void UK2Node_SwitchInteger::ReallocatePinsDuringReconstruction(TArray<UEdGraphPin*>& OldPins)

	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
	int32 ExecOutPinCount = StartIndex;

	UEdGraphPin* DefaultPin = GetDefaultPin();

	for (int32 i = bHasDefaultPin ? 1 : 0; i < OldPins.Num(); ++i)
		UEdGraphPin* TestPin = OldPins[i];
		if (K2Schema->IsExecPin(*TestPin) && (TestPin->Direction == EGPD_Output))
			// Skip the default pin to avoid creating an extra output pin in the case where the default pin has been toggled off
			if(TestPin->PinName != TEXT("Default"))
				FString NewPinName = GetPinNameGivenIndex(ExecOutPinCount);

				// Make sure the old pin and new pin names match
				TestPin->PinName = NewPinName;

				// Create the new output pin to match
				CreatePin(EGPD_Output, K2Schema->PC_Exec, TEXT(""), NULL, false, false, NewPinName);
void UK2Node_Switch::PostEditChangeProperty(struct FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent)
	FName PropertyName = (PropertyChangedEvent.Property != NULL) ? PropertyChangedEvent.Property->GetFName() : NAME_None;
	if (PropertyName == TEXT("bHasDefaultPin"))
		// Signal to the reconstruction logic that the default pin value has changed
		bHasDefaultPinValueChanged = true;
		if (!bHasDefaultPin)
			UEdGraphPin* DefaultPin = GetDefaultPin();
			if (DefaultPin)
				const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
				K2Schema->BreakPinLinks(*DefaultPin, true);


		// Clear the default pin value change flag
		bHasDefaultPinValueChanged = false;

void UK2Node_SwitchInteger::RemovePin(UEdGraphPin* /*TargetPin*/)
	const UEdGraphSchema_K2* K2Schema = GetDefault<UEdGraphSchema_K2>();
	int32 PinIndex = (StartIndex >= 0) ? StartIndex : 0;

	UEdGraphPin* DefaultPin = GetDefaultPin();

	for (int32 i = 0; i < Pins.Num(); ++i)
		UEdGraphPin* PotentialPin = Pins[i];
		if (K2Schema->IsExecPin(*PotentialPin) && (PotentialPin->Direction == EGPD_Output) && (PotentialPin != DefaultPin))
			PotentialPin->PinName = GetPinNameGivenIndex(PinIndex);
void UK2Node_Switch::RemovePinFromSwitchNode(UEdGraphPin* TargetPin) 
	// If removing the default pin, we'll need to reconstruct the node, so send a property changed event to handle that
	if(bHasDefaultPin && TargetPin == GetDefaultPin())
		UProperty* HasDefaultPinProperty = FindField<UProperty>(GetClass(), "bHasDefaultPin");
		if(HasDefaultPinProperty != NULL)

			bHasDefaultPin = false;

			FPropertyChangedEvent HasDefaultPinPropertyChangedEvent(HasDefaultPinProperty);