Пример #1
cbspbrush_t * CompileCBspbrushClass( hobj_t *brush, hmanager_t *planehm, hmanager_t *texdefhm )
	int		i;
	cbspbrush_t	*bb;
	hobj_search_iterator_t	surfiter;
	hobj_t			*surface;
	hobj_t			*plane;
	hobj_t			*texdef;
	hpair_t			*pair;

	InitClassSearchIterator( &surfiter, brush, "surface" );
	for ( i = 0; ( surface = SearchGetNextClass( &surfiter ) ); i++ )
	{ }

	bb = NewBrush( i );
	bb->surfacenum = i;

	pair = FindHPair( brush, "content" );
	if ( !pair )
		Error( "missing 'contents' in brush '%s'.\n", brush->name );
	HPairCastToInt_safe( &bb->contents, pair );

	InitClassSearchIterator( &surfiter, brush, "surface" );
	for ( i = 0; ( surface = SearchGetNextClass( &surfiter ) ); i++ )
		// contents
		pair = FindHPair( surface, "content" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing 'content' in surface '%s'.\n", surface->name );
		HPairCastToInt( &bb->surfaces[i].contents, pair );

		// clsref plane		
		pair = FindHPair( surface, "plane" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing 'plane' in surface '%s'.\n", surface->name );
		plane = HManagerSearchClassName( planehm, pair->value );
		bb->surfaces[i].pl = GetClassExtra( plane );

		// clsref texdef
		pair = FindHPair( surface, "texdef" );
		if ( !texdefhm || !pair )
			bb->surfaces[i].td = NULL;
			texdef = HManagerSearchClassName( texdefhm, pair->value );
			bb->surfaces[i].td = GetClassExtra( texdef );

		bb->original = brush;
		SetClassExtra( brush, bb );		
	return bb;
Пример #2
void BuildNodeClassRecursive( hobj_t *node, hmanager_t *planecls )
	cnode_t		*n;
	hobj_t		*child;
	hobj_t		*plane;
	hpair_t		*pair;

	// first remove data of an older portalization
	RemoveAndDestroyAllHPairsOfKey( node, "portal" );
	RemoveAndDestroyAllHPairsOfKey( node, "portalized_leaf" );

	n = NewNode();
	SetClassExtra( node, n );
	n->self = node;

	pair = FindHPair( node, "plane" );
	if ( !pair )
		// leaf
		pair = FindHPair( node, "contents" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing 'contents' in node '%s'.\n", node->name );
		HPairCastToInt( &n->contents, pair );
		n->type = NodeType_leaf;
		// node

		n->type = NodeType_node;

		plane = HManagerSearchClassName( planecls, pair->value );
		if ( !plane )
			Error( "node '%s' can't find plane '%s'.\n", node->name, pair->value );
		n->pl = GetClassExtra( plane );

		child = FindClassType( node, "bspnode_front" );
		if ( !child )
			Error( "missing 'bspnode_front' in node class.\n" );
		BuildNodeClassRecursive( child, planecls );
		n->child[0] = GetClassExtra( child );

		child = FindClassType( node, "bspnode_back" );
		if ( !child )
			Error( "missing 'bspnode_back' in node class.\n" );
		BuildNodeClassRecursive( child, planecls );
		n->child[1] = GetClassExtra( child );
Пример #3
ATOM Window::Register(HINSTANCE hinst)
	wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); 
	wcex.style			= CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
	wcex.lpfnWndProc	= (WNDPROC)Window::s_WinProc;
	wcex.cbClsExtra		= GetClassExtra();
	wcex.cbWndExtra		= GetWinExtra();
	wcex.hInstance		= hinst;
	wcex.hIcon			= GetIcon();
	wcex.hCursor		= GetCursor();
	wcex.hbrBackground	= GetBrush();
	wcex.lpszMenuName	= GetMenu();
	wcex.lpszClassName	= ClassName();
	wcex.hIconSm		= GetSmallIcon();

	return RegisterClassEx(&wcex);	
Пример #4
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	int		i;
	char		*in_node_name;
	char		*out_portal_name;
	char		*out_node_name;
	char		*in_plane_name;

	hmanager_t	*planecls;
	hmanager_t	*nodecls;

	void	*topnode;
	int		stop_depth;

	printf( "===== portal - build portals for a bsp tree =====\n" );

	SetCmdArgs( argc, argv );
//	SetEpsilon( 0.000001, -0.000001 );

	in_node_name = GetCmdOpt2( "-i" );
	out_node_name = GetCmdOpt2( "-o" );
	out_portal_name = GetCmdOpt2( "-p" );
	in_plane_name = GetCmdOpt2( "-pl" );       
//	out_node_portal_name = GetCmdOpt2( "-n" );
	if ( GetCmdOpt2( "--stop-depth" ) )
		stop_depth = atoi( GetCmdOpt2( "--stop-depth" ) );
		printf ( "Switch: set portalization max depth to %d\n", stop_depth );
		stop_depth = 0;
		printf ( "default portalization max depth id %d\n", stop_depth );

	if ( !in_node_name )
		Error( "no input node file.\n" );
		printf( " input bspnode class: %s\n", in_node_name );

	if ( !out_node_name )
		out_node_name = "_portalout_bspnode.hobj";
		printf( " default output bspnode class: %s\n", out_node_name );
		printf( " output bspnode class: %s\n", out_node_name );

	if ( !out_portal_name )
		out_portal_name = "_portalout_portal.hobj";
		printf( " default output portal class: %s\n", out_portal_name );
		printf( " output portal class: %s\n", out_portal_name );

	if ( !in_plane_name )
		in_plane_name = "_plane.hobj";
		printf( " default input plane class: %s\n", in_plane_name );
		printf( " input plane class: %s\n", in_plane_name );

	planecls = ReadPlaneClass( in_plane_name );
	nodecls = ReadNodeClass( in_node_name, planecls );

	topnode = GetClassExtra( HManagerGetRootClass( nodecls ) );
	printf( " topnode %p\n", topnode );

//	getchar();

	printf( "portalize tree ...\n" );

#if 0
	// setup special nodes
	for ( i = 0; i < p_nodenum; i++ )
		p_nodes[i].plane = p_bspnodes[i].plane;
		p_nodes[i].index = i;
		p_nodes[i].portalnum = 0;
		if ( p_nodes[i].plane < 0 )
			p_nodes[i].child[0] = NULL;
			p_nodes[i].child[1] = NULL;
			p_nodes[i].child[0] = &p_nodes[p_bspnodes[i].child[0]];
			p_nodes[i].child[1] = &p_nodes[p_bspnodes[i].child[1]];

		p_nodes[i].portals = NULL;

	failed_file = fopen( "portalize_fail", "w" );
	if ( !failed_file )
		Error( "can't open portalize_fail file.\n" );

	Portal_MakeHeadNode( topnode );
	Portal_MakeNodesRecursive( topnode, stop_depth );

	fprintf( failed_file, "end" );
	fclose ( failed_file );

	printf( " build %d portals\n", p_portalnum );
	printf( " %d portalized leafs\n", portalized_num );
	printf( "build portal class and update bspnode class ...\n" );

	WritePortalClass( out_portal_name, out_node_name, topnode );
//	Write_NodePortals( out_node_portal_name, "portal" );


Пример #5

hmanager_t * ReadPlaneClass( char *name )
	tokenstream_t	*ts;
	hobj_t		*planecls;
	hmanager_t	*hm;
	hobj_search_iterator_t	iter;
	hobj_t		*plane;
	hobj_t		*flipplane;
	cplane_t		*pl;
	int		num;
	hpair_t		*pair;

	ts = BeginTokenStream( name );
	planecls = ReadClass( ts );
	EndTokenStream( ts );

	hm = NewHManager();
	HManagerSetRootClass( hm, planecls );
	HManagerRebuildHash( hm );

	// create compiled planes

	fprintf( stderr, "load plane class and compile ...\n" );

	InitClassSearchIterator( &iter, planecls, "plane" );

	for ( num = 0; ( plane = SearchGetNextClass( &iter ) ); num++ )
		pl = NewCPlane();
		pl->count = 0;

		// plane norm
		pair = FindHPair( plane, "norm" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing plane normal.\n" );
		HPairCastToVec3d_safe( pl->norm, pair );

		// plane dist
		pair = FindHPair( plane, "dist" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing plane distance.\n" );
		HPairCastToFloat_safe( &pl->dist, pair );
		// plane type
		pair = FindHPair( plane, "type" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing plane type.\n" );
		HPairCastToInt_safe( &pl->type, pair );

		pl->self = plane;
		SetClassExtra( plane, pl );

	// resolve clsref_flipplane
	InitClassSearchIterator( &iter, planecls, "plane" );

	for ( num = 0; ( plane = SearchGetNextClass( &iter ) ); num++ )
		// plane flipplane clsref
		pair = FindHPair( plane, "flipplane" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missinig clsref flipplane" );

		flipplane = HManagerSearchClassName( hm, pair->value );
		if ( !flipplane )
			Error( "can't resolve clsref flipplane.\n" );

		pl = GetClassExtra( plane );
		pl->flipplane = GetClassExtra( flipplane );

	printf( " %d planes\n", num );

	return hm;	
Пример #6
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
	char		*in_brush_name;
	char		*in_plane_name;
	char		*out_field_name;

	hmanager_t	*planehm;
	hmanager_t	*brushhm;

	map3_t		*map;
	FILE		*h;

	printf( "===== field2 - build field clusters =====\n" );
	SetCmdArgs( argc, argv );

	in_brush_name = GetCmdOpt2( "-b" );
	in_plane_name = GetCmdOpt2( "-pl" );
	out_field_name = GetCmdOpt2( "-o" );

	if ( !in_brush_name )
		in_brush_name = "_gather1_bspbrush.hobj";
		printf( " default input brush class: %s\n", in_brush_name );
		printf( " input brush class: %s\n", in_brush_name );

	if ( !in_plane_name )
		in_plane_name = "_plane.hobj";
		printf( " default input plane class: %s\n", in_plane_name );
		printf( " input plane class: %s\n", in_plane_name );

	if ( !out_field_name )
		out_field_name = "_fieldmap.bin";
		printf( " default output field binary: %s\n", out_field_name );
		printf( " output field binary: %s\n", out_field_name );

	printf( "loading plane class ...\n" );
	planehm = ReadPlaneClass( in_plane_name );	

	printf( "loading brush class ...\n" );
	if ( !(brushhm = NewHManagerLoadClass( in_brush_name ) ) )
		Error( "failed\n" );

	map = NewMap3Hash();

		hobj_search_iterator_t	brushiter;
		hobj_search_iterator_t	surfiter;
		hobj_search_iterator_t	polyiter;
		hobj_t		*brush;
		hobj_t		*surface;
		hobj_t		*plane;
		hobj_t		*texdef;
		hobj_t		*poly;
		hpair_t		*pair;

		cplane_t	*pl;
		polygon_t	*p;
		int		i, num;		
		char		tt[256];
		InitClassSearchIterator( &brushiter, HManagerGetRootClass( brushhm ), "bspbrush" );
		for ( ; ( brush = SearchGetNextClass( &brushiter ) ); )
			InitClassSearchIterator( &surfiter, brush, "surface" );
			for ( ; ( surface = SearchGetNextClass( &surfiter ) ); )
				pair = FindHPair( surface, "plane" );
				if ( !pair )
					Error( "missing 'plane' in surface '%s'.\n", surface->name );
				plane = HManagerSearchClassName( planehm, pair->value );
				if ( !plane )
					Error( "surface '%s' can't find plane '%s'.\n", surface->name, pair->value );
				pl = GetClassExtra( plane );
				InitClassSearchIterator( &polyiter, surface, "polygon" );
				for ( ; ( poly = SearchGetNextClass( &polyiter ) ); )
					pair = FindHPair( poly, "num" );
					if ( !pair )
						Error( "missing pointnum 'num' of polygon '%s'.\n", poly->name );
					HPairCastToInt_safe( &num, pair );
					p = NewPolygon( num );
					p->pointnum = num;
					for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
						sprintf( tt, "%d", i );
						pair = FindHPair( poly, tt );
						if ( !pair )
							Error( "missing point '%s' of polygon '%s'.\n", tt, poly->name );
						HPairCastToVec3d( p->p[i], pair );

					DistributePolygon( map, p, pl );					

	Map3Normalize( map );

	printf( " %d field patches\n", fieldpatchnum );
	printf( " %d field cells\n", fieldcellnum );

	h = fopen( out_field_name, "w" );
	if ( !h )
		Error( "can't open output file.\n" );
	WriteMap3( map, h );
	fclose( h );
Пример #7
hobj_t * BuildVisleaf( hobj_t *leaf, hmanager_t *portalhm, hmanager_t *nodehm, hmanager_t *planehm )
	hpair_search_iterator_t		iter;
	bool_t			flip;
	cplane_t		*pl;
	hobj_t			*portal;
	hobj_t			*otherleaf;
	hobj_t			*vportal;
	hobj_t			*plane;
	hobj_t			*visleaf;
	hpair_t			*pair;
	char			tt[256];

	vec3d_t			center, pc, min, max;
	int			num;

	Vec3dInit( center, 0, 0, 0 );
	Vec3dInitBB( min, max, 999999.9 );

	sprintf( tt, "#%u", HManagerGetFreeID() );
	visleaf = NewClass( "visleaf", tt );
	InitHPairSearchIterator( &iter, leaf, "portal" );
	for ( num = 0; ( pair = SearchGetNextHPair( &iter ) ); num++ )
		portal = HManagerSearchClassName( portalhm, pair->value );
		if ( !portal )
			Error( "leaf '%s' can't find portal '%s'.\n", leaf->name, pair->value );

		CalcPortalCenter( portal, pc, min, max );
		Vec3dAdd( center, center, pc );
		// get otherleaf
		pair = FindHPair( portal, "frontnode" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing 'frontnode' in portal '%s'.\n", portal->name );
		if ( !strcmp( pair->value, leaf->name ) )
				// I'm the frontnode of the portal, let's go to the backnode
			pair = FindHPair( portal, "backnode" );
			if ( !pair )
				Error( "missing 'backnode' in portal '%s'.\n", portal->name );
			otherleaf = HManagerSearchClassName( nodehm, pair->value );
			if ( !otherleaf )
				Error( "portal '%s' can't find leaf '%s'.\n", portal->name, pair->value );
			flip = true;
			otherleaf = HManagerSearchClassName( nodehm, pair->value );
			if ( !otherleaf )
				Error( "portal '%s' can't find leaf '%s'.\n", portal->name, pair->value );

			flip = false;

		pair = FindHPair( portal, "plane" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing 'plane' of portal '%s'.\n", portal->name );
		plane = HManagerSearchClassName( planehm, pair->value );
		if ( !plane )
			Error( "portal '%s' can't find plane '%s'.\n", portal->name, pair->value );
		pl = GetClassExtra( plane );
		if ( flip )
			pl = pl->flipplane;

		sprintf( tt, "#%u", HManagerGetFreeID() );
		vportal = NewClass( "portal", tt );
		pair = NewHPair2( "ref", "plane", pl->self->name );
		InsertHPair( vportal, pair );
		CopyPortalPolygonToPortal( vportal, portal, flip );
		pair = FindHPair( portal, "state" );
		if ( !pair )
			Error( "missing 'state' of portal '%s'.\n", portal->name );
		if ( !strcmp( pair->value, "open" ) )
			// open portal goes to othernode

			pair = NewHPair2( "ref", "otherleaf", otherleaf->name );
			InsertHPair( vportal, pair );
			// closed portals 
			pair = NewHPair2( "ref", "touchleaf", otherleaf->name );
			InsertHPair( visleaf, pair );
			// hack: also insert touchleaf into the closed portal
			pair = NewHPair2( pair->type, pair->key, pair->value );
			InsertHPair( vportal, pair );
		InsertClass( visleaf, vportal );

	// leaf center
	Vec3dScale( center, 1.0/num, center );
	pair = NewHPair2( "vec3d", "center", "x" );
	HPairCastFromVec3d( center, pair );
	InsertHPair( visleaf, pair );

	// leaf bounds min
	pair = NewHPair2( "vec3d", "min", "x" );
	HPairCastFromVec3d( min, pair );
	InsertHPair( visleaf, pair );

	// leaf bounds max
	pair = NewHPair2( "vec3d", "max", "X" );
	HPairCastFromVec3d( max, pair );
	InsertHPair( visleaf, pair );
	return visleaf;