Пример #1
void LogHelper::PrintInformations( const QString& text )
    QString str_texts = GetCurrentDateTimeString() + text;
    //qDebug() << str_texts;
    std::wstring s ;//= str_texts.toStdWString();
    const wchar_t* l = s.c_str();
Пример #2
void SessionServer::TeardownFileLogger()
    time_t curTime = time(NULL);
    tm curTM;
    localtime_s(&curTM, &curTime);

    std::string curTimeString = GetCurrentDateTimeString(curTM);

    LogInfo(" ** Logging Session Ended at %s", curTimeString.c_str());
    if (m_logWriter)
        delete m_logWriter;
        m_logWriter = NULL;
Пример #3
void SessionServer::InitializeFileLogger()
    time_t curTime = time(NULL);
    tm curTM;
    localtime_s(&curTM, &curTime);

    if (!m_logWriter)
        std::string filePath = s_defaultLogBaseLocation;
        filePath += "SharingServiceLogs";
        filePath += "\\";

        BOOL dirResult = CreateDirectoryA(filePath.c_str(), NULL);

        if (dirResult || GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
            // Either we succeeded in creating the directory or it already exists.
            std::string fileName = "SharingService_";
            fileName += std::to_string(curTM.tm_year + 1900);
            fileName += std::to_string(curTM.tm_mon + 1);
            fileName += std::to_string(curTM.tm_mday);
            fileName += ".log";

            std::string fullPath = filePath + GetLogFileName(curTM);

            m_logWriter = new FileLogWriter();

	m_logger = new Logger();

    std::string curTimeString = GetCurrentDateTimeString(curTM);
    LogInfo(" ** Logging Session Began at %s", curTimeString.c_str());

Пример #4
void emit_definitions( const wrSourceFile& srcFile )
	OSFileName		fileName = GetDestFileName( srcFile.name, WR_SOURCE_FILE_EXT );
	FileWriter		outputStream( fileName.ToChars() );
	mxTextWriter	tw( &outputStream );

	tw	<< MXC("/* This ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the implementation for the interfaces */\n")
		<< MXC("/* File created by HLSL wrapper generator version ") << WR_VERSION_STRING << MXC(" ") << GetCurrentDateTimeString() << MXC(" */\n")
	tw	<< MXC("namespace ") << WR_NAMESPACE << MXC("\n{\n");

	// Initialization order:
	// 1) Render targets
	// 2) State objects
	// 3) Shaders
	// 4) Input layouts
	// 5) Everything else

	TList< const wrRenderTarget* >	sortedRTs;
	for( UINT iRenderTarget = 0;
		iRenderTarget < srcFile.renderTargets.Num();
		iRenderTarget++ )
		sortedRTs.Add( &srcFile.renderTargets[ iRenderTarget ] );

	// Sort render targets by size.
	InsertionSort< const wrRenderTarget*, wrRenderTarget >( sortedRTs.ToPtr(), 0, sortedRTs.Num()-1 );
	Emit_initialize_render_targets( srcFile.renderTargets, tw );
	emit_line_separator_comment( tw );
	Emit_initialize_sampler_states( srcFile.samplerStates, tw );
	emit_line_separator_comment( tw );
	emit_initialize_depth_stencil_states( srcFile.depthStencilStates, tw );

	tw	<< MXC("void SetupGPUResources( const SHADER_LIB_CREATE& creationParams )\n{\n")
	tw	<< MXC("\n}//SetupGPUResources\n")
		<< MXC("SetupRenderTargets( creationParams );\n")
		<< MXC("SetupSamplerStates( creationParams );\n")
		<< MXC("SetupDepthStencilStates( creationParams );\n")
		<< MXC("SetupRasterizerStates( creationParams );\n")
		<< MXC("SetupBlendStates( creationParams );\n")
	tw	<< MXC("\n}//SetupGPUResources\n")

	tw	<< MXC("\n}//namespace ") << WR_NAMESPACE << MXC("\n");
Пример #5
void emit_declarations( const wrSourceFile& srcFile )
	OSFileName		fileName = GetDestFileName( srcFile.name, WR_HEADER_FILE_EXT );
	FileWriter		outputStream( fileName.ToChars() );
	mxTextWriter	tw( &outputStream );

	tw	<< MXC("/* This ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */\n")
		<< MXC("/* File created by HLSL wrapper generator version ") << WR_VERSION_STRING << MXC(" ") << GetCurrentDateTimeString() << MXC(" */\n")
	tw	<< MXC("namespace ") << WR_NAMESPACE << MXC("\n{\n");

	tw	<< MXC("// Render targets\n");
	emit_render_target_declarations( srcFile.renderTargets, tw );

	tw	<< MXC("// Sampler states\n");
	emit_sampler_state_declarations( srcFile.samplerStates, tw );

	tw	<< MXC("// Depth-stencil states\n");
	emit_depth_stencil_states_declarations( srcFile.depthStencilStates, tw );

	tw << MXC("\n}//namespace ") << WR_NAMESPACE << MXC("\n");
Пример #6
void LogHelper::PrintErrors( const QString& text )
    QString str_texts = GetCurrentDateTimeString() + " Errors: " + text;

    qDebug() << str_texts;