int CEnHeaderCtrl::GetNextVisibleItem(int nItem, BOOL bNext) const { CIntArray aOrder; int nNumItems = GetItemOrder(aOrder); int nPos = GetItemPosition(nItem, aOrder); if (nPos != -1) { if (bNext) { while (++nPos < nNumItems) { nItem = OrderToIndex(nPos); if (IsItemVisible(nItem) && GetItemWidth(nItem)) return nItem; } } else { while (nPos--) { nItem = OrderToIndex(nPos); if (IsItemVisible(nItem) && GetItemWidth(nItem)) return nItem; } } } // outside range return -1; }
void ZMeshViewList::RecalcBounds(void) { MRECT r = GetClientRect(); //m_pLeft->SetBounds(r.x, r.y, LEFTRIGHT_WIDTH, r.h); //m_pRight->SetBounds(r.x+r.w-LEFTRIGHT_WIDTH, r.y, LEFTRIGHT_WIDTH, r.h); m_pBmLeft->SetBounds(r.x, r.y, LEFTRIGHT_WIDTH, r.h); m_pBmRight->SetBounds(r.x+r.w-LEFTRIGHT_WIDTH, r.y, LEFTRIGHT_WIDTH, r.h); int nVisibleCount = GetVisibleCount(); int nItemWidth = GetItemWidth(); int nItemCount = GetItemCount(); if(m_nItemStartIndex+nVisibleCount>nItemCount) { m_nItemStartIndex = nItemCount - nVisibleCount; if(m_nItemStartIndex<0) m_nItemStartIndex = 0; } int nCount = GetItemCount(); if(m_nItemStartIndex>0) m_pBmLeft->Enable(true); else m_pBmLeft->Enable(false); //if(m_nItemStartIndex+nVisibleCount<nCount) m_pRight->Enable(true); //else m_pRight->Enable(false); if(m_nItemStartIndex+nVisibleCount<nCount) m_pBmRight->Enable(true); else m_pBmRight->Enable(false); for(int i=0; i<nCount; i++) { MWidget* pChild = GetItem(i); pChild->SetBounds(r.x+LEFTRIGHT_WIDTH+(i-m_nItemStartIndex)*nItemWidth, r.y, nItemWidth, r.h); if(i-m_nItemStartIndex<0 || i-m_nItemStartIndex>=nVisibleCount) pChild->Show(false); else pChild->Show(true); } }
void SListPanel::Tick( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime ) { if (ShouldArrangeHorizontally()) { const EListItemAlignment ListItemAlignment = ItemAlignment.Get(); const float AllottedWidth = AllottedGeometry.Size.X; const float ItemPadding = GetItemPadding(AllottedGeometry, ListItemAlignment); const float LocalItemWidth = GetItemWidth(AllottedGeometry, ListItemAlignment); const float TotalItemSize = LocalItemWidth + ItemPadding; const int32 NumChildren = Children.Num(); if (TotalItemSize > 0.0f && NumChildren > 0) { int32 NumColumns = FMath::Clamp(FMath::CeilToInt(AllottedWidth / TotalItemSize) - 1, 1, NumChildren); PreferredRowNum = FMath::CeilToInt(NumChildren / (float)NumColumns); } else { PreferredRowNum = 1; } } else { PreferredRowNum = NumDesiredItems.Get(); } }
void CHeaderCtrlExt::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default HDHITTESTINFO ht; ::GetCursorPos(&; ScreenToClient(&; int nIndex = (int)SendMessage(HDM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)&ht); if(nIndex >= 0) { if(ht.flags == HHT_ONDIVOPEN) { int nItem = FindVisibleItem(nIndex); if(nItem >= 0) { if(GetItemWidth(nItem) > 0) { NMHEADER nmh; nmh.hdr.code = HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK; nmh.hdr.hwndFrom = m_hWnd; nmh.hdr.idFrom = GetDlgCtrlID(); nmh.iButton = 0; nmh.iItem = nItem; nmh.pitem = NULL; // not used for HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICK GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)nmh.hdr.idFrom, (LPARAM)&nmh); } } } } CHeaderCtrl::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point); }
void CPitchGraphEditor::HighlightItem(CPoint point) { int MouseY = (point.y - - (m_GraphRect.Height() / 2); int ItemWidth = GetItemWidth(); int ItemHeight = GetItemHeight(); int ItemIndex = (point.x - GRAPH_LEFT) / ItemWidth; int ItemValue = -(MouseY * 255) / m_GraphRect.Height(); int LastItem = m_iHighlightedItem; int LastValue = m_iHighlightedValue; if (ItemValue < -128) ItemValue = -128; if (ItemValue > 127) ItemValue = 127; m_iHighlightedItem = ItemIndex; m_iHighlightedValue = ItemValue; if (m_GraphRect.PtInRect(point) == 0 || ItemIndex < 0 || unsigned(ItemIndex) >= m_pSequence->GetItemCount()) { m_iHighlightedItem = -1; m_iHighlightedValue = 0; } if (m_iHighlightedItem != LastItem || m_iHighlightedValue != LastValue) { RedrawWindow(NULL); } }
int CEnHeaderCtrl::GetItemWidths(CIntArray& aWidths) const { int nItem = GetItemCount(); aWidths.SetSize(nItem); while (nItem--) aWidths[nItem] = GetItemWidth(nItem); return aWidths.GetSize(); }
void CBarGraphEditor::OnPaint() { ASSERT(m_pBackDC != NULL); CPaintDC dc(this); DrawBackground(m_pBackDC, m_iLevels, false, 0); DrawRange(m_pBackDC, m_iLevels, 0); // Return now if no sequence is selected if (!m_pSequence) { PaintBuffer(m_pBackDC, &dc); return; } // Draw items int Count = m_pSequence->GetItemCount(); if (!Count) { PaintBuffer(m_pBackDC, &dc); return; } int StepWidth = GetItemWidth(); int StepHeight = m_GraphRect.Height() / m_iLevels; if (m_iHighlightedValue > 0 && m_iHighlightedItem >= 0 && m_iHighlightedItem < Count) { int x = m_GraphRect.left + m_iHighlightedItem * StepWidth + 1; int y = + StepHeight * (m_iLevels - m_iHighlightedValue); int w = StepWidth; int h = StepHeight * m_iHighlightedValue; DrawShadowRect(m_pBackDC, x, y, w, h); } // Draw items for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { int x = m_GraphRect.left + i * StepWidth + 1; int y = + StepHeight * (m_iLevels - m_pSequence->GetItem(i)); int w = StepWidth; int h = StepHeight * m_pSequence->GetItem(i); if (m_iCurrentPlayPos == i) DrawPlayRect(m_pBackDC, x, y, w, h); else if ((m_iHighlightedItem == i) && (m_pSequence->GetItem(i) >= m_iHighlightedValue) && !IsEditLine()) DrawCursorRect(m_pBackDC, x, y, w, h); else DrawRect(m_pBackDC, x, y, w, h); } DrawLoopPoint(m_pBackDC, StepWidth); DrawReleasePoint(m_pBackDC, StepWidth); DrawLine(m_pBackDC); PaintBuffer(m_pBackDC, &dc); }
TextList::TextList( WTYPE tp, unsigned hints, int nId, Win* _parent, SelectType st, BorderType bt, crect* rect ) : VListWin( tp, hints, nId, _parent, st, bt, rect ), valid( false ) { GC gc( this ); gc.Set( GetFont() ); cpoint ts = gc.GetTextExtents( ABCString ); fontW = ( ts.x / ABCStringLen ); fontH = ts.y + 2; this->SetItemSize( fontH + 1, GetItemWidth() ); //+1 for border if current }
void CHeaderCtrlExt::BeginDragDivider() { SetCapture(); m_nItemWidth = GetItemWidth(m_nDraggingItem); // check if dragging full window is enabled ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETDRAGFULLWINDOWS, 0, &m_bDragFullWindow, 0); m_ptDragMove = m_ptDragStart; if(! m_bDragFullWindow)DrawDragDivider(); }
void CGraphEditor::DrawBackground(CDC *pDC, int Lines, bool DrawMarks, int MarkOffset) const { const COLORREF COL_BACKGROUND = 0x000000; const COLORREF COL_BOTTOM = 0x404040; const COLORREF COL_HORZ_BAR = 0x202020; // Fill background pDC->FillSolidRect(m_ClientRect, COL_BACKGROUND); pDC->FillSolidRect(m_GraphRect.left,, 1, m_GraphRect.bottom, COL_BOTTOM); // Fill bottom area pDC->FillSolidRect(m_BottomRect, COL_BOTTOM); if (m_pSequence) { int ItemWidth = GetItemWidth(); // Draw horizontal bars int count = m_pSequence->GetItemCount(); for (int i = 1; i < count; i += 2) { int x = m_GraphRect.left + i * ItemWidth + 1; int y = + 1; int w = ItemWidth; int h = m_GraphRect.Height() - 2; pDC->FillSolidRect(x, y, w, h, COL_HORZ_BAR); } } int marker = MarkOffset; if (Lines > 0) { int StepHeight = m_GraphRect.Height() / Lines; // Draw vertical bars for (int i = 0; i < Lines + 1; ++i) { int x = m_GraphRect.left + 1; int y = + StepHeight * i; int w = m_GraphRect.Width() - 2; int h = 1; if (DrawMarks) { if ((++marker + 1) % 12 == 0) { pDC->FillSolidRect(x, y, w, StepHeight, COL_HORZ_BAR); } } pDC->FillSolidRect(x, y, w, h, COLOR_LINES); } } }
BOOL CFlatHeaderCtrl::SetItemEx(INT iPos, HDITEMEX* phditemex) { if(iPos>=m_arrayHdrItemEx.GetSize()) return FALSE; BOOL bUpdate = FALSE; HDITEM hditem; hditem.mask = HDI_WIDTH; if(!GetItem(iPos, &hditem)) return FALSE; HDITEMEX hditemex = *phditemex; if(hditemex.nStyle&HDF_EX_AUTOWIDTH) { TCHAR szText[FLATHEADER_TEXT_MAX]; HDITEM hdi; hdi.mask = HDI_WIDTH|HDI_FORMAT|HDI_TEXT|HDI_IMAGE|HDI_BITMAP; hdi.pszText = szText; hdi.cchTextMax = sizeof(szText); VERIFY(GetItem(iPos, &hdi)); hditem.cxy = GetItemWidth(&hdi, hditemex.nStyle&HDF_EX_INCLUDESORT ? TRUE:FALSE); bUpdate = TRUE; } if(!(hditemex.nStyle&HDF_EX_FIXEDWIDTH)) { if(hditem.cxy < hditemex.iMinWidth) { hditem.cxy = hditemex.iMinWidth; bUpdate = TRUE; } if(hditem.cxy > hditemex.iMaxWidth && hditemex.iMaxWidth > 0) { hditem.cxy = hditemex.iMaxWidth; bUpdate = TRUE; } } if(bUpdate) SetItem(iPos, &hditem); m_arrayHdrItemEx.SetAt(iPos, hditemex); return TRUE; }
int CEnHeaderCtrl::GetLastVisibleItem() const { CIntArray aOrder; int nOrder = GetItemOrder(aOrder); while (nOrder--) { int nItem = aOrder[nOrder]; if (IsItemVisible(nItem) && GetItemWidth(nItem)) return nItem; } // all hidden return -1; }
void CArpeggioGraphEditor::ModifyItem(CPoint point, bool Redraw) { int ItemWidth = GetItemWidth(); int ItemIndex = (point.x - GRAPH_LEFT) / ItemWidth; int ItemValue = GetItemValue(point.y); if (ItemIndex < 0 || ItemIndex >= (int)m_pSequence->GetItemCount()) return; m_iHighlightedItem = ItemIndex; m_iHighlightedValue = ItemValue; m_pSequence->SetItem(ItemIndex, ItemValue); CGraphEditor::ModifyItem(point, Redraw); }
int CEnHeaderCtrl::GetFirstVisibleItem() const { CIntArray aItems; int nNumItem = GetItemOrder(aItems); for (int nOrder = 0; nOrder < nNumItem; nOrder++) { int nItem = aItems[nOrder]; if (IsItemVisible(nItem) && GetItemWidth(nItem)) return nItem; } // all hidden return -1; }
void CNoiseEditor::ModifyItem(CPoint point, bool Redraw) { int ItemValue; int ItemWidth = GetItemWidth(); int ItemHeight = GetItemHeight(); int ItemIndex = (point.x - GRAPH_LEFT) / ItemWidth; int Offset = 36 * ItemHeight - 1; if (point.y >= Offset) { if (m_iLastIndex == ItemIndex) return; m_iLastIndex = ItemIndex; if (point.y >= Offset && point.y < Offset + 10) { // Square ItemValue = m_pSequence->GetItem(ItemIndex) ^ S5B_MODE_SQUARE; } else if (point.y >= Offset + 11 && point.y < Offset + 21) { // Noise ItemValue = m_pSequence->GetItem(ItemIndex) ^ S5B_MODE_NOISE; } else return; } else { ItemValue = m_iItems - (((point.y - + (ItemHeight / 2)) / ItemHeight); if (ItemValue < 0) ItemValue = 0; if (ItemValue > m_iItems) ItemValue = m_iItems; ItemValue |= m_pSequence->GetItem(ItemIndex) & 0xC0; } if (ItemIndex < 0 || ItemIndex >= (int)m_pSequence->GetItemCount()) return; m_pSequence->SetItem(ItemIndex, ItemValue); CGraphEditor::ModifyItem(point, Redraw); }
float SListPanel::GetLinePadding(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const int32 LineStartIndex) const { const int32 NumItemsLeft = Children.Num() - LineStartIndex; if(NumItemsLeft <= 0) { return 0.0f; } const float LocalItemWidth = GetItemWidth(AllottedGeometry); const int32 NumItemsWide = LocalItemWidth > 0 ? FMath::FloorToInt(AllottedGeometry.Size.X / LocalItemWidth) : 0; const int32 NumItemsOnLine = FMath::Min(NumItemsLeft, NumItemsWide); // Subtract a tiny amount from the available width to avoid floating point precision problems when arranging children static const float FloatingPointPrecisionOffset = 0.001f; return (AllottedGeometry.Size.X - FloatingPointPrecisionOffset - NumItemsOnLine * LocalItemWidth); }
BOOL CHeaderCtrlExt::OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default // return CHeaderCtrl::OnSetCursor(pWnd, nHitTest, message); HCURSOR hCursor = NULL; HDHITTESTINFO ht; ::GetCursorPos(&; ScreenToClient(&; int nIndex = (int)SendMessage(HDM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)&ht); if(nIndex >= 0) { if(ht.flags == HHT_ONDIVIDER) { // hCursor = AfxGetApp()->LoadCursor(IDC_HEADER_SIZE); hCursor = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZEWE); ASSERT(hCursor != NULL); } else if(ht.flags == HHT_ONDIVOPEN) { int nItem = FindVisibleItem(nIndex); if(nItem >= 0) { if(GetItemWidth(nItem) > 0) { // hCursor = AfxGetApp()->LoadCursor(IDC_HEADER_SIZE); hCursor = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZEWE); } else { // hCursor = AfxGetApp()->LoadCursor(IDC_HEADER_OPEN); hCursor = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_SIZEWE); } } } } if(hCursor == NULL)hCursor = AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_ARROW); ::SetCursor(hCursor); return TRUE; }
void CGraphEditor::CursorChanged(int x) { if (m_pSequence->GetItemCount() == 0) return; int Width = GetItemWidth(); if (Width == 0) return; int Pos = x / Width; if (Pos >= (signed)m_pSequence->GetItemCount()) return; int Value = m_pSequence->GetItem(Pos); m_pParentWnd->PostMessage(WM_CURSOR_CHANGE, Pos, Value); }
BOOL CEnHeaderCtrl::SetItemWidth(int nItem, int nWidth, BOOL bRecalcTooltipRect) { if (nWidth == GetItemWidth(nItem)) return TRUE; HD_ITEM hdi = { 0 }; hdi.mask = HDI_WIDTH; hdi.cxy = nWidth; if (SetItem(nItem, &hdi, bRecalcTooltipRect)) { SetTrackedItem(nItem, FALSE); return TRUE; } // else return FALSE; }
void CGraphEditor::ModifyReleasePoint(CPoint point, bool Redraw) { if (!m_pSequence || !m_pSequence->GetItemCount()) return; int ItemWidth = GetItemWidth(); int ReleasePoint = (point.x - GRAPH_LEFT + (ItemWidth / 2)) / ItemWidth; // Disable loop point by dragging it to far right if (ReleasePoint >= (int)m_pSequence->GetItemCount()) ReleasePoint = -1; m_pSequence->SetReleasePoint(ReleasePoint); if (Redraw) { RedrawWindow(NULL); m_pParentWnd->PostMessage(WM_SEQUENCE_CHANGED, 1); } }
void CEnHeaderCtrl::ShowItem(int nItem, BOOL bShow) { if (ModifyItemFlags(nItem, EHCF_HIDDEN, !bShow)) { // resize as necessary if (bShow) { ASSERT(nItem < m_aItemWidths.GetSize()); int nWidth = m_aItemWidths[nItem]; SetItemWidth(nItem, nWidth); } else // hide { m_aItemWidths.SetAtGrow(nItem, (WORD)GetItemWidth(nItem)); SetItemWidth(nItem, 0); } } }
/*! * \brief Constructor from a Category * \details Includes preparations for multilevel categories * \param[in] cat The reference to a category * \param[in] level Currently unused * \param[in] expanded Currently unused */ CategoryListItem::CategoryListItem( const Category &cat, int level, bool expanded ) : BListItem( level, expanded ), currentColor( cat.categoryColor ), currentLabel( cat.categoryName ), icon( NULL ) { // Creating of the icon depends on height of the item, thus calculate the height first. font_height fh; BFont font(be_plain_font); font.GetHeight( &fh ); SetHeight( ceilf( fh.ascent + fh.descent + fh.leading ) ); GetItemWidth(); // Creating the icon. It's a constant, therefore may be created // immediately after creation of the item. On color update it will be updated too. this->icon = CreateIcon( cat.categoryColor, NULL ); } // <-- end of default constructor for CategoryListItem
void CBarGraphEditor::HighlightItem(CPoint point) { int ItemWidth = GetItemWidth(); int ItemHeight = GetItemHeight(); int ItemIndex = (point.x - GRAPH_LEFT) / ItemWidth; int ItemValue = m_iLevels - (((point.y - + (ItemHeight / 2)) / ItemHeight); int LastItem = m_iHighlightedItem; int LastValue = m_iHighlightedValue; m_iHighlightedItem = ItemIndex; m_iHighlightedValue = ItemValue; if (m_GraphRect.PtInRect(point) == 0 || unsigned(ItemIndex) >= m_pSequence->GetItemCount()) { m_iHighlightedItem = -1; m_iHighlightedValue = 0; } if (LastItem != m_iHighlightedItem || LastValue != m_iHighlightedValue) RedrawWindow(NULL); }
void CArpeggioGraphEditor::HighlightItem(CPoint point) { int ItemWidth = GetItemWidth(); int ItemIndex = (point.x - GRAPH_LEFT) / ItemWidth; int ItemValue = GetItemValue(point.y); int LastItem = m_iHighlightedItem; int LastValue = m_iHighlightedValue; m_iHighlightedItem = ItemIndex; m_iHighlightedValue = ItemValue; if (m_GraphRect.PtInRect(point) == 0 || unsigned(ItemIndex) >= m_pSequence->GetItemCount()) { m_iHighlightedItem = -1; m_iHighlightedValue = 0; } if (m_iHighlightedItem != LastItem || m_iHighlightedValue != LastValue) { RedrawWindow(NULL); } }
void CEnHeaderCtrl::TraceVisibleItemWidths(LPCTSTR szKey) const { TRACE(_T("CEnHeaderCtrl::TraceVisibleItemWidths(%s "), szKey); CIntArray aItems; int nNumItem = GetItemOrder(aItems); if (nNumItem) { for (int nItem = 0; nItem < nNumItem; nItem++) { if (IsItemVisible(aItems[nItem])) TRACE(_T("%d "), GetItemWidth(aItems[nItem])); } } else { TRACE(_T("empty")); } TRACE(_T(")\n")); }
void CBarGraphEditor::ModifyItem(CPoint point, bool Redraw) { int ItemWidth = GetItemWidth(); int ItemHeight = GetItemHeight(); int ItemIndex = (point.x - GRAPH_LEFT) / ItemWidth; int ItemValue = m_iLevels - (((point.y - + (ItemHeight / 2)) / ItemHeight); if (ItemValue < 0) ItemValue = 0; if (ItemValue > m_iLevels) ItemValue = m_iLevels; if (ItemIndex < 0 || ItemIndex >= (int)m_pSequence->GetItemCount()) return; m_iHighlightedItem = ItemIndex; m_iHighlightedValue = ItemValue; m_pSequence->SetItem(ItemIndex, ItemValue); CGraphEditor::ModifyItem(point, Redraw); }
void CPitchGraphEditor::ModifyItem(CPoint point, bool Redraw) { int MouseY = (point.y - - (m_GraphRect.Height() / 2); int ItemWidth = GetItemWidth(); int ItemHeight = GetItemHeight(); int ItemIndex = (point.x - GRAPH_LEFT) / ItemWidth; int ItemValue = -(MouseY * 255) / m_GraphRect.Height(); if (ItemValue < -128) ItemValue = -128; if (ItemValue > 127) ItemValue = 127; if (ItemIndex < 0 || ItemIndex >= (int)m_pSequence->GetItemCount()) return; m_iHighlightedItem = ItemIndex; m_iHighlightedValue = ItemValue; m_pSequence->SetItem(ItemIndex, ItemValue); CGraphEditor::ModifyItem(point, Redraw); }
static void OnListUpdate(void) { g_WndList->Create(g_Launcher); int count = g_WndList->GetCount(); g_ImageList->SetCount(count); int width = 0; for(int i=0;i<count;i++){ BOOL need_destroy; HICON hIcon = (*g_WndList)[i]->GetIcon(need_destroy); g_ImageList->ReplaceIcon(i, hIcon); if(need_destroy) { DestroyIcon(hIcon); } int w = GetItemWidth((*g_WndList)[i]->GetTitle()); if(w>width) width = w; if(i==1 && !(*g_WndList)[i]->IsLauncher()) { g_WndList->MoveCursor(1); } } int fw = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFRAME) * 2; int fh = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFRAME) * 2 + (g_Aero ? GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) : 0); int ww = width + g_ItemTextX + fw; if(ww<g_MinWidth) ww = g_MinWidth; if(ww>g_MaxWidth) ww = g_MaxWidth; int wh = g_ItemHeight*count + fh; int sw = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); int sh = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); int x = (sw - ww) / 2; int y = (sh - wh) / 2; SetWindowPos(g_hWnd, (HWND)HWND_TOPMOST, x, y, ww, wh, SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOCOPYBITS); InvalidateRect(g_hWnd, NULL, TRUE); CWndInfo::SetActiveWindow(g_hWnd); }
/** * Arrange the children top-to-bottom with not additional layout info. */ void SListPanel::OnArrangeChildren( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, FArrangedChildren& ArrangedChildren ) const { if ( ShouldArrangeHorizontally() ) { const EListItemAlignment ListItemAlignment = ItemAlignment.Get(); // This is a tile view list, arrange items horizontally until there is no more room then create a new row. const float AllottedWidth = AllottedGeometry.Size.X; const float ItemPadding = GetItemPadding(AllottedGeometry, ListItemAlignment); const float HalfItemPadding = ItemPadding * 0.5; const float LocalItemWidth = GetItemWidth(AllottedGeometry, ListItemAlignment); const float LocalItemHeight = GetItemHeight(); float WidthSoFar = 0; float HeightSoFar = -FMath::FloorToInt(SmoothScrollOffsetInItems * LocalItemHeight) - OverscrollAmount; bool bIsNewLine = true; for( int32 ItemIndex = 0; ItemIndex < Children.Num(); ++ItemIndex ) { if ( bIsNewLine ) { if ( ListItemAlignment == EListItemAlignment::RightAligned || ListItemAlignment == EListItemAlignment::CenterAligned ) { const float LinePadding = GetLinePadding(AllottedGeometry, ItemIndex); if ( ListItemAlignment == EListItemAlignment::RightAligned ) { WidthSoFar += LinePadding; } else { const float HalfLinePadding = LinePadding * 0.5; WidthSoFar += HalfLinePadding; } } } ArrangedChildren.AddWidget( AllottedGeometry.MakeChild(Children[ItemIndex].GetWidget(), FVector2D(WidthSoFar + HalfItemPadding, HeightSoFar), FVector2D(LocalItemWidth, LocalItemHeight)) ); WidthSoFar += LocalItemWidth + ItemPadding; if ( WidthSoFar + LocalItemWidth + ItemPadding > AllottedWidth ) { WidthSoFar = 0; HeightSoFar += LocalItemHeight; bIsNewLine = true; } } } else { if (Children.Num() > 0) { // This is a normal list, arrange items vertically float HeightSoFar = -FMath::FloorToInt(SmoothScrollOffsetInItems * Children[0].GetWidget()->GetDesiredSize().Y)-OverscrollAmount; for( int32 ItemIndex = 0; ItemIndex < Children.Num(); ++ItemIndex ) { const FVector2D ItemDesiredSize = Children[ItemIndex].GetWidget()->GetDesiredSize(); const float LocalItemHeight = ItemDesiredSize.Y; // Note that ListPanel does not respect child Visibility. // It is simply not useful for ListPanels. ArrangedChildren.AddWidget( AllottedGeometry.MakeChild( Children[ItemIndex].GetWidget(), FVector2D(0, HeightSoFar), FVector2D(AllottedGeometry.Size.X, LocalItemHeight) ) ); HeightSoFar += LocalItemHeight; } } } }
float SListPanel::GetItemWidth(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry) const { return GetItemWidth(AllottedGeometry, ItemAlignment.Get()); }