Пример #1
bool Client::UseDiscipline(uint8 disc_id)
    // Dont let client waste a reuse timer if they can't use the disc
    if (IsStunned() || IsFeared() || IsMezzed() || IsAmnesiad() || IsPet())

    //Check the disc timer
    uint32 remain = p_timers.GetRemainingTime(pTimerDisciplineReuseStart);
    if(remain > 0 && !GetGM())
        char val1[20]= {0};
        char val2[20]= {0};
        Message_StringID(CC_User_Disciplines, DISCIPLINE_CANUSEIN, ConvertArray((remain)/60,val1), ConvertArray(remain%60,val2));

    bool active = disc_ability_timer.Enabled();
        Message(CC_User_Disciplines, "You must wait before using this discipline."); //find correct message

    //can we use the disc? the client checks this for us, but we should also confirm server side.
    uint8 level_to_use = DisciplineUseLevel(disc_id);
    if(level_to_use > GetLevel() || level_to_use == 0) {
        Message_StringID(CC_User_Disciplines, DISC_LEVEL_USE_ERROR);

    // Disciplines with no ability timer (ashenhand, silentfist, thunderkick, and unholyaura) will remain on the player until they either
    // use the skill the disc affects successfully, camp/zone, or attempt to use another disc. If we're here, clear that disc so they can
    // cast a new one.
    if(GetActiveDisc() != 0)
        Log.Out(Logs::General, Logs::Discs, "Clearing disc %d so that disc %d can be cast.", GetActiveDisc(), disc_id);

    //cast the disc
    if(CastDiscipline(disc_id, level_to_use))
Пример #2
void Client::SetEXP(uint32 set_exp, uint32 set_aaxp, bool isrezzexp) {
	_log(CLIENT__EXP, "Attempting to Set Exp for %s (XP: %u, AAXP: %u, Rez: %s)", this->GetCleanName(), set_exp, set_aaxp, isrezzexp ? "true" : "false");
	//max_AAXP = GetEXPForLevel(52) - GetEXPForLevel(51);	//GetEXPForLevel() doesn't depend on class/race, just level, so it shouldn't change between Clients
	max_AAXP = RuleI(AA, ExpPerPoint);	//this may be redundant since we're doing this in Client::FinishConnState2()
	if (max_AAXP == 0 || GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()) == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		Message(13, "Error in Client::SetEXP. EXP not set.");
		return; // Must be invalid class/race
	if ((set_exp + set_aaxp) > (m_pp.exp+m_pp.expAA)) {
		if (isrezzexp)
			this->Message_StringID(MT_Experience, REZ_REGAIN);
				this->Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GAIN_GROUPXP);
			else if(IsRaidGrouped())
				Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GAIN_RAIDEXP);
				this->Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GAIN_XP);
	else if((set_exp + set_aaxp) < (m_pp.exp+m_pp.expAA)){ //only loss message if you lose exp, no message if you gained/lost nothing.
		Message(15, "You have lost experience.");
	//check_level represents the level we should be when we have
	//this ammount of exp (once these loops complete)
	uint16 check_level = GetLevel()+1;
	//see if we gained any levels
	while (set_exp >= GetEXPForLevel(check_level)) {
		if (check_level > 127) {	//hard level cap
			check_level = 127;
	//see if we lost any levels
	while (set_exp < GetEXPForLevel(check_level-1)) {
		if (check_level < 2) {	//hard level minimum
			check_level = 2;

	//see if we gained any AAs
	if (set_aaxp >= max_AAXP) {
			Note: AA exp is stored differently than normal exp.
			Exp points are only stored in m_pp.expAA until you 
			gain a full AA point, once you gain it, a point is 
			added to m_pp.aapoints and the ammount needed to gain
			that point is subtracted from m_pp.expAA
			then, once they spend an AA point, it is subtracted from
			m_pp.aapoints. In theory it then goes into m_pp.aapoints_spent,
			but im not sure if we have that in the right spot.
		//record how many points we have
		uint32 last_unspentAA = m_pp.aapoints;
		//figure out how many AA points we get from the exp were setting
		m_pp.aapoints = set_aaxp / max_AAXP;
		_log(CLIENT__EXP, "Calculating additional AA Points from AAXP for %s: %u / %u = %.1f points", this->GetCleanName(), set_aaxp, max_AAXP, (float)set_aaxp / (float)max_AAXP);
		//get remainder exp points, set in PP below
		set_aaxp = set_aaxp - (max_AAXP * m_pp.aapoints);
		//add in how many points we had
		m_pp.aapoints += last_unspentAA;
		//set_aaxp = m_pp.expAA % max_AAXP;
		//figure out how many points were actually gained
		/*uint32 gained = m_pp.aapoints - last_unspentAA;*/	//unused
		//Message(15, "You have gained %d skill points!!", m_pp.aapoints - last_unspentAA);
		char val1[20]={0};
		Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GAIN_ABILITY_POINT,ConvertArray(m_pp.aapoints, val1),m_pp.aapoints == 1 ? "" : "(s)");	//You have gained an ability point!  You now have %1 ability point%2.
		//Message(15, "You now have %d skill points available to spend.", m_pp.aapoints);

	uint8 maxlevel = RuleI(Character, MaxExpLevel) + 1;

	if(maxlevel <= 1)
		maxlevel = RuleI(Character, MaxLevel) + 1;
	if(check_level > maxlevel) {
		check_level = maxlevel;

		if(RuleB(Character, KeepLevelOverMax))
			set_exp = GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()+1);
			set_exp = GetEXPForLevel(maxlevel);
	if(RuleB(Character, PerCharacterQglobalMaxLevel)){
		uint32 MaxLevel = GetCharMaxLevelFromQGlobal();
			if(GetLevel() >= MaxLevel){
				uint32 expneeded = GetEXPForLevel(MaxLevel);
				if(set_exp > expneeded)
					set_exp =  expneeded;

	if ((GetLevel() != check_level) && !(check_level >= maxlevel)) {
		char val1[20]={0};
		if (GetLevel() == check_level-1){
			Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GAIN_LEVEL,ConvertArray(check_level,val1));
			//Message(15, "You have gained a level! Welcome to level %i!", check_level);
		if (GetLevel() == check_level){
			Message_StringID(MT_Experience, LOSE_LEVEL,ConvertArray(check_level,val1));
			//Message(15, "You lost a level! You are now level %i!", check_level);
			Message(15, "Welcome to level %i!", check_level);
	//If were at max level then stop gaining experience if we make it to the cap
	if(GetLevel() == maxlevel - 1){
		uint32 expneeded = GetEXPForLevel(maxlevel);
		if(set_exp > expneeded)
			set_exp =  expneeded;
	//set the client's EXP and AAEXP
	m_pp.exp = set_exp;
	m_pp.expAA = set_aaxp;
	if (GetLevel() < 51) {
		m_epp.perAA = 0;	// turn off aa exp if they drop below 51
	} else
		SendAAStats();	//otherwise, send them an AA update

	//send the expdata in any case so the xp bar isnt stuck after leveling
	uint32 tmpxp1 = GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()+1);
	uint32 tmpxp2 = GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel());
	// Quag: crash bug fix... Divide by zero when tmpxp1 and 2 equalled each other, most likely the error case from GetEXPForLevel() (invalid class, etc)
	if (tmpxp1 != tmpxp2 && tmpxp1 != 0xFFFFFFFF && tmpxp2 != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		EQApplicationPacket* outapp = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_ExpUpdate, sizeof(ExpUpdate_Struct));
		ExpUpdate_Struct* eu = (ExpUpdate_Struct*)outapp->pBuffer;
		float tmpxp = (float) ( (float) set_exp-tmpxp2 ) / ( (float) tmpxp1-tmpxp2 );
		eu->exp = (uint32)(330.0f * tmpxp);
	if (admin>=100 && GetGM()) {
		char val1[20]={0};
		char val2[20]={0};
		char val3[20]={0};
		Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GM_GAINXP,ConvertArray(set_aaxp,val1),ConvertArray(set_exp,val2),ConvertArray(GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()+1),val3));	//[GM] You have gained %1 AXP and %2 EXP (%3).
		//Message(15, "[GM] You now have %d / %d EXP and %d / %d AA exp.", set_exp, GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()+1), set_aaxp, max_AAXP);
Пример #3
//returns true on success
bool Client::TradeskillExecute(DBTradeskillRecipe_Struct *spec) {
 	if(spec == NULL)
	uint16 user_skill = GetSkill(spec->tradeskill);
	float chance = 0.0;
	float skillup_modifier = 0.0;
	int16 thirdstat = 0;
	int16 stat_modifier = 15;
	uint16 success_modifier = 0;

	// Rework based on the info on eqtraders.com
	// http://mboards.eqtraders.com/eq/showthread.php?t=22246
	// 09/10/2006 v0.1 (eq4me)
	// 09/11/2006 v0.2 (eq4me)
	// Todo:
	//     Implementing AAs
	//     Success modifiers based on recipes
	//     Skillup modifiers based on the rarity of the ingredients

	// Some tradeskills are more eqal then others. ;-)
	// If you want to customize the stage1 success rate do it here.
    // Remember: skillup_modifier is (float). Lower is better
	switch(spec->tradeskill) {
	case ALCHEMY:
	case POTTERY:
		skillup_modifier = 4;
	case BAKING:
	case BREWING:
		skillup_modifier = 3;
		skillup_modifier = 1;
		skillup_modifier = 2;

	// Some tradeskills take the higher of one additional stat beside INT and WIS
	// to determine the skillup rate. Additionally these tradeskills do not have an
	// -15 modifier on their statbonus.
	if (spec->tradeskill ==  FLETCHING || spec->tradeskill == MAKE_POISON) {
		thirdstat = GetDEX();
		stat_modifier = 0;
	} else if (spec->tradeskill == BLACKSMITHING) {
		thirdstat = GetSTR();
		stat_modifier = 0;
	int16 higher_from_int_wis = (GetINT() > GetWIS()) ? GetINT() : GetWIS();
	int16 bonusstat = (higher_from_int_wis > thirdstat) ? higher_from_int_wis : thirdstat;
	vector< pair<uint32,uint8> >::iterator itr;

    //calculate the base success chance
	// For trivials over 68 the chance is (skill - 0.75*trivial) +51.5
    // For trivial up to 68 the chance is (skill - trivial) + 66
	if (spec->trivial >= 68) {
		chance = (user_skill - (0.75*spec->trivial)) + 51.5;
	} else {
		chance = (user_skill - spec->trivial) + 66;
	int16 over_trivial = (int16)GetRawSkill(spec->tradeskill) - (int16)spec->trivial;

	//handle caps
	if(spec->nofail) {
		chance = 100;	//cannot fail.
		_log(TRADESKILLS__TRACE, "...This combine cannot fail.");
	} else if(over_trivial >= 0) {
		// At reaching trivial the chance goes to 95% going up an additional
		// percent for every 40 skillpoints above the trivial.
		// The success rate is not modified through stats.
		// Mastery AAs are unaccounted for so far.
		// chance_AA = chance + ((100 - chance) * mastery_modifier)
		// But the 95% limit with an additional 1% for every 40 skill points
		// above critical still stands.
		// Mastery modifier is: 10%/25%/50% for rank one/two/three
		chance = 95.0f + (float(user_skill - spec->trivial) / 40.0f);
		Message_StringID(MT_Emote, TRADESKILL_TRIVIAL);
	} else if(chance < 5) {
		// Minimum chance is always 5
		chance = 5;
	} else if(chance > 95) {
		//cap is 95, shouldent reach this before trivial, but just in case.
		chance = 95;
	_log(TRADESKILLS__TRACE, "...Current skill: %d , Trivial: %d , Success chance: %f percent", user_skill , spec->trivial , chance);
	_log(TRADESKILLS__TRACE, "...Bonusstat: %d , INT: %d , WIS: %d , DEX: %d , STR: %d", bonusstat , GetINT() , GetWIS() , GetDEX() , GetSTR());
	float res = MakeRandomFloat(0, 99);
	int AAChance = 0;

	//AA modifiers
	//can we do this with nested switches?
	if(spec->tradeskill == ALCHEMY){
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if(spec->tradeskill == JEWELRY_MAKING){
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;
      const Item_Struct* item = NULL;

	if (spec->tradeskill == BLACKSMITHING) {
		switch(GetAA(aaBlacksmithingMastery)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (spec->tradeskill == BAKING) {
		switch(GetAA(aaBakingMastery)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (spec->tradeskill == BREWING) {
		switch(GetAA(aaBrewingMastery)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (spec->tradeskill == FLETCHING) {
		switch(GetAA(aaFletchingMastery2)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (spec->tradeskill == POTTERY) {
		switch(GetAA(aaPotteryMastery)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (spec->tradeskill == TAILORING) {
		switch(GetAA(aaTailoringMastery)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;
	if (spec->tradeskill == RESEARCH) {
		switch(GetAA(aaArcaneTongues)) {
		case 1:
			AAChance = 10;
		case 2:
			AAChance = 25;
		case 3:
			AAChance = 50;

	if (((spec->tradeskill==75) || GetGM() || (chance > res)) || MakeRandomInt(0, 99) < AAChance){
		success_modifier = 1;
		if(over_trivial < 0)
			CheckIncreaseTradeskill(bonusstat, stat_modifier, skillup_modifier, success_modifier, spec->tradeskill);

		_log(TRADESKILLS__TRACE, "Tradeskill success");

		itr = spec->onsuccess.begin();
		while(itr != spec->onsuccess.end() && !spec->quest) {
			//should we check this crap?
			SummonItem(itr->first, itr->second);
                  item = database.GetItem(itr->first);
			if (this->GetGroup())
				entity_list.MessageGroup(this,true,MT_Skills,"%s has successfully fashioned %s!",GetName(),item->Name);
			if(RuleB(TaskSystem, EnableTaskSystem))
				UpdateTasksForItem(ActivityTradeSkill, itr->first, itr->second);
	} else {
		success_modifier = 2; // Halves the chance
		if(over_trivial < 0)
			CheckIncreaseTradeskill(bonusstat, stat_modifier, skillup_modifier, success_modifier, spec->tradeskill);

		_log(TRADESKILLS__TRACE, "Tradeskill failed");
            if (this->GetGroup())
			entity_list.MessageGroup(this,true,MT_Skills,"%s was unsuccessful in %s tradeskill attempt.",GetName(),this->GetGender() == 0 ? "his" : this->GetGender() == 1 ? "her" : "its");
		itr = spec->onfail.begin();
		while(itr != spec->onfail.end()) {
			//should we check these arguments?
			SummonItem(itr->first, itr->second);

        // Rolls on each item, is possible to return everything
        int SalvageChance = aabonuses.SalvageChance + itembonuses.SalvageChance + spellbonuses.SalvageChance;
        // Skip check if not a normal TS or if a quest recipe these should be nofail, but check amyways
        if(SalvageChance && spec->tradeskill != 75 && !spec->quest) {
            itr = spec->salvage.begin();
            uint8 sc = 0;
            while(itr != spec->salvage.end()) {
                for(sc = 0; sc < itr->second; sc++)
                    if(MakeRandomInt(0,99) < SalvageChance)
                        SummonItem(itr->first, 1);

Пример #4
void Client::AddEXP(uint32 in_add_exp, uint8 conlevel, bool resexp) {


	if(conlevel == CON_GREEN)

	uint32 add_exp = in_add_exp;

	if(!resexp && (XPRate != 0))
		add_exp = static_cast<uint32>(in_add_exp * (static_cast<float>(XPRate) / 100.0f));

	if (m_epp.perAA<0 || m_epp.perAA>100)
		m_epp.perAA=0;	// stop exploit with sanity check

	uint32 add_aaxp;
	if(resexp) {
		add_aaxp = 0;
	} else {

		//figure out how much of this goes to AAs
		add_aaxp = add_exp * m_epp.perAA / 100;
		//take that ammount away from regular exp
		add_exp -= add_aaxp;

		float totalmod = 1.0;
		if(RuleR(Character, ExpMultiplier) >= 0){
			totalmod *= RuleR(Character, ExpMultiplier);

		float zemmod = 75.0;
		if(zone->newzone_data.zone_exp_multiplier >= 0){
			zemmod = zone->newzone_data.zone_exp_multiplier * 100;

			totalmod += RuleR(Zone, HotZoneBonus);

		// AK had a permanent 20% XP increase.
		totalmod += 0.20;

		add_exp = uint32(float(add_exp) * totalmod * zemmod);

	float aatotalmod = 1.0;

	// AK had a permanent 20% XP increase.
	aatotalmod += 0.20;

	if(zone->newzone_data.zone_exp_multiplier >= 0){
		aatotalmod *= zone->newzone_data.zone_exp_multiplier * 100;

	if(RuleB(Zone, LevelBasedEXPMods)){
			add_exp *= zone->level_exp_mod[GetLevel()].ExpMod;
			add_aaxp *= zone->level_exp_mod[GetLevel()].AAExpMod;

	uint32 requiredxp = GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel() + 1) - GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel());
	float xp_cap = (float)requiredxp * 0.13f; //13% of total XP is our cap

	if(add_exp > xp_cap)
		add_exp = xp_cap;

	if(add_aaxp > xp_cap)
		add_aaxp = xp_cap;

	uint32 exp = GetEXP() + add_exp;
	uint32 aaexp = (uint32)(RuleR(Character, AAExpMultiplier) * add_aaxp * aatotalmod);
	uint32 had_aaexp = GetAAXP();
	aaexp += had_aaexp;
	if(aaexp < had_aaexp)
		aaexp = had_aaexp;	//watch for wrap

	uint32 neededxp = GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()+1) - (GetEXP() + add_exp);
	if (admin>=100 && GetGM()) {
		Message(CC_Yellow, "[GM] You have gained %d (%d) AXP and %d (%d) EXP. %d more EXP is needed for Level %d", add_aaxp, GetAAXP() + add_aaxp, add_exp, GetEXP() + add_exp, neededxp, GetLevel()+1);
	//Message(CC_Yellow, "AddExp: XP awarded: %i (%i) Required XP is: %i Cap: %0.2f Race: %i Class: %i Zoneid: %i", add_exp, GetEXP() + add_exp, requiredxp, xp_cap, GetBaseRace(), GetClass(), zone->GetZoneID());
	SetEXP(exp, aaexp, resexp);
Пример #5
//returns true on success
bool Client::TradeskillExecute(DBTradeskillRecipe_Struct *spec) {
	if(spec == nullptr)

	uint16 user_skill = GetSkill(spec->tradeskill);
	float chance = 0.0;
	float skillup_modifier = 0.0;
	int16 thirdstat = 0;
	int16 stat_modifier = 15;
	uint16 success_modifier = 0;

	// Rework based on the info on eqtraders.com
	// http://mboards.eqtraders.com/eq/showthread.php?t=22246
	// 09/10/2006 v0.1 (eq4me)
	// 09/11/2006 v0.2 (eq4me)
	// Todo:
	// Implementing AAs
	// Success modifiers based on recipes
	// Skillup modifiers based on the rarity of the ingredients

	// Some tradeskills are more eqal then others. ;-)
	// If you want to customize the stage1 success rate do it here.
	// Remember: skillup_modifier is (float). Lower is better
        switch(spec->tradeskill) {
        case SkillFletching:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpFletching);
        case SkillAlchemy:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpAlchemy);
        case SkillJewelryMaking:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpJewelcrafting);
        case SkillPottery:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpPottery);
        case SkillBaking:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpBaking);
        case SkillBrewing:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpBrewing);
        case SkillBlacksmithing:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpBlacksmithing);
        case SkillResearch:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpResearch);
        case SkillMakePoison:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpMakePoison);
        case SkillTinkering:
                skillup_modifier = RuleI(Character, TradeskillUpTinkering);
                skillup_modifier = 2;

	// Some tradeskills take the higher of one additional stat beside INT and WIS
	// to determine the skillup rate. Additionally these tradeskills do not have an
	// -15 modifier on their statbonus.
	if (spec->tradeskill == SkillFletching || spec->tradeskill == SkillMakePoison) {
		thirdstat = GetDEX();
		stat_modifier = 0;
	} else if (spec->tradeskill == SkillBlacksmithing) {
		thirdstat = GetSTR();
		stat_modifier = 0;

	int16 higher_from_int_wis = (GetINT() > GetWIS()) ? GetINT() : GetWIS();
	int16 bonusstat = (higher_from_int_wis > thirdstat) ? higher_from_int_wis : thirdstat;

	std::vector< std::pair<uint32,uint8> >::iterator itr;

	//calculate the base success chance
	// For trivials over 68 the chance is (skill - 0.75*trivial) +51.5
	// For trivial up to 68 the chance is (skill - trivial) + 66
	if (spec->trivial >= 68) {
		chance = (user_skill - (0.75*spec->trivial)) + 51.5;
	} else {
		chance = (user_skill - spec->trivial) + 66;

	int16 over_trivial = (int16)GetRawSkill(spec->tradeskill) - (int16)spec->trivial;

	//handle caps
	if(spec->nofail) {
		chance = 100;	//cannot fail.
		Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "...This combine cannot fail.");
	} else if(over_trivial >= 0) {
		// At reaching trivial the chance goes to 95% going up an additional
		// percent for every 40 skillpoints above the trivial.
		// The success rate is not modified through stats.
		// Mastery AAs are unaccounted for so far.
		// chance_AA = chance + ((100 - chance) * mastery_modifier)
		// But the 95% limit with an additional 1% for every 40 skill points
		// above critical still stands.
		// Mastery modifier is: 10%/25%/50% for rank one/two/three
		chance = 95.0f + (float(user_skill - spec->trivial) / 40.0f);
		Message_StringID(MT_Emote, TRADESKILL_TRIVIAL);
	} else if(chance < 5) {
		// Minimum chance is always 5
		chance = 5;
	} else if(chance > 95) {
		//cap is 95, shouldent reach this before trivial, but just in case.
		chance = 95;

	Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "...Current skill: %d , Trivial: %d , Success chance: %f percent", user_skill , spec->trivial , chance);
	Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "...Bonusstat: %d , INT: %d , WIS: %d , DEX: %d , STR: %d", bonusstat , GetINT() , GetWIS() , GetDEX() , GetSTR());

	float res = zone->random.Real(0, 99);
	int aa_chance = 0;

	aa_chance = spellbonuses.ReduceTradeskillFail[spec->tradeskill] + itembonuses.ReduceTradeskillFail[spec->tradeskill] + aabonuses.ReduceTradeskillFail[spec->tradeskill];

	const Item_Struct* item = nullptr;
	chance = mod_tradeskill_chance(chance, spec);

	if (((spec->tradeskill==75) || GetGM() || (chance > res)) || zone->random.Roll(aa_chance)) {
		success_modifier = 1;

		if(over_trivial < 0)
			CheckIncreaseTradeskill(bonusstat, stat_modifier, skillup_modifier, success_modifier, spec->tradeskill);

		Message_StringID(4, TRADESKILL_SUCCEED, spec->name.c_str());

		Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "Tradeskill success");

		itr = spec->onsuccess.begin();
		while(itr != spec->onsuccess.end() && !spec->quest) {
			//should we check this crap?
			SummonItem(itr->first, itr->second);
			item = database.GetItem(itr->first);
			if (this->GetGroup()) {
				entity_list.MessageGroup(this, true, MT_Skills, "%s has successfully fashioned %s!", GetName(), item->Name);

			/* QS: Player_Log_Trade_Skill_Events */
			if (RuleB(QueryServ, PlayerLogTradeSkillEvents)){
				std::string event_desc = StringFormat("Success :: fashioned recipe_id:%i tskillid:%i trivial:%i chance:%4.2f  in zoneid:%i instid:%i", spec->recipe_id, spec->tradeskill, spec->trivial, chance, this->GetZoneID(), this->GetInstanceID());
				QServ->PlayerLogEvent(Player_Log_Trade_Skill_Events, this->CharacterID(), event_desc);

			if(RuleB(TaskSystem, EnableTaskSystem))
				UpdateTasksForItem(ActivityTradeSkill, itr->first, itr->second);
	/* Tradeskill Fail */
	else {
		success_modifier = 2; // Halves the chance

		if(over_trivial < 0)
			CheckIncreaseTradeskill(bonusstat, stat_modifier, skillup_modifier, success_modifier, spec->tradeskill);


		Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::Tradeskills, "Tradeskill failed");
			if (this->GetGroup())
			entity_list.MessageGroup(this,true,MT_Skills,"%s was unsuccessful in %s tradeskill attempt.",GetName(),this->GetGender() == 0 ? "his" : this->GetGender() == 1 ? "her" : "its");


		/* QS: Player_Log_Trade_Skill_Events */
		if (RuleB(QueryServ, PlayerLogTradeSkillEvents)){
			std::string event_desc = StringFormat("Failed :: recipe_id:%i tskillid:%i trivial:%i chance:%4.2f  in zoneid:%i instid:%i", spec->recipe_id, spec->tradeskill, spec->trivial, chance, this->GetZoneID(), this->GetInstanceID());
			QServ->PlayerLogEvent(Player_Log_Trade_Skill_Events, this->CharacterID(), event_desc);

		itr = spec->onfail.begin();
		while(itr != spec->onfail.end()) {
			//should we check these arguments?
			SummonItem(itr->first, itr->second);

		/* Salvage Item rolls */

		// Rolls on each item, is possible to return everything
		int SalvageChance = aabonuses.SalvageChance + itembonuses.SalvageChance + spellbonuses.SalvageChance;
		// Skip check if not a normal TS or if a quest recipe these should be nofail, but check amyways
		if(SalvageChance && spec->tradeskill != 75 && !spec->quest) {
			itr = spec->salvage.begin();
			uint8 sc = 0;
			while(itr != spec->salvage.end()) {
				for(sc = 0; sc < itr->second; sc++)
						SummonItem(itr->first, 1);

Пример #6
void Client::SetEXP(uint32 set_exp, uint32 set_aaxp, bool isrezzexp) {
	Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::None, "Attempting to Set Exp for %s (XP: %u, AAXP: %u, Rez: %s)", this->GetCleanName(), set_exp, set_aaxp, isrezzexp ? "true" : "false");
	//max_AAXP = GetEXPForLevel(52) - GetEXPForLevel(51);	//GetEXPForLevel() doesn't depend on class/race, just level, so it shouldn't change between Clients
	max_AAXP = RuleI(AA, ExpPerPoint);	//this may be redundant since we're doing this in Client::FinishConnState2()
	if (max_AAXP == 0 || GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()) == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		Message(13, "Error in Client::SetEXP. EXP not set.");
		return; // Must be invalid class/race

	if ((set_exp + set_aaxp) > (m_pp.exp+m_pp.expAA)) {
		if (isrezzexp)
			this->Message_StringID(MT_Experience, REZ_REGAIN);
				this->Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GAIN_GROUPXP);
			else if(IsRaidGrouped())
				Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GAIN_RAIDEXP);
				this->Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GAIN_XP);
	else if((set_exp + set_aaxp) < (m_pp.exp+m_pp.expAA)){ //only loss message if you lose exp, no message if you gained/lost nothing.
		Message(15, "You have lost experience.");

	//check_level represents the level we should be when we have
	//this ammount of exp (once these loops complete)
	uint16 check_level = GetLevel()+1;
	//see if we gained any levels
	bool level_increase = true;
	int8 level_count = 0;

	while (set_exp >= GetEXPForLevel(check_level)) {
		if (check_level > 127) {	//hard level cap
			check_level = 127;

	//see if we lost any levels
	while (set_exp < GetEXPForLevel(check_level-1)) {
		if (check_level < 2) {	//hard level minimum
			check_level = 2;
		level_increase = false;

	//see if we gained any AAs
	if (set_aaxp >= max_AAXP) {
			Note: AA exp is stored differently than normal exp.
			Exp points are only stored in m_pp.expAA until you
			gain a full AA point, once you gain it, a point is
			added to m_pp.aapoints and the ammount needed to gain
			that point is subtracted from m_pp.expAA

			then, once they spend an AA point, it is subtracted from
			m_pp.aapoints. In theory it then goes into m_pp.aapoints_spent,
			but im not sure if we have that in the right spot.
		//record how many points we have
		uint32 last_unspentAA = m_pp.aapoints;

		//figure out how many AA points we get from the exp were setting
		m_pp.aapoints = set_aaxp / max_AAXP;
		Log.Out(Logs::Detail, Logs::None, "Calculating additional AA Points from AAXP for %s: %u / %u = %.1f points", this->GetCleanName(), set_aaxp, max_AAXP, (float)set_aaxp / (float)max_AAXP);

		//get remainder exp points, set in PP below
		set_aaxp = set_aaxp - (max_AAXP * m_pp.aapoints);

		//add in how many points we had
		m_pp.aapoints += last_unspentAA;
		//set_aaxp = m_pp.expAA % max_AAXP;

		//figure out how many points were actually gained
		/*uint32 gained = m_pp.aapoints - last_unspentAA;*/	//unused

		//Message(15, "You have gained %d skill points!!", m_pp.aapoints - last_unspentAA);
		char val1[20]={0};
		Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GAIN_ABILITY_POINT,ConvertArray(m_pp.aapoints, val1),m_pp.aapoints == 1 ? "" : "(s)");	//You have gained an ability point! You now have %1 ability point%2.
		/* QS: PlayerLogAARate */
		if (RuleB(QueryServ, PlayerLogAARate)){
			int add_points = (m_pp.aapoints - last_unspentAA);
			std::string query = StringFormat("INSERT INTO `qs_player_aa_rate_hourly` (char_id, aa_count, hour_time) VALUES (%i, %i, UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - MOD(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 3600)) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `aa_count` = `aa_count` + %i", this->CharacterID(), add_points, add_points);

		//Message(15, "You now have %d skill points available to spend.", m_pp.aapoints);

	uint8 maxlevel = RuleI(Character, MaxExpLevel) + 1;

	if(maxlevel <= 1)
		maxlevel = RuleI(Character, MaxLevel) + 1;

	if(check_level > maxlevel) {
		check_level = maxlevel;

		if(RuleB(Character, KeepLevelOverMax)) {
			set_exp = GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()+1);
		else {
			set_exp = GetEXPForLevel(maxlevel);

	if(RuleB(Character, PerCharacterQglobalMaxLevel)){
		uint32 MaxLevel = GetCharMaxLevelFromQGlobal();
			if(GetLevel() >= MaxLevel){
				uint32 expneeded = GetEXPForLevel(MaxLevel);
				if(set_exp > expneeded) {
					set_exp = expneeded;

	if ((GetLevel() != check_level) && !(check_level >= maxlevel)) {
		char val1[20]={0};
		if (level_increase)
			if (level_count == 1)
				Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GAIN_LEVEL, ConvertArray(check_level, val1));
				Message(15, "Welcome to level %i!", check_level);

			if (check_level == RuleI(Character, DeathItemLossLevel))
				Message_StringID(15, CORPSE_ITEM_LOST);

			if (check_level == RuleI(Character, DeathExpLossLevel))
				Message_StringID(15, CORPSE_EXP_LOST);
			Message_StringID(MT_Experience, LOSE_LEVEL, ConvertArray(check_level, val1));

#ifdef BOTS
		uint8 myoldlevel = GetLevel();


#ifdef BOTS
		if(RuleB(Bots, BotLevelsWithOwner))
			// hack way of doing this..but, least invasive... (same criteria as gain level for sendlvlapp)
			Bot::LevelBotWithClient(this, GetLevel(), (myoldlevel==check_level-1));

	//If were at max level then stop gaining experience if we make it to the cap
	if(GetLevel() == maxlevel - 1){
		uint32 expneeded = GetEXPForLevel(maxlevel);
		if(set_exp > expneeded) {
			set_exp = expneeded;

	//set the client's EXP and AAEXP
	m_pp.exp = set_exp;
	m_pp.expAA = set_aaxp;

	if (GetLevel() < 51) {
		m_epp.perAA = 0;	// turn off aa exp if they drop below 51
	} else
		SendAAStats();	//otherwise, send them an AA update

	//send the expdata in any case so the xp bar isnt stuck after leveling
	uint32 tmpxp1 = GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()+1);
	uint32 tmpxp2 = GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel());
	// Quag: crash bug fix... Divide by zero when tmpxp1 and 2 equalled each other, most likely the error case from GetEXPForLevel() (invalid class, etc)
	if (tmpxp1 != tmpxp2 && tmpxp1 != 0xFFFFFFFF && tmpxp2 != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
		EQApplicationPacket* outapp = new EQApplicationPacket(OP_ExpUpdate, sizeof(ExpUpdate_Struct));
		ExpUpdate_Struct* eu = (ExpUpdate_Struct*)outapp->pBuffer;
		float tmpxp = (float) ( (float) set_exp-tmpxp2 ) / ( (float) tmpxp1-tmpxp2 );
		eu->exp = (uint32)(330.0f * tmpxp);

	if (admin>=100 && GetGM()) {
		char val1[20]={0};
		char val2[20]={0};
		char val3[20]={0};
		Message_StringID(MT_Experience, GM_GAINXP,ConvertArray(set_aaxp,val1),ConvertArray(set_exp,val2),ConvertArray(GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()+1),val3));	//[GM] You have gained %1 AXP and %2 EXP (%3).
		//Message(15, "[GM] You now have %d / %d EXP and %d / %d AA exp.", set_exp, GetEXPForLevel(GetLevel()+1), set_aaxp, max_AAXP);