Пример #1
 * Test the availability and value of a square,
 * and possibly add it to the queue of open squares.
bool CPathFinder::TestSquare(
	const MoveData& moveData,
	const CPathFinderDef& pfDef,
	const PathNode* parentOpenSquare,
	unsigned int enterDirection,
	int ownerId,
	bool synced
) {

	// Calculate the new square.
	int2 square;
		square.x = parentOpenSquare->nodePos.x + directionVector[enterDirection].x;
		square.y = parentOpenSquare->nodePos.y + directionVector[enterDirection].y;

	// Inside map?
	if (square.x < 0 || square.y < 0 || square.x >= gs->mapx || square.y >= gs->mapy) {
		return false;

	const int sqrIdx = square.x + square.y * gs->mapx;
	const int sqrStatus = squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask;

	// Check if the square is unaccessable or used.
		return false;

	const int blockStatus = moveData.moveMath->IsBlocked2(moveData, square.x, square.y);
	int blockBits = (CMoveMath::BLOCK_STRUCTURE | CMoveMath::BLOCK_TERRAIN);

	// Check if square are out of constraints or blocked by something.
	// Doesn't need to be done on open squares, as those are already tested.
	if ((!pfDef.WithinConstraints(square.x, square.y) || (blockStatus & blockBits)) &&
		!(sqrStatus & PATHOPT_OPEN)) {

		squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask |= PATHOPT_BLOCKED;
		return false;

	// Evaluate this square.
	float squareSpeedMod = moveData.moveMath->SpeedMod(moveData, square.x, square.y);
	blockBits = (CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE | CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOVING | CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE_BUSY);

	if (squareSpeedMod == 0) {
		squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask |= PATHOPT_FORBIDDEN;
		return false;

	if (testMobile && (blockStatus & blockBits)) {
		if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOVING)
			squareSpeedMod *= 0.65f;
		else if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE)
			squareSpeedMod *= 0.35f;
			squareSpeedMod *= 0.10f;

	// Include heatmap cost adjustment.
	float heatCostMod = 1.0f;
	if (heatMapping && moveData.heatMapping && GetHeatOwner(square.x, square.y) != ownerId) {
		heatCostMod += (moveData.heatMod * GetHeatValue(square.x,square.y));

	const float dirMoveCost = (heatCostMod * moveCost[enterDirection]);
	const float extraCost = squareStates.GetNodeExtraCost(square.x, square.y, synced);
	const float nodeCost = (dirMoveCost / squareSpeedMod) + extraCost;

	const float gCost = parentOpenSquare->gCost + nodeCost;  // g
	const float hCost = pfDef.Heuristic(square.x, square.y); // h
	const float fCost = gCost + hCost;                       // f

	if (squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask & PATHOPT_OPEN) {
		// already in the open set
		if (squareStates[sqrIdx].fCost <= fCost)
			return true;

		squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask &= ~PATHOPT_DIRECTION;

	// Look for improvements.
	if (!exactPath && hCost < goalHeuristic) {
		goalSquare = sqrIdx;
		goalHeuristic = hCost;

	// Store this square as open.
	openSquareBuffer.SetSize(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() + 1);
	assert(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() < MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF);

	PathNode* os = openSquareBuffer.GetNode(openSquareBuffer.GetSize());
		os->fCost   = fCost;
		os->gCost   = gCost;
		os->nodePos = square;
		os->nodeNum = sqrIdx;

	squareStates.SetMaxFCost(std::max(squareStates.GetMaxFCost(), fCost));
	squareStates.SetMaxGCost(std::max(squareStates.GetMaxGCost(), gCost));

	// mark this square as open
	squareStates[sqrIdx].fCost = os->fCost;
	squareStates[sqrIdx].gCost = os->gCost;
	squareStates[sqrIdx].nodeMask |= (PATHOPT_OPEN | enterDirection);
	return true;
Пример #2
bool CPathFinder::TestSquare(
	const MoveDef& moveDef,
	const CPathFinderDef& pfDef,
	const PathNode* parentOpenSquare,
	unsigned int enterDirection,
	int ownerId,
	bool synced
) {

	const int2& dirVec2D = dirVectors2D[enterDirection];
	const float3& dirVec3D = dirVectors3D[enterDirection];

	// Calculate the new square.
	int2 square;
		square.x = parentOpenSquare->nodePos.x + dirVec2D.x;
		square.y = parentOpenSquare->nodePos.y + dirVec2D.y;

	// Inside map?
	if (square.x < 0 || square.y < 0 || square.x >= gs->mapx || square.y >= gs->mapy) {
		return false;

	const int sqrIdx = square.x + square.y * gs->mapx;
	const int sqrStatus = squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx];

	// Check if the square is unaccessable or used.
		return false;

	const CMoveMath::BlockType blockStatus = moveDef.moveMath->IsBlocked(moveDef, square.x, square.y);

	// Check if square are out of constraints or blocked by something.
	// Doesn't need to be done on open squares, as those are already tested.
	if (!(sqrStatus & PATHOPT_OPEN) &&
		((blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_STRUCTURE) || !pfDef.WithinConstraints(square.x, square.y))
	) {
		squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] |= PATHOPT_BLOCKED;
		return false;

	// Evaluate this square.
	float squareSpeedMod = moveDef.moveMath->GetPosSpeedMod(moveDef, square.x, square.y, dirVec3D);
	float heatCostMod = 1.0f;

	if (squareSpeedMod == 0.0f) {
		squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] |= PATHOPT_FORBIDDEN;
		return false;

	if (testMobile && moveDef.avoidMobilesOnPath && (blockStatus & squareMobileBlockBits)) {
		if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE_BUSY) {
			squareSpeedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_BUSY_MULT];
		} else if (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOBILE) {
			squareSpeedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_IDLE_MULT];
		} else { // (blockStatus & CMoveMath::BLOCK_MOVING)
			squareSpeedMod *= moveDef.speedModMults[MoveDef::SPEEDMOD_MOBILE_MOVE_MULT];

	// Include heatmap cost adjustment.
	if (heatMapping && moveDef.heatMapping && GetHeatOwner(square.x, square.y) != ownerId) {
		heatCostMod += (moveDef.heatMod * GetHeatValue(square.x, square.y));

	const float dirMoveCost = (heatCostMod * moveCost[enterDirection]);
	const float extraCost = squareStates.GetNodeExtraCost(square.x, square.y, synced);
	const float nodeCost = (dirMoveCost / squareSpeedMod) + extraCost;

	const float gCost = parentOpenSquare->gCost + nodeCost;  // g
	const float hCost = pfDef.Heuristic(square.x, square.y); // h
	const float fCost = gCost + hCost;                       // f

	if (squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] & PATHOPT_OPEN) {
		// already in the open set
		if (squareStates.fCost[sqrIdx] <= fCost)
			return true;

		squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] &= ~PATHOPT_DIRECTION;

	// Look for improvements.
	if (!exactPath && hCost < goalHeuristic) {
		goalSquare = sqrIdx;
		goalHeuristic = hCost;

	// Store this square as open.
	openSquareBuffer.SetSize(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() + 1);
	assert(openSquareBuffer.GetSize() < MAX_SEARCHED_NODES_PF);

	PathNode* os = openSquareBuffer.GetNode(openSquareBuffer.GetSize());
		os->fCost   = fCost;
		os->gCost   = gCost;
		os->nodePos = square;
		os->nodeNum = sqrIdx;

	squareStates.SetMaxFCost(std::max(squareStates.GetMaxFCost(), fCost));
	squareStates.SetMaxGCost(std::max(squareStates.GetMaxGCost(), gCost));

	// mark this square as open
	squareStates.fCost[sqrIdx] = os->fCost;
	squareStates.gCost[sqrIdx] = os->gCost;
	squareStates.nodeMask[sqrIdx] |= (PATHOPT_OPEN | enterDirection);
	return true;