wxString pgView::GetSql(ctlTree *browser) { wxString withoptions; if (sql.IsNull()) { bool IsMatViewFlag = false; if (!GetMaterializedView()) { sql = wxT("-- View: ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT("\n\n") + wxT("-- DROP VIEW ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT(";") + wxT("\n\nCREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier(); if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 2) && GetSecurityBarrier().Length() > 0) withoptions = wxT("security_barrier=") + GetSecurityBarrier(); if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 4) && GetCheckOption().Length() > 0) { if (withoptions.Length() > 0) withoptions += wxT(", "); withoptions = wxT("check_option=") + GetCheckOption(); } if (withoptions.Length() > 0) sql += wxT(" WITH (") + withoptions + wxT(")"); } else { sql = wxT("-- Materialized View: ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT("\n\n") + wxT("-- DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT(";") + wxT("\n\nCREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier(); IsMatViewFlag = true; if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 3)) { if (GetFillFactor().Length() > 0 || GetAutoVacuumEnabled() == 1 || GetToastAutoVacuumEnabled() == 1) { bool tmpFlagTable = false; bool tmpFlagToastTable = false; sql += wxT("\nWITH ("); if (GetFillFactor().Length() > 0) sql += wxT("\n FILLFACTOR=") + GetFillFactor(); else tmpFlagTable = true; if (GetCustomAutoVacuumEnabled()) { if (GetAutoVacuumEnabled() == 1) { if (tmpFlagTable) sql += wxT("\n autovacuum_enabled=true"); else sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_enabled=true"); tmpFlagToastTable = true; } else if (GetCustomAutoVacuumEnabled() == 0) { sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_enabled=false"); } if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=") + GetAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold(); } if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=") + GetAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor(); } if (!GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeThreshold().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_analyze_threshold=") + GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeThreshold(); } if (!GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=") + GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor(); } if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=") + GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay(); } if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=") + GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit(); } if (!GetAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_freeze_min_age=") + GetAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge(); } if (!GetAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_freeze_max_age=") + GetAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge(); } if (!GetAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n autovacuum_freeze_table_age=") + GetAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge(); } } if (GetHasToastTable() && GetToastCustomAutoVacuumEnabled()) { if (GetToastAutoVacuumEnabled() == 1) { if (tmpFlagTable && !tmpFlagToastTable) sql += wxT("\n toast.autovacuum_enabled=true"); else sql += wxT(",\n toast.autovacuum_enabled=true"); } else if (GetToastAutoVacuumEnabled() == 0) sql += wxT(",\n toast.autovacuum_enabled=false"); if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n toast.autovacuum_vacuum_threshold=") + GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold(); } if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n toast.autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=") + GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor(); } if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n toast.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=") + GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay(); } if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n toast.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit=") + GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit(); } if (!GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n toast.autovacuum_freeze_min_age=") + GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge(); } if (!GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n toast.autovacuum_freeze_max_age=") + GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge(); } if (!GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge().IsEmpty()) { sql += wxT(",\n toast.autovacuum_freeze_table_age=") + GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge(); } } sql += wxT("\n)"); } if (tablespace != GetDatabase()->GetDefaultTablespace()) sql += wxT("\nTABLESPACE ") + qtIdent(tablespace); wxString isPopulated; if (GetIsPopulated().Cmp(wxT("t")) == 0) isPopulated = wxT("WITH DATA;"); else isPopulated = wxT("WITH NO DATA;"); wxString sqlDefinition; bool tmpLoopFlag = true; sqlDefinition = GetFormattedDefinition(); // Remove semicolon from the end of the string while(tmpLoopFlag) { int length = sqlDefinition.Len(); int position = sqlDefinition.Find(';', true); if ((position != wxNOT_FOUND) && (position = (length - 1))) sqlDefinition.Remove(position, 1); else tmpLoopFlag = false; } sql += wxT(" AS \n") + sqlDefinition + wxT("\n") + isPopulated + wxT("\n\n") + GetOwnerSql(7, 3, wxT("TABLE ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier()); } } if (!IsMatViewFlag) { sql += wxT(" AS \n") + GetFormattedDefinition() + wxT("\n\n") + GetOwnerSql(7, 3, wxT("TABLE ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier()); } if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(8, 2)) sql += GetGrant(wxT("arwdxt"), wxT("TABLE ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier()); else sql += GetGrant(wxT("arwdRxt"), wxT("TABLE ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier()); // "MATERIALIZED" isn't part of the object type name, it's a property, so // we need to generate the comment SQL manually here, instead of using // wxString pgObject::GetCommentSql() if (!GetComment().IsNull()) { if (IsMatViewFlag) { sql += wxT("COMMENT ON MATERIALIZED VIEW ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT("\n IS ") + qtDbString(GetComment()) + wxT(";\n"); } else { sql += wxT("COMMENT ON VIEW ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT("\n IS ") + qtDbString(GetComment()) + wxT(";\n"); } } pgCollection *columns = browser->FindCollection(columnFactory, GetId()); if (columns) { wxString defaults, comments; columns->ShowTreeDetail(browser); treeObjectIterator colIt(browser, columns); pgColumn *column; while ((column = (pgColumn *)colIt.GetNextObject()) != 0) { column->ShowTreeDetail(browser); if (column->GetColNumber() > 0) { if (!column->GetDefault().IsEmpty()) { defaults += wxT("ALTER TABLE ") + GetQuotedFullIdentifier() + wxT(" ALTER COLUMN ") + column->GetQuotedIdentifier() + wxT(" SET DEFAULT ") + column->GetDefault() + wxT(";\n"); } comments += column->GetCommentSql(); } } if (!defaults.IsEmpty()) sql += defaults + wxT("\n"); if (!comments.IsEmpty()) sql += comments + wxT("\n"); if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1)) sql += GetSeqLabelsSql(); } AppendStuff(sql, browser, ruleFactory); AppendStuff(sql, browser, triggerFactory); } return sql; }
void pgView::ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form, ctlListView *properties, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane) { if (!expandedKids) { expandedKids = true; browser->RemoveDummyChild(this); browser->AppendCollection(this, columnFactory); pgCollection *collection = browser->AppendCollection(this, ruleFactory); collection->iSetOid(GetOid()); collection->ShowTreeDetail(browser); treeObjectIterator colIt(browser, collection); pgRule *rule; while (!hasInsertRule && !hasUpdateRule && !hasDeleteRule && (rule = (pgRule *)colIt.GetNextObject()) != 0) { if (rule->GetEvent().Find(wxT("INSERT")) >= 0) hasInsertRule = true; if (rule->GetEvent().Find(wxT("UPDATE")) >= 0) hasUpdateRule = true; if (rule->GetEvent().Find(wxT("DELETE")) >= 0) hasDeleteRule = true; } if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 1)) browser->AppendCollection(this, triggerFactory); } if (properties) { CreateListColumns(properties); wxString def = GetDefinition().Left(250); def.Replace(wxT("\n"), wxT(" ")); properties->AppendItem(_("Name"), GetName()); properties->AppendItem(_("OID"), GetOid()); properties->AppendItem(_("Owner"), GetOwner()); properties->AppendItem(_("ACL"), GetAcl()); properties->AppendItem(_("Definition"), def); properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("System view?"), GetSystemObject()); if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 2) && GetSecurityBarrier().Length() > 0) properties->AppendItem(_("Security barrier?"), GetSecurityBarrier()); if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 3)) properties->AppendYesNoItem(_("Materialized view?"), GetMaterializedView()); /* Custom AutoVacuum Settings */ if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 3) && GetMaterializedView()) { if (!GetFillFactor().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Fill factor"), GetFillFactor()); if (GetCustomAutoVacuumEnabled()) { if (GetAutoVacuumEnabled() != 2) { properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum enabled?"), GetAutoVacuumEnabled() == 1 ? _("Yes") : _("No")); } if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum VACUUM base threshold"), GetAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold()); if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum VACUUM scale factor"), GetAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor()); if (!GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeThreshold().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum ANALYZE base threshold"), GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeThreshold()); if (!GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum ANALYZE scale factor"), GetAutoVacuumAnalyzeScaleFactor()); if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum VACUUM cost delay"), GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay()); if (!GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum VACUUM cost limit"), GetAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit()); if (!GetAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum FREEZE minimum age"), GetAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge()); if (!GetAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum FREEZE maximum age"), GetAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge()); if (!GetAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Table auto-vacuum FREEZE table age"), GetAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge()); } if (GetHasToastTable() && GetToastCustomAutoVacuumEnabled()) { if (GetToastAutoVacuumEnabled() != 2) { properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum enabled?"), GetToastAutoVacuumEnabled() == 1 ? _("Yes") : _("No")); } if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum VACUUM base threshold"), GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumThreshold()); if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum VACUUM scale factor"), GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumScaleFactor()); if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum VACUUM cost delay"), GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostDelay()); if (!GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum VACUUM cost limit"), GetToastAutoVacuumVacuumCostLimit()); if (!GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum FREEZE minimum age"), GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMinAge()); if (!GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum FREEZE maximum age"), GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeMaxAge()); if (!GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge().IsEmpty()) properties->AppendItem(_("Toast auto-vacuum FREEZE table age"), GetToastAutoVacuumFreezeTableAge()); } properties->AppendItem(_("Tablespace"), tablespace); if (GetIsPopulated().Cmp(wxT("t")) == 0) properties->AppendItem(_("With data?"), _("Yes")); else properties->AppendItem(_("With data?"), _("No")); } if (GetConnection()->BackendMinimumVersion(9, 4)) properties->AppendItem(_("Check Option"), GetCheckOption()); if (!GetLabels().IsEmpty()) { wxArrayString seclabels = GetProviderLabelArray(); if (seclabels.GetCount() > 0) { for (unsigned int index = 0 ; index < seclabels.GetCount() - 1 ; index += 2) { properties->AppendItem(seclabels.Item(index), seclabels.Item(index + 1)); } } } properties->AppendItem(_("Comment"), firstLineOnly(GetComment())); } }
int FSolver::HarmonicAxisymmetric(CBigComplexLinProb &L) { int i,j,k,s,flag,sdi_iter,sdin,ww,Iter=0; int pctr; CComplex Mx[3][3],My[3][3],Mn[3][3],Me[3][3],be[3]; // element matrices; double l[3],p[3],q[3]; // element shape parameters; int n[3]; // numbers of nodes for a particular element; double a,r,t,x,y,B,w,res,lastres,ds,R,rn[3],g[3],a_hat,R_hat,vol,Cduct; CComplex K,mu,dv,B1,B2,v[3],mu1,mu2,lag,halflag,deg45,Jv; //u[3], CComplex **Mu,*V_sdi,*V_old; double c=PI*4.e-05; double units[]= {2.54,0.1,1.,100.,0.00254,1.e-04}; CElement *El; int LinearFlag=TRUE; int SDIflag=FALSE; res=0; // #ifndef NEWTON CComplex murel,muinc; // #else CComplex Mnh[3][3]; CComplex Mna[3][3]; CComplex Mns[3][3]; // #endif extRo*=units[LengthUnits]; extRi*=units[LengthUnits]; extZo*=units[LengthUnits]; deg45=1+I; w=Frequency*2.*PI; CComplex *CircInt1,*CircInt2,*CircInt3; // Can't handle LamType==1 or LamType==2 in AC problems. // Detect if this is being attempted. for(i=0; i<NumEls; i++) { if( (blockproplist[meshele[i].blk].LamType==1) || (blockproplist[meshele[i].blk].LamType==2) ) { WarnMessage("On-edge lamination not supported in AC analyses"); return FALSE; } } // Go through and evaluate permeability for regions subject to prox effects for(i=0; i<NumBlockLabels; i++) GetFillFactor(i); V_old=(CComplex *) calloc(NumNodes+NumCircProps,sizeof(CComplex)); // check to see if any circuits have been defined and process them; if (NumCircProps>0) { CircInt1=(CComplex *)calloc(NumCircProps,sizeof(CComplex)); CircInt2=(CComplex *)calloc(NumCircProps,sizeof(CComplex)); CircInt3=(CComplex *)calloc(NumCircProps,sizeof(CComplex)); for(i=0; i<NumEls; i++) { if(meshele[i].lbl>=0) if(labellist[meshele[i].lbl].InCircuit!=-1) { El=&meshele[i]; // get element area; for(k=0; k<3; k++) n[k]=El->p[k]; p[0]=meshnode[n[1]].y - meshnode[n[2]].y; p[1]=meshnode[n[2]].y - meshnode[n[0]].y; p[2]=meshnode[n[0]].y - meshnode[n[1]].y; q[0]=meshnode[n[2]].x - meshnode[n[1]].x; q[1]=meshnode[n[0]].x - meshnode[n[2]].x; q[2]=meshnode[n[1]].x - meshnode[n[0]].x; a=(p[0]*q[1]-p[1]*q[0])/2.; r=(meshnode[n[0]].x+meshnode[n[1]].x+meshnode[n[2]].x)/3.; // if coils are wound, they act like they have // a zero "bulk" conductivity... Cduct=blockproplist[El->blk].Cduct; if (labellist[El->lbl].bIsWound) Cduct=0; // evaluate integrals; // total cross-section of circuit; CircInt1[labellist[El->lbl].InCircuit]+=a; // integral of conductivity / R over the circuit; CircInt2[labellist[El->lbl].InCircuit]+=a*Cduct/(0.01*r); // integral of applied J over current; CircInt3[labellist[El->lbl].InCircuit]+= (blockproplist[El->blk].Jr+I*blockproplist[El->blk].Ji)*a*100.; } } for(i=0; i<NumCircProps; i++) { if (circproplist[i].CircType==0) // specified current { if(CircInt2[i]==0) //circuit composed of zero cond. materials { circproplist[i].Case=1; if (CircInt1[i]==0.) circproplist[i].J=0.; else circproplist[i].J=0.01*( (circproplist[i].Amps_re+I*circproplist[i].Amps_im) - CircInt3[i])/CircInt1[i]; } else { circproplist[i].Case=2; // need to include an extra // entry in matrix to solve for // voltage grad in the circuit } } else { // case where voltage gradient is specified a priori... circproplist[i].Case=0; circproplist[i].dV=circproplist[i].dVolts_re + I*circproplist[i].dVolts_im; } } } // check to see if there are any SDI boundaries... // lineproplist[ meshele[i].e[j] ].BdryFormat==0 for(i=0; i<NumLineProps; i++) if(lineproplist[i].BdryFormat==3) SDIflag=TRUE; if(SDIflag==TRUE) { // there is an SDI boundary defined; check to see if it is in use SDIflag=FALSE; for(i=0; i<NumEls; i++) for(j=0; j<3; j++) if (lineproplist[meshele[i].e[j]].BdryFormat==3) { SDIflag=TRUE; printf("Problem has SDI boundaries\n"); i=NumEls; j=3; } } if (SDIflag==TRUE) { V_sdi=(CComplex *) calloc(NumNodes+NumCircProps,sizeof(CComplex)); sdin=2; } else sdin=1; // compute effective permeability for each block type; Mu=(CComplex **)calloc(NumBlockProps,sizeof(CComplex *)); for(i=0; i<NumBlockProps; i++) Mu[i]=(CComplex *)calloc(2,sizeof(CComplex)); for(k=0; k<NumBlockProps; k++) { if (blockproplist[k].LamType==0) { Mu[k][0]=blockproplist[k].mu_x*exp(-I*blockproplist[k].Theta_hx*PI/180.); Mu[k][1]=blockproplist[k].mu_y*exp(-I*blockproplist[k].Theta_hy*PI/180.); if(blockproplist[k].Lam_d!=0) { if (blockproplist[k].Cduct != 0) { halflag=exp(-I*blockproplist[k].Theta_hx*PI/360.); ds=sqrt(2./(0.4*PI*w*blockproplist[k].Cduct*blockproplist[k].mu_x)); K=halflag*deg45*blockproplist[k].Lam_d*0.001/(2.*ds); Mu[k][0]=((Mu[k][0]*tanh(K))/K)*blockproplist[k].LamFill + (1.-blockproplist[k].LamFill); halflag=exp(-I*blockproplist[k].Theta_hy*PI/360.); ds=sqrt(2./(0.4*PI*w*blockproplist[k].Cduct*blockproplist[k].mu_y)); K=halflag*deg45*blockproplist[k].Lam_d*0.001/(2.*ds); Mu[k][1]=((Mu[k][1]*tanh(K))/K)*blockproplist[k].LamFill + (1.-blockproplist[k].LamFill); } else { Mu[k][0]=Mu[k][0]*blockproplist[k].LamFill + (1.- blockproplist[k].LamFill); Mu[k][1]=Mu[k][1]*blockproplist[k].LamFill + (1. - blockproplist[k].LamFill); } } } else { Mu[k][0]=1; Mu[k][1]=1; } } do { for(sdi_iter=0; sdi_iter<sdin; sdi_iter++) { // TheView->SetDlgItemText(IDC_FRAME1,"Matrix Construction"); // TheView->m_prog1.SetPos(0); printf("Matrix Construction\n"); pctr=0; if (Iter>0) L.Wipe(); // build element matrices using the matrices derived in Allaire's book. for(i=0; i<NumEls; i++) { // update ``building matrix'' progress bar... j=(i*20)/NumEls+1; if(j>pctr) { j=pctr*5; if (j>100) j=100; // TheView->m_prog1.SetPos(j); pctr++; } // zero out Me, be; for(j=0; j<3; j++) { for(k=0; k<3; k++) { Me[j][k]=0; Mx[j][k]=0; My[j][k]=0; Mn[j][k]=0; // #ifdef NEWTON if (ACSolver==1) { Mnh[j][k]=0; Mna[j][k]=0; Mns[j][k]=0; } // #endif } be[j]=0; } // Determine shape parameters. // l == element side lengths; // p corresponds to the `b' parameter in Allaire // q corresponds to the `c' parameter in Allaire El=&meshele[i]; for(k=0; k<3; k++) { n[k]=El->p[k]; rn[k]=meshnode[n[k]].x; } p[0]=meshnode[n[1]].y - meshnode[n[2]].y; p[1]=meshnode[n[2]].y - meshnode[n[0]].y; p[2]=meshnode[n[0]].y - meshnode[n[1]].y; q[0]=meshnode[n[2]].x - meshnode[n[1]].x; q[1]=meshnode[n[0]].x - meshnode[n[2]].x; q[2]=meshnode[n[1]].x - meshnode[n[0]].x; g[0]=(meshnode[n[2]].x + meshnode[n[1]].x)/2.; g[1]=(meshnode[n[0]].x + meshnode[n[2]].x)/2.; g[2]=(meshnode[n[1]].x + meshnode[n[0]].x)/2.; for(j=0,k=1; j<3; k++,j++) { if (k==3) k=0; l[j]=sqrt( pow(meshnode[n[k]].x-meshnode[n[j]].x,2.) + pow(meshnode[n[k]].y-meshnode[n[j]].y,2.) ); } a=(p[0]*q[1]-p[1]*q[0])/2.; R=(meshnode[n[0]].x+meshnode[n[1]].x+meshnode[n[2]].x)/3.; for(j=0,a_hat=0; j<3; j++) a_hat+=(rn[j]*rn[j]*p[j]/(4.*R)); vol=2.*R*a_hat; for(j=0,flag=0; j<3; j++) if(rn[j]<1.e-06) flag++; switch(flag) { case 2: R_hat=R; break; case 1: if(rn[0]<1.e-06) { if (fabs(rn[1]-rn[2])<1.e-06) R_hat=rn[2]/2.; else R_hat=(rn[1] - rn[2])/(2.*log(rn[1]) - 2.*log(rn[2])); } if(rn[1]<1.e-06) { if (fabs(rn[2]-rn[0])<1.e-06) R_hat=rn[0]/2.; else R_hat=(rn[2] - rn[0])/(2.*log(rn[2]) - 2.*log(rn[0])); } if(rn[2]<1.e-06) { if (fabs(rn[0]-rn[1])<1.e-06) R_hat=rn[1]/2.; else R_hat=(rn[0] - rn[1])/(2.*log(rn[0]) - 2.*log(rn[1])); } break; default: if (fabs(q[0])<1.e-06) R_hat=(q[1]*q[1])/(2.*(-q[1] + rn[0]*log(rn[0]/rn[2]))); else if (fabs(q[1])<1.e-06) R_hat=(q[2]*q[2])/(2.*(-q[2] + rn[1]*log(rn[1]/rn[0]))); else if (fabs(q[2])<1.e-06) R_hat=(q[0]*q[0])/(2.*(-q[0] + rn[2]*log(rn[2]/rn[1]))); else R_hat=-(q[0]*q[1]*q[2])/ (2.*(q[0]*rn[0]*log(rn[0]) + q[1]*rn[1]*log(rn[1]) + q[2]*rn[2]*log(rn[2]))); break; } // Mr Contribution // Derived from flux formulation with c0 + c1 r^2 + c2 z // interpolation in the element. K=(-1./(2.*a_hat*R)); for(j=0; j<3; j++) for(k=j; k<3; k++) Mx[j][k] += K*p[j]*rn[j]*p[k]*rn[k]; // need this loop to avoid singularities. This just puts something // on the main diagonal of nodes that are on the r=0 line. // The program later sets these nodes to zero, but it's good to // for scaling reasons to grab entries from the neighboring diagonals // rather than just setting these entries to 1 or something.... for(j=0; j<3; j++) if (rn[j]<1.e-06) Mx[j][j]+=Mx[0][0]+Mx[1][1]+Mx[2][2]; // Mz Contribution; // Derived from flux formulation with c0 + c1 r^2 + c2 z // interpolation in the element. K=(-1./(2.*a_hat*R_hat)); for(j=0; j<3; j++) for(k=j; k<3; k++) My[j][k] += K*(q[j]*rn[j])*(q[k]*rn[k])* (g[j]/R)*(g[k]/R); // Fill out rest of entries of Mx and My; Mx[1][0]=Mx[0][1]; Mx[2][0]=Mx[0][2]; Mx[2][1]=Mx[1][2]; My[1][0]=My[0][1]; My[2][0]=My[0][2]; My[2][1]=My[1][2]; // contribution from eddy currents; // induced current interpolated as constant (avg. of nodal values) // over the entire element; K = -I*R*a*w*blockproplist[meshele[i].blk].Cduct*c/6.; // radially laminated blocks appear to have no conductivity; // eddy currents are accounted for in these elements by their // frequency-dependent permeability. if((blockproplist[El->blk].LamType==0) && (blockproplist[El->blk].Lam_d>0)) K=0; // if this element is part of a wound coil, // it should have a zero "bulk" conductivity... if(labellist[El->lbl].bIsWound) K=0; for(j=0; j<3; j++) for(k=0; k<3; k++) Me[j][k]+=K*4./3.; // contributions to Me, be from derivative boundary conditions; for(j=0; j<3; j++) { k=j+1; if(k==3) k=0; r=(meshnode[n[j]].x+meshnode[n[k]].x)/2.; if (El->e[j] >= 0) { if (lineproplist[El->e[j]].BdryFormat==2) { // conversion factor is 10^(-4) (I think...) K = -0.0001*c*2.*r*lineproplist[ El->e[j] ].c0*l[j]/6.; Me[j][j]+=2*K; Me[k][k]+=2*K; Me[j][k]+=K; Me[k][j]+=K; K = (lineproplist[ El->e[j] ].c1*l[j]/2.)*2.*r*0.0001; be[j]+=K; be[k]+=K; } if (lineproplist[El->e[j]].BdryFormat==1) { ds=sqrt(2./(0.4*PI*w*lineproplist[El->e[j]].Sig* lineproplist[El->e[j]].Mu)); K=deg45/(-ds*lineproplist[El->e[j]].Mu*100.); K*=(2.*r*l[j]/6.); Me[j][j]+=2*K; Me[k][k]+=2*K; Me[j][k]+=K; Me[k][j]+=K; } } } // contribution to be from current density in the block for(j=0; j<3; j++) { Jv=0; if(labellist[El->lbl].InCircuit>=0) { k=labellist[El->lbl].InCircuit; if(circproplist[k].Case==1) Jv=circproplist[k].J; if(circproplist[k].Case==0) Jv=-100.*circproplist[k].dV* blockproplist[El->blk].Cduct/R; } K=-2.*R*(blockproplist[El->blk].Jr+I*blockproplist[El->blk].Ji+Jv)*a/3.; be[j]+=K; if(labellist[El->lbl].InCircuit>=0) { k=labellist[El->lbl].InCircuit; if(circproplist[k].Case==2) L.b[NumNodes+k]+=K/R; } } // do Case 2 circuit stuff for element if(labellist[El->lbl].InCircuit>=0) { k=labellist[El->lbl].InCircuit; if(circproplist[k].Case==2) { K=-2.*I*a*w*blockproplist[meshele[i].blk].Cduct*c; for(j=0; j<3; j++) L.Put(L.Get(n[j],NumNodes+k)+K/3.,n[j],NumNodes+k); L.Put(L.Get(NumNodes+k,NumNodes+k)+K/R,NumNodes+k,NumNodes+k); } } ///////////////////////// // // Nonlinear Stuff // ///////////////////////// // update permeability for the element; if (Iter==0) { k=meshele[i].blk; if (blockproplist[k].BHpoints != 0) LinearFlag=FALSE; meshele[i].mu1=Mu[k][0]; meshele[i].mu2=Mu[k][1]; } else { k=meshele[i].blk; if ((blockproplist[k].LamType==0) && (meshele[i].mu1==meshele[i].mu2) &&(blockproplist[k].BHpoints>0)) { // Derive B directly from energy; v[0]=0; v[1]=0; v[2]=0; for(j=0; j<3; j++) for(ww=0; ww<3; ww++) v[j]+=(Mx[j][ww]+My[j][ww])*L.V[n[ww]]; for(j=0,dv=0; j<3; j++) dv+=conj(L.V[n[j]])*v[j]; dv*=(10000.*c*c/vol); B=sqrt(abs(dv)); // #ifdef NEWTON if (ACSolver==1) { // find out new mu from saturation curve; blockproplist[k].GetBHProps(B,mu,dv); mu=1./(muo*mu); meshele[i].mu1=mu; meshele[i].mu2=mu; for(j=0; j<3; j++) { for(ww=0,v[j]=0; ww<3; ww++) v[j]+=(Mx[j][ww]+My[j][ww])*L.V[n[ww]]; } // Newton iteration K=-200.*c*c*c*dv/vol; for(j=0; j<3; j++) for(ww=0; ww<3; ww++) { // Still compute Mn, the approximate N-R matrix used in // the complex-symmetric approx. This will be useful // w.r.t. preconditioning. However, subtract it off of Mnh and Mna // so that there is no net addition. Mn[j][ww] =K*Re(v[j]*conj(v[ww])); Mnh[j][ww]= 0.5*Re(K)*v[j]*conj(v[ww])-Re(Mn[j][ww]); Mna[j][ww]=I*0.5*Im(K)*v[j]*conj(v[ww])-I*Im(Mn[j][ww]); Mns[j][ww]= 0.5*K*v[j]*v[ww]; } } // #else else { // find out new mu from saturation curve; murel=1./(muo*blockproplist[k].Get_v(B)); muinc=1./(muo*blockproplist[k].GetdHdB(B)); // successive approximation; // K=muinc; // total incremental // K=murel; // total updated K=2.*murel*muinc/(murel+muinc); // averaged meshele[i].mu1=K; meshele[i].mu2=K; K=-(1./murel - 1/K); for(j=0; j<3; j++) for(ww=0; ww<3; ww++) Mn[j][ww]=K*(Mx[j][ww]+My[j][ww]); } // #endif } } // Apply correction for elements subject to prox effects if((blockproplist[meshele[i].blk].LamType>2) && (Iter==0) && (sdi_iter==0)) { meshele[i].mu1=labellist[meshele[i].lbl].ProximityMu; meshele[i].mu2=labellist[meshele[i].lbl].ProximityMu; } // "Warp" the permeability of this element if part of // the conformally mapped external region if((labellist[meshele[i].lbl].IsExternal) && (Iter==0) && (sdi_iter==0)) { double Z=(meshnode[n[0]].y+meshnode[n[1]].y+meshnode[n[2]].y)/3. - extZo; double kludge=(R*R+Z*Z)*extRi/(extRo*extRo*extRo); meshele[i].mu1/=kludge; meshele[i].mu2/=kludge; } // combine block matrices into global matrices; for(j=0; j<3; j++) for(k=0; k<3; k++) { //#ifdef NEWTON if (ACSolver==1) { Me[j][k]+= (Mx[j][k]/(El->mu2) + My[j][k]/(El->mu1) + Mn[j][k]); be[j]+=(Mnh[j][k]+Mna[j][k]+Mn[j][k])*L.V[n[k]]; be[j]+=Mns[j][k]*L.V[n[k]].Conj(); } //#else else { Me[j][k]+= (Mx[j][k]/(El->mu2) + My[j][k]/(El->mu1)); be[j]+=Mn[j][k]*L.V[n[k]]; } //#endif } for (j=0; j<3; j++) { for (k=j; k<3; k++) { L.Put(L.Get(n[j],n[k])+Me[j][k],n[j],n[k]); //#ifdef NEWTON if (ACSolver==1) { if (Mnh[j][k]!=0) L.Put(L.Get(n[j],n[k],1) + Mnh[j][k],n[j],n[k],1); if (Mns[j][k]!=0) L.Put(L.Get(n[j],n[k],2) + Mns[j][k],n[j],n[k],2); if (Mna[j][k]!=0) L.Put(L.Get(n[j],n[k],3) + Mna[j][k],n[j],n[k],3); } //#endif } L.b[n[j]]+=be[j]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // add in contribution from point currents; for(i=0; i<NumNodes; i++) if(meshnode[i].bc>=0) { r=meshnode[i].x; K = (2.*r*0.01)*(nodeproplist[meshnode[i].bc].Jr + I*nodeproplist[meshnode[i].bc].Ji); L.b[i]-=K; } // add in total current constraints for circuits; for(i=0; i<NumCircProps; i++) if (circproplist[i].Case==2) { L.b[NumNodes+i]+=2.*0.01*(circproplist[i].Amps_re + I*circproplist[i].Amps_im); } // apply fixed boundary conditions at points; for(i=0; i<NumNodes; i++) if(meshnode[i].x<(units[LengthUnits]*1.e-06)) { K=0; L.SetValue(i,K); } else if(meshnode[i].bc >=0) if((nodeproplist[meshnode[i].bc].Jr==0) && (nodeproplist[meshnode[i].bc].Ji==0) && (sdi_iter==0)) { K = (nodeproplist[meshnode[i].bc].Ar + I*nodeproplist[meshnode[i].bc].Ai) / c; L.SetValue(i,K); } // apply fixed boundary conditions along segments; for(i=0; i<NumEls; i++) for(j=0; j<3; j++) { k=j+1; if(k==3) k=0; if(meshele[i].e[j]>=0) if(lineproplist[ meshele[i].e[j] ].BdryFormat==0) { if(Coords==0) { // first point on the side; x=meshnode[meshele[i].p[j]].x; y=meshnode[meshele[i].p[j]].y; x/=units[LengthUnits]; y/=units[LengthUnits]; s=meshele[i].e[j]; a=lineproplist[s].A0 + x*lineproplist[s].A1 + y*lineproplist[s].A2; K=(a/c)*exp(I*lineproplist[s].phi*DEG); L.SetValue(meshele[i].p[j],K); // second point on the side; x=meshnode[meshele[i].p[k]].x; y=meshnode[meshele[i].p[k]].y; x/=units[LengthUnits]; y/=units[LengthUnits]; s=meshele[i].e[j]; a=lineproplist[s].A0 + x*lineproplist[s].A1 + y*lineproplist[s].A2; K=(a/c)*exp(I*lineproplist[s].phi*DEG); L.SetValue(meshele[i].p[k],K); } else { // first point on the side; x=meshnode[meshele[i].p[j]].x; y=meshnode[meshele[i].p[j]].y; r=sqrt(x*x+y*y); if ((x==0) && (y==0)) t=0; else t=atan2(y,x)/DEG; r/=units[LengthUnits]; s=meshele[i].e[j]; a=lineproplist[s].A0 + r*lineproplist[s].A1 + t*lineproplist[s].A2; K=(a/c)*exp(I*lineproplist[s].phi*DEG); L.SetValue(meshele[i].p[j],K); // second point on the side; x=meshnode[meshele[i].p[k]].x; y=meshnode[meshele[i].p[k]].y; r=sqrt(x*x+y*y); if((x==0) && (y==0)) t=0; else t=atan2(y,x)/DEG; r/=units[LengthUnits]; s=meshele[i].e[j]; a=lineproplist[s].A0 + r*lineproplist[s].A1 + t*lineproplist[s].A2; K=(a/c)*exp(I*lineproplist[s].phi*DEG); L.SetValue(meshele[i].p[k],K); } } } if ((SDIflag==TRUE) && (sdi_iter==1)) for(i=0; i<NumEls; i++) for(j=0; j<3; j++) { k=j+1; if(k==3) k=0; if(meshele[i].e[j]>=0) if(lineproplist[ meshele[i].e[j] ].BdryFormat==3) { L.SetValue(meshele[i].p[j],0.*I); L.SetValue(meshele[i].p[k],0.*I); } } // "fix" diagonal entries associated with circuits that have // applied current or voltage that is known a priori // so that solver doesn't throw a "singular" flag for(j=0; j<NumCircProps; j++) if (circproplist[j].Case<2) L.Put(L.Get(0,0),NumNodes+j,NumNodes+j); for(k=0; k<NumPBCs; k++) { if (pbclist[k].t==0) L.Periodicity(pbclist[k].x,pbclist[k].y); if (pbclist[k].t==1) L.AntiPeriodicity(pbclist[k].x,pbclist[k].y); } // solve the problem; if (SDIflag==FALSE) for(j=0; j<NumNodes+NumCircProps; j++) V_old[j]=L.V[j]; else { if(sdi_iter==0) for(j=0; j<NumNodes+NumCircProps; j++) V_sdi[j]=L.V[j]; else for(j=0; j<NumNodes+NumCircProps; j++) { V_old[j]=V_sdi[j]; V_sdi[j]=L.V[j]; } } if (L.bNewton) { L.Precision=std::min(1.e-4,0.001*res); if (L.Precision<Precision) L.Precision=Precision; } if (L.PBCGSolveMod(Iter+sdi_iter)==FALSE) return FALSE; if(sdi_iter==1) for(j=0; j<NumNodes+NumCircProps; j++) L.V[j]=(V_sdi[j]+L.V[j])/2.; } //end of SDI loop; if (LinearFlag==FALSE) { for(j=0,x=0,y=0; j<NumNodes; j++) { x+=Re((L.V[j]-V_old[j])*conj(L.V[j]-V_old[j])); y+=Re(L.V[j]*conj(L.V[j])); } if (y==0) LinearFlag=TRUE; else { lastres=res; res=sqrt(x/y); } // relaxation if we need it if(Iter>5) { if ((res>lastres) && (Relax>0.1)) Relax/=2.; else Relax+= 0.1 * (1. - Relax); for(j=0; j<NumNodes+NumCircProps; j++) L.V[j]=Relax*L.V[j]+(1.0-Relax)*V_old[j]; } // report some results char outstr[256]; //#ifdef NEWTON if(ACSolver==1) sprintf(outstr,"Newton Iteration(%i) Relax=%.4g\n",Iter,Relax); //#else else sprintf(outstr,"Successive Approx(%i) Relax=%.4g\n",Iter,Relax); //#endif // TheView->SetDlgItemText(IDC_FRAME2,outstr); printf("%s\n", outstr); j=(int) (100.*log10(res)/(log10(Precision)+2.)); if (j>100) j=100; // TheView->m_prog2.SetPos(j); } // nonlinear iteration has to have a looser tolerance // than the linear solver--otherwise, things can't ever // converge. Arbitrarily choose 100*tolerance. if((res<100.*Precision) && Iter>0) LinearFlag=TRUE; Iter++; } while(LinearFlag==FALSE); // convert answer back to webers for (i=0; i<NumNodes; i++) L.b[i]=L.V[i]*c*2.*PI*meshnode[i].x*0.01; for (i=0; i<NumCircProps; i++) L.b[NumNodes+i]=(I*w*c*0.01*L.V[NumNodes+i]); // free up space allocated in this routine for(k=0; k<NumBlockProps; k++) free(Mu[k]); free(Mu); free(V_old); if (SDIflag==TRUE) free(V_sdi); if(NumCircProps>0) { free(CircInt1); free(CircInt2); free(CircInt3); } return TRUE; }