bool TServerModeDemoDataDM::TableExists()
  String ASQL;
  ASQL = "IF DB_ID(N'" + GetDatabaseName() + "') IS NOT NULL AND OBJECT_ID(N'" + GetDatabaseName() +
	".dbo." + GetTableName() + "') IS NOT NULL" + sLineBreak +
	"  SELECT 1;" + sLineBreak +
	"ELSE" + sLineBreak +
	"  SELECT -1;";
  ADQuery->Active = False;
  if ((!ADQuery->Eof)&&(ADQuery->Fields->Fields[0]->AsInteger == 1))
	return true;
	return false;
Пример #2
// FIXME: Should remove when the simple_optimizer tears down
//  Initializes the update plan without adding any child nodes and
//  retrieves column ids for the child scan plan.
void UpdatePlan::BuildInitialUpdatePlan(
    const parser::UpdateStatement *parse_tree, std::vector<oid_t> &column_ids) {
  LOG_TRACE("Creating an Update Plan");
  auto t_ref = parse_tree->table;
  auto table_name = std::string(t_ref->GetTableName());
  auto database_name = t_ref->GetDatabaseName();
  LOG_TRACE("Update database %s table %s", database_name, table_name.c_str());
  target_table_ = catalog::Catalog::GetInstance()->GetTableWithName(
      database_name, table_name);
  PL_ASSERT(target_table_ != nullptr);

  for (auto update_clause : *parse_tree->updates) {
  TargetList tlist;
  DirectMapList dmlist;
  oid_t col_id;
  auto schema = target_table_->GetSchema();

  for (auto update : updates_) {
    // get oid_t of the column and push it to the vector;
    col_id = schema->GetColumnID(std::string(update->column));
    auto *update_expr = update->value->Copy();

    planner::DerivedAttribute attribute{update_expr};
    attribute.attribute_info.name = update->column;
    tlist.emplace_back(col_id, attribute);

  auto &schema_columns = schema->GetColumns();
  for (uint i = 0; i < schema_columns.size(); i++) {
    bool is_in_target_list = false;
    for (auto col_id : column_ids) {
      if (schema_columns[i].column_name == schema_columns[col_id].column_name) {
        is_in_target_list = true;
    if (is_in_target_list == false)
      dmlist.emplace_back(i, std::pair<oid_t, oid_t>(0, i));

  std::unique_ptr<const planner::ProjectInfo> project_info(
      new planner::ProjectInfo(std::move(tlist), std::move(dmlist)));
  project_info_ = std::move(project_info);

  if (parse_tree->where != nullptr)
    where_ = parse_tree->where->Copy();
    where_ = nullptr;
Пример #3
void DatabaseWorkerPool<T>::Close()
	TC_LOG_INFO("sql.driver", "Closing down DatabasePool '%s'.", GetDatabaseName());

	//! Closes the actualy MySQL connection.

	TC_LOG_INFO("sql.driver", "Asynchronous connections on DatabasePool '%s' terminated. "
		"Proceeding with synchronous connections.",

	//! Shut down the synchronous connections
	//! There's no need for locking the connection, because DatabaseWorkerPool<>::Close
	//! should only be called after any other thread tasks in the core have exited,
	//! meaning there can be no concurrent access at this point.

	TC_LOG_INFO("sql.driver", "All connections on DatabasePool '%s' closed.", GetDatabaseName());
int TServerModeDemoDataDM::GetRecordsCount()
  ADQuery->Active = false;
  String ASQL = "IF DB_ID(N\'%s\') IS NOT NULL AND OBJECT_ID(N\'%0:s.dbo.%1:s\') IS NOT NULL SELECT COUNT(*) FROM %0:s.dbo.%1:s; ELSE SELECT 0;";
  TVarRec args[2] = {GetDatabaseName(), GetTableName()};
  ADQuery->Open(Format(ASQL, args, 2));
  if (!ADQuery->Eof)
	return ADQuery->Fields->Fields[0]->AsInteger;
	return 0;
Пример #5
uint32 DatabaseWorkerPool<T>::Open()
	WPFatal(_connectionInfo.get(), "Connection info was not set!");

	TC_LOG_INFO("sql.driver", "Opening DatabasePool '%s'. "
		"Asynchronous connections: %u, synchronous connections: %u.",
		GetDatabaseName(), _async_threads, _synch_threads);

	uint32 error = OpenConnections(IDX_ASYNC, _async_threads);

	if (error)
		return error;

	error = OpenConnections(IDX_SYNCH, _synch_threads);

	if (!error)
		TC_LOG_INFO("sql.driver", "DatabasePool '%s' opened successfully. " SZFMTD
			" total connections running.", GetDatabaseName(),
			(_connections[IDX_SYNCH].size() + _connections[IDX_ASYNC].size()));

	return error;
void TServerModeDemoDataDM::CreateTable()
  String ASQL;
  ASQL = "IF OBJECT_ID(N\'" + GetDatabaseName() + ".dbo." + GetTableName() + "\') IS NULL" + sLineBreak +
	"CREATE TABLE \"dbo\".\"" + GetTableName() + "\"(" +
	" \"OID\" int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, \"Subject\" nvarchar(100) NULL," +
	"\"From\" nvarchar(100) NULL," +
	" \"Sent\" datetime NULL," +
	" \"Size\" bigint NULL," +
	" \"HasAttachment\" bit NULL," +
	" \"Priority\" int NULL," +
	"(" +
	" \"OID\" ASC" +
	") ON \"PRIMARY\";";
  ExecSQL("CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX iSubject_ServerModeGridTableDemo ON \"ServerModeGridTableDemo\" (\"Subject\");");
  ExecSQL("CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX iFrom_ServerModeGridTableDemo ON \"ServerModeGridTableDemo\" (\"From\");");
  ExecSQL("CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX iSent_ServerModeGridTableDemo ON \"ServerModeGridTableDemo\" (\"Sent\");");
  ExecSQL("CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX iSize_ServerModeGridTableDemo ON \"ServerModeGridTableDemo\" (\"Size\");");
  ExecSQL("CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX iHasAttachment_ServerModeGridTableDemo ON \"ServerModeGridTableDemo\" (\"HasAttachment\");");
  ExecSQL("CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX iPriority_ServerModeGridTableDemo ON \"ServerModeGridTableDemo\" (\"Priority\");");
Пример #7
/* --------------------------------
 *  InitMyDatabaseId() -- Find and record the OID of the database we are
 *			  to open.
 *	The database's oid forms half of the unique key for the system
 *	caches and lock tables.  We therefore want it initialized before
 *	we open any relations, since opening relations puts things in the
 *	cache.  To get around this problem, this code opens and scans the
 *	pg_database relation by hand.
 *	This algorithm relies on the fact that first attribute in the
 *	pg_database relation schema is the database name.  It also knows
 *	about the internal format of tuples on disk and the length of
 *	the datname attribute.  It knows the location of the pg_database
 *	file.
 *	This code is called from InitDatabase(), after we chdir() to the
 *	database directory but before we open any relations.
 * --------------------------------
    int		dbfd;
    int		fileflags;
    int		nbytes;
    int		max, i;
    HeapTuple	tup;
    Page	pg;
    PageHeader	ph;
    char	*dbfname;
    Form_pg_database	tup_db;
     *  At bootstrap time, we don't need to check the oid of the database
     *  in use, since we're not using shared memory.  This is lucky, since
     *  the database may not be in the tables yet.
    if (IsBootstrapProcessingMode()) {
    dbfname = (char *) palloc(strlen(DataDir) + strlen("pg_database") + 2);
    sprintf(dbfname, "%s%cpg_database", DataDir, SEP_CHAR);
    fileflags = O_RDONLY;
#ifdef WIN32
    fileflags |= _O_BINARY;
#endif /* WIN32 */
    if ((dbfd = open(dbfname, O_RDONLY, 0666)) < 0)
	elog(FATAL, "Cannot open %s", dbfname);
    /* ----------------
     *	read and examine every page in pg_database
     *	Raw I/O! Read those tuples the hard way! Yow!
     *  Why don't we use the access methods or move this code
     *  someplace else?  This is really pg_database schema dependent
     *  code.  Perhaps it should go in lib/catalog/pg_database?
     *  -cim 10/3/90
     *  mao replies 4 apr 91:  yeah, maybe this should be moved to
     *  lib/catalog.  however, we CANNOT use the access methods since
     *  those use the buffer cache, which uses the relation cache, which
     *  requires that the dbid be set, which is what we're trying to do
     *  here.
     * ----------------
    pg = (Page) palloc(BLCKSZ);
    ph = (PageHeader) pg;
    while ((nbytes = read(dbfd, pg, BLCKSZ)) == BLCKSZ) {
	max = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(pg);
	/* look at each tuple on the page */
	for (i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
	    int offset;
	    /* if it's a freed tuple, ignore it */
	    if (!(ph->pd_linp[i].lp_flags & LP_USED))
	    /* get a pointer to the tuple itself */
	    offset = (int) ph->pd_linp[i].lp_off;
	    tup = (HeapTuple) (((char *) pg) + offset);
	     *  if the tuple has been deleted (the database was destroyed),
	     *  skip this tuple.  XXX warning, will robinson:  violation of
	     *  transaction semantics happens right here.  we should check
	     *  to be sure that the xact that deleted this tuple actually
	     *  committed.  only way to do this at init time is to paw over
	     *  the log relation by hand, too.  let's be optimistic.
	     *  XXX This is an evil type cast.  tup->t_xmax is char[5] while
	     *  TransactionId is struct * { char data[5] }.  It works but
	     *  if data is ever moved and no longer the first field this 
	     *  will be broken!! -mer 11 Nov 1991.
	    if (TransactionIdIsValid((TransactionId)tup->t_xmax))
	     *  Okay, see if this is the one we want.
	     *	XXX 1 july 91:  mao and mer discover that tuples now squash
	     *			t_bits.  Why is this?
	     *     24 july 92:  mer realizes that the t_bits field is only
	     *                  used in the event of null values.  If no
	     *                  fields are null we reduce the header size
	     *                  by doing the squash.  t_hoff tells you exactly
	     *                  how big the header actually is. use the PC
	     *                  means of getting at sys cat attrs.
	    tup_db = (Form_pg_database)GETSTRUCT(tup);
	    if (strncmp(GetDatabaseName(),
			16) == 0)
		    MyDatabaseId = tup->t_oid;
		    goto done;
    (void) close(dbfd);
    if (!OidIsValid(MyDatabaseId))
	     "Database %s does not exist in %s",
Пример #8
static char *
filepath(char *filename)
    char *buf;
    char basename[16];
    int len;

#ifndef WIN32    
    if (*filename != Sep_char) {
    if (!(filename[1] == ':' && filename[2] == Sep_char)) {
#endif /* WIN32 */	

	/* Either /base/ or \base\ */
	sprintf(basename, "%cbase%c", Sep_char, Sep_char);

	len = strlen(DataDir) + strlen(basename) + strlen(GetDatabaseName())
	    + strlen(filename) + 2;
	buf = (char*) palloc(len);
	sprintf(buf, "%s%s%s%c%s",
		DataDir, basename, GetDatabaseName(), Sep_char, filename);
    } else {
	buf = (char *) palloc(strlen(filename) + 1);
	strcpy(buf, filename);

static int
FileAccess(File file)
    int	returnValue;
    DO_DB(printf("DB: FileAccess %d (%s)\n",
		 file, VfdCache[file].fileName));
     * Is the file open?  If not, close the least recently used,
     * then open it and stick it at the head of the used ring
    if (FileIsNotOpen(file)) {
	returnValue = LruInsert(file);
	if (returnValue != 0)
	    return returnValue;
    } else {
	 * We now know that the file is open and that it is not the
	 * last one accessed, so we need to more it to the head of
	 * the Lru ring.
    return (0);
void TServerModeDemoDataDM::CreateDatabase()
	String ASQL = "IF DB_ID(N\'%s\') IS NULL CREATE DATABASE \"%s\";";
	TVarRec args[2] = {GetDatabaseName(), GetDatabaseName()};
	ExecSQL(Format(ASQL, args, 2));