void CQListCtrl::OnCustomdrawList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NMLVCUSTOMDRAW* pLVCD = reinterpret_cast<NMLVCUSTOMDRAW*>( pNMHDR ); *pResult = 0; // Request item-specific notifications if this is the // beginning of the paint cycle. if ( CDDS_PREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage ) { *pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; } else if ( CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage ) { LVITEM rItem; int nItem = static_cast<int>( pLVCD->nmcd.dwItemSpec ); CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle ( pLVCD->nmcd.hdc ); COLORREF crBkgnd; BOOL bListHasFocus; CRect rcItem; bListHasFocus = ( GetSafeHwnd() == ::GetFocus() ); // Get the image index and selected/focused state of the // item being drawn. ZeroMemory ( &rItem, sizeof(LVITEM) ); rItem.mask = LVIF_STATE; rItem.iItem = nItem; rItem.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED; GetItem(&rItem); // Get the rect that bounds the text label. GetItemRect(nItem, rcItem, LVIR_LABEL); rcItem.left -= DUMMY_COL_WIDTH; COLORREF OldColor = -1; int nOldBKMode = -1; CString csText; LPTSTR lpszText = csText.GetBufferSetLength(g_Opt.m_bDescTextSize); GetItemText(nItem, 0, lpszText, g_Opt.m_bDescTextSize); csText.ReleaseBuffer(); // extract symbols CString strSymbols; int nSymEnd = csText.Find('|'); if (nSymEnd >= 0) { strSymbols = csText.Left(nSymEnd); csText = csText.Mid(nSymEnd + 1); } // Draw the background of the list item. Colors are selected // according to the item's state. if(rItem.state & LVIS_SELECTED) { if(bListHasFocus) { crBkgnd = g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxSelectedBG(); OldColor = pDC->SetTextColor(g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxSelectedText()); } else { crBkgnd = g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxSelectedNoFocusBG(); OldColor = pDC->SetTextColor(g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxSelectedNoFocusText()); } } else { //Shade alternating Rows if((nItem % 2) == 0) { crBkgnd = g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxOddRowsBG(); OldColor = pDC->SetTextColor(g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxOddRowsText()); } else { crBkgnd = g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxEvenRowsBG(); OldColor = pDC->SetTextColor(g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxEvenRowsText()); } } pDC->FillSolidRect(rcItem, crBkgnd); nOldBKMode = pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); CRect rcText = rcItem; rcText.left += ROW_LEFT_BORDER; rcText.top++; if (m_showIfClipWasPasted && strSymbols.GetLength() > 0 && strSymbols.Find(_T("<pasted>")) >= 0) //clip was pasted from ditto { CRect pastedRect(rcItem); pastedRect.left++; pastedRect.right = rcItem.left + theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(3); pDC->FillSolidRect(pastedRect, g_Opt.m_Theme.ClipPastedColor()); rcText.left += theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(4); } // set firstTenNum to the first ten number (1-10) corresponding to // the current nItem. // -1 means that nItem is not in the FirstTen block. int firstTenNum = GetFirstTenNum(nItem); if( m_bShowTextForFirstTenHotKeys && firstTenNum > 0 ) { rcText.left += theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(12); } bool drawInGroupIcon = true; // if we are inside a group, don't display the "in group" flag if( theApp.m_GroupID > 0 ) { int nFlag = strSymbols.Find(_T("<ingroup>")); if (nFlag >= 0) drawInGroupIcon = false; } DrawBitMap(nItem, rcText, pDC, csText); // draw the symbol box if( strSymbols.GetLength() > 0 ) { if(strSymbols.Find(_T("<group>")) >= 0) //group { m_groupFolder.Draw(pDC, this, rcText.left, rcText.top, false, false); rcText.left += m_groupFolder.ImageWidth() + theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(2); } if (strSymbols.Find(_T("<noautodelete>")) >= 0 && strSymbols.Find(_T("<group>")) < 0 && strSymbols.Find(_T("<sticky>")) < 0) //don't auto delete { m_dontDeleteImage.Draw(pDC, this, rcText.left, rcText.top, false, false); rcText.left += m_dontDeleteImage.ImageWidth() + theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(2); } if (strSymbols.Find(_T("<shortcut>")) >= 0) // has shortcut { m_shortCutImage.Draw(pDC, this, rcText.left, rcText.top, false, false); rcText.left += m_shortCutImage.ImageWidth() + theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(2); } if (drawInGroupIcon && strSymbols.Find(_T("<ingroup>")) >= 0) // in group { m_inFolderImage.Draw(pDC, this, rcText.left, rcText.top, false, false); rcText.left += m_inFolderImage.ImageWidth() + theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(2); } if (strSymbols.Find(_T("<qpastetext>")) >= 0) // has quick paste text { } if (strSymbols.Find(_T("<sticky>")) >= 0) //sticky clip { m_stickyImage.Draw(pDC, this, rcText.left, rcText.top, false, false); rcText.left += m_stickyImage.ImageWidth() + theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(2); } } if(DrawRtfText(nItem, rcText, pDC) == FALSE) { if (m_searchText.GetLength() > 0 && FindNoCaseAndInsert(csText, m_searchText, _T("<font color='#ff0000'>"), _T("</font>")) > 0) { DrawHTML(pDC->m_hDC, csText, csText.GetLength(), rcText, DT_VCENTER | DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_NOPREFIX); } else { pDC->DrawText(csText, rcText, DT_VCENTER | DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_NOPREFIX); } } // Draw a focus rect around the item if necessary. if(bListHasFocus && (rItem.state & LVIS_FOCUSED)) pDC->DrawFocusRect(rcItem); if( m_bShowTextForFirstTenHotKeys && firstTenNum > 0 ) { CString cs; if( firstTenNum == 10 ) cs = "0"; else cs.Format(_T("%d"), firstTenNum); CRect crClient; GetWindowRect(crClient); ScreenToClient(crClient); CRect crHotKey = rcItem; int extraFromClipWasPaste = 0; if (m_showIfClipWasPasted) extraFromClipWasPaste = 3; crHotKey.right = crHotKey.left + theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(11); crHotKey.left += theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(1 + extraFromClipWasPaste); crHotKey.top += theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(1 + extraFromClipWasPaste); HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT)pDC->SelectObject(m_SmallFont); pDC->DrawText(cs, crHotKey, DT_BOTTOM); pDC->MoveTo(CPoint(rcItem.left + theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(8 + extraFromClipWasPaste), rcItem.top)); pDC->LineTo(CPoint(rcItem.left + theApp.m_metrics.ScaleX(8 + extraFromClipWasPaste), rcItem.bottom)); pDC->SelectObject(hOldFont); } // restore the previous values if(OldColor > -1) pDC->SetTextColor(OldColor); if(nOldBKMode > -1) pDC->SetBkMode(nOldBKMode); *pResult = CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT; // We've painted everything. } }
void CQListCtrl::OnCustomdrawList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NMLVCUSTOMDRAW* pLVCD = reinterpret_cast<NMLVCUSTOMDRAW*>( pNMHDR ); *pResult = 0; // Request item-specific notifications if this is the // beginning of the paint cycle. if ( CDDS_PREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage ) { *pResult = CDRF_NOTIFYITEMDRAW; } else if ( CDDS_ITEMPREPAINT == pLVCD->nmcd.dwDrawStage ) { LVITEM rItem; int nItem = static_cast<int>( pLVCD->nmcd.dwItemSpec ); CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle ( pLVCD->nmcd.hdc ); COLORREF crBkgnd; BOOL bListHasFocus; CRect rcItem; bListHasFocus = ( GetSafeHwnd() == ::GetFocus() ); // Get the image index and selected/focused state of the // item being drawn. ZeroMemory ( &rItem, sizeof(LVITEM) ); rItem.mask = LVIF_STATE; rItem.iItem = nItem; rItem.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED | LVIS_FOCUSED; GetItem(&rItem); // Get the rect that bounds the text label. GetItemRect(nItem, rcItem, LVIR_LABEL); rcItem.left -= DUMMY_COL_WIDTH; COLORREF OldColor = -1; int nOldBKMode = -1; // Draw the background of the list item. Colors are selected // according to the item's state. if(rItem.state & LVIS_SELECTED) { if(bListHasFocus) { crBkgnd = g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxSelectedBG(); OldColor = pDC->SetTextColor(g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxSelectedText()); } else { crBkgnd = g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxSelectedNoFocusBG(); OldColor = pDC->SetTextColor(g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxSelectedNoFocusText()); } } else { //Shade alternating Rows if((nItem % 2) == 0) { crBkgnd = g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxOddRowsBG(); OldColor = pDC->SetTextColor(g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxOddRowsText()); } else { crBkgnd = g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxEvenRowsBG(); OldColor = pDC->SetTextColor(g_Opt.m_Theme.ListBoxEvenRowsText()); } } pDC->FillSolidRect(rcItem, crBkgnd); nOldBKMode = pDC->SetBkMode(TRANSPARENT); CRect rcText = rcItem; rcText.left += ROW_LEFT_BORDER; rcText.top++; // Draw the text. //CString csText = GetItemText(nItem, 0); CString csText; LPTSTR lpszText = csText.GetBufferSetLength(g_Opt.m_bDescTextSize); GetItemText(nItem, 0, lpszText, g_Opt.m_bDescTextSize); csText.ReleaseBuffer(); // extract symbols CString strSymbols; int nSymEnd = csText.Find('|'); if( nSymEnd >= 0 ) { strSymbols = csText.Left(nSymEnd); csText = csText.Mid(nSymEnd+1); } // set firstTenNum to the first ten number (1-10) corresponding to // the current nItem. // -1 means that nItem is not in the FirstTen block. int firstTenNum = GetFirstTenNum(nItem); if( m_bShowTextForFirstTenHotKeys && firstTenNum > 0 ) { rcText.left += 12; } // if we are inside a group, don't display the "in group" flag if( theApp.m_GroupID > 0 ) { int nFlag = strSymbols.Find(_T("!")); if( nFlag >= 0 ) strSymbols.Delete(nFlag); } DrawBitMap(nItem, rcText, pDC, csText); // draw the symbol box if( strSymbols.GetLength() > 0 ) { strSymbols = " " + strSymbols + " "; // leave space for box // add spaces to leave room for the symbols CRect rectSym(rcText.left, rcText.top+1, rcText.left, rcText.top+1); CRect rectSpace(0,0,0,0); //Get text bounds pDC->DrawText(" ", &rectSpace, DT_VCENTER | DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_CALCRECT); pDC->DrawText(strSymbols, &rectSym, DT_VCENTER | DT_EXPANDTABS | DT_CALCRECT); VERIFY( rectSpace.Width() > 0 ); // int numSpaces = rectSym.Width() / rectSpace.Width(); // numSpaces++; // csText = CString(' ',numSpaces) + csText; // draw the symbols pDC->FillSolidRect( rectSym, GetSysColor(COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION) ); //pDC->FillSolidRect( rectSym, RGB(0,255,255) ); pDC->Draw3dRect(rectSym, GetSysColor(COLOR_3DLIGHT), GetSysColor(COLOR_3DDKSHADOW)); // COLORREF crOld = pDC->SetTextColor(GetSysColor(COLOR_INFOTEXT)); COLORREF crOld = pDC->SetTextColor(RGB(255, 255, 255)); pDC->DrawText(strSymbols, rectSym, DT_VCENTER|DT_EXPANDTABS|DT_NOPREFIX); pDC->SetTextColor(crOld); rcText.left += rectSym.Width() + 2; } if(DrawRtfText(nItem, rcText, pDC) == FALSE) { pDC->DrawText(csText, rcText, DT_VCENTER|DT_EXPANDTABS|DT_NOPREFIX); } // Draw a focus rect around the item if necessary. if(bListHasFocus && (rItem.state & LVIS_FOCUSED)) pDC->DrawFocusRect(rcItem); if( m_bShowTextForFirstTenHotKeys && firstTenNum > 0 ) { CString cs; if( firstTenNum == 10 ) cs = "0"; else cs.Format(_T("%d"), firstTenNum); CRect crClient; GetWindowRect(crClient); ScreenToClient(crClient); CRect crHotKey = rcItem; crHotKey.right = crHotKey.left + 11; crHotKey.left += 2; crHotKey.top += 2; HFONT hOldFont = (HFONT)pDC->SelectObject(m_SmallFont); pDC->DrawText(cs, crHotKey, DT_BOTTOM); pDC->MoveTo(CPoint(rcItem.left + 11, rcItem.top)); pDC->LineTo(CPoint(rcItem.left + 11, rcItem.bottom)); pDC->SelectObject(hOldFont); } // restore the previous values if(OldColor > -1) pDC->SetTextColor(OldColor); if(nOldBKMode > -1) pDC->SetBkMode(nOldBKMode); *pResult = CDRF_SKIPDEFAULT; // We've painted everything. } }