// ReadKey(): // Finds and reads a FreeKey license, returning false if the // key cannot be found. Returns a pointer to the matching // key if the found; otherwise, it returns NULL. const char * FreeKeyDongle::ReadKey( const char *path ) { char filename[ MAX_PATH_LENGTH ]; if( path == NULL ) { // Get the Plug-in's Path #ifdef WIN32 GetModuleFileName( hinst, filename, MAX_PATH_LENGTH ); #endif DirStrings::ChangeFile( filename, "freekey.key" ); } else strcpy( filename, path ); if( !DirInfo::Exists( filename ) ) return NULL; pifstream in( filename ); if( !in ) return NULL; in.GuessEOLType(); static char buffer[ 64 ]; do { in.getline( buffer, 64 ); if( TestKey( buffer, GetDongleID() ) ) return buffer; } while( !in.eof() ); return NULL; }
// MakeRegisterPanel(): // Creates the Register Panel bool SimplifyDongle::MakeRegisterPanel() { if( simp_int == NULL ) return false; // Create the Panel register_panel = simp_int->panel_funcs->Create( "Simplify Registration" ); try { if( !( dongle_id = STRRO_CTL( simp_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, register_panel, "Dongle ID", 43 ) ) ) throw false; if( !( reg_code = STR_CTL( simp_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, register_panel, "Reg Code", 43 ) ) ) throw false; if( !( register_now = WBUTTON_CTL( simp_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, register_panel, "Register Now", 150 ) ) ) throw false; // Position some things MOVE_CON( dongle_id, 25, 212 ); PanelTools::AlignLabels( dongle_id, reg_code ); PAN_SETW( simp_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, register_panel, 400 ); PAN_SETH( simp_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, register_panel, 350 ); PanelTools::PutUnder( reg_code, register_now ); int pw = PAN_GETW( simp_int->panel_funcs->orig_struct, register_panel ); int w = CON_W( register_now ); int y = CON_Y( register_now ); MOVE_CON( register_now, (pw/2 - w/2), y ); // Default Values char buffer[10]; sprintf( buffer, "%ld", GetDongleID() ); SET_STR( dongle_id, buffer, strlen( buffer ) ); // Listener Functions CON_SETEVENT( register_now, OnRegisterNow, this ); CON_SETEVENT( reg_code, OnRegisterNow, this ); // Set the Draw Functions simp_int->panel_funcs->Set( register_panel, PAN_USERDRAW, DrawRegisterPanel ); return true; } catch( bool a ) { if( !a ) { simp_int->message->Error("Error creating interface controls; aborting" ); return false; } } return true; }