bool InitializeFlowInterface(Controller *me) { RegistrationData regData; GetConfigData(®Data); if (InitialiseLibFlowMessaging((const char *)regData.url, (const char *)regData.key,(const char *)regData.secret)) { if (RegisterDevice(regData.deviceType, regData.deviceMACAddress, regData.deviceSerialNumber, DEVICE_SOFTWARE_VERSION, regData.deviceName, regData.devRegKey)) { if (GetUserId(me->userId)) { GetDeviceId(SENSOR_DEVICE_TYPE, me->userId, &me->sensorConfig.sensorId); GetDeviceId(ACTUATOR_DEVICE_TYPE, me->userId, &me->actuatorConfig.actuatorId); printf("Flow Interface initialized successfully\n"); return true; } } } printf("Flow Interface initialization failed\n"); return false; }
ECode InputEvent::GetDevice( /* [out] */ IInputDevice** device) { assert(device); Int32 deviceId; GetDeviceId(&deviceId); return CInputDevice::GetDevice(deviceId, device); }
// /// Sends the MCI command to the device if it's not busy. // uint32 TMci::SendCommand(uint msg, uint32 command, uint32 param) { if (IsBusy()) return MCI_NOTIFY_ABORTED; return SendCommand(GetDeviceId(), msg, command, param); }
static VOID ProcessorSetFriendlyName( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject) { KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION *Buffer = NULL; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING HardwareKeyName, ValueName, EnumKeyName; HANDLE KeyHandle = NULL; ULONG DataLength = 0; ULONG BufferLength = 0; NTSTATUS Status; PWSTR KeyNameBuffer = NULL; PWSTR DeviceId = NULL; PWSTR InstanceId = NULL; PWSTR pszPrefix = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentcontrolSet\\Enum"; RtlInitUnicodeString(&HardwareKeyName, L"\\Registry\\Machine\\HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &HardwareKeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL); Status = ZwOpenKey(&KeyHandle, KEY_READ, &ObjectAttributes); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ZwOpenKey() failed (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); return; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"ProcessorNameString"); Status = ZwQueryValueKey(KeyHandle, &ValueName, KeyValuePartialInformation, NULL, 0, &DataLength); if (Status != STATUS_BUFFER_OVERFLOW && Status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL && Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { DPRINT1("ZwQueryValueKey() failed (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); goto done; } Buffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, DataLength + sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION)); if (Buffer == NULL) { DPRINT1("ExAllocatePool() failed\n"); goto done; } Status = ZwQueryValueKey(KeyHandle, &ValueName, KeyValuePartialInformation, Buffer, DataLength + sizeof(KEY_VALUE_PARTIAL_INFORMATION), &DataLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ZwQueryValueKey() failed (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); goto done; } DPRINT("ProcessorNameString: %S\n", (PWSTR)&Buffer->Data[0]); ZwClose(KeyHandle); KeyHandle = NULL; Status = GetDeviceId(DeviceObject, BusQueryDeviceID, &DeviceId); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("GetDeviceId() failed (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); goto done; } DPRINT("DeviceId: %S\n", DeviceId); Status = GetDeviceId(DeviceObject, BusQueryInstanceID, &InstanceId); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("GetDeviceId() failed (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); goto done; } DPRINT("InstanceId: %S\n", InstanceId); BufferLength = wcslen(pszPrefix) + 1 + wcslen(DeviceId) + 1 + wcslen(InstanceId) + 1; KeyNameBuffer = ExAllocatePool(PagedPool, BufferLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (KeyNameBuffer == NULL) { DPRINT1("ExAllocatePool() failed\n"); goto done; } swprintf(KeyNameBuffer, L"%s\\%s\\%s", pszPrefix, DeviceId, InstanceId); RtlInitUnicodeString(&EnumKeyName, KeyNameBuffer); InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &EnumKeyName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE | OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL, NULL); Status = ZwOpenKey(&KeyHandle, KEY_WRITE, &ObjectAttributes); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ZwOpenKey() failed (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); goto done; } RtlInitUnicodeString(&ValueName, L"FriendlyName"); Status = ZwSetValueKey(KeyHandle, &ValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (PVOID)&Buffer->Data[0], Buffer->DataLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("ZwSetValueKey() failed (Status 0x%08lx)\n", Status); goto done; } done: if (KeyHandle != NULL) ZwClose(KeyHandle); if (KeyNameBuffer != NULL) ExFreePool(KeyNameBuffer); if (InstanceId != NULL) ExFreePool(InstanceId); if (DeviceId != NULL) ExFreePool(DeviceId); if (Buffer != NULL) ExFreePool(Buffer); }
void BroadcastReceiver::WriteRecentEndpoints(const std::string& filename, uint8_t threshold) const { std::ofstream outFile; if("") == 0), std::ios::trunc); else, std::ios::trunc); if(!outFile.is_open()) { Trace(ZONE_ERROR, "Open file to write recent endpoints failed\n"); return; } // write to file for(auto it = mIpTable.begin(); it != mIpTable.end(); it++) { const auto currentEndpoint = it->second; if(currentEndpoint.GetScore() >= threshold) { //TODO refactor this but then we have to change the CLI implementation outFile << (int)(currentEndpoint.GetScore()) << ' ' << std::hex << currentEndpoint.GetIp() << ' ' << std::dec << currentEndpoint.GetPort() << ' ' << currentEndpoint.GetDeviceId() << '\n'; } } outFile.close(); }
/*virtual*/ const std::unordered_map<StreamInformation, MinibatchData>& CompositeMinibatchSource::GetNextMinibatch(size_t minibatchSizeInSequences, size_t minibatchSizeInSamples, size_t numberOfWorkers, size_t workerRank, const DeviceDescriptor& device /*= DeviceDescriptor::UseDefaultDevice()*/) /*override*/ { auto profGetMinibatch = Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ScopeProfile(Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::profilerEvtMainGetMinibatch); m_minibatchData.clear(); if (!m_epochEndReached) { if (minibatchSizeInSequences != 0) LogicError("GetNextMinibatch: Specifying minibatch size in #sequences is currently unsupported"); if (minibatchSizeInSamples == 0) InvalidArgument("GetNextMinibatch: Requested minibatch size must be > 0."); if (m_prevMinibatchSize == 0) { EpochConfiguration epochConfig; epochConfig.m_numberOfWorkers = numberOfWorkers; epochConfig.m_workerRank = workerRank; epochConfig.m_minibatchSizeInSamples = minibatchSizeInSamples; epochConfig.m_truncationSize = m_truncationLength; epochConfig.m_allowMinibatchesToCrossSweepBoundaries = true; if (m_maxNumSamplesToRead == MinibatchSource::FullDataSweep) { epochConfig.m_totalEpochSizeInSamples = Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::requestDataSize; } else if (m_maxNumSamplesToRead == MinibatchSource::InfinitelyRepeat) { // Setting big value, but not the max in order to avoid bit overflow. epochConfig.m_totalEpochSizeInSamples = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / 2; } else { epochConfig.m_totalEpochSizeInSamples = m_maxNumSamplesToRead; } epochConfig.m_totalEpochSizeInSweeps = m_maxNumSweepsToRead; epochConfig.m_epochIndex = 0; m_matrices.clear(); std::unordered_set<InputStreamDescription> inputs; for (const auto& s : m_streamInfos) { auto inputStreamDescription = GetInputStreamDescription(s, device); inputs.insert(inputStreamDescription); if (s.m_elementType == DataType::Float) { auto iter = std::find_if(m_compositeDataReaderStreamDescs.begin(), m_compositeDataReaderStreamDescs.end(), [s](StreamDescriptionPtr& streamInfo) { return streamInfo->m_id == s.m_id; }); assert(iter != m_compositeDataReaderStreamDescs.end()); m_matrices.AddInput( s.m_name, std::make_shared<Matrix<float>>(0, 0, inputStreamDescription.GetDeviceId(), inputStreamDescription.GetMatrixType(), inputStreamDescription.GetMatrixFormat()), std::make_shared<MBLayout>(), *(*iter)->m_sampleLayout); } else LogicError("GetNextMinibatch: Input of type other than DataType::Float is currently unsupported by the CNTK built-in composite MinibatchSource!"); } m_shim->StartEpoch(epochConfig, inputs); m_prevMinibatchSize = minibatchSizeInSamples; m_workerRank = workerRank; m_numWorkers = numberOfWorkers; } if (minibatchSizeInSamples != m_prevMinibatchSize || m_workerRank != workerRank || m_numWorkers != numberOfWorkers || m_restorePosition != 0) { std::map<std::wstring, int> inputDescriptions; for (const auto& s : m_streamInfos) inputDescriptions[s.m_name] = AsCNTKImplDeviceId(device); ReaderConfiguration newConfig; newConfig.m_numberOfWorkers = numberOfWorkers; newConfig.m_workerRank = workerRank; newConfig.m_minibatchSizeInSamples = minibatchSizeInSamples; newConfig.m_truncationSize = m_truncationLength; newConfig.m_allowMinibatchesToCrossSweepBoundaries = true; if (m_restorePosition != 0) { m_shim->SetCurrentSamplePosition(m_restorePosition); m_restorePosition = 0; } m_shim->SetConfiguration(newConfig, inputDescriptions); m_prevMinibatchSize = minibatchSizeInSamples; m_workerRank = workerRank; m_numWorkers = numberOfWorkers; } auto hasData = m_shim->GetMinibatch(m_matrices); m_epochEndReached = m_shim->IsEndOfEpoch(); if (m_epochEndReached && !hasData) return m_minibatchData; bool hasReachedSweepEnd = m_shim->IsEndOfSweep(); for (const auto& s: m_streamInfos) { auto input = m_matrices.GetInput(s.m_name); auto& currentStreamInfo = s; ValuePtr minibatchValuePtr; if (!hasData) { m_minibatchData[currentStreamInfo] = { nullptr, 0, 0 }; continue; } if (s.m_elementType == DataType::Float) { auto matrix = dynamic_pointer_cast<Matrix<float>>(input.matrix); if (!matrix) LogicError("GetNextMinibatch: Invalid matrix type."); minibatchValuePtr = MakeSharedObject<PackedValue>(s.m_sampleLayout, Axis::DefaultInputVariableDynamicAxes(), matrix, input.pMBLayout, /*readOnly =*/ false); size_t numSamples = input.pMBLayout->GetActualNumSamples(); size_t numSequences = input.pMBLayout->GetNumSequences(); m_minibatchData[currentStreamInfo] = { minibatchValuePtr, numSequences, numSamples, hasReachedSweepEnd }; } else LogicError("GetNextMinibatch: Input of type other than DataType::Float is currently unsupported by the CNTK built-in composite MinibatchSource!"); } } return m_minibatchData; }
void CNTKEvalExtended<ElemType>::ForwardPassT(const std::vector<ValueBuffer<ElemType, ValueContainer> >& inputs, std::vector<ValueBuffer<ElemType, ValueContainer> >& outputs, bool resetRNN) { if (!m_started) RuntimeError("ForwardPass() called before StartForwardEvaluation()"); if (inputs.size() != (size_t)std::distance(m_inputMatrices.begin(), m_inputMatrices.end())) RuntimeError("Expected %d inputs, but got %d.", (int)std::distance(m_inputMatrices.begin(), m_inputMatrices.end()), (int)inputs.size()); if (outputs.size() != m_outputNodes.size()) RuntimeError("Expected %d outputs, but got %d.", (int)m_outputNodes.size(), (int)outputs.size()); size_t i = 0; for (auto& inputNode : m_inputNodes) { // const cast: The matrix class takes this over without copying and could theoretically change the contents, // though it doesn't in this case. auto& buffer = const_cast<ValueBuffer<ElemType, ValueContainer>&>(inputs[i]); auto matrix = dynamic_pointer_cast<Matrix<ElemType>>(inputNode->ValuePtr()); auto type = matrix->GetMatrixType(); size_t numRows = inputNode->GetSampleLayout().GetNumElements(); if ( == nullptr) RuntimeError("Input %ls: Buffer is not allocated.", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str()); if (type == MatrixType::DENSE) { if (buffer.m_buffer.size() % numRows != 0) RuntimeError("Input %ls: Expected input data to be a multiple of %" PRIu64 ", but it is %" PRIu64 ".", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str(), numRows, buffer.m_buffer.size()); if (buffer.m_buffer.size() == 0) RuntimeError("Input %ls: Expected at least one element.", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str()); } else if (type == MatrixType::SPARSE) { if ( == nullptr) RuntimeError("Input %ls: Due to sparse input format, expected colIndices array, but was nullptr.", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str()); if ( == nullptr) RuntimeError("Input %ls: Due to sparse input format, expected Indices array, but was nullptr.", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str()); if (buffer.m_colIndices.size() < 2) RuntimeError("Input %ls: Expected at least one element (2 entries in colIndices array).", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str()); if (buffer.m_colIndices[0] != 0) RuntimeError("Input %ls: First element of column indices must be 0", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str()); if (buffer.m_colIndices[buffer.m_colIndices.size() - 1] != buffer.m_indices.size()) RuntimeError("Input %ls: Last element of column indices must be equal to the size of indices (%ld), but was %d", m_inputNodes[i]->GetName().c_str(), buffer.m_indices.size(), buffer.m_colIndices[buffer.m_colIndices.size() - 1]); } int numCols = type == MatrixType::DENSE ? buffer.m_buffer.size() / numRows : buffer.m_colIndices.size() - 1; if (numCols < 1) RuntimeError("Input: the number of column must be greater than or equal to 1."); inputNode->GetMBLayout()->Init(1, numCols); // SentinelValueIndicatingUnspecifedSequenceBeginIdx is used to specify the lower bound of look-back step of recurrent nodes inputNode->GetMBLayout()->AddSequence(0, 0, resetRNN ? 0 : SentinelValueIndicatingUnspecifedSequenceBeginIdx, numCols); if (type == MatrixType::DENSE) matrix->SetValue(numRows, numCols, matrix->GetDeviceId(),, matrixFlagNormal); else if (type == MatrixType::SPARSE) { // In the sparse case the m_data layout is identical to CUDA's CSC layout // (see matrix->SetMatrixFromCSCFormat(,,, buffer.m_buffer.size(), numRows, numCols); } ++i; } ComputationNetwork::BumpEvalTimeStamp(m_inputNodes); this->m_net->ForwardProp(m_outputNodes); for (size_t i2 = 0; i2 < m_outputNodes.size(); ++i2) { auto node = m_outputNodes[i2]; shared_ptr<Matrix<ElemType>> outputMatrix = dynamic_pointer_cast<Matrix<ElemType>>(node->ValuePtr()); auto pMBLayout = node->GetMBLayout(); if (!pMBLayout) { pMBLayout = make_shared<MBLayout>(); pMBLayout->InitAsFrameMode(1); // treat this as if we have one single sample } const auto& seq = pMBLayout->GetAllSequences(); if (seq.size() != 1) RuntimeError("Only 1 output sequence supported by this API"); ValueContainer<ElemType>& vec = outputs[i2].m_buffer; size_t numElements = outputMatrix->GetNumElements(); if (vec.capacity() < numElements) { // Bad luck - we can't reallocate memory of an external object at this point. RuntimeError("Not enough space in output buffer for output '%ls'.", node->GetName().c_str()); } vec.resize(numElements); ElemType* data = const_cast<ElemType*>(; outputMatrix->CopyToArray(data, numElements); } }