void wxWizardSizer::HidePages() { for ( wxSizerItemList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { wxSizerItem * const item = node->GetData(); if ( item->IsWindow() ) item->GetWindow()->wxWindowBase::Show(false); } }
void Bin::HandleAdd( const Widget::Ptr& child ) { Container::HandleAdd( child ); if( GetChildren().size() > 1 ) { #ifdef SFGUI_DEBUG std::cerr << "SFGUI warning: Only one widget can be added to a Bin." << std::endl; #endif Remove( child ); } }
Task::TaskSet * CTaskModel::GetAllChildren(Task::TaskSet *pKids) { int start = pKids->GetCount(); pKids = GetChildren(pKids); int end = pKids->GetCount(); for(int i = start; i < end; i++) { (*pKids)[i].GetAllChildren(pKids); } return pKids; }
Array<SceneObject*> Scene::GetWholeSceneObjects() { Array<SceneObject*> sceneObjects(GetChildren()); for (int i = 0; i < sceneObjects.GetSize(); ++i) { Array<SceneObject*> children(sceneObjects[i]->GetChildren()); for (auto it = children.Begin(); it != children.End(); ++it) { sceneObjects.PushBack(*it); } } return sceneObjects; }
void CategoryList::ReCreateScrollBars() { int clientHeight = GetClientSize().GetHeight(); int maxY = clientHeight; for(wxWindowList::Node * node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) { maxY = wxMax(maxY, node->GetData()->GetPosition().y+node->GetData()->GetSize().GetHeight()); } maxY += (maxY <= clientHeight ? 0 : 5); SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, 0, clientHeight, maxY); }
static void ComputeStudyCounters(DicomMap& result, ServerContext& context, const std::string& study, const DicomMap& query) { ServerIndex& index = context.GetIndex(); std::list<std::string> series; index.GetChildren(series, study); if (query.HasTag(DICOM_TAG_NUMBER_OF_STUDY_RELATED_SERIES)) { result.SetValue(DICOM_TAG_NUMBER_OF_STUDY_RELATED_SERIES, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(series.size()), false); } if (query.HasTag(DICOM_TAG_MODALITIES_IN_STUDY)) { std::set<std::string> values; ExtractTagFromMainDicomTags(values, index, DICOM_TAG_MODALITY, series, ResourceType_Series); StoreSetOfStrings(result, DICOM_TAG_MODALITIES_IN_STUDY, values); } if (!query.HasTag(DICOM_TAG_NUMBER_OF_STUDY_RELATED_INSTANCES) && !query.HasTag(DICOM_TAG_SOP_CLASSES_IN_STUDY)) { return; } std::list<std::string> instances; GetChildren(instances, index, series); if (query.HasTag(DICOM_TAG_NUMBER_OF_STUDY_RELATED_INSTANCES)) { result.SetValue(DICOM_TAG_NUMBER_OF_STUDY_RELATED_INSTANCES, boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(instances.size()), false); } if (query.HasTag(DICOM_TAG_SOP_CLASSES_IN_STUDY)) { if (Configuration::GetGlobalBoolParameter("AllowFindSopClassesInStudy", false)) { std::set<std::string> values; ExtractTagFromInstances(values, context, DICOM_TAG_SOP_CLASS_UID, instances); StoreSetOfStrings(result, DICOM_TAG_SOP_CLASSES_IN_STUDY, values); } else { result.SetValue(DICOM_TAG_SOP_CLASSES_IN_STUDY, "", false); LOG(WARNING) << "The handling of \"SOP Classes in Study\" (0008,0062) " << "in C-FIND requests is disabled"; } } }
// Sets the main checkbox status, and enables/disables all child controls // bound to the StaticBox accordingly. void CheckedStaticBox::SetValue(bool val) { wxWindowList &list = GetChildren(); for (wxWindowList::iterator iter = list.begin(); iter != list.end(); ++iter) { wxWindow *current = *iter; if (current != &ThisToggle) current->Enable(val); } ThisToggle.SetValue(val); }
void SeqScanPlan::SetParameterValues(std::vector<common::Value *> *values) { LOG_TRACE("Setting parameter values in Sequential Scan"); auto predicate = predicate_with_params_->Copy(); expression::ExpressionUtil::ConvertParameterExpressions( predicate, values, GetTable()->GetSchema()); SetPredicate(predicate); for (auto &child_plan : GetChildren()) { child_plan->SetParameterValues(values); } }
void CGameObject::UpdateAndDraw( unsigned long in_Time ) { vUpdateBeforeChildren( in_Time ); std::vector< CGameObject* >& rChildren = GetChildren(); for( std::vector< CGameObject* >::iterator It = rChildren.begin(); It!=rChildren.end(); ++It ) { (*It)->UpdateAndDraw( in_Time ); } vUpdateAfterChildren(); }
bool wxRibbonPanel::HideExpanded() { if(m_expanded_dummy == NULL) { if(m_expanded_panel) { return m_expanded_panel->HideExpanded(); } else { return false; } } // Move children back to original panel // NB: Children iterators not used as behaviour is not well defined // when iterating over a container which is being emptied while(!GetChildren().IsEmpty()) { wxWindow *child = GetChildren().GetFirst()->GetData(); child->Reparent(m_expanded_dummy); child->Hide(); } // Move sizer back if(GetSizer()) { wxSizer* sizer = GetSizer(); SetSizer(NULL, false); m_expanded_dummy->SetSizer(sizer); } m_expanded_dummy->m_expanded_panel = NULL; m_expanded_dummy->Realize(); m_expanded_dummy->Refresh(); wxWindow *parent = GetParent(); Destroy(); parent->Destroy(); return true; }
void CControl::SetLayerId( size_t layerid ) { m_uLayerID = layerid; for ( auto child : GetChildren() ) { CControl* pChild = ( CControl*) child; if ( pChild ) { pChild->SetLayerId( m_uLayerID + 1 ); } } }
std::string SEXPR::AsString( size_t aLevel ) { std::string result; if( IsList() ) { if( aLevel != 0 ) { result = "\n"; } result.append( aLevel* 4, ' ' ); aLevel++; result += "("; SEXPR_VECTOR const* list = GetChildren(); for( std::vector<SEXPR *>::const_iterator it = list->begin(); it != list->end(); ++it ) { result += (*it)->AsString( aLevel ); if( it != list->end() - 1 ) { result += " "; } } result += ")"; aLevel--; } else if( IsString() ) { result += "\"" + GetString() + "\""; } else if( IsSymbol() ) { result += GetSymbol(); } else if( IsInteger() ) { std::stringstream out; out << GetInteger(); result += out.str(); } else if( IsDouble() ) { std::stringstream out; out << std::setprecision( 16 ) << GetDouble(); result += out.str(); } return result; }
bool wxRibbonPanel::Layout() { if(IsMinimised()) { // Children are all invisible when minimised return true; } // TODO: Delegate to a sizer // Common case of no sizer and single child taking up the entire panel if(GetChildren().GetCount() == 1) { wxWindow* child = GetChildren().Item(0)->GetData(); wxPoint position; wxClientDC dc(this); wxSize size = m_art->GetPanelClientSize(dc, this, GetSize(), &position); child->SetSize(position.x, position.y, size.GetWidth(), size.GetHeight()); } return true; }
/// Create a clone of this and children ctConfiguration* ctConfiguration::DeepClone() { ctConfiguration* newItem = Clone(); for ( wxObjectList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext() ) { ctConfiguration* child = (ctConfiguration*) node->GetData(); ctConfiguration* newChild = child->DeepClone(); newItem->AddChild(newChild); } return newItem; }
inline double ConcatSequence::GetDuration () { double duration = 0.; vector<Module*> children = GetChildren(); for (RepIter r=begin(); r<end(); ++r) for (unsigned int j=0; j<children.size() ; ++j) duration += children[j]->GetDuration(); m_duration = duration; DEBUG_PRINT(" ConcatSequence::GetDuration() of " << GetName() << " calculates duration = " << duration << endl;)
void TopMenuItem::Render(const Camera& curCamera) { menu_DrawQuad(0.f, 0.f, m_w, m_h, 1.f); float x = kHSpace; float y = m_h - kVSpace; for(int i = 0, c = GetChildren().size(); i < c; ++i) { auto child = GetChildren()[i]; float titlew,titleh; child->GetTitleDims(titlew, titleh); const Color* col = (GetPos() == i) ? &kTextSelColor : &kTextColor; if(child->HasFlag(MENUSTATE_Active)) col = &kTextActiveColor; child->DrawTitle(x, y, *col); x += 2.f * kHSpace + titlew; } for(auto child: GetChildren()) if(child->HasFlag(MENUSTATE_Active)) child->Render(curCamera); }
Core::SCOM::ComPtr<IResource> CFolder::FindChild(const std::string &name) { Core::SCOM::ComPtr<IResource> chld; GetChildren(); for(size_t i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); ++i) { boost::filesystem::path p(mChildren[i]->FullPath()); if(p.filename() == name) chld = mChildren[i]; } return chld; }
bool CanalConfigWizard::Run() { wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); while ( node ) { wxWizardPage* startPage = wxDynamicCast( node->GetData(), wxWizardPage ); if ( startPage ) return RunWizard( startPage ); node = node->GetNext(); } return false; }
size_t CategoryList::GetCategoryCount() { size_t result(0); for(wxWindowList::Node * node = GetChildren().GetFirst(); node; node = node->GetNext()) { if(node->GetData()->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(CategoryButton))) { result++; } } return result; }
void InsertPlan::VisitParameters( codegen::QueryParametersMap &map, std::vector<peloton::type::Value> &values, const std::vector<peloton::type::Value> &values_from_user) { if (GetChildren().size() == 0) { auto *schema = target_table_->GetSchema(); auto columns_num = schema->GetColumnCount(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < values_.size(); i++) { auto value = values_[i]; auto column_id = i % columns_num; map.Insert(expression::Parameter::CreateConstParameter( value.GetTypeId(), schema->AllowNull(column_id)), nullptr); values.push_back(value); } } else { PELOTON_ASSERT(GetChildren().size() == 1); auto *plan = const_cast<planner::AbstractPlan *>(GetChild(0)); plan->VisitParameters(map, values, values_from_user); } }
void wxWindowDFB::InvalidateDfbSurface() { m_surface = NULL; // surfaces of the children are subsurfaces of this window's surface, // so they must be invalidated as well: wxWindowList& children = GetChildren(); for ( wxWindowList::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i ) { (*i)->InvalidateDfbSurface(); } }
hash_t InsertPlan::Hash() const { auto type = GetPlanNodeType(); hash_t hash = HashUtil::Hash(&type); hash = HashUtil::CombineHashes(hash, GetTable()->Hash()); if (GetChildren().size() == 0) { auto bulk_insert_count = GetBulkInsertCount(); hash = HashUtil::CombineHashes(hash, HashUtil::Hash(&bulk_insert_count)); } return HashUtil::CombineHashes(hash, AbstractPlan::Hash()); }
Duration ParallelTimeline::GetNaturalDurationCore (Clock *clock) { TimelineCollection *collection = GetChildren (); Duration d = Duration::Automatic; TimeSpan duration_span = 0; Timeline *timeline; int count = collection->GetCount (); if (count == 0) return Duration::FromSeconds (0); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { timeline = collection->GetValueAt (i)->AsTimeline (); Duration duration = timeline->GetNaturalDuration (clock); if (duration.IsAutomatic()) continue; if (duration.IsForever()) return Duration::Forever; TimeSpan span = duration.GetTimeSpan (); RepeatBehavior *repeat = timeline->GetRepeatBehavior (); if (repeat->IsForever()) return Duration::Forever; if (repeat->HasCount ()) span = (TimeSpan) (span * repeat->GetCount ()); if (timeline->GetAutoReverse ()) span *= 2; // If we have duration-base repeat behavior, // clamp/up our span to that. if (repeat->HasDuration ()) span = repeat->GetDuration (); if (span != 0) span = (TimeSpan)(span / timeline->GetSpeedRatio()); span += timeline->GetBeginTime (); if (duration_span <= span) { duration_span = span; d = Duration (duration_span); } } return d; }
AForm* AApplication::GetMainForm() { if( m_pMainForm && !m_pMainForm->IsDestroyed() ) return m_pMainForm; int i,iCount = GetChildren()->GetCount(); for(i=0;i<iCount;i++) { AComponent* p = dynamic_cast<AControl*>(GetChildren()->GetItem(i)); if( p != NULL ) { AForm* pForm = (AForm *)p->ToClass( _T("Form") ); if( pForm != NULL ) { if( pForm->IsDestroyed() == false ) m_pMainForm = pForm; break; } } } return m_pMainForm; }
void CTrieHolder::PrintChildren(size_t NodeNo) const { printf("%" PRISZT, NodeNo); if (m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_FailureFunction != -1) printf(" failure(%i) ", m_Nodes[NodeNo].m_FailureFunction); printf(" -> "); size_t i=0; size_t Count = GetChildrenCount(NodeNo); for (; i<Count; i++) { const CTrieRelation& p = GetChildren(NodeNo)[i]; SymbolInformationType::const_iterator it = m_pSymbolInformation->find(p.m_RelationChar); assert (it != m_pSymbolInformation->end()); printf("%i %s,", p.m_ChildNo, it->second.c_str()); }; printf("\n"); for (; i<Count; i++) PrintChildren(GetChildren(NodeNo)[i].m_ChildNo); };
void BdayFrame::showHelp() { wxWindowList & wnds = GetChildren(); for ( wxWindowList::iterator it = wnds.begin(); it != wnds.end(); ++it ) if ( ( *it )->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxFrame)) ) if ( ((wxFrame *)( *it ))->GetTitle().IsSameAs(HelpFrame::defaultTitle) ) { ( *it )->Raise(); return; } HelpFrame * frame = new HelpFrame(this); frame->Show(true); }
void CSystemControlModel::Resize() { int width = 0; for (auto child : GetChildren()) { width = MAX(child->GetRect().GetWidth(), width); } width += 15; int height = CalcHeight(); rect.Right() = rect.Left() + width; rect.Bottom() = rect.Top() + height; }
wxString wxXmlNode::GetNodeContent() const { wxXmlNode *n = GetChildren(); while (n) { if (n->GetType() == wxXML_TEXT_NODE || n->GetType() == wxXML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE) return n->GetContent(); n = n->GetNext(); } return wxEmptyString; }
Clock * TimelineGroup::AllocateClock () { clock = new ClockGroup (this); TimelineCollection *collection = GetChildren (); int count = collection->GetCount (); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) ((ClockGroup*)clock)->AddChild (collection->GetValueAt (i)->AsTimeline ()->AllocateClock ()); AttachCompletedHandler (); return clock; }
void XNODE::FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) { // output attributes first if they exist for( XATTR* attr = (XATTR*) GetAttributes(); attr; attr = (XATTR*) attr->GetNext() ) { out->Print( 0, " (%s %s)", TO_UTF8( attr->GetName() ), out->Quotew( attr->GetValue() ).c_str() ); } // we only expect to have used one of two types here: switch( GetType() ) { case wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE: // output children if they exist. for( XNODE* kid = (XNODE*) GetChildren(); kid; kid = (XNODE*) kid->GetNext() ) { if( kid->GetType() != wxXML_TEXT_NODE ) { if( kid == GetChildren() ) out->Print( 0, "\n" ); kid->Format( out, nestLevel+1 ); } else { kid->Format( out, 0 ); } } break; case wxXML_TEXT_NODE: out->Print( 0, " %s", out->Quotew( GetContent() ).c_str() ); break; default: ; // not supported } }