Пример #1
void CConvective_Template::ComputeResidual(double *val_residual, double **val_Jacobian_i, double **val_Jacobian_j, CConfig *config) {
  Area = 0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
  /*!< \brief Normal: Normal vector, it norm is the area of the face. */
    Area += Normal[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
  Area = sqrt(Area);                    /*! Area of the face*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    UnitNormal[iDim] = Normal[iDim]/Area;   /* ! Unit Normal*/
  /*--- Point i, Needs to recompute SoundSpeed / Pressure / Enthalpy in case of 2nd order reconstruction ---*/
  Density_i = U_i[0];
  sq_vel = 0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    Velocity_i[iDim] = U_i[iDim+1] / Density_i;
    sq_vel += Velocity_i[iDim]*Velocity_i[iDim];
  Energy_i = U_i[nDim+1] / Density_i;
  SoundSpeed_i = sqrt(Gamma*Gamma_Minus_One*(Energy_i-0.5*sq_vel));
  Pressure_i = (SoundSpeed_i * SoundSpeed_i * Density_i) / Gamma;
  Enthalpy_i = (U_i[nDim+1] + Pressure_i) / Density_i;
  /*--- Point j, Needs to recompute SoundSpeed / Pressure / Enthalpy in case of 2nd order reconstruction ---*/
  Density_j = U_j[0];
  sq_vel = 0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    Velocity_j[iDim] = U_j[iDim+1] / Density_j;
    sq_vel += Velocity_j[iDim]*Velocity_j[iDim];
  Energy_j = U_j[nDim+1] / Density_j;
  SoundSpeed_j = sqrt(Gamma*Gamma_Minus_One*(Energy_j-0.5*sq_vel));
  Pressure_j = (SoundSpeed_j * SoundSpeed_j * Density_j) / Gamma;
  Enthalpy_j = (U_j[nDim+1] + Pressure_j) / Density_j;
  /*--- Promediate Roe variables iPoint and jPoint ---*/
  R = sqrt(Density_j/Density_i);
  RoeDensity = R*Density_i;
  sq_vel = 0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    RoeVelocity[iDim] = (R*Velocity_j[iDim]+Velocity_i[iDim])/(R+1);
    sq_vel += RoeVelocity[iDim]*RoeVelocity[iDim];
  RoeEnthalpy = (R*Enthalpy_j+Enthalpy_i)/(R+1);
  RoeSoundSpeed = sqrt((Gamma-1)*(RoeEnthalpy-0.5*sq_vel));
  /*--- Compute Proj_flux_tensor_i ---*/
  GetInviscidProjFlux(&Density_i, Velocity_i, &Pressure_i, &Enthalpy_i, Normal, Proj_flux_tensor_i);
  /*--- Compute Proj_flux_tensor_j ---*/
  GetInviscidProjFlux(&Density_j, Velocity_j, &Pressure_j, &Enthalpy_j, Normal, Proj_flux_tensor_j);
  /*--- Compute P and Lambda (do it with the Normal) ---*/
  GetPMatrix(&RoeDensity, RoeVelocity, &RoeSoundSpeed, UnitNormal, P_Tensor);
  ProjVelocity = 0.0; ProjVelocity_i = 0.0; ProjVelocity_j = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    ProjVelocity   += RoeVelocity[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
    ProjVelocity_i += Velocity_i[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
    ProjVelocity_j += Velocity_j[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
  /*--- Flow eigenvalues and Entropy correctors ---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    Lambda[iDim] = ProjVelocity;
    Epsilon[iDim] = 4.0*max(0.0, max(Lambda[iDim]-ProjVelocity_i,ProjVelocity_j-Lambda[iDim]));
  Lambda[nVar-2]  = ProjVelocity + RoeSoundSpeed;
  Epsilon[nVar-2] = 4.0*max(0.0, max(Lambda[nVar-2]-(ProjVelocity_i+SoundSpeed_i),(ProjVelocity_j+SoundSpeed_j)-Lambda[nVar-2]));
  Lambda[nVar-1] = ProjVelocity - RoeSoundSpeed;
  Epsilon[nVar-1] = 4.0*max(0.0, max(Lambda[nVar-1]-(ProjVelocity_i-SoundSpeed_i),(ProjVelocity_j-SoundSpeed_j)-Lambda[nVar-1]));
  /*--- Entropy correction ---*/
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
    if ( fabs(Lambda[iVar]) < Epsilon[iVar] )
      Lambda[iVar] = (Lambda[iVar]*Lambda[iVar] + Epsilon[iVar]*Epsilon[iVar])/(2.0*Epsilon[iVar]);
      Lambda[iVar] = fabs(Lambda[iVar]);
  if (!implicit) {
    /*--- Compute wave amplitudes (characteristics) ---*/
    proj_delta_vel = 0.0;
    for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
      delta_vel[iDim] = Velocity_j[iDim] - Velocity_i[iDim];
      proj_delta_vel += delta_vel[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
    delta_p = Pressure_j - Pressure_i;
    delta_rho = Density_j - Density_i;
    proj_delta_vel = proj_delta_vel/Area;
    if (nDim == 3) {
      delta_wave[0] = delta_rho - delta_p/(RoeSoundSpeed*RoeSoundSpeed);
      delta_wave[1] = UnitNormal[0]*delta_vel[2]-UnitNormal[2]*delta_vel[0];
      delta_wave[2] = UnitNormal[1]*delta_vel[0]-UnitNormal[0]*delta_vel[1];
      delta_wave[3] = proj_delta_vel + delta_p/(RoeDensity*RoeSoundSpeed);
      delta_wave[4] = -proj_delta_vel + delta_p/(RoeDensity*RoeSoundSpeed);
    else {
      delta_wave[0] = delta_rho - delta_p/(RoeSoundSpeed*RoeSoundSpeed);
      delta_wave[1] = UnitNormal[1]*delta_vel[0]-UnitNormal[0]*delta_vel[1];
      delta_wave[2] = proj_delta_vel + delta_p/(RoeDensity*RoeSoundSpeed);
      delta_wave[3] = -proj_delta_vel + delta_p/(RoeDensity*RoeSoundSpeed);
    /*--- Roe's Flux approximation ---*/
    for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
      val_residual[iVar] = 0.5*(Proj_flux_tensor_i[iVar]+Proj_flux_tensor_j[iVar]);
      for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar++)
        val_residual[iVar] -= 0.5*Lambda[jVar]*delta_wave[jVar]*P_Tensor[iVar][jVar]*Area;
  else {
    /*--- Compute inverse P ---*/
    GetPMatrix_inv(&RoeDensity, RoeVelocity, &RoeSoundSpeed, UnitNormal, invP_Tensor);
    /*--- Jacobias of the inviscid flux, scale = 0.5 because val_resconv ~ 0.5*(fc_i+fc_j)*Normal ---*/
    GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_i, &Energy_i, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_i);
    GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_j, &Energy_j, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_j);
    /*--- Diference variables iPoint and jPoint ---*/
    for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
      Diff_U[iVar] = U_j[iVar]-U_i[iVar];
    /*--- Roe's Flux approximation ---*/
    for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
      val_residual[iVar] = 0.5*(Proj_flux_tensor_i[iVar]+Proj_flux_tensor_j[iVar]);
      for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar++) {
        Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij = 0.0;
        /*--- Compute |Proj_ModJac_Tensor| = P x |Lambda| x inverse P ---*/
        for (kVar = 0; kVar < nVar; kVar++)
          Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij += P_Tensor[iVar][kVar]*Lambda[kVar]*invP_Tensor[kVar][jVar];
        val_residual[iVar] -= 0.5*Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij*Diff_U[jVar]*Area;
        val_Jacobian_i[iVar][jVar] += 0.5*Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij*Area;
        val_Jacobian_j[iVar][jVar] -= 0.5*Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij*Area;
Пример #2
void CCentJST_LinFlow::ComputeResidual (double *val_resconv, double *val_resvisc, double **val_Jacobian_i,
                                    double **val_Jacobian_j, CConfig *config) {
	/*--- Mean Values of the linealized variables ---*/
	MeanDeltaRho =  0.5*(DeltaU_i[0]+DeltaU_j[0]);
	for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
		MeanDeltaVel[iDim] =  0.5*(DeltaU_i[iDim+1]+DeltaU_j[iDim+1]);
	MeanDeltaE =  0.5*(DeltaU_i[nVar-1]+DeltaU_j[nVar-1]);
	/*--- Values of the flow variables at point i ---*/
	Density_i = U_i[0];
	ProjVelocity_i = 0; Area = 0;
	sq_vel = 0;
	for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
		Velocity_i[iDim] = U_i[iDim+1] / Density_i;
		ProjVelocity_i += Velocity_i[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
		sq_vel += Velocity_i[iDim]*Velocity_i[iDim];
		Area += Normal[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
	Area = sqrt(Area);
	DensityEnergy_i = U_i[nDim+1];
	Energy_i = DensityEnergy_i / Density_i;
	SoundSpeed_i = sqrt(Gamma*Gamma_Minus_One*(Energy_i-0.5*sq_vel));
	Pressure_i = (SoundSpeed_i * SoundSpeed_i * Density_i) / Gamma;
	Enthalpy_i = (DensityEnergy_i + Pressure_i) / Density_i;
	/*--- Values of the flow variables at point j ---*/
	Density_j = U_j[0];
	ProjVelocity_j = 0;
	sq_vel = 0;
	for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
		Velocity_j[iDim] = U_j[iDim+1] / Density_j;
		ProjVelocity_j += Velocity_j[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
		sq_vel += Velocity_j[iDim]*Velocity_j[iDim];
	DensityEnergy_j = U_j[nDim+1];
	Energy_j = DensityEnergy_j / Density_j;
	SoundSpeed_j = sqrt(Gamma*Gamma_Minus_One*(Energy_j-0.5*sq_vel));
	Pressure_j = (SoundSpeed_j * SoundSpeed_j * Density_j) / Gamma;
	Enthalpy_j = (DensityEnergy_j + Pressure_j) / Density_j;
	/*--- Mean values the flow variables ---*/
	MeanDensity = 0.5*(Density_i + Density_j);
	for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) MeanVelocity[iDim] = 0.5*(Velocity_j[iDim] + Velocity_i[iDim]);
	MeanPressure = 0.5*(Pressure_i + Pressure_j);
	MeanEnthalpy = 0.5*(Enthalpy_j+Enthalpy_i);
	MeanEnergy = 0.5*(Energy_j+Energy_i);
	/*--- Compute projected inviscid Jacobian (scale = 0.5 because val_resconv ~ 0.5*(fc_i+fc_j)*Normal) ---*/
	GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_i, &Energy_i, Normal, 0.5, Jacobian_i);
	GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_j, &Energy_j, Normal, 0.5, Jacobian_j);
	/*--- Compute inviscid flux $Jacobian x DeltaU$ ---*/
	for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
		val_resconv[iVar] = 0.0;
		for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar++)
			val_resconv[iVar] += Jacobian_i[iVar][jVar] * DeltaU_i[jVar] + Jacobian_j[iVar][jVar] * DeltaU_j[jVar];
	/*--- Computes differences btw. variables and Laplacians ---*/
	for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
		Diff_Lapl[iVar] = Und_Lapl_i[iVar]-Und_Lapl_j[iVar];
	/*--- Calcula el radio espectral local, Factor de stretching factor ---*/
	Local_Lambda_i = (fabs(ProjVelocity_i)+SoundSpeed_i*Area);
	Local_Lambda_j = (fabs(ProjVelocity_j)+SoundSpeed_j*Area);
	MeanLambda = 0.5*(Local_Lambda_i+Local_Lambda_j);
	Phi_i = pow(0.5*max(0.0,(Lambda_i - MeanLambda)/(MeanLambda)), Param_p);
	Phi_j = pow(0.5*max(0.0,(Lambda_j - MeanLambda)/(MeanLambda)), Param_p);
	StretchingFactor = 4.0*Phi_i*Phi_j/(Phi_i+Phi_j);
	sc4 = 9.0/(double(Neighbor_i*(1+Neighbor_i))) + 9.0/(double(Neighbor_j*(1+Neighbor_j)));
	Epsilon_4 = Param_Kappa_4*sc4;
	for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
		val_resvisc[iVar] = -Epsilon_4*Diff_Lapl[iVar]*StretchingFactor*MeanLambda;
Пример #3
void CUpwRoeTurkel_Flow::ComputeResidual(double *val_residual, double **val_Jacobian_i, double **val_Jacobian_j, CConfig *config) {
  /*--- Face area (norm or the normal vector) ---*/
  Area = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    Area += Normal[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
  Area = sqrt(Area);
  /*-- Unit Normal ---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    UnitNormal[iDim] = Normal[iDim]/Area;
  /*--- Primitive variables at point i ---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    Velocity_i[iDim] = V_i[iDim+1];
  Pressure_i = V_i[nDim+1];
  Density_i = V_i[nDim+2];
  Enthalpy_i = V_i[nDim+3];
  Energy_i = Enthalpy_i - Pressure_i/Density_i;
  /*--- Primitive variables at point j ---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    Velocity_j[iDim] = V_j[iDim+1];
  Pressure_j = V_j[nDim+1];
  Density_j = V_j[nDim+2];
  Enthalpy_j = V_j[nDim+3];
  Energy_j = Enthalpy_j - Pressure_j/Density_j;
  /*--- Recompute conservative variables ---*/
  double U_i[5], U_j[5];
  U_i[0] = Density_i; U_j[0] = Density_j;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    U_i[iDim+1] = Density_i*Velocity_i[iDim]; U_j[iDim+1] = Density_j*Velocity_j[iDim];
  U_i[nDim+1] = Density_i*Energy_i; U_j[nDim+1] = Density_j*Energy_j;
  /*--- Roe-averaged variables at interface between i & j ---*/
  R = sqrt(Density_j/Density_i);
  RoeDensity = R*Density_i;
  sq_vel = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    RoeVelocity[iDim] = (R*Velocity_j[iDim]+Velocity_i[iDim])/(R+1);
    sq_vel += RoeVelocity[iDim]*RoeVelocity[iDim];
  RoeEnthalpy = (R*Enthalpy_j+Enthalpy_i)/(R+1);
  RoeSoundSpeed = sqrt((Gamma-1)*(RoeEnthalpy-0.5*sq_vel));
  RoePressure = RoeDensity/Gamma*RoeSoundSpeed*RoeSoundSpeed;
  /*--- Compute Proj_flux_tensor_i ---*/
  GetInviscidProjFlux(&Density_i, Velocity_i, &Pressure_i, &Enthalpy_i, Normal, Proj_flux_tensor_i);
  /*--- Compute Proj_flux_tensor_j ---*/
  GetInviscidProjFlux(&Density_j, Velocity_j, &Pressure_j, &Enthalpy_j, Normal, Proj_flux_tensor_j);
  ProjVelocity = 0.0; ProjVelocity_i = 0.0; ProjVelocity_j = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    ProjVelocity   += RoeVelocity[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
    ProjVelocity_i += Velocity_i[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
    ProjVelocity_j += Velocity_j[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
  /*--- First few flow eigenvalues of A.Normal with the normal---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    Lambda[iDim] = ProjVelocity;
  local_Mach = sqrt(sq_vel)/RoeSoundSpeed;
  Beta 	   = max(Beta_min,min(local_Mach,Beta_max));
  Beta2 	   = Beta*Beta;
  one_m_Betasqr 		   = 1.0 - Beta2;  // 1-Beta*Beta
  one_p_Betasqr 		   = 1.0 + Beta2;  // 1+Beta*Beta
  sqr_one_m_Betasqr_Lam1 = pow((one_m_Betasqr*Lambda[0]),2); // [(1-Beta^2)*Lambda[0]]^2
  sqr_two_Beta_c_Area    = pow(2.0*Beta*RoeSoundSpeed*Area,2); // [2*Beta*c*Area]^2
  /*--- The rest of the flow eigenvalues of preconditioned matrix---*/
  Lambda[nVar-2] = 0.5 * ( one_p_Betasqr*Lambda[0] + sqrt( sqr_one_m_Betasqr_Lam1 + sqr_two_Beta_c_Area));
  Lambda[nVar-1] = 0.5 * ( one_p_Betasqr*Lambda[0] - sqrt( sqr_one_m_Betasqr_Lam1 + sqr_two_Beta_c_Area));
  s_hat = 1.0/Area * (Lambda[nVar-1] - Lambda[0]*Beta2);
  r_hat = 1.0/Area * (Lambda[nVar-2] - Lambda[0]*Beta2);
  t_hat = 0.5/Area * (Lambda[nVar-1] - Lambda[nVar-2]);
  rhoB2a2 = RoeDensity*Beta2*RoeSoundSpeed*RoeSoundSpeed;
  /*--- Diference variables iPoint and jPoint and absolute value of the eigen values---*/
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
    Diff_U[iVar] = U_j[iVar]-U_i[iVar];
    Lambda[iVar] = fabs(Lambda[iVar]);
  /*--- Compute the absolute Preconditioned Jacobian in entropic Variables (do it with the Unitary Normal) ---*/
  GetPrecondJacobian(Beta2, r_hat, s_hat, t_hat, rhoB2a2, Lambda, UnitNormal, absPeJac);
  /*--- Compute the matrix from entropic variables to conserved variables ---*/
  GetinvRinvPe(Beta2, RoeEnthalpy, RoeSoundSpeed, RoeDensity, RoeVelocity, invRinvPe);
  /*--- Compute the matrix from entropic variables to conserved variables ---*/
  GetRMatrix(RoePressure, RoeSoundSpeed, RoeDensity, RoeVelocity, R_Tensor);
  if (implicit) {
    /*--- Jacobians of the inviscid flux, scaled by
     0.5 because val_residual ~ 0.5*(fc_i+fc_j)*Normal ---*/
    GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_i, &Energy_i, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_i);
    GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_j, &Energy_j, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_j);
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar ++){
    for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar ++) {
      Matrix[iVar][jVar] = 0.0;
      for (kVar = 0; kVar < nVar; kVar++)
        Matrix[iVar][jVar]  += absPeJac[iVar][kVar]*R_Tensor[kVar][jVar];
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar ++){
    for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar ++) {
      Art_Visc[iVar][jVar] = 0.0;
      for (kVar = 0; kVar < nVar; kVar++)
        Art_Visc[iVar][jVar]  += invRinvPe[iVar][kVar]*Matrix[kVar][jVar];
  /*--- Roe's Flux approximation ---*/
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
    val_residual[iVar] = 0.5*(Proj_flux_tensor_i[iVar]+Proj_flux_tensor_j[iVar]);
    for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar++) {
      val_residual[iVar] -= 0.5*Art_Visc[iVar][jVar]*Diff_U[jVar];
      if (implicit) {
        val_Jacobian_i[iVar][jVar] += 0.5*Art_Visc[iVar][jVar];
        val_Jacobian_j[iVar][jVar] -= 0.5*Art_Visc[iVar][jVar];
Пример #4
void CUpwRoe_Flow::ComputeResidual(double *val_residual, double **val_Jacobian_i, double **val_Jacobian_j, CConfig *config) {
  /*--- Face area (norm or the normal vector) ---*/
  Area = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    Area += Normal[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
  Area = sqrt(Area);
  /*-- Unit Normal ---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    UnitNormal[iDim] = Normal[iDim]/Area;
  /*--- Primitive variables at point i ---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    Velocity_i[iDim] = V_i[iDim+1];
  Pressure_i = V_i[nDim+1];
  Density_i = V_i[nDim+2];
  Enthalpy_i = V_i[nDim+3];
  Energy_i = Enthalpy_i - Pressure_i/Density_i;
  SoundSpeed_i = sqrt(Pressure_i*Gamma/Density_i);
  /*--- Primitive variables at point j ---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    Velocity_j[iDim] = V_j[iDim+1];
  Pressure_j = V_j[nDim+1];
  Density_j = V_j[nDim+2];
  Enthalpy_j = V_j[nDim+3];
  Energy_j = Enthalpy_j - Pressure_j/Density_j;
  SoundSpeed_j = sqrt(Pressure_j*Gamma/Density_j);
  /*--- Recompute conservative variables ---*/
  double U_i[5], U_j[5];
  U_i[0] = Density_i; U_j[0] = Density_j;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    U_i[iDim+1] = Density_i*Velocity_i[iDim]; U_j[iDim+1] = Density_j*Velocity_j[iDim];
  U_i[nDim+1] = Density_i*Energy_i; U_j[nDim+1] = Density_j*Energy_j;
  /*--- Roe-averaged variables at interface between i & j ---*/
  R = sqrt(fabs(Density_j/Density_i));
  RoeDensity = R*Density_i;
  sq_vel = 0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    RoeVelocity[iDim] = (R*Velocity_j[iDim]+Velocity_i[iDim])/(R+1);
    sq_vel += RoeVelocity[iDim]*RoeVelocity[iDim];
  RoeEnthalpy = (R*Enthalpy_j+Enthalpy_i)/(R+1);
  RoeSoundSpeed = sqrt((Gamma-1)*(RoeEnthalpy-0.5*sq_vel));
  /*--- Compute Proj_flux_tensor_i ---*/
  GetInviscidProjFlux(&Density_i, Velocity_i, &Pressure_i, &Enthalpy_i, Normal, Proj_flux_tensor_i);
  /*--- Compute Proj_flux_tensor_j ---*/
  GetInviscidProjFlux(&Density_j, Velocity_j, &Pressure_j, &Enthalpy_j, Normal, Proj_flux_tensor_j);
  /*--- Compute P and Lambda (do it with the Normal) ---*/
  GetPMatrix(&RoeDensity, RoeVelocity, &RoeSoundSpeed, UnitNormal, P_Tensor);
  ProjVelocity = 0.0; ProjVelocity_i = 0.0; ProjVelocity_j = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    ProjVelocity   += RoeVelocity[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
    ProjVelocity_i += Velocity_i[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
    ProjVelocity_j += Velocity_j[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
  /*--- Flow eigenvalues and entropy correctors ---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    Lambda[iDim] = ProjVelocity;
  Lambda[nVar-2] = ProjVelocity + RoeSoundSpeed;
  Lambda[nVar-1] = ProjVelocity - RoeSoundSpeed;
  //	/*--- Harten and Hyman (1983) entropy correction ---*/
  //	for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
  //		Epsilon[iDim] = 4.0*max(0.0, max(Lambda[iDim]-ProjVelocity_i,ProjVelocity_j-Lambda[iDim]));
  //	Epsilon[nVar-2] = 4.0*max(0.0, max(Lambda[nVar-2]-(ProjVelocity_i+SoundSpeed_i),(ProjVelocity_j+SoundSpeed_j)-Lambda[nVar-2]));
  //	Epsilon[nVar-1] = 4.0*max(0.0, max(Lambda[nVar-1]-(ProjVelocity_i-SoundSpeed_i),(ProjVelocity_j-SoundSpeed_j)-Lambda[nVar-1]));
  //	for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
  //		if ( fabs(Lambda[iVar]) < Epsilon[iVar] )
  //			Lambda[iVar] = (Lambda[iVar]*Lambda[iVar] + Epsilon[iVar]*Epsilon[iVar])/(2.0*Epsilon[iVar]);
  //		else
  //			Lambda[iVar] = fabs(Lambda[iVar]);
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
    Lambda[iVar] = fabs(Lambda[iVar]);
  if (!implicit) {
    /*--- Compute wave amplitudes (characteristics) ---*/
    proj_delta_vel = 0.0;
    for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
      delta_vel[iDim] = Velocity_j[iDim] - Velocity_i[iDim];
      proj_delta_vel += delta_vel[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
    delta_p = Pressure_j - Pressure_i;
    delta_rho = Density_j - Density_i;
    proj_delta_vel = proj_delta_vel/Area;
    if (nDim == 2) {
      delta_wave[0] = delta_rho - delta_p/(RoeSoundSpeed*RoeSoundSpeed);
      delta_wave[1] = UnitNormal[1]*delta_vel[0]-UnitNormal[0]*delta_vel[1];
      delta_wave[2] = proj_delta_vel + delta_p/(RoeDensity*RoeSoundSpeed);
      delta_wave[3] = -proj_delta_vel + delta_p/(RoeDensity*RoeSoundSpeed);
    } else {
      delta_wave[0] = delta_rho - delta_p/(RoeSoundSpeed*RoeSoundSpeed);
      delta_wave[1] = UnitNormal[0]*delta_vel[2]-UnitNormal[2]*delta_vel[0];
      delta_wave[2] = UnitNormal[1]*delta_vel[0]-UnitNormal[0]*delta_vel[1];
      delta_wave[3] = proj_delta_vel + delta_p/(RoeDensity*RoeSoundSpeed);
      delta_wave[4] = -proj_delta_vel + delta_p/(RoeDensity*RoeSoundSpeed);
    /*--- Roe's Flux approximation ---*/
    for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
      val_residual[iVar] = 0.5*(Proj_flux_tensor_i[iVar]+Proj_flux_tensor_j[iVar]);
      for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar++)
        val_residual[iVar] -= 0.5*Lambda[jVar]*delta_wave[jVar]*P_Tensor[iVar][jVar]*Area;
  else {
    /*--- Compute inverse P ---*/
    GetPMatrix_inv(&RoeDensity, RoeVelocity, &RoeSoundSpeed, UnitNormal, invP_Tensor);
    /*--- Jacobians of the inviscid flux, scaled by
     0.5 because val_resconv ~ 0.5*(fc_i+fc_j)*Normal ---*/
    GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_i, &Energy_i, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_i);
    GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_j, &Energy_j, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_j);
    /*--- Diference variables iPoint and jPoint ---*/
    for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
      Diff_U[iVar] = U_j[iVar]-U_i[iVar];
    /*--- Roe's Flux approximation ---*/
    for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
      val_residual[iVar] = 0.5*(Proj_flux_tensor_i[iVar]+Proj_flux_tensor_j[iVar]);
      for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar++) {
        Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij = 0.0;
        /*--- Compute |Proj_ModJac_Tensor| = P x |Lambda| x inverse P ---*/
        for (kVar = 0; kVar < nVar; kVar++)
          Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij += P_Tensor[iVar][kVar]*Lambda[kVar]*invP_Tensor[kVar][jVar];
        val_residual[iVar] -= 0.5*Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij*Diff_U[jVar]*Area;
        val_Jacobian_i[iVar][jVar] += 0.5*Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij*Area;
        val_Jacobian_j[iVar][jVar] -= 0.5*Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij*Area;
Пример #5
void CCentJST_Flow::ComputeResidual(double *val_residual, double **val_Jacobian_i, double **val_Jacobian_j,
                                    CConfig *config) {
  /*--- Pressure, density, enthalpy, energy, and velocity at points i and j ---*/
  Pressure_i = V_i[nDim+1];                       Pressure_j = V_j[nDim+1];
  Density_i = V_i[nDim+2];                        Density_j = V_j[nDim+2];
  Enthalpy_i = V_i[nDim+3];                       Enthalpy_j = V_j[nDim+3];
  SoundSpeed_i = V_i[nDim+4];                     SoundSpeed_j = V_j[nDim+4];
  Energy_i = Enthalpy_i - Pressure_i/Density_i;   Energy_j = Enthalpy_j - Pressure_j/Density_j;
  sq_vel_i = 0.0; sq_vel_j = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    Velocity_i[iDim] = V_i[iDim+1];
    Velocity_j[iDim] = V_j[iDim+1];
    sq_vel_i += 0.5*Velocity_i[iDim]*Velocity_i[iDim];
    sq_vel_j += 0.5*Velocity_j[iDim]*Velocity_j[iDim];
  /*--- Recompute conservative variables ---*/
  double U_i[5], U_j[5];
  U_i[0] = Density_i; U_j[0] = Density_j;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    U_i[iDim+1] = Density_i*Velocity_i[iDim]; U_j[iDim+1] = Density_j*Velocity_j[iDim];
  U_i[nDim+1] = Density_i*Energy_i; U_j[nDim+1] = Density_j*Energy_j;
  /*--- Compute mean values of the variables ---*/
  MeanDensity = 0.5*(Density_i+Density_j);
  MeanPressure = 0.5*(Pressure_i+Pressure_j);
  MeanEnthalpy = 0.5*(Enthalpy_i+Enthalpy_j);
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    MeanVelocity[iDim] =  0.5*(Velocity_i[iDim]+Velocity_j[iDim]);
  MeanEnergy = 0.5*(Energy_i+Energy_j);
  /*--- Get projected flux tensor ---*/
  GetInviscidProjFlux(&MeanDensity, MeanVelocity, &MeanPressure, &MeanEnthalpy, Normal, Proj_flux_tensor);
  /*--- Residual of the inviscid flux ---*/
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
    val_residual[iVar] = Proj_flux_tensor[iVar];
  /*--- Jacobians of the inviscid flux, scale = 0.5 because val_residual ~ 0.5*(fc_i+fc_j)*Normal ---*/
  if (implicit) {
    GetInviscidProjJac(MeanVelocity, &MeanEnergy, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_i);
    for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
      for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar++)
        val_Jacobian_j[iVar][jVar] = val_Jacobian_i[iVar][jVar];
  /*--- Computes differences btw. Laplacians and conservative variables,
   with a correction for the enthalpy ---*/
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
    Diff_Lapl[iVar] = Und_Lapl_i[iVar]-Und_Lapl_j[iVar];
    Diff_U[iVar] = U_i[iVar]-U_j[iVar];
  Diff_U[nVar-1] = Density_i*Enthalpy_i-Density_j*Enthalpy_j;
  /*--- Compute the local spectral radius and the stretching factor ---*/
  ProjVelocity_i = 0.0; ProjVelocity_j = 0.0; Area = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    ProjVelocity_i += Velocity_i[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
    ProjVelocity_j += Velocity_j[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
    Area += Normal[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
  Area = sqrt(Area);
  Local_Lambda_i = (fabs(ProjVelocity_i)+SoundSpeed_i*Area);
  Local_Lambda_j = (fabs(ProjVelocity_j)+SoundSpeed_j*Area);
  MeanLambda = 0.5*(Local_Lambda_i+Local_Lambda_j);
  Phi_i = pow(Lambda_i/(4.0*MeanLambda), Param_p);
  Phi_j = pow(Lambda_j/(4.0*MeanLambda), Param_p);
  StretchingFactor = 4.0*Phi_i*Phi_j/(Phi_i+Phi_j);
  sc2 = 3.0*(double(Neighbor_i)+double(Neighbor_j))/(double(Neighbor_i)*double(Neighbor_j));
  sc4 = sc2*sc2/4.0;
  Epsilon_2 = Param_Kappa_2*0.5*(Sensor_i+Sensor_j)*sc2;
  Epsilon_4 = max(0.0, Param_Kappa_4-Epsilon_2)*sc4;
  /*--- Compute viscous part of the residual ---*/
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
    val_residual[iVar] += (Epsilon_2*Diff_U[iVar] - Epsilon_4*Diff_Lapl[iVar])*StretchingFactor*MeanLambda;
  /*--- Jacobian computation ---*/
  if (implicit) {
    cte_0 = (Epsilon_2 + Epsilon_4*double(Neighbor_i+1))*StretchingFactor*MeanLambda;
    cte_1 = (Epsilon_2 + Epsilon_4*double(Neighbor_j+1))*StretchingFactor*MeanLambda;
    for (iVar = 0; iVar < (nVar-1); iVar++) {
      val_Jacobian_i[iVar][iVar] += cte_0;
      val_Jacobian_j[iVar][iVar] -= cte_1;
    /*--- Last row of Jacobian_i ---*/
    val_Jacobian_i[nVar-1][0] += cte_0*Gamma_Minus_One*sq_vel_i;
    for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
      val_Jacobian_i[nVar-1][iDim+1] -= cte_0*Gamma_Minus_One*Velocity_i[iDim];
    val_Jacobian_i[nVar-1][nVar-1] += cte_0*Gamma;
    /*--- Last row of Jacobian_j ---*/
    val_Jacobian_j[nVar-1][0] -= cte_1*Gamma_Minus_One*sq_vel_j;
    for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
      val_Jacobian_j[nVar-1][iDim+1] += cte_1*Gamma_Minus_One*Velocity_j[iDim];
    val_Jacobian_j[nVar-1][nVar-1] -= cte_1*Gamma;
Пример #6
void CUpwHLLC_Flow::ComputeResidual(double *val_residual, double **val_Jacobian_i, double **val_Jacobian_j, CConfig *config) {
  /*--- Face area (norm or the normal vector) ---*/
  Area = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    Area += Normal[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
  Area = sqrt(Area);
  /*-- Unit Normal ---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    UnitNormal[iDim] = Normal[iDim]/Area;
  /*--- Primitive variables at point i ---*/
  sq_vel_i = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    Velocity_i[iDim] = V_i[iDim+1];
    sq_vel_i += Velocity_i[iDim]*Velocity_i[iDim];
  Pressure_i = V_i[nDim+1];
  Density_i = V_i[nDim+2];
  Enthalpy_i = V_i[nDim+3];
  Energy_i = Enthalpy_i - Pressure_i/Density_i;
  SoundSpeed_i = sqrt(Gamma*Gamma_Minus_One*(Energy_i-0.5*sq_vel_i));
  /*--- Primitive variables at point j ---*/
  sq_vel_j = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    Velocity_j[iDim] = V_j[iDim+1];
    sq_vel_j += Velocity_j[iDim]*Velocity_j[iDim];
  Pressure_j = V_j[nDim+1];
  Density_j = V_j[nDim+2];
  Enthalpy_j = V_j[nDim+3];
  Energy_j = Enthalpy_j - Pressure_j/Density_j;
  SoundSpeed_j = sqrt(Gamma*Gamma_Minus_One*(Energy_j-0.5*sq_vel_j));
  /*--- Projected velocities ---*/
  ProjVelocity_i = 0.0; ProjVelocity_j = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    ProjVelocity_i += Velocity_i[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
    ProjVelocity_j += Velocity_j[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
  /*--- Roe's averaging ---*/
  Rrho = sqrt(Density_j/Density_i);
  tmp = 1.0/(1.0+Rrho);
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    velRoe[iDim] = tmp*(Velocity_i[iDim] + Velocity_j[iDim]*Rrho);
  uRoe  = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    uRoe += velRoe[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
  gamPdivRho = tmp*((Gamma*Pressure_i/Density_i+0.5*(Gamma-1.0)*sq_vel_i) + (Gamma*Pressure_j/Density_j+0.5*(Gamma-1.0)*sq_vel_j)*Rrho);
  sq_velRoe = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    sq_velRoe += velRoe[iDim]*velRoe[iDim];
  cRoe  = sqrt(gamPdivRho - ((Gamma+Gamma)*0.5-1.0)*0.5*sq_velRoe);
  /*--- Speed of sound at L and R ---*/
  sL = min(uRoe-cRoe, ProjVelocity_i-SoundSpeed_i);
  sR = max(uRoe+cRoe, ProjVelocity_j+SoundSpeed_j);
  /*--- speed of contact surface ---*/
  sM = (Pressure_i-Pressure_j
        - Density_i*ProjVelocity_i*(sL-ProjVelocity_i)
        + Density_j*ProjVelocity_j*(sR-ProjVelocity_j))
  /*--- Pressure at right and left (Pressure_j=Pressure_i) side of contact surface ---*/
  pStar = Density_j * (ProjVelocity_j-sR)*(ProjVelocity_j-sM) + Pressure_j;
  if (sM >= 0.0) {
    if (sL > 0.0) {
      val_residual[0] = Density_i*ProjVelocity_i;
      for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
        val_residual[iDim+1] = Density_i*Velocity_i[iDim]*ProjVelocity_i + Pressure_i*UnitNormal[iDim];
      val_residual[nVar-1] = Energy_i*Density_i*ProjVelocity_i + Pressure_i*ProjVelocity_i;
    else {
      invSLmSs = 1.0/(sL-sM);
      sLmuL = sL-ProjVelocity_i;
      rhoSL = Density_i*sLmuL*invSLmSs;
      for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
        rhouSL[iDim] = (Density_i*Velocity_i[iDim]*sLmuL+(pStar-Pressure_i)*UnitNormal[iDim])*invSLmSs;
      eSL = (sLmuL*Energy_i*Density_i-Pressure_i*ProjVelocity_i+pStar*sM)*invSLmSs;
      val_residual[0] = rhoSL*sM;
      for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
        val_residual[iDim+1] = rhouSL[iDim]*sM + pStar*UnitNormal[iDim];
      val_residual[nVar-1] = (eSL+pStar)*sM;
  else {
    if (sR >= 0.0) {
      invSRmSs = 1.0/(sR-sM);
      sRmuR = sR-ProjVelocity_j;
      rhoSR = Density_j*sRmuR*invSRmSs;
      for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
        rhouSR[iDim] = (Density_j*Velocity_j[iDim]*sRmuR+(pStar-Pressure_j)*UnitNormal[iDim])*invSRmSs;
      eSR = (sRmuR*Energy_j*Density_j-Pressure_j*ProjVelocity_j+pStar*sM)*invSRmSs;
      val_residual[0] = rhoSR*sM;
      for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
        val_residual[iDim+1] = rhouSR[iDim]*sM + pStar*UnitNormal[iDim];
      val_residual[nVar-1] = (eSR+pStar)*sM;
    else {
      val_residual[0] = Density_j*ProjVelocity_j;
      for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
        val_residual[iDim+1] = Density_j*Velocity_j[iDim]*ProjVelocity_j + Pressure_j*UnitNormal[iDim];
      val_residual[nVar-1] = Energy_j*Density_j*ProjVelocity_j + Pressure_j*ProjVelocity_j;
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
    val_residual[iVar] *= Area;
  if (implicit) {
    /*--- Average Roe variables iPoint and jPoint ---*/
    R = sqrt(Density_j/Density_i);
    RoeDensity = R*Density_i;
    sq_vel = 0.0;
    for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
      RoeVelocity[iDim] = (R*Velocity_j[iDim]+Velocity_i[iDim])/(R+1);
      sq_vel += RoeVelocity[iDim]*RoeVelocity[iDim];
    RoeEnthalpy = (R*Enthalpy_j+Enthalpy_i)/(R+1);
    RoeSoundSpeed = sqrt((Gamma-1)*(RoeEnthalpy-0.5*sq_vel));
    /*--- Compute P and Lambda (do it with the Normal) ---*/
    GetPMatrix(&RoeDensity, RoeVelocity, &RoeSoundSpeed, UnitNormal, P_Tensor);
    ProjVelocity = 0.0; ProjVelocity_i = 0.0; ProjVelocity_j = 0.0;
    for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
      ProjVelocity   += RoeVelocity[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
      ProjVelocity_i += Velocity_i[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
      ProjVelocity_j += Velocity_j[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
    /*--- Flow eigenvalues and Entropy correctors ---*/
    for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
      Lambda[iDim] = ProjVelocity;
    Lambda[nVar-2]  = ProjVelocity + RoeSoundSpeed;
    Lambda[nVar-1] = ProjVelocity - RoeSoundSpeed;
    /*--- Compute inverse P ---*/
    GetPMatrix_inv(&RoeDensity, RoeVelocity, &RoeSoundSpeed, UnitNormal, invP_Tensor);
    /*--- Jacobias of the inviscid flux, scale = 0.5 because val_residual ~ 0.5*(fc_i+fc_j)*Normal ---*/
    GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_i, &Energy_i, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_i);
    GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_j, &Energy_j, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_j);
    /*--- Roe's Flux approximation ---*/
    for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
      for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar++) {
        Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij = 0.0;
        /*--- Compute |Proj_ModJac_Tensor| = P x |Lambda| x inverse P ---*/
        for (kVar = 0; kVar < nVar; kVar++)
          Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij += P_Tensor[iVar][kVar]*fabs(Lambda[kVar])*invP_Tensor[kVar][jVar];
        val_Jacobian_i[iVar][jVar] += 0.5*Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij*Area;
        val_Jacobian_j[iVar][jVar] -= 0.5*Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij*Area;
Пример #7
void CUpwAUSM_Flow::ComputeResidual(double *val_residual, double **val_Jacobian_i, double **val_Jacobian_j, CConfig *config) {
  /*--- Face area (norm or the normal vector) ---*/
  Area = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    Area += Normal[iDim]*Normal[iDim];
  Area = sqrt(Area);
  /*-- Unit Normal ---*/
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    UnitNormal[iDim] = Normal[iDim]/Area;
  /*--- Primitive variables at point i ---*/
  sq_vel = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    Velocity_i[iDim] = V_i[iDim+1];
    sq_vel += Velocity_i[iDim]*Velocity_i[iDim];
  Pressure_i = V_i[nDim+1];
  Density_i = V_i[nDim+2];
  Enthalpy_i = V_i[nDim+3];
  Energy_i = Enthalpy_i - Pressure_i/Density_i;
  SoundSpeed_i = sqrt(Gamma*Gamma_Minus_One*(Energy_i-0.5*sq_vel));
  /*--- Primitive variables at point j ---*/
  sq_vel = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    Velocity_j[iDim] = V_j[iDim+1];
    sq_vel += Velocity_j[iDim]*Velocity_j[iDim];
  Pressure_j = V_j[nDim+1];
  Density_j = V_j[nDim+2];
  Enthalpy_j = V_j[nDim+3];
  Energy_j = Enthalpy_j - Pressure_j/Density_j;
  SoundSpeed_j = sqrt(Gamma*Gamma_Minus_One*(Energy_j-0.5*sq_vel));
  /*--- Projected velocities ---*/
  ProjVelocity_i = 0.0; ProjVelocity_j = 0.0;
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
    ProjVelocity_i += Velocity_i[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
    ProjVelocity_j += Velocity_j[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
  mL	= ProjVelocity_i/SoundSpeed_i;
  mR	= ProjVelocity_j/SoundSpeed_j;
  if (fabs(mL) <= 1.0) mLP = 0.25*(mL+1.0)*(mL+1.0);
  else mLP = 0.5*(mL+fabs(mL));
  if (fabs(mR) <= 1.0) mRM = -0.25*(mR-1.0)*(mR-1.0);
  else mRM = 0.5*(mR-fabs(mR));
  mF = mLP + mRM;
  if (fabs(mL) <= 1.0) pLP = 0.25*Pressure_i*(mL+1.0)*(mL+1.0)*(2.0-mL);
  else pLP = 0.5*Pressure_i*(mL+fabs(mL))/mL;
  if (fabs(mR) <= 1.0) pRM = 0.25*Pressure_j*(mR-1.0)*(mR-1.0)*(2.0+mR);
  else pRM = 0.5*Pressure_j*(mR-fabs(mR))/mR;
  pF = pLP + pRM;
  Phi = fabs(mF);
  val_residual[0] = 0.5*(mF*((Density_i*SoundSpeed_i)+(Density_j*SoundSpeed_j))-Phi*((Density_j*SoundSpeed_j)-(Density_i*SoundSpeed_i)));
  for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
    val_residual[iDim+1] = 0.5*(mF*((Density_i*SoundSpeed_i*Velocity_i[iDim])+(Density_j*SoundSpeed_j*Velocity_j[iDim]))
  val_residual[nVar-1] = 0.5*(mF*((Density_i*SoundSpeed_i*Enthalpy_i)+(Density_j*SoundSpeed_j*Enthalpy_j))-Phi*((Density_j*SoundSpeed_j*Enthalpy_j)-(Density_i*SoundSpeed_i*Enthalpy_i)));
  for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++)
    val_residual[iVar] *= Area;
  /*--- Roe's Jacobian for AUSM (this must be fixed) ---*/
  if (implicit) {
    /*--- Promediate Roe variables iPoint and jPoint ---*/
    R = sqrt(Density_j/Density_i);
    RoeDensity = R*Density_i;
    sq_vel = 0.0;
    for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
      RoeVelocity[iDim] = (R*Velocity_j[iDim]+Velocity_i[iDim])/(R+1);
      sq_vel += RoeVelocity[iDim]*RoeVelocity[iDim];
    RoeEnthalpy = (R*Enthalpy_j+Enthalpy_i)/(R+1);
    RoeSoundSpeed = sqrt((Gamma-1)*(RoeEnthalpy-0.5*sq_vel));
    /*--- Compute P and Lambda (do it with the Normal) ---*/
    GetPMatrix(&RoeDensity, RoeVelocity, &RoeSoundSpeed, UnitNormal, P_Tensor);
    ProjVelocity = 0.0; ProjVelocity_i = 0.0; ProjVelocity_j = 0.0;
    for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++) {
      ProjVelocity   += RoeVelocity[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
      ProjVelocity_i += Velocity_i[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
      ProjVelocity_j += Velocity_j[iDim]*UnitNormal[iDim];
    /*--- Flow eigenvalues and Entropy correctors ---*/
    for (iDim = 0; iDim < nDim; iDim++)
      Lambda[iDim] = ProjVelocity;
    Lambda[nVar-2]  = ProjVelocity + RoeSoundSpeed;
    Lambda[nVar-1] = ProjVelocity - RoeSoundSpeed;
    /*--- Compute inverse P ---*/
    GetPMatrix_inv(&RoeDensity, RoeVelocity, &RoeSoundSpeed, UnitNormal, invP_Tensor);
    /*--- Jacobias of the inviscid flux, scale = 0.5 because val_residual ~ 0.5*(fc_i+fc_j)*Normal ---*/
    GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_i, &Energy_i, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_i);
    GetInviscidProjJac(Velocity_j, &Energy_j, Normal, 0.5, val_Jacobian_j);
    /*--- Roe's Flux approximation ---*/
    for (iVar = 0; iVar < nVar; iVar++) {
      for (jVar = 0; jVar < nVar; jVar++) {
        Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij = 0.0;
        /*--- Compute |Proj_ModJac_Tensor| = P x |Lambda| x inverse P ---*/
        for (kVar = 0; kVar < nVar; kVar++)
          Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij += P_Tensor[iVar][kVar]*fabs(Lambda[kVar])*invP_Tensor[kVar][jVar];
        val_Jacobian_i[iVar][jVar] += 0.5*Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij*Area;
        val_Jacobian_j[iVar][jVar] -= 0.5*Proj_ModJac_Tensor_ij*Area;