Пример #1
ShipType::ShipType(const Id &_id, const std::string &path)
	Json::Reader reader;
	Json::Value data;

	isGlobalColorDefined = false;

	auto fd = FileSystem::gameDataFiles.ReadFile(path);
	if (!fd) {
		Output("couldn't open ship def '%s'\n", path.c_str());

	if (!reader.parse(fd->GetData(), fd->GetData()+fd->GetSize(), data)) {
		Output("couldn't read ship def '%s': %s\n", path.c_str(), reader.getFormattedErrorMessages().c_str());

	// determine what kind (tag) of ship this is.
	const std::string tagStr = data.get("tag", "").asString();
	if( tagStr.empty() || strcasecmp(tagStr.c_str(), "ship")==0 ) {
		tag = TAG_SHIP;
	} else if( strcasecmp(tagStr.c_str(), "static")==0 ) {
	} else if( strcasecmp(tagStr.c_str(), "missile")==0 ) {
		tag = TAG_MISSILE;

	id = _id;
	name = data.get("name", "").asString();
	shipClass = data.get("ship_class", "").asString();
	manufacturer = data.get("manufacturer", "").asString();
	modelName = data.get("model", "").asString();
	cockpitName = data.get("cockpit", "").asString();

	linThrust[THRUSTER_REVERSE] = data.get("reverse_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	linThrust[THRUSTER_FORWARD] = data.get("forward_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	linThrust[THRUSTER_UP] = data.get("up_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	linThrust[THRUSTER_DOWN] = data.get("down_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	linThrust[THRUSTER_LEFT] = data.get("left_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	linThrust[THRUSTER_RIGHT] = data.get("right_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	angThrust = data.get("angular_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();

	// Parse global thrusters color
	bool error = false;
	int parse = 0;
	for( Json::Value::iterator thruster_color = data["thruster_global_color"].begin() ; thruster_color != data["thruster_global_color"].end() ; ++thruster_color ) {
		const std::string colorchannel = thruster_color.key().asString();
		if (colorchannel.length()!=1) {
			error = true;
		if (colorchannel.at(0) == 'r') {
			globalThrusterColor.r = data["thruster_global_color"].get(colorchannel, 0).asInt();
		} else if (colorchannel.at(0) == 'g') {
			globalThrusterColor.g = data["thruster_global_color"].get(colorchannel, 0).asInt();
		} else if (colorchannel.at(0) == 'b') {
			globalThrusterColor.b = data["thruster_global_color"].get(colorchannel, 0).asInt();
		} else {
			// No 'r', no 'g', no 'b', no good :/
			error = true;
	if (error==true) {
		Output("In file \"%s.json\" global thrusters custom color must be \"r\",\"g\" and \"b\"\n", modelName.c_str());
	} else if (parse>0 && parse<3) {
		Output("In file \"%s.json\" global thrusters custom color is malformed\n", modelName.c_str());
	} else if (parse==3) {
		globalThrusterColor.a = 255;
		isGlobalColorDefined = true;
	// Parse direction thrusters color
	for (int i=0; i<THRUSTER_MAX; i++) isDirectionColorDefined[i]=false;
	error = false;
	for( Json::Value::iterator thruster_color = data["thruster_direction_color"].begin() ; thruster_color != data["thruster_direction_color"].end() ; ++thruster_color ) {
		const std::string th_color_dir = thruster_color.key().asString();
		Json::Value dir_color = data["thruster_direction_color"].get(th_color_dir, 0);
		Color color;
		if (!dir_color.isMember("r")||!dir_color.isMember("g")||!dir_color.isMember("b")) {
			error = true;
			continue /* for */;
		} else {
			color.r = dir_color["r"].asInt();
			color.g = dir_color["g"].asInt();
			color.b = dir_color["b"].asInt();
			color.a = 255;
		if (th_color_dir.find("forward")!=std::string::npos) {
			directionThrusterColor[THRUSTER_FORWARD]= color;
		if (th_color_dir.find("retro")!=std::string::npos) {
			directionThrusterColor[THRUSTER_REVERSE]= color;
		if (th_color_dir.find("left")!=std::string::npos) {
			directionThrusterColor[THRUSTER_LEFT]= color;
		if (th_color_dir.find("right")!=std::string::npos) {
			directionThrusterColor[THRUSTER_RIGHT]= color;
		if (th_color_dir.find("up")!=std::string::npos) {
			directionThrusterColor[THRUSTER_UP]= color;
		if (th_color_dir.find("down")!=std::string::npos) {
			directionThrusterColor[THRUSTER_DOWN]= color;
	if (error==true) {
		for (int i=0; i<THRUSTER_MAX; i++) isDirectionColorDefined[i]=false;
		Output("In file \"%s.json\" directional thrusters custom color must be \"r\",\"g\" and \"b\"\n", modelName.c_str());
	// invert values where necessary
	linThrust[THRUSTER_FORWARD] *= -1.f;
	linThrust[THRUSTER_LEFT] *= -1.f;
	linThrust[THRUSTER_DOWN] *= -1.f;
	// angthrust fudge (XXX: why?)
	angThrust = angThrust * 0.5f;

	hullMass = data.get("hull_mass", 100).asInt();
	capacity = data.get("capacity", 0).asInt();
	fuelTankMass = data.get("fuel_tank_mass", 5).asInt();

	for( Json::Value::iterator slot = data["slots"].begin() ; slot != data["slots"].end() ; ++slot ) {
		const std::string slotname = slot.key().asString();
		slots[slotname] = data["slots"].get(slotname, 0).asInt();

	for( Json::Value::iterator role = data["roles"].begin(); role != data["roles"].end(); ++role ) {
		const std::string rolename = role.key().asString();
		roles[rolename] = data["roles"].get(rolename, 0).asBool();

	for(int it=0;it<4;it++) thrusterUpgrades[it] = 1.0 + (double(it)/10.0);
	for( Json::Value::iterator slot = data["thrust_upgrades"].begin() ; slot != data["thrust_upgrades"].end() ; ++slot ) {
		const std::string slotname = slot.key().asString();
		const int index = Clamp(atoi(&slotname.c_str()[9]), 1, 3);
		thrusterUpgrades[index] = data["thrust_upgrades"].get(slotname, 0).asDouble();

	atmosphericPressureLimit = data.get("atmospheric_pressure_limit", 10.0).asDouble();	// 10 atmosphere is about 90 metres underwater (on Earth)

		const auto it = slots.find("engine");
		if (it != slots.end())
			it->second = Clamp(it->second, 0, 1);

	effectiveExhaustVelocity = data.get("effective_exhaust_velocity", -1.0f).asFloat();
	const float thruster_fuel_use = data.get("thruster_fuel_use", -1.0f).asFloat();

	if(effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use < 0) {
		// default value of v_c is used
		effectiveExhaustVelocity = 55000000;
	} else if(effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use >= 0) {
		// v_c undefined and thruster fuel use defined -- use it!
		effectiveExhaustVelocity = GetEffectiveExhaustVelocity(fuelTankMass, thruster_fuel_use, linThrust[Thruster::THRUSTER_FORWARD]);
	} else {
		if(thruster_fuel_use >= 0) {
			Output("Warning: Both thruster_fuel_use and effective_exhaust_velocity defined for %s, using effective_exhaust_velocity.\n", modelName.c_str());

	baseprice = data.get("price", 0.0).asDouble();
	minCrew = data.get("min_crew", 1).asInt();
	maxCrew = data.get("max_crew", 1).asInt();
	hyperdriveClass = data.get("hyperdrive_class", 1).asInt();
Пример #2
int _define_ship(lua_State *L, ShipType::Tag tag, std::vector<ShipType::Id> *list)
	if (s_currentShipFile.empty())
		return luaL_error(L, "ship file contains multiple ship definitions");

	Json::Value data;

	ShipType s;
	s.tag = tag;
	s.id = s_currentShipFile;

	LuaTable t(L, -1);

	s.name = t.Get("name", "");
	s.shipClass = t.Get("ship_class", "unknown");
	s.manufacturer = t.Get("manufacturer", "unknown");
	s.modelName = t.Get("model", "");

	data["name"] = s.name;
	data["ship_class"] = s.shipClass;
	data["manufacturer"] = s.manufacturer;
	data["model"] = s.modelName;

	s.cockpitName = t.Get("cockpit", "");
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_REVERSE] = t.Get("reverse_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] = t.Get("forward_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_UP] = t.Get("up_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_DOWN] = t.Get("down_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_LEFT] = t.Get("left_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_RIGHT] = t.Get("right_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.angThrust = t.Get("angular_thrust", 0.0f);

	data["cockpit"] = s.cockpitName;
	data["reverse_thrust"] = s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_REVERSE];
	data["forward_thrust"] = s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD];
	data["up_thrust"] = s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_UP];
	data["down_thrust"] = s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_DOWN];
	data["left_thrust"] = s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_LEFT];
	data["right_thrust"] = s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_RIGHT];
	data["angular_thrust"] = s.angThrust;

	// invert values where necessary
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] *= -1.f;
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_LEFT] *= -1.f;
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_DOWN] *= -1.f;
	// angthrust fudge (XXX: why?)
	s.angThrust = s.angThrust / 2;

	s.capacity = t.Get("capacity", 0);
	s.hullMass = t.Get("hull_mass", 100);
	s.fuelTankMass = t.Get("fuel_tank_mass", 5);

	data["capacity"] = s.capacity;
	data["hull_mass"] = s.hullMass;
	data["fuel_tank_mass"] = s.fuelTankMass;

	LuaTable slot_table = t.Sub("slots");
	if (slot_table.GetLua()) {
		s.slots = slot_table.GetMap<std::string, int>();
	lua_pop(L, 1);

		const auto it = s.slots.find("engine");
		if (it != s.slots.end()) { it->second = Clamp(it->second, 0, 1); }

	for( auto slot : s.slots ) {
		data["slots"][slot.first] = slot.second;

	// fuel_use_rate can be given in two ways
	float thruster_fuel_use = 0;
	s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = t.Get("effective_exhaust_velocity", -1.0f);
	thruster_fuel_use = t.Get("thruster_fuel_use", -1.0f);

	data["effective_exhaust_velocity"] = s.effectiveExhaustVelocity;
	data["thruster_fuel_use"] = thruster_fuel_use;

	if(s.effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use < 0) {
		// default value of v_c is used
		s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = 55000000;
	} else if(s.effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use >= 0) {
		// v_c undefined and thruster fuel use defined -- use it!
		s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = GetEffectiveExhaustVelocity(s.fuelTankMass, thruster_fuel_use, s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD]);
	} else {
		if(thruster_fuel_use >= 0)
			Output("Warning: Both thruster_fuel_use and effective_exhaust_velocity defined for %s, using effective_exhaust_velocity.\n", s.modelName.c_str());

	s.baseprice = t.Get("price", 0.0);

	s.minCrew = t.Get("min_crew", 1);
	s.maxCrew = t.Get("max_crew", 1);

	s.hyperdriveClass = t.Get("hyperdrive_class", 1);

	data["price"] = s.baseprice;
	data["min_crew"] = s.minCrew;
	data["max_crew"] = s.maxCrew;
	data["hyperdrive_class"] = s.hyperdriveClass;

	Json::StyledWriter writer;
	const std::string saveMe = writer.write( data );

	const std::string path("ships/" + s_currentShipFile + ".json");
	FileSystem::FileSourceFS newFS(FileSystem::GetDataDir());
	FILE *f = newFS.OpenWriteStream(path);
	if (!f) {
		Output("couldn't open file for writing '%s'\n", path.c_str());
	fwrite(saveMe.data(), saveMe.length(), 1, f);

	lua_pop(L, 1);

	//sanity check
	if (s.name.empty())
		return luaL_error(L, "Ship has no name");

	if (s.modelName.empty())
		return luaL_error(L, "Missing model name in ship");

	if (s.minCrew < 1 || s.maxCrew < 1 || s.minCrew > s.maxCrew)
		return luaL_error(L, "Invalid values for min_crew and max_crew");

	const std::string& id = s_currentShipFile;
	typedef std::map<std::string, const ShipType>::iterator iter;
	std::pair<iter, bool> result = ShipType::types.insert(std::make_pair(id, s));
	if (result.second)
		return luaL_error(L, "Ship '%s' was already defined by a different file", id.c_str());

	return 0;
Пример #3
ShipType::ShipType(const Id &_id, const std::string &path) 
	Json::Reader reader;
	Json::Value data;

	auto fd = FileSystem::gameDataFiles.ReadFile(path);
	if (!fd) {
		Output("couldn't open ship def '%s'\n", path.c_str());

	if (!reader.parse(fd->GetData(), fd->GetData()+fd->GetSize(), data)) {
		Output("couldn't read ship def '%s': %s\n", path.c_str(), reader.getFormattedErrorMessages().c_str());

	// determine what kind (tag) of ship this is.
	const std::string tagStr = data.get("tag", "").asString();
	if( tagStr.empty() || strcasecmp(tagStr.c_str(), "ship")==0 ) {
		tag = TAG_SHIP;
	} else if( strcasecmp(tagStr.c_str(), "static")==0 ) {
	} else if( strcasecmp(tagStr.c_str(), "missile")==0 ) {
		tag = TAG_MISSILE;

	id = _id;
	name = data.get("name", "").asString();
	shipClass = data.get("ship_class", "").asString();
	manufacturer = data.get("manufacturer", "").asString();
	modelName = data.get("model", "").asString();
	cockpitName = data.get("cockpit", "").asString();

	linThrust[THRUSTER_REVERSE] = data.get("reverse_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	linThrust[THRUSTER_FORWARD] = data.get("forward_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	linThrust[THRUSTER_UP] = data.get("up_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	linThrust[THRUSTER_DOWN] = data.get("down_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	linThrust[THRUSTER_LEFT] = data.get("left_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	linThrust[THRUSTER_RIGHT] = data.get("right_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();
	angThrust = data.get("angular_thrust", 0.0f).asFloat();

	// invert values where necessary
	linThrust[THRUSTER_FORWARD] *= -1.f;
	linThrust[THRUSTER_LEFT] *= -1.f;
	linThrust[THRUSTER_DOWN] *= -1.f;
	// angthrust fudge (XXX: why?)
	angThrust = angThrust * 0.5f;

	hullMass = data.get("hull_mass", 100).asInt();
	capacity = data.get("capacity", 0).asInt();
	fuelTankMass = data.get("fuel_tank_mass", 5).asInt();

	for( Json::Value::iterator slot = data["slots"].begin() ; slot != data["slots"].end() ; ++slot ) {
		const std::string slotname = slot.key().asString();
		slots[slotname] = data["slots"].get(slotname, 0).asInt();

		const auto it = slots.find("engine");
		if (it != slots.end()) 
			it->second = Clamp(it->second, 0, 1); 

	effectiveExhaustVelocity = data.get("effective_exhaust_velocity", -1.0f).asFloat();
	const float thruster_fuel_use = data.get("thruster_fuel_use", -1.0f).asFloat();

	if(effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use < 0) {
		// default value of v_c is used
		effectiveExhaustVelocity = 55000000;
	} else if(effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use >= 0) {
		// v_c undefined and thruster fuel use defined -- use it!
		effectiveExhaustVelocity = GetEffectiveExhaustVelocity(fuelTankMass, thruster_fuel_use, linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD]);
	} else {
		if(thruster_fuel_use >= 0) {
			Output("Warning: Both thruster_fuel_use and effective_exhaust_velocity defined for %s, using effective_exhaust_velocity.\n", modelName.c_str());
	baseprice = data.get("price", 0.0).asDouble();
	minCrew = data.get("min_crew", 1).asInt();
	maxCrew = data.get("max_crew", 1).asInt();
	hyperdriveClass = data.get("hyperdrive_class", 1).asInt();
Пример #4
int _define_ship(lua_State *L, ShipType::Tag tag, std::vector<ShipType::Id> *list)
	if (s_currentShipFile.empty())
		return luaL_error(L, "ship file contains multiple ship definitions");

	ShipType s;
	s.tag = tag;
	s.id = s_currentShipFile;

	LuaTable t(L, -1);

	s.name = t.Get("name", "");
	s.shipClass = t.Get("ship_class", "unknown");
	s.manufacturer = t.Get("manufacturer", "unknown");
	s.modelName = t.Get("model", "");

	s.cockpitName = t.Get("cockpit", "");
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_REVERSE] = t.Get("reverse_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] = t.Get("forward_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_UP] = t.Get("up_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_DOWN] = t.Get("down_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_LEFT] = t.Get("left_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_RIGHT] = t.Get("right_thrust", 0.0f);
	s.angThrust = t.Get("angular_thrust", 0.0f);
	// invert values where necessary
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD] *= -1.f;
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_LEFT] *= -1.f;
	s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_DOWN] *= -1.f;
	// angthrust fudge (XXX: why?)
	s.angThrust = s.angThrust / 2;

	lua_pushstring(L, "camera_offset");
	lua_gettable(L, -2);
	if (!lua_isnil(L, -1))
		Output("ship definition for '%s' has deprecated 'camera_offset' field\n", s.id.c_str());
	lua_pop(L, 1);
	s.cameraOffset = t.Get("camera_offset", vector3d(0.0));

	for (int i=0; i<Equip::SLOT_MAX; i++) s.equipSlotCapacity[i] = 0;
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CARGO] = t.Get("max_cargo", 0);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENGINE] = t.Get("max_engine", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_LASER] = t.Get("max_laser", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_MISSILE] = t.Get("max_missile", 0);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ECM] = t.Get("max_ecm", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_SCANNER] = t.Get("max_scanner", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_RADARMAPPER] = t.Get("max_radarmapper", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_HYPERCLOUD] = t.Get("max_hypercloud", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_HULLAUTOREPAIR] = t.Get("max_hullautorepair", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENERGYBOOSTER] = t.Get("max_energybooster", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ATMOSHIELD] = t.Get("max_atmoshield", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CABIN] = t.Get("max_cabin", 50);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_SHIELD] = t.Get("max_shield", 9999);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_FUELSCOOP] = t.Get("max_fuelscoop", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CARGOSCOOP] = t.Get("max_cargoscoop", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_LASERCOOLER] = t.Get("max_lasercooler", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_CARGOLIFESUPPORT] = t.Get("max_cargolifesupport", 1);
	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_AUTOPILOT] = t.Get("max_autopilot", 1);

	s.capacity = t.Get("capacity", 0);
	s.hullMass = t.Get("hull_mass", 100);
	s.fuelTankMass = t.Get("fuel_tank_mass", 5);

	LuaTable slot_table = t.Sub("slots");
	if (slot_table.GetLua()) {
		s.slots = slot_table.GetMap<std::string, int>();
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	// fuel_use_rate can be given in two ways
	float thruster_fuel_use = 0;
	s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = t.Get("effective_exhaust_velocity", -1.0f);
	thruster_fuel_use = t.Get("thruster_fuel_use", -1.0f);
	if(s.effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use < 0) {
		// default value of v_c is used
		s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = 55000000;
	} else if(s.effectiveExhaustVelocity < 0 && thruster_fuel_use >= 0) {
		// v_c undefined and thruster fuel use defined -- use it!
		s.effectiveExhaustVelocity = GetEffectiveExhaustVelocity(s.fuelTankMass, thruster_fuel_use, s.linThrust[ShipType::THRUSTER_FORWARD]);
	} else {
		if(thruster_fuel_use >= 0)
			Output("Warning: Both thruster_fuel_use and effective_exhaust_velocity defined for %s, using effective_exhaust_velocity.\n", s.modelName.c_str());

	s.baseprice = t.Get("price", 0);
	s.baseprice *= 100; // in hundredths of credits

	s.minCrew = t.Get("min_crew", 1);
	s.maxCrew = t.Get("max_crew", 1);

	s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENGINE] = Clamp(s.equipSlotCapacity[Equip::SLOT_ENGINE], 0, 1);

	s.hyperdriveClass = t.Get("hyperdrive_class", 1);

	for (int i = 0; i < ShipType::GUNMOUNT_MAX; i++) {
		s.gunMount[i].pos = vector3f(0,0,0);
		s.gunMount[i].dir = vector3f(0,0,1);
		s.gunMount[i].sep = 5;
		s.gunMount[i].orient = ShipType::DUAL_LASERS_HORIZONTAL;

	lua_pushstring(L, "gun_mounts");
	lua_gettable(L, -2);
	if (lua_istable(L, -1)) {
		Output("ship definition for '%s' has deprecated 'gun_mounts' field\n", s.id.c_str());
		for (unsigned int i=0; i<lua_rawlen(L,-1); i++) {
			lua_pushinteger(L, i+1);
			lua_gettable(L, -2);
			if (lua_istable(L, -1) && lua_rawlen(L,-1) == 4)	{
				lua_pushinteger(L, 1);
				lua_gettable(L, -2);
				s.gunMount[i].pos = LuaVector::CheckFromLuaF(L, -1);
				lua_pop(L, 1);
				lua_pushinteger(L, 2);
				lua_gettable(L, -2);
				s.gunMount[i].dir = LuaVector::CheckFromLuaF(L, -1);
				lua_pop(L, 1);
				lua_pushinteger(L, 3);
				lua_gettable(L, -2);
				s.gunMount[i].sep = lua_tonumber(L,-1);
				lua_pop(L, 1);
				lua_pushinteger(L, 4);
				lua_gettable(L, -2);
				s.gunMount[i].orient = static_cast<ShipType::DualLaserOrientation>(
						LuaConstants::GetConstantFromArg(L, "DualLaserOrientation", -1));
				lua_pop(L, 1);
			lua_pop(L, 1);
	lua_pop(L, 1);

	//sanity check
	if (s.name.empty())
		return luaL_error(L, "Ship has no name");

	if (s.modelName.empty())
		return luaL_error(L, "Missing model name in ship");

	if (s.minCrew < 1 || s.maxCrew < 1 || s.minCrew > s.maxCrew)
		return luaL_error(L, "Invalid values for min_crew and max_crew");

	const std::string& id = s_currentShipFile;
	typedef std::map<ShipType::Id, ShipType>::iterator iter;
	std::pair<iter, bool> result = ShipType::types.insert(std::make_pair(id, s));
	if (result.second)
		return luaL_error(L, "Ship '%s' was already defined by a different file", id.c_str());

	return 0;
Пример #5
// returns speed that can be reached using fuel minus reserve according to the Tsiolkovsky equation
double Ship::GetSpeedReachedWithFuel()
	double fuelmass = 1000*GetShipType().fuelTankMass * (m_thrusterFuel - m_reserveFuel);
	if (fuelmass < 0) return 0.0;
	return GetEffectiveExhaustVelocity() * log(GetMass()/(GetMass()-fuelmass));