Пример #1
bool CanPass(TMap const & map, Cell const & start, Direction const dir)
    Cell finish = start.GetNeibor(dir);
    if (!IsValidCell(map, finish))
        return false;
    if (IsDirectionOpen(GetCellType(map, start), dir) && IsDirectionOpen(GetCellType(map, finish), GetOppositeDirection(dir)))
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #2
void Highlighter::highlightCells()
    assert(m_renderer && m_selection.visualization && !m_selection.indices.empty());

    auto dataSet = m_selection.visualization->colorMappingInputData(m_selection.visOutputPort);
    if (!dataSet)

    const auto index = m_selection.indices.front();

    // extract picked triangle and create highlighting geometry
    // create two shifted polygons to work around occlusion

    auto selection = dataSet->GetCell(index);

    // this is probably a glyph or the like; we don't have an implementation for that in the moment
    if (!selection || selection->GetCellType() == VTK_VOXEL)


    emit geometryChanged();
Пример #3
int Map::GetNumOfTypeInOrthogonal(int x,int y,int radius,CellType type)
	int numOfTypes = 0;
	for(int sx = x - radius; sx <= x + radius; sx++)
		if( (sx != x) && GetCellType(sx,y) == type )
	for(int sy = y - radius; sy <= y + radius; sy++)
		if( (sy != y) && GetCellType(x,sy) == type )

	return numOfTypes;
Пример #4
bool IsStraight(Car const & car, std::vector<Cell> const & path, int N, Game const & game, World const & world)
    bool bStrait = false;
    if (path.size() >= N + 1)
        double target4X = (path[N].m_x + 0.5) * game.getTrackTileSize();
        double target4Y = (path[N].m_y + 0.5) * game.getTrackTileSize();
        if (car.getAngleTo(target4X, target4Y) < 20*PI/180)
            bStrait = true;
            TileType curType = GetCellType(world.getTilesXY(), GetCell(car, game));
            for (size_t i =1; i < N; ++i)
                if (curType != GetCellType(world.getTilesXY(), path[i]))
                    bStrait = false;
    return bStrait;
Пример #5
Vec2i Map::GetDirectionOfTypeInOrthogonal(int x,int y,int radius,CellType type)
	Vec2i direction(0,0);

	for(int sx = x - radius; sx <= x + radius; sx++)
		if( (sx != x) && GetCellType(sx,y) == type )
			return direction = Vec2i(sx-x,0);

	for(int sy = y - radius; sy <= y + radius; sy++)
		if( (sy != y) && GetCellType(x,sy) == type )
			return  Vec2i(0,sy-y);

	return direction;
Пример #6
int Map::GetNumOfTypeNearBy(int x,int y,int radius,CellType type)
	int numOfTypes = 0;
	for(int sx = x - radius; sx <= x + radius; sx++)
		for(int sy = y - radius; sy <= y + radius; sy++)
			if( (sx != x && sy != y) && GetCellType(sx,sy) == type )
	return numOfTypes;
Пример #7
void VtkMappedMeshImpl::GetCellPoints(vtkIdType cellId, vtkIdList *ptIds)
	const MeshLib::Element* const elem = (*_elements)[cellId];
	const unsigned numNodes(elem->getNNodes());
	const MeshLib::Node* const* nodes = (*_elements)[cellId]->getNodes();

	for (unsigned i(0); i < numNodes; ++i)
		ptIds->SetId(i, nodes[i]->getID());

	if(GetCellType(cellId) == VTK_WEDGE)
		for (unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
			const unsigned prism_swap_id = ptIds->GetId(i);
			ptIds->SetId(i, ptIds->GetId(i+3));
			ptIds->SetId(i+3, prism_swap_id);
	else if(GetCellType(cellId) == VTK_QUADRATIC_WEDGE)
		std::array<vtkIdType, 15> ogs_nodeIds;
		for (unsigned i=0; i<15; ++i)
			ogs_nodeIds[i] = ptIds->GetId(i);
		for (unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
			ptIds->SetId(i, ogs_nodeIds[i+3]);
			ptIds->SetId(i+3, ogs_nodeIds[i]);
		for (unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
			ptIds->SetId(6+i, ogs_nodeIds[8-i]);
		for (unsigned i=0; i<3; ++i)
			ptIds->SetId(9+i, ogs_nodeIds[14-i]);
		ptIds->SetId(12, ogs_nodeIds[9]);
		ptIds->SetId(13, ogs_nodeIds[11]);
		ptIds->SetId(14, ogs_nodeIds[10]);
Пример #8
bool Document::ContainsCode(Address const& rAddress) const
  return GetCellType(rAddress) == Cell::InstructionType;