Пример #1
 void SplitterWindow2::sizeWindows() {
     if (m_splitMode != SplitMode_Unset) {
         const wxWindowUpdateLocker lockUpdates(this);
         if (m_maximizedWindow != NULL) {
             m_maximizedWindow->SetSize(wxRect(GetClientAreaOrigin(), GetClientSize()));
             m_sash->SetSize(wxRect(wxPoint(0, 0),wxPoint(0, 0)));
         } else {
             const int origH = h(GetClientAreaOrigin());
             const int origV = h(GetClientAreaOrigin());
             const int sizeH = h(GetClientSize());
             const int sizeV = v(GetClientSize());
             wxPoint pos[2];
             wxSize size[2];
             setHV(pos[0], origH, origV);
             setHV(pos[1], origH + currentSashPosition() + sashSize(), origV);
             setHV(size[0], currentSashPosition(), sizeV);
             setHV(size[1], sizeH - currentSashPosition() - sashSize(), sizeV);
             for (size_t i = 0; i < NumWindows; ++i)
                 m_windows[i]->SetSize(wxRect(pos[i], size[i]));
             wxPoint sashPos;
             wxSize sashSize;
             setHV(sashPos, origH + currentSashPosition(), origV);
             setHV(sashSize, SplitterWindow2::sashSize(), sizeV);
             m_sash->SetSize(wxRect(sashPos, sashSize));
Пример #2
// Get size *available for subwindows* i.e. excluding menu bar, toolbar etc.
void wxFrame::DoGetClientSize(int *x, int *y) const
    wxSize size = GetSize();
    wxPoint pos = GetClientAreaOrigin();
    *x = size.x - pos.x - 1;
    *y = size.y - pos.y - 1;
Пример #3
void wxFrame::DoSetClientSize(int width, int height)
    // leave enough space for the status bar if we have (and show) it
    wxStatusBar *statbar = GetStatusBar();
    if ( statbar && statbar->IsShown() )
        height += statbar->GetSize().y;
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR

    // call GetClientAreaOrigin() to take the toolbar into account
    wxPoint pt = GetClientAreaOrigin();
    width += pt.x;
    height += pt.y;

    wxToolBar * const toolbar = GetToolBar();
    if ( toolbar )
        if ( toolbar->HasFlag(wxTB_RIGHT | wxTB_BOTTOM) )
            const wxSize sizeTB = toolbar->GetSize();
            if ( toolbar->HasFlag(wxTB_RIGHT) )
                width -= sizeTB.x;
            else // wxTB_BOTTOM
                height -= sizeTB.y;
        //else: toolbar already taken into account by GetClientAreaOrigin()
#endif // wxUSE_TOOLBAR

    wxTopLevelWindow::DoSetClientSize(width, height);
Пример #4
int wxNotebook::HitTest(const wxPoint& pt, long * flags) const
    int resultV = wxNOT_FOUND;

    const int countPages = GetPageCount();

    // we have to convert from Client to Window relative coordinates
    wxPoint adjustedPt = pt + GetClientAreaOrigin();
    // and now to HIView native ones
    adjustedPt.x -= MacGetLeftBorderSize() ;
    adjustedPt.y -= MacGetTopBorderSize() ;

    HIPoint hipoint= { adjustedPt.x , adjustedPt.y } ;
    HIViewPartCode outPart = 0 ;
    OSStatus err = HIViewGetPartHit( m_peer->GetControlRef(), &hipoint, &outPart );

    int max = m_peer->GetMaximum() ;
    if ( outPart == 0 && max > 0 )
        // this is a hack, as unfortunately a hit on an already selected tab returns 0,
        // so we have to go some extra miles to make sure we select something different
        // and try again ..
        int val = m_peer->GetValue() ;
        int maxval = max ;
        if ( max == 1 )
            m_peer->SetMaximum( 2 ) ;
            maxval = 2 ;

        if ( val == 1 )
            m_peer->SetValue( maxval ) ;
            m_peer->SetValue( 1 ) ;

        err = HIViewGetPartHit( m_peer->GetControlRef(), &hipoint, &outPart );

        m_peer->SetValue( val ) ;
        if ( max == 1 )
            m_peer->SetMaximum( 1 ) ;

    if ( outPart >= 1 && outPart <= countPages )
        resultV = outPart - 1 ;

    if (flags != NULL)
        *flags = 0;

        // we cannot differentiate better
        if (resultV >= 0)
            *flags |= wxBK_HITTEST_ONLABEL;
            *flags |= wxBK_HITTEST_NOWHERE;

    return resultV;
Пример #5
void wxTopLevelWindowBase::DoScreenToClient(int *x, int *y) const
    wxWindow::DoScreenToClient(x, y);

    // translate the wxWindow client coords to our client coords
    wxPoint pt(GetClientAreaOrigin());
    if ( x )
        *x -= pt.x;
    if ( y )
        *y -= pt.y;
Пример #6
void wxTopLevelWindowBase::DoClientToScreen(int *x, int *y) const
    // our client area origin (0, 0) may be really something like (0, 30) for
    // wxWindow if we have a toolbar, account for it before translating
    wxPoint pt(GetClientAreaOrigin());
    if ( x )
        *x += pt.x;
    if ( y )
        *y += pt.y;

    wxWindow::DoClientToScreen(x, y);
Пример #7
void wxStaticBox::DoGetClientSize(int *width, int *height) const
    // See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa511279.aspx
    wxPoint lr = ConvertDialogToPixels(wxPoint(6,7));
    wxPoint ul = GetClientAreaOrigin();
    wxSize  sz = GetSize();
    if (width)
        *width = sz.x - ul.x - lr.x;
    if (height)
        *height = sz.y - ul.y - lr.x;
Пример #8
// Get size *available for subwindows* i.e. excluding menu bar, toolbar etc.
void wxFrame::DoGetClientSize(int *x, int *y) const
    wxTopLevelWindow::DoGetClientSize(x, y);

    // account for the possible toolbar
    wxPoint pt = GetClientAreaOrigin();
    if ( x )
        *x -= pt.x;

    if ( y )
        *y -= pt.y;

    wxToolBar * const toolbar = GetToolBar();
    if ( toolbar )
        if ( toolbar->HasFlag(wxTB_RIGHT | wxTB_BOTTOM) )
            const wxSize sizeTB = toolbar->GetSize();
            if ( toolbar->HasFlag(wxTB_RIGHT) )
                if ( x )
                    *x -= sizeTB.x;
            else // wxTB_BOTTOM
                if ( y )
                    *y -= sizeTB.y;
        //else: toolbar already taken into account by GetClientAreaOrigin()
#endif // wxUSE_TOOLBAR

    // adjust client area height to take the status bar into account
    if ( y )
        wxStatusBar *statbar = GetStatusBar();
        if ( statbar && statbar->IsShown() )
            *y -= statbar->GetSize().y;
#endif // wxUSE_STATUSBAR
Пример #9
// This handler will display a popup menu for the currently selected item
void frmMain::OnContextMenu(wxCommandEvent &event)
	wxPoint point;

	if (FindFocus() == browser)
		wxRect rect;
		wxTreeItemId item = browser->GetSelection();

		browser->GetBoundingRect(item, rect);
		point = rect.GetPosition();
		wxPoint origin = GetClientAreaOrigin();

		// Because this Tree is inside a vertical splitter, we
		// must compensate for the size of the other elements
		point.x += origin.x;
		point.y += origin.y;

		doPopup(this, point, browser->GetObject(item));

Пример #10
bool wxNonOwnedWindow::DoSetRegionShape(const wxRegion& region)
    // Windows takes ownership of the region, so
    // we'll have to make a copy of the region to give to it.
    DWORD noBytes = ::GetRegionData(GetHrgnOf(region), 0, NULL);
    RGNDATA *rgnData = (RGNDATA*) new char[noBytes];
    ::GetRegionData(GetHrgnOf(region), noBytes, rgnData);
    HRGN hrgn = ::ExtCreateRegion(NULL, noBytes, rgnData);
    delete[] (char*) rgnData;

    // SetWindowRgn expects the region to be in coordinates
    // relative to the window, not the client area.
    const wxPoint clientOrigin = GetClientAreaOrigin();
    ::OffsetRgn(hrgn, -clientOrigin.x, -clientOrigin.y);

    // Now call the shape API with the new region.
    if (::SetWindowRgn(GetHwnd(), hrgn, TRUE) == 0)
        return false;
    return true;
Пример #11
void wxWindowDFB::PaintWindow(const wxRect& rect)
    wxCHECK_RET( !IsFrozen() && IsShown(), "shouldn't be called" );

               "%p ('%s'): painting region [%i,%i,%i,%i]",
               this, GetName().c_str(),
               rect.x, rect.y, rect.GetRight(), rect.GetBottom());

    m_updateRegion = rect;

    // FIXME_DFB: don't waste time rendering the area if it's fully covered
    //            by some children, go directly to rendering the children
    //            (unless some child has HasTransparentBackground()=true!)

    // NB: unconditionally send wxEraseEvent, because our implementation of
    //     wxWindow::Refresh() ignores the eraseBack argument
    wxWindowDC dc((wxWindow*)this);
    wxEraseEvent eventEr(m_windowId, &dc);

    wxRect clientRect(GetClientRect());

    // only send wxNcPaintEvent if drawing at least part of nonclient area:
    if ( !clientRect.Contains(rect) )
        wxNcPaintEvent eventNc(GetId());
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_PAINT, "%p ('%s'): not sending wxNcPaintEvent",
                   this, GetName().c_str());

    // only send wxPaintEvent if drawing at least part of client area:
    if ( rect.Intersects(clientRect) )
        wxPaintEvent eventPt(GetId());
        wxLogTrace(TRACE_PAINT, "%p ('%s'): not sending wxPaintEvent",
                   this, GetName().c_str());

    // draw window's overlays on top of the painted window, if we have any:


    // client area portion of 'rect':
    wxRect rectClientOnly(rect);

    // paint the children:
    wxPoint origin = GetClientAreaOrigin();
    wxWindowList& children = GetChildren();
    for ( wxWindowList::iterator i = children.begin();
          i != children.end(); ++i )
        wxWindow *child = *i;

        if ( child->IsFrozen() || !child->IsShown() )
            continue; // don't paint anything if the window is frozen or hidden

        // compute child's area to repaint
        wxRect childrect(child->GetRect());

        if ( child->CanBeOutsideClientArea() )

        if ( childrect.IsEmpty() )

        // and repaint it:
Пример #12
void wxWindow::Refresh(bool eraseBackground, const wxRect *rect)
    wxRect rectClient; // the same rectangle in client coordinates
    wxPoint origin = GetClientAreaOrigin();

    wxSize size = GetClientSize();

    if ( rect )
        // the rectangle passed as argument is in client coordinates
        rectClient = *rect;

        // don't refresh anything beyond the client area (scrollbars for
        // example)
        if ( rectClient.GetRight() > size.x )
        if ( rectClient.GetBottom() > size.y )

    else // refresh the entire client area
        // x,y is already set to 0 by default

    // convert refresh rectangle to window coordinates:
    wxRect rectWin(rectClient);

    // debugging helper
    static bool s_refreshDebug = false;
    if ( s_refreshDebug )
        wxWindowDC dc(this);

        // under Unix we use "--sync" X option for this
        #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXMICROWIN__)
        #endif // __WXMSW__

    wxWindowNative::Refresh(eraseBackground, &rectWin);

    // Refresh all sub controls if any.
    wxWindowList& children = GetChildren();
    for ( wxWindowList::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i )
        wxWindow *child = *i;
        // only refresh subcontrols if they are visible:
        if ( child->IsTopLevel() || !child->IsShown() || child->IsFrozen() )

        // ...and when the subcontrols are in the update region:
        wxRect childrect(child->GetRect());
        if ( childrect.IsEmpty() )

        // refresh the subcontrol now:
        // NB: We must call wxWindowNative version because we need to refresh
        //     the entire control, not just its client area, and this is why we
        //     don't account for child client area origin here neither. Also
        //     note that we don't pass eraseBackground to the child, but use
        //     true instead: this is because we can't be sure that
        //     eraseBackground=false is safe for children as well and not only
        //     for the parent.
        child->wxWindowNative::Refresh(eraseBackground, &childrect);
Пример #13
wxRect wxWindow::ScrollNoRefresh(int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rectTotal)
    wxASSERT_MSG( !dx || !dy, wxT("can't be used for diag scrolling") );

    // the rect to refresh (which we will calculate)
    wxRect rect;

    if ( !dx && !dy )
        // nothing to do
        return rect;

    // calculate the part of the window which we can just redraw in the new
    // location
    wxSize sizeTotal = rectTotal ? rectTotal->GetSize() : GetClientSize();

    wxLogTrace(wxT("scroll"), wxT("rect is %dx%d, scroll by %d, %d"),
               sizeTotal.x, sizeTotal.y, dx, dy);

    // the initial and end point of the region we move in client coords
    wxPoint ptSource, ptDest;
    if ( rectTotal )
        ptSource = rectTotal->GetPosition();
        ptDest = rectTotal->GetPosition();

    // the size of this region
    wxSize size;
    size.x = sizeTotal.x - abs(dx);
    size.y = sizeTotal.y - abs(dy);
    if ( size.x <= 0 || size.y <= 0 )
        // just redraw everything as nothing of the displayed image will stay
        wxLogTrace(wxT("scroll"), wxT("refreshing everything"));

        rect = rectTotal ? *rectTotal : wxRect(0, 0, sizeTotal.x, sizeTotal.y);
    else // move the part which doesn't change to the new location
        // note that when we scroll the canvas in some direction we move the
        // block which doesn't need to be refreshed in the opposite direction

        if ( dx < 0 )
            // scroll to the right, move to the left
            ptSource.x -= dx;
            // scroll to the left, move to the right
            ptDest.x += dx;

        if ( dy < 0 )
            // scroll down, move up
            ptSource.y -= dy;
            // scroll up, move down
            ptDest.y += dy;

        // we need to hide the caret before moving or it will erase itself at
        // the wrong (old) location
        wxCaret *caret = GetCaret();
        if ( caret )
#endif // wxUSE_CARET

        // do move
        wxClientDC dc(this);
        wxBitmap bmp(size.x, size.y);
        wxMemoryDC dcMem;

        dcMem.Blit(wxPoint(0,0), size, &dc, ptSource
#if defined(__WXGTK__) && !defined(wxHAS_WORKING_GTK_DC_BLIT)
                + GetClientAreaOrigin()
#endif // broken wxGTK wxDC::Blit
        dc.Blit(ptDest, size, &dcMem, wxPoint(0,0));

                   wxT("Blit: (%d, %d) of size %dx%d -> (%d, %d)"),
                   ptSource.x, ptSource.y,
                   size.x, size.y,
                   ptDest.x, ptDest.y);

        // and now repaint the uncovered area

        // FIXME: We repaint the intersection of these rectangles twice - is
        //        it bad? I don't think so as it is rare to scroll the window
        //        diagonally anyhow and so adding extra logic to compute
        //        rectangle intersection is probably not worth the effort

        rect.x = ptSource.x;
        rect.y = ptSource.y;

        if ( dx )
            if ( dx < 0 )
                // refresh the area along the right border
                rect.x += size.x + dx;
                rect.width = -dx;
                // refresh the area along the left border
                rect.width = dx;

            rect.height = sizeTotal.y;

            wxLogTrace(wxT("scroll"), wxT("refreshing (%d, %d)-(%d, %d)"),
                       rect.x, rect.y,
                       rect.GetRight() + 1, rect.GetBottom() + 1);

        if ( dy )
            if ( dy < 0 )
                // refresh the area along the bottom border
                rect.y += size.y + dy;
                rect.height = -dy;
                // refresh the area along the top border
                rect.height = dy;

            rect.width = sizeTotal.x;

            wxLogTrace(wxT("scroll"), wxT("refreshing (%d, %d)-(%d, %d)"),
                       rect.x, rect.y,
                       rect.GetRight() + 1, rect.GetBottom() + 1);

        if ( caret )
#endif // wxUSE_CARET

    return rect;
Пример #14
// Does a physical scroll
void wxWindowX11::ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRect *rect)
    // No scrolling requested.
    if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 0)) return;

    if (!m_updateRegion.IsEmpty())
        m_updateRegion.Offset( dx, dy );

        int cw = 0;
        int ch = 0;
        GetSize( &cw, &ch );  // GetClientSize() ??
        m_updateRegion.Intersect( 0, 0, cw, ch );

    if (!m_clearRegion.IsEmpty())
        m_clearRegion.Offset( dx, dy );

        int cw = 0;
        int ch = 0;
        GetSize( &cw, &ch );  // GetClientSize() ??
        m_clearRegion.Intersect( 0, 0, cw, ch );

    Window xwindow = (Window) GetClientAreaWindow();

    wxCHECK_RET( xwindow, wxT("invalid window") );

    Display *xdisplay = wxGlobalDisplay();

    GC xgc = XCreateGC( xdisplay, xwindow, 0, NULL );
    XSetGraphicsExposures( xdisplay, xgc, True );

    int s_x = 0;
    int s_y = 0;
    int cw;
    int ch;
    if (rect)
        s_x = rect->x;
        s_y = rect->y;

        cw = rect->width;
        ch = rect->height;
        s_x = 0;
        s_y = 0;
        GetClientSize( &cw, &ch );

    wxPoint offset( 0,0 );
    wxPoint offset = GetClientAreaOrigin();
    s_x += offset.x;
    s_y += offset.y;

    int w = cw - abs(dx);
    int h = ch - abs(dy);

    if ((h < 0) || (w < 0))
        wxRect rect;
        if (dx < 0) rect.x = cw+dx + offset.x; else rect.x = s_x;
        if (dy < 0) rect.y = ch+dy + offset.y; else rect.y = s_y;
        if (dy != 0) rect.width = cw; else rect.width = abs(dx);
        if (dx != 0) rect.height = ch; else rect.height = abs(dy);

        int d_x = s_x;
        int d_y = s_y;

        if (dx < 0) s_x += -dx;
        if (dy < 0) s_y += -dy;
        if (dx > 0) d_x = dx + offset.x;
        if (dy > 0) d_y = dy + offset.y;

        XCopyArea( xdisplay, xwindow, xwindow, xgc, s_x, s_y, w, h, d_x, d_y );

        // wxLogDebug( "Copy: s_x %d s_y %d w %d h %d d_x %d d_y %d", s_x, s_y, w, h, d_x, d_y );

        // wxLogDebug( "Update: %d %d %d %d", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height );

        m_updateRegion.Union( rect );
        m_clearRegion.Union( rect );

    XFreeGC( xdisplay, xgc );

    // Move Clients, but not the scrollbars
    // FIXME: There may be a better method to move a lot of Windows within X11
    wxScrollBar *sbH = ((wxWindow *) this)->GetScrollbar( wxHORIZONTAL );
    wxScrollBar *sbV = ((wxWindow *) this)->GetScrollbar( wxVERTICAL );
    wxWindowList::compatibility_iterator node = GetChildren().GetFirst();
    while ( node )
        // Only propagate to non-top-level windows
        wxWindow *win = node->GetData();
        if ( win->GetParent() && win != sbH && win != sbV )
            wxPoint pos = win->GetPosition();
            // Add the delta to the old Position
            pos.x += dx;
            pos.y += dy;
        node = node->GetNext();