void Project::GetFiles(std::vector<wxFileName> &files, bool absPath) { if (absPath) { DirSaver ds; ::wxSetWorkingDirectory(m_fileName.GetPath()); GetFiles(m_doc.GetRoot(), files, true); } else { GetFiles(m_doc.GetRoot(), files, false); } }
inline HRESULT __stdcall ISimpleDropTarget::DragEnter(IDataObject * pDataObject, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL ptl, DWORD * pdwEffect) { POINT pt; pt.x = ptl.x; pt.y = ptl.y; if (m_pdth && PrevFancyRenderer) { m_pdth->DragEnter(m_hwnd, pDataObject, &pt, *pdwEffect); } m_DataObject = pDataObject; dragInAction = true; m_RightData = QueryDataObject(pDataObject); bool canDrop = m_RightData && AllowDrop(ptl); if (canDrop) { SetFocus(m_hwnd); auto files = GetFiles(pDataObject); *pdwEffect = OnDragEnter(files, grfKeyState, ptl); } else { *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE; } return S_OK; }
NS_IMETHODIMP DataTransfer::GetFiles(nsIDOMFileList** aFileList) { ErrorResult rv; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aFileList = GetFiles(rv)); return rv.ErrorCode(); }
void Project::GetFiles(wxXmlNode *parent, std::vector<wxFileName>& files, std::vector<wxFileName>& absFiles) { if ( !parent ) { return; } wxXmlNode *child = parent->GetChildren(); while (child) { if (child->GetName() == wxT("File")) { wxString fileName = child->GetPropVal(wxT("Name"), wxEmptyString); wxFileName tmp(fileName); // append the file as it appears files.push_back(tmp); // convert to absolute path tmp.MakeAbsolute(); absFiles.push_back(tmp); } else if (child->GetChildren()) {// we could also add a check for VirtualDirectory only GetFiles(child, files, absFiles); } child = child->GetNext(); } }
void DirectoryLexicalAnalyzer::Initialize() { std::vector <std::string> fileNames = GetFiles(); for (auto fileNameIter = fileNames.begin(); fileNameIter != fileNames.end(); ++fileNameIter) { std::fstream file; file.open(*fileNameIter, std::ios_base::in); while (!file.eof()) { std::string word; file >> word; if (word.length() > 0) { word = GetWordWithoutSurroundingPunctuation(word, ",:;![]{}()'\""); if (word.length() > 0) { // we lower case the first letter, unless there are capitals inside the word // in which case we assume that it's some kind of abbreviation if (std::none_of(word.begin() + 1, word.end(), ::isupper)) word[0] = ::tolower(word[0]); m_WordCount++; m_Frequency[word]++; m_LongestWordLength = max(word.length(), m_LongestWordLength); } } } file.close(); } m_IsInitialized = true; }
bool Folder::Delete(bool recursively)const { if (!Exists()) return false; if (recursively) { std::list<Folder> folders; GetFolders(folders); for (auto iter = folders.begin(); iter != folders.end(); iter++) { if (!(*iter).Delete(true)) { return false; } } std::list<File> files; GetFiles(files); for (auto iter = files.begin(); iter != files.end(); iter++) { if (!(*iter).Delete()) { return false; } } return Delete(false); } return RemoveDirectory(filePath_.GetFullPath().Buffer()) != 0; }
// compiles all files bool opDriver::NormalMode(const opParameters& p) { // verify the output directory... path dirpath = p.GeneratedDirectory.GetString(); if (!exists(dirpath)) create_directories(dirpath); opSet<path> files = GetFiles(); // if there are no files to compile, return false if (files.size() == 0) { if (!p.Silent) Log("Error: No files to compile!"); return false; } // compile all files bool bResult = true; typedef opSet<path>::const_iterator fileit; if (p.Verbose) // spacing in verbose mode Log(' '); for (fileit it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) { bResult = NormalModeFile(p, *it) ? bResult : false; } // If we had errors, print out the number of errors. if (NumErrors > 0) { Log(""); string errorstring = (NumErrors == 1) ? " error" : " errors"; Log("opC++ - " + opString(NumErrors) + errorstring); Log(""); } if (!p.Silent && files.size() > 1) { if (p.Verbose) { Log(' '); if (bResult) { Log("opC++ - 0 errors"); Log(""); Log("--------------------------------"); Log("All Files Compiled Successfully!"); Log("--------------------------------"); } else { Log("-------------------------------------"); Log("Some File(s) Compiled Unsuccessfully!"); Log("-------------------------------------"); } Log(' '); } } return bResult; }
std::vector<std::string> FileSystem::GetFilesWithRecursion(const std::string & directory) { std::vector<std::string> list = GetFiles(directory); for (std::string subdir : GetDirectories(directory)) { auto files = GetFilesWithRecursion(subdir); list.insert(list.end(), files.begin(), files.end()); } return list; }
void PHPFolder::RemoveFilesRecursively(const wxString& projectPath, bool notify) { wxArrayString files; GetFiles(files, projectPath); if(notify) { DoNotifyFilesRemoved(files); } m_children.clear(); m_files.clear(); }
void Project::GetFiles(wxStringSet_t& files) { DirSaver ds; FileNameVector_t v; ::wxSetWorkingDirectory(m_fileName.GetPath()); GetFiles(m_doc.GetRoot(), v, true); for(size_t i=0; i<v.size(); i++) { files.insert(v.at(i).GetFullPath()); } }
void ListGenerator::CreateList(u32 Flow, u32 Device, const string& Path, const vector<string>& FileTypes, const string& DBName, bool UpdateCache) { if(!DBName.empty()) { if(UpdateCache) fsop_deleteFile(DBName.c_str()); else { CCache(*this, DBName, LOAD); if(!this->empty()) return; fsop_deleteFile(DBName.c_str()); } } //if(Flow != COVERFLOW_PLUGIN) OpenConfigs(); if(Flow == COVERFLOW_WII) { if(DeviceHandle.GetFSType(Device) == PART_FS_WBFS) Create_Wii_WBFS_List(DeviceHandle.GetWbfsHandle(Device)); else GetFiles(Path.c_str(), FileTypes, Create_Wii_EXT_List, false); } else if(Flow == COVERFLOW_CHANNEL) { ChannelHandle.Init(gameTDB_Language); Create_Channel_List(); } else if(DeviceHandle.GetFSType(Device) != PART_FS_WBFS) { if(Flow == COVERFLOW_GAMECUBE) GetFiles(Path.c_str(), FileTypes, Create_GC_List, true);//the only one that looks for a folder (/root) else if(Flow == COVERFLOW_PLUGIN) GetFiles(Path.c_str(), FileTypes, Create_Plugin_List, false, 30);//wow 30 subfolders! really? else if(Flow == COVERFLOW_HOMEBREW) GetFiles(Path.c_str(), FileTypes, Create_Homebrew_List, false); } CloseConfigs(); if(!this->empty() && !DBName.empty()) /* Write a new Cache */ CCache(*this, DBName, SAVE); }
void Project::GetFiles(wxStringSet_t& files, const wxString& relativePath) { DirSaver ds; FileNameVector_t v; ::wxSetWorkingDirectory(relativePath); GetFiles(m_doc.GetRoot(), v, false); for(size_t i=0; i<v.size(); i++) { v.at(i).MakeRelativeTo(relativePath); files.insert(v.at(i).GetFullPath()); } }
void Musicplayer::Init(Config &cfg, const string& musicDir, const string& themeMusicDir) { Cleanup(); FadeRate = cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "music_fade_rate", 8); Volume = cfg.getInt("GENERAL", "sound_volume_music", 255); SetVolume(0); MusicFile.SetVoice(0); vector<string> Types = stringToVector(".mp3|.ogg", '|'); GetFiles(musicDir.c_str(), Types, FileNameAdder, false, MUSIC_DEPTH); GetFiles(themeMusicDir.c_str(), Types, FileNameAdder, false, MUSIC_DEPTH); if(cfg.getBool("GENERAL", "randomize_music", true) && FileNames.size() > 0) { srand(unsigned(time(NULL))); random_shuffle(FileNames.begin(), FileNames.end()); } OneSong = (FileNames.size() == 1); CurrentFileName = FileNames.begin(); }
void Gather(const char* archivePathName, const char* outputPathName) { Framework::CStdStream outputStream(outputPathName, "wb"); CBasicBlock::SetAotBlockOutputStream(&outputStream); { Framework::CThreadPool threadPool(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); filesystem::path archivePath = filesystem::path(archivePathName); auto archive = std::unique_ptr<CPsfArchive>(CPsfArchive::CreateFromPath(archivePath)); for(const auto& fileInfo : archive->GetFiles()) { filesystem::path archiveItemPath = fileInfo.name; filesystem::path archiveItemExtension = archiveItemPath.extension(); if(CPlaylist::IsLoadableExtension(archiveItemExtension.string().c_str() + 1)) { threadPool.Enqueue( [=] () { printf("Processing %s...\r\n", archiveItemPath.string().c_str()); CPsfVm virtualMachine; CPsfLoader::LoadPsf(virtualMachine, archiveItemPath.wstring(), archivePath); int currentTime = 0; virtualMachine.OnNewFrame.connect( [¤tTime] () { currentTime += 16; }); virtualMachine.Resume(); #ifdef _DEBUG static const unsigned int executionTime = 1; #else static const unsigned int executionTime = 10; #endif while(currentTime <= (executionTime * 60 * 1000)) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); } virtualMachine.Pause(); } ); } } } CBasicBlock::SetAotBlockOutputStream(nullptr); }
NS_IMETHODIMP nsEmbedFilePicker::GetDomfiles(nsISimpleEnumerator * *aDomfiles) { nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> iter; nsresult rv = GetFiles(getter_AddRefs(iter)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsRefPtr<nsBaseFilePickerEnumerator> retIter = new nsBaseFilePickerEnumerator(iter, mWin); retIter.forget(aDomfiles); return NS_OK; }
void PopulateList() { char label[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; char fileName[MAX_PATHNAME_LEN]; int numItems = 1; ClearListCtrl (Main_pnl_handle, ERG_panel_loaded_mask_list); InsertListItem (Main_pnl_handle, ERG_panel_loaded_mask_list, -1, "flat", 0); SplitPath (mask_path, NULL, NULL, fileName); Fmt (label, "%s<%s%s%s", "Project Directory (", fileName, ")"); GetFiles(mask_path, &numItems, numItems-1); }
void Ide::IdePaste(String& data) { data.Clear(); if(AcceptFiles(Clipboard())) { Vector<String> s = GetFiles(Clipboard()); for(int i = 0; i < s.GetCount(); i++) if(FileExists(s[i]) && IsTextFile(s[i], 10000)) { int64 len = GetFileLength(s[i]); if(len > 5000000 || data.GetLength() + len < 5000000) data.Cat(LoadFile(s[i])); } } }
wxString Project::GetFiles(bool absPath) { std::vector<wxFileName> files; GetFiles(files,absPath); wxString temp; for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) temp << wxT("\"") << files.at(i).GetFullPath() << wxT("\" "); if(temp.IsEmpty() == false) temp.RemoveLast(); return temp; }
void nglDataFilesObject::SetDragItemFlavorData(DragRef dragRef, DragItemRef& itemRef, FlavorType flavorType) { OSErr err = noErr; nglString file; std::list<DragItemRef>::iterator iRef = mItemRefs.begin(); for (std::list<nglString>::const_iterator i = GetFiles().begin(); i != GetFiles().end() && iRef != mItemRefs.end(); ++i, ++iRef) { if (itemRef == *iRef) { HFSFlavor hfsInfo; FSRef fileRef; int32 start = 0; int32 len = 1023; char str[1024]; memset(str, 0, 1024); i->Export(start, str, len, eUTF8); err = FSPathMakeRef((const UInt8*)str, &fileRef, NULL); NGL_ASSERT(!err); FSCatalogInfo catInfo; err = FSGetCatalogInfo(&fileRef, kFSCatInfoFinderInfo, &catInfo, NULL, &(hfsInfo.fileSpec), NULL); NGL_ASSERT(!err); FileInfo* finfo = (FileInfo*) &catInfo.finderInfo; hfsInfo.fdFlags = finfo->finderFlags; hfsInfo.fileType = finfo->fileType; hfsInfo.fileCreator = finfo->fileCreator; err = ::SetDragItemFlavorData(dragRef, itemRef, kDragFlavorTypeHFS, &hfsInfo, sizeof (hfsInfo), 0); NGL_ASSERT(!err); //NGL_OUT("Adding file to drag data, itemRef is %d: %s\n", itemRef, (*i).GetChars()); return; } } }
vector<pair<string,string>> GetFiles(const path& Path,bool Recurse,const set<string>& FileMasks){ vector<pair<string,string>> Files; if(exists(Path)&&is_directory(Path)){ for(directory_iterator Iter(Path);Iter!=directory_iterator();Iter++){ directory_entry Entry=*Iter; const path& P=Entry.path(); if(is_directory(P)){ if(Recurse)Files+=GetFiles(P,true,FileMasks); }else if(is_regular_file(P)){ string Extension=P.extension().string(); if(FileMasks.size()==0u||FileMasks.count(Extension)){ Files.push_back(pair<string,string>(P.string(),Extension)); } } } } return Files; }
void OnlineAbsentCountriesFetcher::GetAbsentCountries(vector<string> & countries) { // Check whether a request was scheduled to be run on the thread. if (!m_fetcherThread) return; m_fetcherThread->Join(); for (auto const & point : m_fetcherThread->GetRoutineAs<OnlineCrossFetcher>()->GetMwmPoints()) { string name = m_countryFileFn(point); auto localFile = m_countryLocalFileFn(name); if (localFile && HasOptions(localFile->GetFiles(), MapOptions::MapWithCarRouting)) continue; LOG(LINFO, ("Needs: ", name)); countries.emplace_back(move(name)); } m_fetcherThread.reset(); }
void CMenu::_refreshLangSettings(void) { languages_available.clear(); /* Get right Positions first */ languages_available.push_back("Default"); GetFiles(m_languagesDir.c_str(), stringToVector(".ini", '|'), AddLanguage, false, 0); std::sort(languages_available.begin(), languages_available.end()); for(u32 i = 0; i < languages_available.size(); ++i) { if(m_curLanguage == languages_available[i]) { available_pos = i; break; } } _showLangSettings(); }
void SearchThread::DoSearchFiles(ThreadRequest *req) { SearchData *data = static_cast<SearchData*>(req); // Get all files if ( data->GetRootDirs().IsEmpty() ) return; if ( data->GetFindString().IsEmpty() ) return; StopSearch(false); wxArrayString fileList; GetFiles(data, fileList); wxStopWatch sw; // Send startup message to main thread if ( m_notifiedWindow || data->GetOwner() ) { wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_SEARCH_THREAD_SEARCHSTARTED, GetId()); event.SetClientData(new SearchData(*data)); //set the rquested output tab event.SetInt(data->UseNewTab() ? 1 : 0); if (data->GetOwner()) { ::wxPostEvent(data->GetOwner(), event); } else { // since we are in if ( m_notifiedWindow || data->GetOwner() ) block... ::wxPostEvent(m_notifiedWindow, event); } } for (size_t i=0; i<fileList.Count(); i++) { m_summary.SetNumFileScanned((int)i+1); // give user chance to cancel the search ... if ( TestStopSearch() ) { // Send cancel event SendEvent(wxEVT_SEARCH_THREAD_SEARCHCANCELED, data->GetOwner()); StopSearch(false); break; } DoSearchFile(fileList.Item(i), data); } }
void FbViewThread::OpenBook() { int id = m_view.GetCode(); m_book = FbCollection::GetBookData(id); if (!m_book) { SendHTML(ID_BOOK_PREVIEW); return; } if (IsClosed()) return; wxString html = FbCollection::GetBookHTML(m_ctx, m_book, id); if (!html.IsEmpty()) { SendHTML(ID_BOOK_PREVIEW, html); return; } if (IsClosed()) return; FbViewData * info = new FbViewData(id); { wxString filetype = m_book.GetValue(BF_TYPE); FbCommonDatabase database; database.JoinThread(this); info->SetText(FbViewData::DSCR, GetDescr(database)); info->SetText(FbViewData::FILE, GetFiles(database)); info->SetText(FbViewData::SEQN, GetSeqns(database)); info->SetText(FbViewData::ICON, FbCollection::GetIcon(filetype)); SendHTML(*info); } if (IsClosed()) { delete info; return; } FbFileReader file(id, true); if (file.IsOk()) { wxInputStream & in = file.GetStream(); if (file.GetFileType() == wxT("epub")) { FbPreviewReaderEPUB(*this, *info).Preview(in); } else { FbPreviewReader(*this, *info).Parse(in); } } FbCollection::AddInfo(info); }
void Project::GetFiles(wxXmlNode *parent, std::vector<wxFileName> &files, bool absPath) { if ( !parent ) { return; } wxXmlNode *child = parent->GetChildren(); while (child) { if (child->GetName() == wxT("File")) { wxString fileName = child->GetPropVal(wxT("Name"), wxEmptyString); wxFileName tmp(fileName); if (absPath) { tmp.MakeAbsolute(); } files.push_back(tmp); } else if (child->GetChildren()) {// we could also add a check for VirtualDirectory only GetFiles(child, files, absPath); } child = child->GetNext(); } }
bool Project::IsFileExist(const wxString &fileName) { //find the file under this node // Convert the file path to be relative to // the project path DirSaver ds; ::wxSetWorkingDirectory(m_fileName.GetPath()); wxFileName tmp(fileName); tmp.MakeRelativeTo(m_fileName.GetPath()); std::vector<wxFileName> files; GetFiles(files); for (size_t i=0; i<files.size(); i++) { if (files.at(i).GetFullPath().CmpNoCase(tmp.GetFullPath(wxPATH_UNIX)) == 0) { return true; } } return false; }
void GetFiles(const char *Path, const vector<string>& FileTypes, FileAdder AddFile, bool CompareFolders, u32 max_depth, u32 depth) { vector<string> SubPaths; pdir = opendir(Path); if(pdir == NULL) return; while((pent = readdir(pdir)) != NULL) { if(pent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; FullPathChar = fmt("%s/%s", Path, pent->d_name); if(pent->d_type == DT_DIR) { if(CompareFolders && IsFileSupported(pent->d_name, FileTypes))//if root folder for extracted gc games { AddFile(FullPathChar); continue; } else if(depth < max_depth) //thanks libntfs (fail opendir) and thanks seekdir (slowass speed) SubPaths.push_back(FullPathChar); } else if(pent->d_type == DT_REG) { NewFileName = strrchr(pent->d_name, '.');//the extension if(NewFileName == NULL) NewFileName = pent->d_name; if(IsFileSupported(NewFileName, FileTypes)) { AddFile(FullPathChar); continue; } } } closedir(pdir); for(vector<string>::const_iterator p = SubPaths.begin(); p != SubPaths.end(); ++p) GetFiles(p->c_str(), FileTypes, AddFile, CompareFolders, max_depth, depth + 1); SubPaths.clear(); }
already_AddRefed<Promise> DataTransfer::GetFilesAndDirectories(ErrorResult& aRv) { nsCOMPtr<nsINode> parentNode = do_QueryInterface(mParent); if (!parentNode) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return nullptr; } nsCOMPtr<nsIGlobalObject> global = parentNode->OwnerDoc()->GetScopeObject(); MOZ_ASSERT(global); if (!global) { aRv.Throw(NS_ERROR_FAILURE); return nullptr; } RefPtr<Promise> p = Promise::Create(global, aRv); if (aRv.Failed()) { return nullptr; } if (!mFileList) { GetFiles(aRv); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } } Sequence<RefPtr<File>> filesSeq; mFileList->ToSequence(filesSeq, aRv); if (NS_WARN_IF(aRv.Failed())) { return nullptr; } p->MaybeResolve(filesSeq); return p.forget(); }
CPLErr BatchTxt(const char * idir, const char * odir, Option opt) { char ** files = GetFiles(idir); ON_SCOPE_EXIT([&]{CSLDestroy(files); }); char ** shps = GetSources(odir, files); ON_SCOPE_EXIT([&]{CSLDestroy(shps); }); CPLErr err = CE_None; for (int i = 0; i < CSLCount(files); i++) { err = Txt2Any(files[i], shps[i], opt); if (err != CE_None) { break; } } printf("OK"); return err; }
inline HRESULT __stdcall ISimpleDropTarget::Drop(IDataObject * pDataObject, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL ptl, DWORD * pdwEffect) { POINT pt; pt.x = ptl.x; pt.y = ptl.y; if (m_pdth) { m_pdth->Drop(pDataObject, &pt, *pdwEffect); } m_DataObject = NULL; dragInAction = false; bool canDrop = m_RightData && AllowDrop(ptl); if (canDrop) { auto files = GetFiles(pDataObject); OnDragDrop(files, grfKeyState, ptl); } else { *pdwEffect = DROPEFFECT_NONE; } return S_OK; }