Пример #1
void CustomGrid::DrawColLabel( wxDC& dc, int col )
    //init dc font and colours
    if(col == m_gParent->m_pIndex){
        dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(m_greenColour, wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID));
        dc.SetPen(wxPen(m_greenColour, 1));
    }else {
        dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(m_labelBackgroundColour, wxBRUSHSTYLE_SOLID));
        dc.SetPen(wxPen(m_labelBackgroundColour, 1));
    //draw retangle
	wxRect tRect( GetColLeft(col), 1, GetColWidth(col)-2,  m_colLabelHeight -2);
    //draw lines aroud label
    dc.DrawLine( GetColLeft(col) -1, 0, GetColRight(col), 0 );
    if( col > -1 && (col == 0 || GetColLabelValue( col ).BeforeFirst('-') != GetColLabelValue( col - 1 ).BeforeFirst('-')) )
        dc.SetPen(wxPen(*wxBLACK, 4));
    dc.DrawLine( GetColLeft(col) -1, 0, GetColLeft(col) - 1, m_colLabelHeight);
    if( col == m_numCols - 1 ){
        dc.SetPen(wxPen(*wxBLACK, 4));
        dc.DrawLine( GetColRight(col), 0, GetColRight(col), m_colLabelHeight);
    //then draw label
    dc.DrawLabel(GetColLabelValue(col), tRect, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
/* not virtual in wxGrid, so code copied and modified her for painting sorting icons */
void CBOINCGridCtrl::DrawColLabel( wxDC& dc, int col )
    if ( GetColWidth(col) <= 0 || m_colLabelHeight <= 0 )

    int colLeft = GetColLeft(col);

    wxRect rect;
    int colRight = GetColRight(col) - 1;

    dc.SetPen( wxPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_3DDKSHADOW),1, wxSOLID) );
    dc.DrawLine( colRight, 0,
                 colRight, m_colLabelHeight-1 );

    dc.DrawLine( colLeft, 0, colRight, 0 );

    dc.DrawLine( colLeft, m_colLabelHeight-1,
                 colRight+1, m_colLabelHeight-1 );

    dc.SetPen( *wxWHITE_PEN );
    dc.DrawLine( colLeft, 1, colLeft, m_colLabelHeight-1 );
    dc.DrawLine( colLeft, 1, colRight, 1 );
    dc.SetBackgroundMode( wxTRANSPARENT );
    dc.SetTextForeground( GetLabelTextColour() );
    dc.SetFont( GetLabelFont() );

    int hAlign, vAlign, orient;
    GetColLabelAlignment( &hAlign, &vAlign );
    orient = GetColLabelTextOrientation();

    rect.SetX( colLeft + 2 );
    rect.SetY( 2 );
    rect.SetWidth( GetColWidth(col) - 4 );
    rect.SetHeight( m_colLabelHeight - 4 );
    DrawTextRectangle( dc, GetColLabelValue( col ), rect, hAlign, vAlign, orient );
	//paint sorting indicators, if needed
	if(col == sortColumn) {
		int x = rect.GetRight() - ascBitmap.GetWidth() - 2;
		int y = rect.GetY();
		dc.DrawBitmap(this->sortAscending ? descBitmap : ascBitmap,x,y,true);