            POINT pt ;

            dwPreferNumPerPage = ( !lpCandList->dwPageSize ) ?
                                 DEFAULT_CAND_NUM_PER_PAGE :

			// get the longest string length
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)lpCandList->dwCount; i++ ) {
                lpStr = (LPSTR)lpCandList + lpCandList->dwOffset[i];
                max_width = (max_width < lstrlen(lpStr)) ? lstrlen(lpStr) : max_width;

            m_hwndCand[index] = CreateWindow(          
                                 "HanjaCandidate", "CandWindow",
                                 WS_BORDER | WS_POPUP | WS_DISABLED,
                                 CurNumCandList * m_charWidth + pt.x, pt.y + m_charHeight + 2,
                                 (max_width + 3) * m_charWidth + 4,
                                 (int)dwPreferNumPerPage * m_charHeight + 5,
                                 (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_HINSTANCE ),

            if (m_hwndCand[index] == NULL) {
				delete m_CandList[index];
				m_CandList[index] = NULL;
                goto exit_opencand;
			SetWindowLong(m_hwndCand[index], 0, (LONG)this);

            ::ShowWindow(m_hwndCand[index], SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
            DisplayCandStrings(m_hwndCand[index], lpCandList);
    m_nState |= IME_IN_CHOSECAND;

	return TRUE;
Пример #25
wxRect FixedLine::GetFoldIndicatorRect() const {
	const unsigned int lastpos = textend - textstart;
	wxPoint point = GetCaretPos(lastpos);

	return wxRect(point.x, point.y, m_foldWidth, charheight);
Пример #26
// void ImeUIOpenCandidate()
// This handles WM_IME_NOTIFY message with wParam = IMN_OPENCANDIDATE.
void ImeUIOpenCandidate( 
    HWND hwnd, 
    LPARAM CandList )
    HIMC            hIMC;               // Input context handle.
    LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList;         // Storage for LP to candidate list.
    CANDIDATELIST   tempCandList;       // Storage for LP to candidate list.
    DWORD           bufLen;           // Storage for candidate strings.
    LPSTR           lpStr;              // Storage for LP to a string.
    DWORD           dwIndex;            // Storage for index of ListCand array
    DWORD           i;                  // Loop count.
    int             width = 0;          // Storage for width of listCand
    int             CurNumCandList = 0; // Storage for number of cand. lists.
    DWORD           dwPreferNumPerPage; // Storage for PreferNumPerPage
    POINT           point;              // Storage for caret position.

    // If fail to get input context handle, do nothing.

    if ( ! (hIMC = ImmGetContext( hwnd ) ) )

    // Change caption title to DBCS candidate mode.

    SetWindowText( hwnd, szSteCandTitle );

    // Find out how many candidate windows have already been opened.

    for( i = 0; i < MAX_LISTCAND; i++ )
        if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ i ] )

    // Check which candidate lists should be displayed by loopping
    // through all possible candidate lists.

    for( dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < MAX_LISTCAND ; dwIndex ++ )

        if ( CandList & ( 1 << dwIndex ) )
            // The dwIndex-th candidate list contains candidate strings.
            // So here we want to display them.

            // Determines how musch memory space should be allocated to
            // read in the corresponding candidate list .

            if ( ! ( bufLen = ImmGetCandidateList( hIMC, dwIndex, &tempCandList, 0 ) ) )                      
                goto exit2;
            // Allocate memory space.

            if( !( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ]  = 
                   GlobalAlloc( LPTR, (int)bufLen ) ) )
                goto exit2;

            if( !( lpStr =
                 (LPSTR)GlobalLock( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] ) ) )
                GlobalFree( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] );
                gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] = NULL;
                goto exit2;
            lpCandList = (LPCANDIDATELIST) lpStr;

            // Reads in the corresponding candidate list.

            ImmGetCandidateList( hIMC, dwIndex, lpCandList, bufLen );

            // Get current caret position.

            GetCaretPos( (POINT *)&point );
            ClientToScreen( hwnd, &point );

            // Determines how many candidate strings per page.

            dwPreferNumPerPage = ( !lpCandList->dwPageSize ) ?
                                 DEFAULT_CAND_NUM_PER_PAGE :
            // Determining maximum character length the list box
            // will display by loopping through all candidate strings.

            for( i = 0; i < lpCandList->dwCount; i++ )
                // Get the pointer to i-th candidate string.

                lpStr = (LPSTR)lpCandList + 
                        lpCandList->dwOffset[ i ];

                width = ( width < lstrlen( lpStr ) ) ? lstrlen( lpStr ) : width;


            // Create a candidate window for the candidate list.

            gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ] = 
                   CreateWindow( szCandClass,
                                 WS_BORDER | WS_POPUP | WS_DISABLED,
                                 CurNumCandList * X_INDENT + point.x,
                                 CurNumCandList * Y_INDENT + 
                                     point.y + cyMetrics,
                                 ( width ) * cxMetrics + 10,
                                 (int)(dwPreferNumPerPage) * cyMetrics + 5,
                                 (HINSTANCE)GetWindowLongPtr( hwnd, GWLP_HINSTANCE ),
                                 NULL );
            // If fail to create the candidate window then do nothing.

            if ( gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ] < 0 )
                GlobalUnlock( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] );
                GlobalFree( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] );
                goto exit2;

            // Show candidate window.

            ShowWindow( gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ], SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE );

            // Display candidate strings.

            DisplayCandStrings( gImeUIData.hListCand[ dwIndex ], lpCandList );

            GlobalUnlock( gImeUIData.hListCandMem[ dwIndex ] );


    // Reset IME state.

    gImeUIData.ImeState |= IME_IN_CHOSECAND;


    ImmReleaseContext( hwnd, hIMC );

Пример #27
void CTitleTimeEdit::KeyInUp()
    int nCharPos = CharFromPos(GetCaretPos());
    if(nCharPos < 3)
        if(m_szTimeChar[1] < s_szMaxTMChar[1])
            m_szTimeChar[1] ++;
        else if(m_szTimeChar[1] == s_szMaxTMChar[1])
            if(m_szTimeChar[0] < s_szMaxTMChar[0])
                m_szTimeChar[0] ++;
                m_szTimeChar[1] = '0';
    else if(nCharPos < 6)
        if(m_szTimeChar[4] < s_szMaxTMChar[4])
            m_szTimeChar[4] ++;
        else if(m_szTimeChar[4] == s_szMaxTMChar[4])
            if(m_szTimeChar[3] < s_szMaxTMChar[3])
                m_szTimeChar[3] ++;
                m_szTimeChar[4] = '0';
    else if(nCharPos < 9)
        if(m_szTimeChar[7] < s_szMaxTMChar[7])
            m_szTimeChar[7] ++;
        else if(m_szTimeChar[7] == s_szMaxTMChar[7])
            if(m_szTimeChar[6] < s_szMaxTMChar[6])
                m_szTimeChar[6] ++;
                m_szTimeChar[7] = '0';
        if(m_szTimeChar[11] < s_szMaxTMChar[11])
            m_szTimeChar[11] ++;
        else if(m_szTimeChar[11] == s_szMaxTMChar[11])
            if(m_szTimeChar[10] < s_szMaxTMChar[10])
                m_szTimeChar[10] ++;
                m_szTimeChar[11] = '0';
            else if(m_szTimeChar[10] == s_szMaxTMChar[10])
                if(m_szTimeChar[9] < s_szMaxTMChar[9])
                    m_szTimeChar[9] ++;
                    m_szTimeChar[10] = '0';
                    m_szTimeChar[11] = '0';
    SetSel(nCharPos, nCharPos);
Пример #28
* Win32 poll using stats functions including Tooltip32
void Win32_EntropySource::poll(Entropy_Accumulator& accum)
   First query a bunch of basic statistical stuff, though
   don't count it for much in terms of contributed entropy.
   accum.add(GetTickCount(), 0);
   accum.add(GetMessagePos(), 0);
   accum.add(GetMessageTime(), 0);
   accum.add(GetInputState(), 0);
   accum.add(GetCurrentProcessId(), 0);
   accum.add(GetCurrentThreadId(), 0);

   SYSTEM_INFO sys_info;
   accum.add(sys_info, 1);

   MEMORYSTATUS mem_info;
   accum.add(mem_info, 1);

   POINT point;
   accum.add(point, 1);

   accum.add(point, 1);

   LARGE_INTEGER perf_counter;
   accum.add(perf_counter, 0);

   Now use the Tooltip library to iterate throug various objects on
   the system, including processes, threads, and heap objects.

   HANDLE snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0);

   if(!accum.polling_finished())                     \
      {                                                   \
      DATA_TYPE info;                                     \
      info.dwSize = sizeof(DATA_TYPE);                    \
      if(FUNC_FIRST(snapshot, &info))                     \
         {                                                \
         do                                               \
            {                                             \
            accum.add(info, 1);                           \
            } while(FUNC_NEXT(snapshot, &info));          \
         }                                                \

   TOOLHELP32_ITER(MODULEENTRY32, Module32First, Module32Next);
   TOOLHELP32_ITER(PROCESSENTRY32, Process32First, Process32Next);
   TOOLHELP32_ITER(THREADENTRY32, Thread32First, Thread32Next);


      size_t heap_lists_found = 0;
      HEAPLIST32 heap_list;
      heap_list.dwSize = sizeof(HEAPLIST32);

      const size_t HEAP_LISTS_MAX = 32;
      const size_t HEAP_OBJS_PER_LIST = 128;

      if(Heap32ListFirst(snapshot, &heap_list))
            accum.add(heap_list, 1);

            if(++heap_lists_found > HEAP_LISTS_MAX)

            size_t heap_objs_found = 0;
            HEAPENTRY32 heap_entry;
            heap_entry.dwSize = sizeof(HEAPENTRY32);
            if(Heap32First(&heap_entry, heap_list.th32ProcessID,
                  if(heap_objs_found++ > HEAP_OBJS_PER_LIST)
                  accum.add(heap_entry, 1);
                  } while(Heap32Next(&heap_entry));


            } while(Heap32ListNext(snapshot, &heap_list));

Пример #29
/* This is the fastpoll function which gathers up info by calling various api's */
BOOL FastPoll (void)
	int nOriginalRandIndex = nRandIndex;
	static BOOL addedFixedItems = FALSE;
	FILETIME creationTime, exitTime, kernelTime, userTime;
	SIZE_T minimumWorkingSetSize, maximumWorkingSetSize;
	LARGE_INTEGER performanceCount;
	MEMORYSTATUS memoryStatus;
	HANDLE handle;
	POINT point;

	/* Get various basic pieces of system information */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetActiveWindow ());	/* Handle of active window */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetCapture ());	/* Handle of window with mouse
					   capture */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetClipboardOwner ());	/* Handle of clipboard owner */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetClipboardViewer ());	/* Handle of start of
						   clpbd.viewer list */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetCurrentProcess ());	/* Pseudohandle of current
						   process */
	RandaddInt32 (GetCurrentProcessId ());	/* Current process ID */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetCurrentThread ());	/* Pseudohandle of current
						   thread */
	RandaddInt32 (GetCurrentThreadId ());	/* Current thread ID */
	RandaddInt32 (GetCurrentTime ());	/* Milliseconds since Windows
						   started */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetDesktopWindow ());	/* Handle of desktop window */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetFocus ());	/* Handle of window with kb.focus */
	RandaddInt32 (GetInputState ());	/* Whether sys.queue has any events */
	RandaddInt32 (GetMessagePos ());	/* Cursor pos.for last message */
	RandaddInt32 (GetMessageTime ());	/* 1 ms time for last message */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetOpenClipboardWindow ());	/* Handle of window with
							   clpbd.open */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetProcessHeap ());	/* Handle of process heap */
	RandaddIntPtr (GetProcessWindowStation ());	/* Handle of procs
							   window station */
	RandaddInt32 (GetQueueStatus (QS_ALLEVENTS));	/* Types of events in
							   input queue */

	/* Get multiword system information */
	GetCaretPos (&point);	/* Current caret position */
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &point, sizeof (POINT));
	GetCursorPos (&point);	/* Current mouse cursor position */
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &point, sizeof (POINT));

	/* Get percent of memory in use, bytes of physical memory, bytes of
	   free physical memory, bytes in paging file, free bytes in paging
	   file, user bytes of address space, and free user bytes */
	memoryStatus.dwLength = sizeof (MEMORYSTATUS);
	GlobalMemoryStatus (&memoryStatus);
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &memoryStatus, sizeof (MEMORYSTATUS));

	/* Get thread and process creation time, exit time, time in kernel
	   mode, and time in user mode in 100ns intervals */
	handle = GetCurrentThread ();
	GetThreadTimes (handle, &creationTime, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime);
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &creationTime, sizeof (FILETIME));
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &exitTime, sizeof (FILETIME));
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &kernelTime, sizeof (FILETIME));
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &userTime, sizeof (FILETIME));
	handle = GetCurrentProcess ();
	GetProcessTimes (handle, &creationTime, &exitTime, &kernelTime, &userTime);
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &creationTime, sizeof (FILETIME));
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &exitTime, sizeof (FILETIME));
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &kernelTime, sizeof (FILETIME));
	RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &userTime, sizeof (FILETIME));

	/* Get the minimum and maximum working set size for the current
	   process */
	GetProcessWorkingSetSize (handle, &minimumWorkingSetSize,
	RandaddIntPtr (minimumWorkingSetSize);
	RandaddIntPtr (maximumWorkingSetSize);

	/* The following are fixed for the lifetime of the process so we only
	   add them once */
	if (addedFixedItems == 0)
		STARTUPINFO startupInfo;

		/* Get name of desktop, console window title, new window
		   position and size, window flags, and handles for stdin,
		   stdout, and stderr */
		startupInfo.cb = sizeof (STARTUPINFO);
		GetStartupInfo (&startupInfo);
		RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &startupInfo, sizeof (STARTUPINFO));
		addedFixedItems = TRUE;
	/* The docs say QPC can fail if appropriate hardware is not
	   available. It works on 486 & Pentium boxes, but hasn't been tested
	   for 386 or RISC boxes */
	if (QueryPerformanceCounter (&performanceCount))
		RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &performanceCount, sizeof (LARGE_INTEGER));
		/* Millisecond accuracy at best... */
		DWORD dwTicks = GetTickCount ();
		RandaddBuf ((unsigned char *) &dwTicks, sizeof (dwTicks));

	// CryptoAPI: We always have a valid CryptoAPI context when we arrive here but
	//            we keep the check for clarity purpose
	if ( !CryptoAPIAvailable )
		return FALSE;
	if (CryptGenRandom (hCryptProv, sizeof (buffer), buffer)) 
		RandaddBuf (buffer, sizeof (buffer));
		burn (buffer, sizeof(buffer));
		/* return error in case CryptGenRandom fails */
		CryptoAPILastError = GetLastError ();
		return FALSE;

	/* Apply the pool mixing function */

	/* Restore the original pool cursor position. If this wasn't done, mouse coordinates
	   could be written to a limited area of the pool, especially when moving the mouse
	   uninterruptedly. The severity of the problem would depend on the length of data
	   written by FastPoll (if it was equal to the size of the pool, mouse coordinates
	   would be written only to a particular 4-byte area, whenever moving the mouse
	   uninterruptedly). */
	nRandIndex = nOriginalRandIndex;

	return TRUE;
Пример #30
_gcry_rndw32_gather_random_fast (void (*add)(const void*, size_t, int),
                                 int requester )
    static int addedFixedItems = 0;

    if ( debug_me )
	log_debug ("rndw32#gather_random_fast: req=%d\n", requester );

    /* Get various basic pieces of system information: Handle of active
     * window, handle of window with mouse capture, handle of clipboard owner
     * handle of start of clpboard viewer list, pseudohandle of current
     * process, current process ID, pseudohandle of current thread, current
     * thread ID, handle of desktop window, handle  of window with keyboard
     * focus, whether system queue has any events, cursor position for last
     * message, 1 ms time for last message, handle of window with clipboard
     * open, handle of process heap, handle of procs window station, types of
     * events in input queue, and milliseconds since Windows was started */
    {	byte buffer[20*sizeof(ulong)], *bufptr;
	bufptr = buffer;
#define ADD(f)  do { ulong along = (ulong)(f);		      \
			   memcpy (bufptr, &along, sizeof (along) );  \
			   bufptr += sizeof (along); } while (0)
	ADD ( GetActiveWindow ());
	ADD ( GetCapture ());
	ADD ( GetClipboardOwner ());
	ADD ( GetClipboardViewer ());
	ADD ( GetCurrentProcess ());
	ADD ( GetCurrentProcessId ());
	ADD ( GetCurrentThread ());
	ADD ( GetCurrentThreadId ());
	ADD ( GetDesktopWindow ());
	ADD ( GetFocus ());
	ADD ( GetInputState ());
	ADD ( GetMessagePos ());
	ADD ( GetMessageTime ());
	ADD ( GetOpenClipboardWindow ());
	ADD ( GetProcessHeap ());
	ADD ( GetProcessWindowStation ());
	ADD ( GetQueueStatus (QS_ALLEVENTS));
	ADD ( GetTickCount ());

	assert ( bufptr-buffer < sizeof (buffer) );
	(*add) ( buffer, bufptr-buffer, requester );
#undef ADD

    /* Get multiword system information: Current caret position, current
     * mouse cursor position */
    {	POINT point;
	GetCaretPos (&point);
	(*add) ( &point, sizeof (point), requester );
	GetCursorPos (&point);
	(*add) ( &point, sizeof (point), requester );

    /* Get percent of memory in use, bytes of physical memory, bytes of free
     * physical memory, bytes in paging file, free bytes in paging file, user
     * bytes of address space, and free user bytes */
    {	MEMORYSTATUS memoryStatus;
	memoryStatus.dwLength = sizeof (MEMORYSTATUS);
	GlobalMemoryStatus (&memoryStatus);
	(*add) ( &memoryStatus, sizeof (memoryStatus), requester );

    /* Get thread and process creation time, exit time, time in kernel mode,
       and time in user mode in 100ns intervals */
    {	HANDLE handle;
	FILETIME creationTime, exitTime, kernelTime, userTime;
	DWORD minimumWorkingSetSize, maximumWorkingSetSize;

	handle = GetCurrentThread ();
	GetThreadTimes (handle, &creationTime, &exitTime,
					       &kernelTime, &userTime);
	(*add) ( &creationTime, sizeof (creationTime), requester );
	(*add) ( &exitTime, sizeof (exitTime), requester );
	(*add) ( &kernelTime, sizeof (kernelTime), requester );
	(*add) ( &userTime, sizeof (userTime), requester );

	handle = GetCurrentProcess ();
	GetProcessTimes (handle, &creationTime, &exitTime,
						&kernelTime, &userTime);
	(*add) ( &creationTime, sizeof (creationTime), requester );
	(*add) ( &exitTime, sizeof (exitTime), requester );
	(*add) ( &kernelTime, sizeof (kernelTime), requester );
	(*add) ( &userTime, sizeof (userTime), requester );

	/* Get the minimum and maximum working set size for the
           current process */
	GetProcessWorkingSetSize (handle, &minimumWorkingSetSize,
	(*add) ( &minimumWorkingSetSize,
				   sizeof (minimumWorkingSetSize), requester );
	(*add) ( &maximumWorkingSetSize,
				   sizeof (maximumWorkingSetSize), requester );

    /* The following are fixed for the lifetime of the process so we only
     * add them once */
    if (!addedFixedItems) {
	STARTUPINFO startupInfo;

	/* Get name of desktop, console window title, new window position and
	 * size, window flags, and handles for stdin, stdout, and stderr */
	startupInfo.cb = sizeof (STARTUPINFO);
	GetStartupInfo (&startupInfo);
	(*add) ( &startupInfo, sizeof (STARTUPINFO), requester );
	addedFixedItems = 1;

    /* The performance of QPC varies depending on the architecture it's
     * running on and on the OS.  Under NT it reads the CPU's 64-bit timestamp
     * counter (at least on a Pentium and newer '486's, it hasn't been tested
     * on anything without a TSC), under Win95 it reads the 1.193180 MHz PIC
     * timer.  There are vague mumblings in the docs that it may fail if the
     * appropriate hardware isn't available (possibly '386's or MIPS machines
     * running NT), but who's going to run NT on a '386? */
    {	LARGE_INTEGER performanceCount;
	if (QueryPerformanceCounter (&performanceCount)) {
	    if ( debug_me )
		log_debug ("rndw32#gather_random_fast: perf data\n");
	    (*add) (&performanceCount, sizeof (performanceCount), requester);
	else { /* Millisecond accuracy at best... */
	    DWORD aword = GetTickCount ();
	    (*add) (&aword, sizeof (aword), requester );

    return 0;