Пример #1
wxSVGMatrix wxSVGMatrix::Multiply(const wxSVGMatrix& secondMatrix) const {
	wxSVGMatrix res;
	res.SetA(GetA() * secondMatrix.GetA() + GetC() * secondMatrix.GetB());
	res.SetB(GetB() * secondMatrix.GetA() + GetD() * secondMatrix.GetB());
	res.SetC(GetA() * secondMatrix.GetC() + GetC() * secondMatrix.GetD());
	res.SetD(GetB() * secondMatrix.GetC() + GetD() * secondMatrix.GetD());
	res.SetE(GetA() * secondMatrix.GetE() + GetC() * secondMatrix.GetF() + GetE());
	res.SetF(GetB() * secondMatrix.GetE() + GetD() * secondMatrix.GetF() + GetF());
	return res;
Пример #2
wxSVGMatrix wxSVGMatrix::Inverse() const {
	wxSVGMatrix res;
	double d = 1.0 / (GetA() * GetD() - GetB() * GetC());
	res.SetA(GetD() * d);
	res.SetB(-GetB() * d);
	res.SetC(-GetC() * d);
	res.SetD(GetA() * d);
	res.SetE(-GetE() * res.GetA() - GetF() * res.GetC());
	res.SetF(-GetE() * res.GetB() - GetF() * res.GetD());
	return res;
Пример #3
static int d_DB(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80		*d;
	int 		b, n, i;

	d = GetD(ls);

	n = 0;
	while (lua_isnumber(ls, n+1))

	if (n)
		for(i=1; i <= n; i++)
			b = luaL_check_long(ls, i) & 0xff;
			if (i > 1)
				AddToDis(d, ",");
			Add8BitNum(d, b);

	return 0;
Пример #4
static int d_GetPC(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80		*d;

	d = GetD(ls);
	lua_pushnumber(ls, (double)d->PC);
	return 1;
Пример #5
static int d_GetPass(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80		*d;
	d = GetD(ls);
	lua_pushnumber(ls, (double)d->currentPass);
	return 1;
Пример #6
  TH1* One(TDirectory* newDir, TDirectory* oldDir, Double_t c1, Double_t c2)
    TString name;
	      Int_t(c1), Int_t(c1*100)%100,
	      Int_t(c2), Int_t(c2*100)%100);
    TDirectory* newSubDir = GetD(newDir, name);
    TDirectory* oldSubDir = GetD(oldDir, name);
    if (!newSubDir || !oldSubDir) return 0;
    Int_t newDim = 0;
    if      (TString(newDir->GetName()).Contains("etaipz")) newDim = 3;
    else if (TString(newDir->GetName()).Contains("eta"))    newDim = 2;
    else if (TString(newDir->GetName()).Contains("const"))  newDim = 1;
    Int_t oldDim = 0;
    if      (TString(oldDir->GetName()).Contains("etaipz")) oldDim = 3;
    else if (TString(oldDir->GetName()).Contains("eta"))    oldDim = 2;
    else if (TString(oldDir->GetName()).Contains("const"))  oldDim = 1;

    TDirectory* newSubSubDir = GetD(newSubDir, Form("results%dd",newDim));
    TDirectory* oldSubSubDir = GetD(oldSubDir, Form("results%dd",oldDim));
    if (!newSubSubDir || !oldSubSubDir) return 0;

    TH1* newRes = GetH1(newSubSubDir, "result");
    TH1* oldRes = GetH1(oldSubSubDir, "result");
    if (!newRes || !oldRes) return 0;

    TH1* ratio = static_cast<TH1*>(newRes->Clone(name));
    ratio->SetTitle(Form("%5.1f - %5.1f%%", c1, c2));
    ratio->SetYTitle("New / Old");
    fMin = TMath::Min(fMin, ratio->GetMinimum());
    fMax = TMath::Max(fMax, ratio->GetMaximum());

    Printf("Calculated %s/%s", newDir->GetName(), oldDir->GetName());
    if (!fLegend) return ratio;

    TLegendEntry* e =
      fLegend->AddEntry("", Form("%3.0f - %3.0f%%", c1, c2), "f");
    return ratio;
Пример #7
LLBC_MD5::MD5GroupDigest &LLBC_MD5::MD5GroupDigest::operator +=(const LLBC_MD5::MD5GroupDigest &right)
    SetA(GetA() + right.GetA());
    SetB(GetB() + right.GetB());
    SetC(GetC() + right.GetC());
    SetD(GetD() + right.GetD());

    return *this;
Пример #8
static int d_Message(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80		*d;
	const char	*ps;

	ps = luaL_check_string(ls, 1);
	d = GetD(ls);
	dZ80_ShowMsg(d, (char *)ps);
	return 0;
Пример #9
static int d_FlushLine(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80		*d;
	int 		err;

	d = GetD(ls);
	err = WriteDisLine(d, d->lastPC);
	lua_pushnumber(ls, (double)err);
	return 1; 
Пример #10
static int d_LookByteAddr(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80		*d;
	int 		addr;

	d = GetD(ls);
	addr = luaL_check_long(ls, 1);
	lua_pushnumber(ls, (double)d->Z80MemBase[addr]);
	return 1;
Пример #11
static int d_AddToDisTab(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80		*d;
	const char	*str;
	size_t		len;

	d = GetD(ls);
	str = luaL_check_lstr(ls, 1, &len);

	AddToDisTab(d, (char *)str);
	return 0;
Пример #12
void PIDController::InitTable(std::shared_ptr<ITable> table) {
  if (m_table != nullptr) m_table->RemoveTableListener(this);
  m_table = table;
  if (m_table != nullptr) {
    m_table->PutNumber(kP, GetP());
    m_table->PutNumber(kI, GetI());
    m_table->PutNumber(kD, GetD());
    m_table->PutNumber(kF, GetF());
    m_table->PutNumber(kSetpoint, GetSetpoint());
    m_table->PutBoolean(kEnabled, IsEnabled());
    m_table->AddTableListener(this, false);
Пример #13
static int d_LookByte(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80		*d;
	BYTE		b;
	int 		offset;

	d = GetD(ls);
	offset = luaL_check_long(ls, 1);
	b = LookOpcode(d, offset);
	lua_pushnumber(ls, (double)b);
	return 1;
Пример #14
static int d_GetByte(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80		*d;
	BYTE		b;
	d = GetD(ls);

	if (!WithinDisRange(d))
		lua_error(ls, "d_GetByte requesting a byte past the user end address");

	b = GetNextOpCode(d);
	lua_pushnumber(ls, (double)b);
	return 1;
Пример #15
static int d_RegTrap(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80	*d;
	int 	op, type;

	d = GetD(ls);
	op = luaL_check_long(ls, 1);
	assert(op >= 0 && op < 256);

	type = luaL_check_long(ls, 2);

	d->pTrapMap[op] |= (unsigned char)type;
	return 0;
Пример #16
int LuaErrorHandler(lua_State *ls)
	char		buf[256];
	DISZ80		*d;
	const char	*s;
	d = GetD(ls);
	s = lua_tostring(ls, 1);
	if (s == NULL)
		s = "(no message)";
	sprintf(buf, "Script error: %s\n", s);

	dZ80_Error(d, buf);
	return 0;
Пример #17
NetworkTable* PIDJaguar::GetTable()
	if (m_table == NULL)
		m_table = new NetworkTable();

		m_table->PutDouble(kP, GetP());
		m_table->PutDouble(kI, GetI());
		m_table->PutDouble(kD, GetD());
		m_table->PutDouble(kSetpoint, Get());
		m_table->PutBoolean(kEnabled, m_bEnabled);

	return m_table;
Пример #18
static int d_IsCodeByte(lua_State *ls)
	DISZ80		*d;
	int 		addr, isCodeByte;

	isCodeByte = 1;

	d = GetD(ls);
	addr = luaL_check_long(ls, 1);
	if (d->opMap != NULL)
		if (!ISCODEBYTE(d, addr))
			isCodeByte = 0;
	lua_pushnumber(ls, (double)isCodeByte);
	return 1;
int compare(const char* filename){
   classWithComplex cref(1,2,3,4);
   classWithComplex ccref(11,22,33,44);
   auto f = TFile::Open(filename);
   auto c = (classWithComplex*)f->Get("classWithComplex1");
   auto cc = (classWithComplex*)f->Get("classWithComplex2");

   if (*c != cref && *cc != ccref){
      cout << "ERROR The objects on file differ from the references!\n"
           << cref.GetF() << ", " << cref.GetD() << " vs onfile " << c->GetF() << ", " << c->GetD() << endl
           << ccref.GetF() << ", " << ccref.GetD() << " vs onfile " << cc->GetF() << ", " << cc->GetD() << endl;
      return 1;
   return 0;