virtual void GetDynamicMeshElements(const TArray<const FSceneView*>& Views, const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily, uint32 VisibilityMap, FMeshElementCollector& Collector) const override
		QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_DrawFrustumSceneProxy_DrawDynamicElements );

		FVector Direction(1,0,0);
		FVector LeftVector(0,1,0);
		FVector UpVector(0,0,1);

		FVector Verts[8];

		// FOVAngle controls the horizontal angle.
		const float HozHalfAngleInRadians = FMath::DegreesToRadians(FrustumAngle * 0.5f);

		float HozLength = 0.0f;
		float VertLength = 0.0f;
		if (FrustumAngle > 0.0f)
			HozLength = FrustumStartDist * FMath::Tan(HozHalfAngleInRadians);
			VertLength = HozLength / FrustumAspectRatio;
			const float OrthoWidth = (FrustumAngle == 0.0f) ? 1000.0f : -FrustumAngle;
			HozLength = OrthoWidth * 0.5f;
			VertLength = HozLength / FrustumAspectRatio;

		// near plane verts
		Verts[0] = (Direction * FrustumStartDist) + (UpVector * VertLength) + (LeftVector * HozLength);
		Verts[1] = (Direction * FrustumStartDist) + (UpVector * VertLength) - (LeftVector * HozLength);
		Verts[2] = (Direction * FrustumStartDist) - (UpVector * VertLength) - (LeftVector * HozLength);
		Verts[3] = (Direction * FrustumStartDist) - (UpVector * VertLength) + (LeftVector * HozLength);

		if (FrustumAngle > 0.0f)
			HozLength = FrustumEndDist * FMath::Tan(HozHalfAngleInRadians);
			VertLength = HozLength / FrustumAspectRatio;

		// far plane verts
		Verts[4] = (Direction * FrustumEndDist) + (UpVector * VertLength) + (LeftVector * HozLength);
		Verts[5] = (Direction * FrustumEndDist) + (UpVector * VertLength) - (LeftVector * HozLength);
		Verts[6] = (Direction * FrustumEndDist) - (UpVector * VertLength) - (LeftVector * HozLength);
		Verts[7] = (Direction * FrustumEndDist) - (UpVector * VertLength) + (LeftVector * HozLength);

		for (int32 X = 0; X < 8; ++X)
			Verts[X] = GetLocalToWorld().TransformPosition(Verts[X]);

		for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)
			if (VisibilityMap & (1 << ViewIndex))
				FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI = Collector.GetPDI(ViewIndex);
				const FSceneView* View = Views[ViewIndex];

				const uint8 DepthPriorityGroup = GetDepthPriorityGroup(View);
				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[0], Verts[1], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );
				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[1], Verts[2], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );
				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[2], Verts[3], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );
				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[3], Verts[0], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );

				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[4], Verts[5], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );
				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[5], Verts[6], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );
				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[6], Verts[7], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );
				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[7], Verts[4], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );

				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[0], Verts[4], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );
				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[1], Verts[5], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );
				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[2], Verts[6], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );
				PDI->DrawLine( Verts[3], Verts[7], FrustumColor, DepthPriorityGroup );
Пример #2
	* Draw the scene proxy as a dynamic element
	* @param	PDI - draw interface to render to
	* @param	View - current view
	virtual void DrawDynamicElements(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI,const FSceneView* View)
		QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_ArrowSceneProxy_DrawDynamicElements );

		FMatrix EffectiveLocalToWorld;
		if (bLightAttachment)
			EffectiveLocalToWorld = GetLocalToWorld().GetMatrixWithoutScale();
#endif	//WITH_EDITOR
			EffectiveLocalToWorld = GetLocalToWorld();
		DrawDirectionalArrow(PDI,EffectiveLocalToWorld,ArrowColor,ArrowSize * 3.0f * ARROW_SCALE,ARROW_SCALE,GetDepthPriorityGroup(View));
Пример #3
	virtual void GetDynamicMeshElements(const TArray<const FSceneView*>& Views, const FSceneViewFamily& ViewFamily, uint32 VisibilityMap, FMeshElementCollector& Collector) const override
		QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_SpriteSceneProxy_GetDynamicMeshElements );

		FTexture* TextureResource = (Texture != NULL) ? Texture->Resource : NULL;
		if (TextureResource)
			for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)
				if (VisibilityMap & (1 << ViewIndex))
					const FSceneView* View = Views[ViewIndex];

					// Calculate the view-dependent scaling factor.
					float ViewedSizeX = SizeX;
					float ViewedSizeY = SizeY;

					if (bIsScreenSizeScaled && (View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[3][3] != 1.0f))
						const float ZoomFactor	= FMath::Min<float>(View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[0][0], View->ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[1][1]);

						if(ZoomFactor != 0.0f)
							const float Radius = View->WorldToScreen(Origin).W * (ScreenSize / ZoomFactor);

							if (Radius < 1.0f)
								ViewedSizeX *= Radius;
								ViewedSizeY *= Radius;

					ViewedSizeX *= EditorScale;
					ViewedSizeY *= EditorScale;

					FLinearColor ColorToUse = Color;

					// Set the selection/hover color from the current engine setting.
					// The color is multiplied by 10 because this value is normally expected to be blended
					// additively, this is not how the sprites work and therefore need an extra boost
					// to appear the same color as previously
					if( View->bHasSelectedComponents && !IsIndividuallySelected() )
						ColorToUse = FLinearColor::White + (GEngine->GetSubduedSelectionOutlineColor() * GEngine->SelectionHighlightIntensityBillboards * 10);
					if (IsSelected())
						ColorToUse = FLinearColor::White + (GEngine->GetSelectedMaterialColor() * GEngine->SelectionHighlightIntensityBillboards * 10);
					else if (IsHovered())
						ColorToUse = FLinearColor::White + (GEngine->GetHoveredMaterialColor() * GEngine->HoverHighlightIntensity * 10);

					// Sprites of locked actors draw in red.
					if (bIsActorLocked)
						ColorToUse = FColor::Red;
					FLinearColor LevelColorToUse = IsSelected() ? ColorToUse : (FLinearColor)LevelColor;
					FLinearColor PropertyColorToUse = PropertyColor;

					const FLinearColor& SpriteColor = View->Family->EngineShowFlags.LevelColoration ? LevelColorToUse :
						( (View->Family->EngineShowFlags.PropertyColoration) ? PropertyColorToUse : ColorToUse );


			for (int32 ViewIndex = 0; ViewIndex < Views.Num(); ViewIndex++)
				if (VisibilityMap & (1 << ViewIndex))
					const FSceneView* View = Views[ViewIndex];
					RenderBounds(Collector.GetPDI(ViewIndex), View->Family->EngineShowFlags, GetBounds(), IsSelected());