Пример #1
void CResizableFormView::GetTotalClientRect(LPRECT lpRect) const

	// get dialog template's size
	// (this is set in CFormView::Create)
	CSize sizeTotal, sizePage, sizeLine;
	int nMapMode = 0;
	GetDeviceScrollSizes(nMapMode, sizeTotal, sizePage, sizeLine);

	// otherwise, give the correct size if scrollbars active

	if (nMapMode < 0)	// scrollbars disabled

	// enlarge reported client area when needed
	CRect rect(lpRect);
	if (rect.Width() < sizeTotal.cx)
		rect.right = rect.left + sizeTotal.cx;
	if (rect.Height() < sizeTotal.cy)
		rect.bottom = rect.top + sizeTotal.cy;

	*lpRect = rect;
Пример #2
void CBeatDetectView::GetViewRect
    RECT *prc
    INT32 nTemp;
    SIZE szTotal, szTemp1, szTemp2;
	GetDeviceScrollSizes( nTemp, szTotal, szTemp1, szTemp2 );

    prc->top = 0;
    prc->left = 0;
    prc->bottom = szTotal.cy;
    prc->right = szTotal.cx;
Пример #3
void CAutoScrollView::AutoScroll(UINT nRefMessage)
   MSG   msg;             // dummmy message structure to process incoming
   // messages while autoscrolling.
   CPoint ptScrollPos,    // Current scroll position - logical units
   ptDevScrollPos, // Current scroll position - device units
   ptCursorPos;    // Current mouse cursor position
   CRect  rc; 			  // Client area
   long   dx, dy;         // Scrolling increment
   SIZE   sizeTotal,      // CScrollView scroll data
   int    nMapMode,       // Mapping mode
   nMapFactor,     // Accounts for mapping mode
   xMin, xMax,
   yMin, yMax;   // Scroll range
   if (!m_bAutoScroll)
   msg.message = 0;   // forces at least one loop.
   GetDeviceScrollSizes(nMapMode, sizeTotal, sizePage, sizeLine);
   // We keep track of the scroll range because CScrollView::ScrollToPosition always
   // try to scroll even if the scroll limit has been reached. This results in screen
   // flickering when ScrollWindow is called.
   GetScrollRange(SB_HORZ, &xMin, &xMax);
   GetScrollRange(SB_VERT, &yMin, &yMax);
   // Process all messages until the relevant mouse button
   // has been released. nRefMessage depends on which button
   // has been used to trigger autoscrolling.
   //   while (msg.message != nRefMessage)
   BOOL bSawRefMessage = FALSE;
   while (!bSawRefMessage)
      // Process incoming messages until autoscroll button is released
      // You cannot peek here because it may process an invalidate
      // due to the scrolling.
      if (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
      ptScrollPos = GetScrollPosition();
      ptDevScrollPos = GetDeviceScrollPosition();
      dx = 0L;
      dy = 0L;
      if ((ptCursorPos.y < 0) && (ptDevScrollPos.y != yMin))
      // Cursor is above client area
      dy = min(-sizeLine.cy, max(-sizePage.cy, (ptCursorPos.y/10) * sizeLine.cy));
      else if ((ptCursorPos.y > rc.bottom) &&  (ptDevScrollPos.y != yMax))
      // Cursor is below client area
      dy = max(sizeLine.cy, min(sizePage.cy, ((ptCursorPos.y - rc.bottom)/10) * sizeLine.cy));
      // otherwise we can't scroll anyway
      if ((ptCursorPos.x < 0) && (ptDevScrollPos.x != xMin))
      // Cursor is on the left of the client area
      dx = min(-sizeLine.cx, max(-sizePage.cx, (ptCursorPos.x/10) * sizeLine.cx));
      else if ((ptCursorPos.x > rc.right) && (ptDevScrollPos.x != xMax))
      // Cursor is on the right of the client area
      dx = max(sizeLine.cx, min(sizePage.cx, ((ptCursorPos.x - rc.right)/10) * sizeLine.cx));
      // otherwise we can't scroll anyway
      // if mouse cursor is dragging outside the client area, scrolling occurs
      if ((dx != 0) || (dy != 0))
         // Flip the Y coordinate if we're not in MM_TEXT
         nMapFactor = (nMapMode == MM_TEXT) ? 1 : -1;
         ptScrollPos.y += (int) dy * nMapFactor;
         ptScrollPos.x += (int) dx;
         m_bIsScrolling = TRUE;
         OnAutoScroll(ptCursorPos, TRUE);
         while (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
            //            if (msg.message == nRefMessage) break;
            if (msg.message == nRefMessage) bSawRefMessage = TRUE;
         //         if (!bSawRefMessage)
         OnAutoScroll(ptCursorPos, FALSE);
         while (PeekMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
            //            if (msg.message == nRefMessage) break;
            if (msg.message == nRefMessage) bSawRefMessage = TRUE;
         m_bIsScrolling = FALSE;
   m_bIsScrolling = FALSE;
Пример #4
			UINT nScrollCode,
			UINT unPos,
			BOOL bDoScroll 
	int nPos = (int) unPos;
//	fprintf(stderr, "on scroll %d/%d %d %d\n", nScrollCode&0xff, (nScrollCode&0xff00)>>8, nPos, bDoScroll);
	InvalidateRect(NULL, TRUE);
	switch ((nScrollCode&0xff00)>>8) {
		case SB_BOTTOM: { //   Scroll to bottom. 
			if (channeler && bDoScroll) {
				long cPos = GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);
				int		scrollMapMode;
				CSize	totalSize;
				CSize	pageSize;
				CSize	lineSize;
				GetDeviceScrollSizes(scrollMapMode, totalSize, pageSize, lineSize);
//				fprintf(stderr, "V Scrolling channels to bottom %d\n", pageSize.cy);
				if (cPos < totalSize.cy) {
					channeler->ScrollWindow(0, totalSize.cy-cPos, NULL, NULL);
		case SB_ENDSCROLL: { //   End scroll. 
			if (channeler) {
//				fprintf(stderr, "End of scroll\n");
		case SB_LINEDOWN: { //   Scroll one line down. 
			if (channeler && bDoScroll) {
				long cPos = GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);
				int		scrollMapMode;
				CSize	totalSize;
				CSize	pageSize;
				CSize	lineSize;
				GetDeviceScrollSizes(scrollMapMode, totalSize, pageSize, lineSize);
//				fprintf(stderr, "V Scrolling channels linedown %d %d %d\n", lineSize.cy, cPos, totalSize.cy);
				if (cPos < totalSize.cy-bounds.bottom) {
					int scrollAmt =  (cPos+lineSize.cy > totalSize.cy-bounds.bottom)?cPos - totalSize.cy+bounds.bottom:-lineSize.cy;
					channeler->ScrollWindow(0, scrollAmt, NULL, NULL);
		case SB_LINEUP: { //   Scroll one line up. 
			if (channeler && bDoScroll) {
				long cPos = GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);
				long chPos = channeler->GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);
				int		scrollMapMode;
				CSize	totalSize;
				CSize	pageSize;
				CSize	lineSize;
				GetDeviceScrollSizes(scrollMapMode, totalSize, pageSize, lineSize);
				if (cPos > 0) {
					int scrollAmt =  (cPos-lineSize.cy < 0)?cPos:lineSize.cy;
//					fprintf(stderr, "V Scrolling channels lineup %d %d %d scroll amt %d %d\n", lineSize.cy, cPos, totalSize.cy, scrollAmt, chPos);
					channeler->ScrollWindow(0, scrollAmt, NULL, NULL);
		case SB_PAGEDOWN: { //   Scroll one page down. 
			if (channeler && bDoScroll) {
				long cPos = GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);
				int		scrollMapMode;
				CSize	totalSize;
				CSize	pageSize;
				CSize	lineSize;
				GetDeviceScrollSizes(scrollMapMode, totalSize, pageSize, lineSize);
//				fprintf(stderr, "V Scrolling channels pagedown %d\n", pageSize.cy);
				if (cPos < totalSize.cy-bounds.bottom) {
					int scrollAmt = (cPos+pageSize.cy > totalSize.cy-bounds.bottom)?cPos - totalSize.cy+bounds.bottom:-pageSize.cy;
					channeler->ScrollWindow(0, scrollAmt, NULL, NULL);
		case SB_PAGEUP: { //   Scroll one page up. 
			if (channeler && bDoScroll) {
				long cPos = GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);
				int		scrollMapMode;
				CSize	totalSize;
				CSize	pageSize;
				CSize	lineSize;
				GetDeviceScrollSizes(scrollMapMode, totalSize, pageSize, lineSize);
//				fprintf(stderr, "V Scrolling channels pageup %d\n", pageSize.cy);
				if (cPos > 0) {
					int scrollAmt = 
						(cPos-pageSize.cy < 0)?cPos:pageSize.cy;
					channeler->ScrollWindow(0, scrollAmt, NULL, NULL);
		case SB_THUMBPOSITION:  //   Scroll to the absolute position. The current position is provided in nPos. 
		case SB_THUMBTRACK: { //   Drag scroll box to specified position. The current position is provided in nPos. 
			if (channeler && bDoScroll) {
				long cPos = GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);
//				fprintf(stderr, "V Scrolling channels absolute in parallel %x %d %d\n", nScrollCode, nPos, cPos);
		case SB_TOP: { //   Scroll to top. 
			if (channeler && bDoScroll) {
				long cPos = GetScrollPos(SB_VERT);
//				fprintf(stderr, "V Scrolling to top (by %d)\n", -cPos);
				if (cPos > 0) {
	return CScrollView::OnScroll(nScrollCode,unPos,bDoScroll);